Traditional square I


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [3tr into ring, 2ch] 3 times, 2tr into ring, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 2: Sl st into next sp, 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), 3tr into same sp, *1ch, miss 3tr, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next sp; rep from * twice more, 1ch, miss 3 sts, 2tr into same sp as 5ch at beg of round, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next sp, 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), 3tr into same sp, *1ch, miss 3tr, 3tr into next sp, 1ch, miss 3tr**, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, 2tr into same sp as 5ch, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next sp, 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), 3tr into same sp, *[1ch, miss 3tr, 3tr into next sp] twice, 1ch, miss 3tr**, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, 2tr into same sp as 5ch, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Cast off.


Traditional square II


Worked as Traditional square I (see left). Work 1 round each in colours A, B, C and D.




Since you can crochet with almost any yarn or continuous length fibre, you can experiment with unusual materials such as torn T-shirts, leather cords and even plastic bags torn into strips. Take some time to familiarize yourself with an unconventional fibre such as hemp or raffia. These yarns have no elasticity so it may be quite tricky to achieve a correct tension.

Treble square I


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [3tr into ring, 2ch] 3 times, 2tr into ring, sl st to 3rd of 5ch. (4 groups of 3tr)

Round 2: Sl st into next sp, 7ch (count as 1tr and 4ch), *2tr into same sp, 1tr into each tr across side of square**, 2tr into next sp. 4ch; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, 1tr into same sp as 7ch, sl st to 3rd of 7ch. (4 groups of 7tr)

Round 3: As round 2. (4 groups of 11tr)

Round 4: As round 2. (4 groups of 15tr)

Cast off.


Treble square II


Worked as Treble square I (see left). Work 1 round each in colours A, B, C and D.


Painter’s palette


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: Work 8dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 5ch, 1htr and 3ch, miss dc at base of 5ch, htr into next dc, *3ch, htr into next dc; rep from * 5 more times, 3ch, sl st to 2nd ch of 5ch.

Round 3: 1ch, work 1dc into each htr and 4dc into each sp around, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


French square


Special abbreviation:

Puff st = [yo, insert hook into sp, yo and draw loop through] 4 times, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), [1tr into ring, 1ch] 11 times, sl st to 3rd of 4ch. (12 sps)

Round 2: Sl st into next sp, 3ch, work puff st into same sp (counts as puff st), *2ch, work puff st into next sp, 3ch, 1dtr into next tr, 3ch, work puff st into next sp, 2ch**, puff st into next sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st puff st.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place, *2ch, miss next 2ch sp, 4tr into next 3ch sp, 2ch, 1dtr into next dtr, 3ch, insert hook down through top of last dtr and work sl st, 2ch, 4tr into next 3ch sp, 2ch, miss next 2ch sp, 1dc into next puff st; rep from * 3 more times, omitting dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Christmas rose square


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = work 4tr into same sp leaving last loop of each on hook, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: Using A, 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [1tr into ring, 2ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch. (8 sps)

Round 2: Sl st into next sp, 3ch, work tr3tog into same sp (count as bobble), [5ch, work bobble into next sp] 7 times, 5ch, sl st to top of 1st bobble. Cast off.

Round 3: Using B join into same place, 1ch, 1dc into same place, *2ch, working over the 5ch sp so as to enclose it work 1tr into next tr of 1st round, 2ch, 1dc into top of next cluster; rep from * all around omitting dc at end, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: Sl st into next sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp, *3ch, 1dc into next sp; rep from * all around omitting dc at end, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: Sl st into next sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same sp, *2ch, 1dc into next sp, [3ch, 1dc into next sp] twice, 2ch**, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next sp ; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Italian square


Special abbreviation:

Puff st = [yo, insert hook into sp, yo and draw loop through] 4 times, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 11tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. (12 sts)

Round 2: 3ch, work htr3tog into same place as 3ch (counts as puff st), *[1ch, work puff st into next st] twice, 5ch**, puff st into next st; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st puff st.

Round 3: Sl st into next sp, 3ch, work htr3tog into same sp (counts as puff st), *1ch, puff st into next sp, 2ch, 5tr into next 5ch sp, 2ch**, htr4tog into next sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st puff st.

