Redisplaying a Form After PHP Validation

Okay, back to form validation. So far we’ve created the HTML document validate.html, which will post through to the PHP program adduser.php, but only if JavaScript validates the fields, or if JavaScript is disabled or unavailable.

So now it’s time to create adduser.php to receive the posted form, perform its own validation, and then present the form again to the visitor if the validation fails. Example 16-3 contains the code that you should type in and save.

Example 16-3. The adduser.php program
<?php // adduser.php

// Start with the PHP code

$forename = $surname = $username = $password = $age = $email = "";

if (isset($_POST['forename']))
    $forename = fix_string($_POST['forename']);
if (isset($_POST['surname']))
    $surname = fix_string($_POST['surname']);
if (isset($_POST['username']))
    $username = fix_string($_POST['username']);
if (isset($_POST['password']))
    $password = fix_string($_POST['password']);
if (isset($_POST['age']))
    $age = fix_string($_POST['age']);
if (isset($_POST['email']))
    $email = fix_string($_POST['email']);

$fail  = validate_forename($forename);
$fail .= validate_surname($surname);
$fail .= validate_username($username);
$fail .= validate_password($password);
$fail .= validate_age($age);
$fail .= validate_email($email);

echo "<html><head><title>An Example Form</title>";

if ($fail == "") {
    echo "</head><body>Form data successfully validated: $forename,
        $surname, $username, $password, $age, $email.</body></html>";

    // This is where you would enter the posted fields into a database


// Now output the HTML and JavaScript code

echo <<<_END

<!-- The HTML section -->

<style>.signup { border: 1px solid #999999;
    font: normal 14px helvetica; color:#444444; }</style>
<script type="text/javascript">
function validate(form)
    fail  = validateForename(form.forename.value)
    fail += validateSurname(form.surname.value)
    fail += validateUsername(form.username.value)
    fail += validatePassword(form.password.value)
    fail += validateAge(form.age.value)
    fail += validateEmail(
    if (fail == "") return true
    else { alert(fail); return false }
<table class="signup" border="0" cellpadding="2"
    cellspacing="5" bgcolor="#eeeeee">
<th colspan="2" align="center">Signup Form</th>

<tr><td colspan="2">Sorry, the following errors were found<br />
in your form: <p><font color=red size=1><i>$fail</i></font></p>

<form method="post" action="adduser.php"
    onSubmit="return validate(this)">
     <tr><td>Forename</td><td><input type="text" maxlength="32"
    name="forename" value="$forename" /></td>
</tr><tr><td>Surname</td><td><input type="text" maxlength="32"
    name="surname" value="$surname" /></td>
</tr><tr><td>Username</td><td><input type="text" maxlength="16"
    name="username" value="$username" /></td>
</tr><tr><td>Password</td><td><input type="text" maxlength="12"
    name="password" value="$password" /></td>
</tr><tr><td>Age</td><td><input type="text" maxlength="3"
    name="age" value="$age" /></td>
</tr><tr><td>Email</td><td><input type="text" maxlength="64"
    name="email" value="$email" /></td>
</tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="center">
    <input type="submit" value="Signup" /></td>

<!-- The JavaScript section -->

<script type="text/javascript">
function validateForename(field) {
    if (field == "") return "No Forename was entered.\\n"
    return ""

function validateSurname(field) {
    if (field == "") return "No Surname was entered.\\n"
    return ""

function validateUsername(field) {
    if (field == "") return "No Username was entered.\\n"
    else if (field.length < 5)
        return "Usernames must be at least 5 characters.\\n"
    else if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/.test(field))
        return "Only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _ allowed in Usernames.\\n"
    return ""

function validatePassword(field) {
    if (field == "") return "No Password was entered.\\n"
    else if (field.length < 6)
        return "Passwords must be at least 6 characters.\\n"
    else if (!/[a-z]/.test(field) || ! /[A-Z]/.test(field) ||
             ! /[0-9]/.test(field))
        return "Passwords require one each of a-z, A-Z and 0-9.\\n"
    return ""

function validateAge(field) {
    if (isNaN(field)) return "No Age was entered.\\n"
    else if (field < 18 || field > 110)
        return "Age must be between 18 and 110.\\n"
    return ""

function validateEmail(field) {
    if (field == "") return "No Email was entered.\\n"
        else if (!((field.indexOf(".") > 0) &&
                   (field.indexOf("@") > 0)) ||
        return "The Email address is invalid.\\n"
    return ""

// Finally, here are the PHP functions

function validate_forename($field) {
    if ($field == "") return "No Forename was entered<br />";
    return "";

function validate_surname($field) {
    if ($field == "") return "No Surname was entered<br />";
    return "";

function validate_username($field) {
    if ($field == "") return "No Username was entered<br />";
    else if (strlen($field) < 5)
        return "Usernames must be at least 5 characters<br />";
    else if (preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/", $field))
        return "Only letters, numbers, - and _ in usernames<br />";
    return "";

function validate_password($field) {
    if ($field == "") return "No Password was entered<br />";
    else if (strlen($field) < 6)
        return "Passwords must be at least 6 characters<br />";
    else if ( !preg_match("/[a-z]/", $field) ||
              !preg_match("/[A-Z]/", $field) ||
              !preg_match("/[0-9]/", $field))
        return "Passwords require 1 each of a-z, A-Z and 0-9<br />";
    return "";

function validate_age($field) {
    if ($field == "") return "No Age was entered<br />";
    else if ($field < 18 || $field > 110)
        return "Age must be between 18 and 110<br />";
    return "";

function validate_email($field) {
    if ($field == "") return "No Email was entered<br />";
        else if (!((strpos($field, ".") > 0) &&
                   (strpos($field, "@") > 0)) ||
                    preg_match("/[^a-zA-Z0-9.@_-]/", $field))
        return "The Email address is invalid<br />";
    return "";

function fix_string($string) {
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) $string = stripslashes($string);
    return htmlentities ($string);

The result of submitting the form with JavaScript disabled (and two fields incorrectly completed) can be seen in Figure 16-5.

I have put the PHP section of this code (and changes to the HTML section) in a bold typeface so that you can more clearly see the difference between this and Example 16-1 and Example 16-2.

If you browsed through this example (or, hopefully, typed it in or downloaded it from the website), you’ll have seen that the PHP code is almost a clone of the JavaScript code; the same regular expressions are used to validate each field in very similar functions.

But there are a couple of things to note. First, the fix_string function (right at the end) is used to sanitize each field and prevent any attempts at code injection from succeeding.

Also, you will see that the HTML from Example 16-1 has been repeated in the PHP code within a <<<_END... _END; structure, displaying the form with the values that the visitor entered the previous time. This is done by simply adding an extra value parameter to each <input> tag (such as value="$forename"). This courtesy is highly recommended so that the user only has to edit only the previously entered values, and doesn’t have to type in the fields all over again.


In the real world, you probably wouldn’t start with an HTML form such as the one in Example 16-1. Instead, you’d be more likely to go straight ahead and write the PHP program in Example 16-3, which incorporates all the HTML. And, of course, you’d also need to make a minor tweak for the case when it’s the first time the program is called up, to prevent it displaying errors when all the fields are empty. You also might drop the six JavaScript functions into their own .js file for separate inclusion.

Now that you’ve seen how to bring PHP, HTML, and JavaScript together, the next chapter will introduce Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), which uses JavaScript calls to the server in the background to seamlessly update portions of a web page, without having to resubmit the entire page to the web server.