1. «Protein misfolding as a risk marker for Alzheimer’s disease – up to 14 years before the diagnosis», Biounity.com, 14. Oktober 2019; http://www.bionity.com/en/news/1163273/protein-misfolding-as-a-risk-marker-for-alzheimers-disease-up-to-14-years-before-the-diagnosis.html.

  2. Mallory Locklear, «Calorie Restriction Trial Reveals Key Factors in Enhancing Human Health», Yale News, 10. Februar 2022; http://www.news.yale.edu/2022/02/10/calorie-restriction-trial-reveals-key-factors-enhancing-human-health.

  3. Kashmira Gander, «‹Longevity Gene› That Helps Repair DNA and Extend Life Span Could One Day Prevent Age-Related Diseases in Humans», Newsweek, 23. April 2019; http://www.newsweek.com/longevity-gene-helps-repair-dna-and-extend-lifespan-could-one-day-prevent-age-1403257.

  4. Antonio Regalado, «Meet Altos Labs, Silicon Valley’s Latest Wild Bet on Living Forever», MIT Technology Review, 4. September 2021; http://www.technologyreview.com/2021/09/04/1034364/altos-labs-silicon-valleys-jeff-bezos-milner-bet-living-forever/.

  5. Allana Akhtar, «Scientists Rejuvenated the Skin of a 53 Year Old Woman to That of a 23 Year Old’s in a Groundbreaking Experiment», Yahoo News, 8. April 2022; http://www.yahoo.com/news/scientists-rejuvenated-skin-53-old-175044826.html.

  6. Ali El Kaafarani, «Four Ways Quantum Computing Could Change The World», Forbes, 30. Juli 2021; http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2021/07/30/four-ways-quantum-computing-could-change-the-world/?sh=398352d14602.

  7. IPCC Sixth Assessment Report Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability; http://www.ipcc.ch.

  8. Jonathan Amos, «Major Breakthrough on Nuclear Fusion Energy», BBC News, September 9, 2022; http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-60312633.

  9. Claude Forthomme, «Nuclear Fusion: How The Power of Stars May Be Within Our Reach», Impakter, 10. Februar 2022; http://www.impakter.com/nuclear-fusion-power-stars-reach/.

  10. Jonathan Amos, «Major Breakthrough on Nuclear Fusion Energy», BBC News, 9. September 2022; http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-60312633.

  11. «Multiple Breakthroughs Raise New Hopes for Fusion Energy», Global BSG, 27. Januar 2022; http://www.globalbsg.com/multiple-breakthroughs-raise-new-hopes-for-fusion-energy/.

  12. «Nuclear Fusion is One Step Closer with New AI Breakthrough», Nation World News, 13. September 2022; http://www.nationworldnews.com/nuclear-fusion-is-one-step-closer-with-new-ai-breakthrough/.

  13. «The World Should Think Better About Catastrophic and Existential Risks», The Economist, 25. Juni 2020; http://www.economist.com/briefing/2020/06/25/the-world-should-think-better-about-catastrophic-and-existential-risks.

  14. Für eine Diskussion der Stringtheorie siehe: Michio Kaku, Die Gottes-Formel: Die Suche nach der Theorie von Allem (Rowohlt 2021).