Round 4: Sl st into next sp, 3ch, work htr3tog into same sp (counts as puff st), *3ch, miss 2ch, [1tr into next tr, 1ch] twice, work [1tr, 1ch, 1tr, 1ch, 1tr] into next tr, [1ch, 1tr into next tr] twice, 3ch, miss 2ch**, work puff st into next sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st puff st.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into each ch and each st all around, but working 3dc into 2nd/centre tr of each corner group at each corner, ending sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Baltic square


Special abbreviation:

Popcorn = work 5 tr into same sp. Remove hook from working loop and insert it into the top of the 1st tr made from front to back, pick up working loop and draw through to close popcorn.

Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch, 4tr popcorn into ring (counts as 5tr popcorn), [5ch, 5tr popcorn into ring] 3 times, 5ch, sl st to top of 1st popcorn.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), *work [2tr, 2ch, 5tr popcorn, 2ch, 2tr] into next 5ch sp**, 1tr into next popcorn; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of next 2 sts, *2tr into next sp, 2ch, 5tr popcorn into next popcorn, 2ch, 2tr into next sp**, 1tr into each of next 5tr; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, 1tr into each of last 2tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of next 4tr, *2tr into next sp, 2ch, 5tr popcorn into next popcorn, 2ch, 2tr into next sp**, 1tr into each of next 9tr; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, 1tr into each of last 4tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Cranesbill lace square


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = work 4tr into same sp leaving last loop of each on hook, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch, tr2tog into ring (counts as bobble), [3ch, bobble into ring] 7 times, 3ch, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 2: Sl st to centre of next 3ch sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp, [5ch, 1dc into next sp] 7 times, 2ch, 1tr into 1st dc.

Round 3: *5ch, [bobble, 3ch, bobble] into next sp**, 5ch, 1dc into next sp; rep from * twice and from * to ** again, 2ch, 1tr into tr that closed round 2.

Round 4: *5ch, 1dc into next sp, 5ch, [1dc, 5ch, 1dc] into corner 3ch sp, 5ch, 1dc into next 5ch sp; rep from * 3 more times, ending last rep into tr that closed 3rd round, sl st to 1st ch.

Cast off.


Rose square


Special abbreviation:

Picot = 3ch, sl st down through top of last dc made.

Base ring: Using A, 12ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 18dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (18 sts)

Round 2: 1ch, beginning into same st as 1ch [1dc, 3ch, miss 2 sts] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, work a petal of [1dc, 3ch, 5tr, 3ch, 1dc] into each of next 6 3ch sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, [1dc between 2dc, 5ch behind petal of 3rd round] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, work a petal of [1dc, 3ch, 7tr, 3ch, 1dc] into each of next 6 5ch sps, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 6: Using B, join between 2dc, 1ch, [1dc between 2dc, 6ch behind petal of Round 5] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into next sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), *[4tr, 2ch, 1tr] all into same sp, 6tr into next sp, [2tr, 2ch, 4tr] all into next sp**, 1tr into next sp; rep from * to **, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 8: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each tr all around with [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into each 2ch corner sp, ending sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.

Round 9: Using C, join into same place, 1ch, 1dc into same st as 1ch, *[1dc into next st, picot] twice, 1dc into each of next 3 sts, work [picot, 1dc into next st] twice, [1dc, 7ch, 1dc] into corner 2ch sp, [1dc into next st, picot] twice, 1dc into each of next 3 sts, [picot, 1dc into next st] twice, 1dc into next st; rep from * 3 more times omitting dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 10: Sl st across to top of next 3ch picot, 1ch, 1dc into same picot, *5ch, miss next picot, 1dc into next picot, 5ch, (dc, 5ch, dc) in next 7ch sp, [5ch, miss next picot, 1dc into next picot] twice, 5ch, 1dc into next picot; rep from * 3 more times omitting dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Saturn motif


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = work 3tr into same sp leaving last loop of each on hook, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: Using A, 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (12 sts)

Round 2: 3ch, 1tr into same place as 3ch (counts as tr2tog), [3ch, tr2tog into next st] 11 times, 3ch, sl st to 1st bobble.

Round 3: Sl st into each of next 2ch, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, [4ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp] 11 times, 4ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, *[2dc, 3ch, 2dc] all into next 4ch sp; rep from * 11 more times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 5: Join B into next 3ch sp, 3ch, tr2tog into same sp (counts as 1st bobble), 4ch, bobble all into same sp, *[bobble, 4ch, bobble] all into next 3ch sp; rep from * 10 more times, sl st to 1st bobble.

Round 6: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *[2dc, 3ch, 2dc] all into next 4ch sp, miss next bobble**, 1dc into next bobble; rep from * 10 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Thai orchid


Special abbreviation:

3 picot cluster = work 4ch, sl st into 1st ch, [3ch, sl st into same ch as 1st sl st] twice.

Base ring: Make 6ch, sl st into 1st ch to form a ring.

Round 1: With yarn A 1ch, work 12dc into ring, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 2: With yarn A 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same st as last sl st, work 2tr into each of next 11dc, sl st into 3rd of 3ch at beg of round.

Round 3: With yarn A 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, 1dc into each of next 23tr, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 4: With yarn B 1ch, 1dc into same dc as last sl st, 5ch, miss 2dc, [1dc into next dc, 5ch, miss 2dc] 7 times, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 5: With yarn B 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, *into next 5ch sp work [1htr, 3tr, 3 picot cluster, 3tr, 1htr], 1dc into next dc; rep from * 7 more times omitting 1dc at end of last rep, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 6: With yarn C 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, *7ch, 1dc into centre picot of 3 picot cluster, 7ch, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 7 more times omitting 1dc at end of last rep, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 7: With yarn C sl st into 1st 7ch sp, 1ch, [work 8dc into next 7ch sp, 3 picot cluster, 8dc into same 7ch sp] 8 times, sl st into 1st dc.

Cast off.




Petals: 12ch, 1dc in 2nd ch from hook, 1htr in each of next 3ch, 1tr in each of next 3ch, 1dtr in each of next 3ch, 10dtr in last ch – work along opposite side of ch, 1dtr in each of next 3ch, 1tr in each of next 3ch, 1htr in each of next 3ch, 1dc in next ch. Cast off. Make 5 more petals.

After 6th petal, do not cast off but work 2dc across base of petal, *1ch, 2dc across base of next petal; rep from * 4 more times, 1ch, join with sl st to 1st dc of 1st petal. Cast off.

Centre motif: Make 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 17tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.

Sew together on WS.





Base ring: Using A, 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (16 sts)

Round 2: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch sp), miss 1st 2 sts, [1tr into next st, 3ch, miss 1 st] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Round 3: 1ch, work a petal of [1dc, 1htr, 5tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of next eight 3ch sps, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 4: Using B join between 2dc, 1ch, [1dc between 2dc, 6ch behind petal of 3rd round] 8 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, work a petal of [1dc, 1htr, 6tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of next 8 sps, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 6: Using C join into 2nd tr of petal of round 5, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 6ch, miss 2tr, 1dc into next tr, [6ch, 1dc into 2nd tr of next petal, 6ch, miss 2tr, 1dc into next tr] 7 times, 3ch, 1tr into 1st dc.

Round 7: 3ch (count as 1tr), 3tr into sp formed by tr that closed round 6, *4ch, 1dc into next sp, [6ch, 1dc into next sp] twice, 4ch**, [4tr, 4ch, 4tr] into next sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, ending [4tr, 4ch] into last ch sp, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Spring zinnia


Paisley: 70ch, 2tr in 4th ch from hook, *miss 2 chs, sl st in next ch, 3ch, 2tr in same sp (shell); rep from * 15 times, miss next 2ch, hook in next ch and in base of 1st shell, yo and draw through all loops, 3ch, 2tr in same sp, miss 2 ch, sl st in next ch, **3ch, 2tr in same sp, miss 2 ch, sl st in next ch; rep from ** 3 times. Cast off.

Flower: 8ch, join with sl st to form ring.

Round 1: 3ch (counts as tr), tr in ring, *4ch, sl st in 1st ch for picot, 2tr in ring; rep from * 7 times, 4ch picot, join with sl st to top of 3ch. Attach another strand of yarn and 5ch, for stem *with single strand 5ch and join with sl st in base of 4th shell from bottom of paisley, 2ch, tr in 2nd ch, dtr in each of next 2chs, tr in next ch, sl st in stem; rep from * with 2nd strand attaching to base of shell opposite the 4th shell. End with sl st in stem. Cast off. Sew 7 picots of flower to paisley on WS leaving bottom 2 picots free.


Sow thistle square


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = yo, insert hook in st and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops. (Yo, insert hook in next st and draw up a loop. Yo, draw through 2 loops) twice, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), [1tr, 1ch] 11 times into ring, sl st to 3rd of 4ch. Cast off.

Round 2: Using B join into same sp, 3ch, tr2tog into same sp (counts as cluster), [3ch, cluster into next sp] 11 times, 3ch, sl st to top of 1st cluster. Cast off.

Round 3: Using A join into 3ch sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp, [5ch, 1dc into next sp] 11 times, 2ch, 1tr into 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 4: Using B join into sp formed by tr, 1ch, 1dc into same place, *5ch, 1dc into next sp, 1ch, [5tr, 3ch, 5tr] into next sp, 1ch, 1dc into next sp; rep from * 3 more times, omitting dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Diamond cluster motif


Special abbreviation:

5dtr bobble = leaving last loop of each st on hook, work 5dtr into next tr, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into ring, [2ch, 3tr into ring] 3 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch. (4 blocks of 3tr)

Round 2: 3ch, *5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into next tr, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp, 1tr into next tr; rep from * to end omitting 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 3ch, *1tr into top of bobble, 1tr into next tr, 5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into next tr, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp, 1tr into next tr, 5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into next tr; rep from * to end omitting 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch, *5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into next tr, 1tr into top of next bobble, 1tr into next tr, 5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into next tr, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into 2ch sp, 1tr into next tr, 5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into next tr, 1tr into top of next bobble, 1tr into next tr; rep from * to end omitting 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch, *1tr into top of next bobble, 1tr into next tr, 5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into each of next 5 sts, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp, 1tr into each of next 5 sts, 5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into next tr; rep from * to end omitting 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: 3ch, *5dtr bobble into next tr, 1tr into each of next 9 sts, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp, 1tr into each of next 9 sts; rep from * to end omitting 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of ch.

Round 7: 3ch, *1tr into each of next 12 sts, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp, 1tr into each of next 11 sts; rep from * to end omitting 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Trefoil I


Leaf (make 3 alike)

Base chain: 17ch.

Row 1 (RS): Miss 2ch (count as 1dc), 1dc into each ch to last ch, work 3dc into last ch for point, then work back along underside of base chain with 1dc into each ch to end, turn.

Row 2: 1ch (counts as 1dc), miss 1 st, 1dc into each st up to st at centre of point, work 3dc into centre st, 1dc into each st to last 3 sts and tch, turn.

Rows 3–7: As row 2. Cast off.


Make 22ch (or as required), sl st to point of centre Leaf (2nd) as diagram, work back along base chain in dc and at same time join in side Leaves (1st and 3rd) at, say, 6th and 7th sts as follows: *insert hook through point of 1st Leaf and base chain, make 1dc, sl st to point of 3rd Leaf to match; rep from * once more. Cont to end of base chain in dc. Cast off.

Trefoil II


Round 1: Make 16ch, sl st into 1st ch (1st loop formed), [15ch, sl st into same ch as last sl st] twice.

Round 2: 1ch, work [28dc into next loop, 1 sl st into same ch as sl sts of 1st round] 3 times.

Round 3: Sl st into each of 1st 3dc, 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, 1dc into each of next 23dc, [miss 4dc, 1dc into each of next 24dc] twice, 17ch, work 1dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1dc into each of next 15ch, sl st into 1st dc. Cast off.


Daisy time


Special abbreviation:

Tr2tog = work 1tr into each of next 2dc until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, work 15dc into ring, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 2: [3ch, tr2tog over next 2dc, 3ch, sl st into next dc] 5 times placing last sl st into 1st dc of previous round. Cast off.


Flower hexagon


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch, [1tr into ring, 1ch] 11 times, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 2: 3ch, 2tr into next sp, 1tr into next tr, 2ch, *1tr into next tr, 2tr into next sp, 1tr into next tr, 2ch; rep from * 4 more times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 3ch, 1tr into same place as last sl st, 1tr into each of next 2tr, 2tr into next tr, 2ch, *2tr into next tr, 1tr into each of next 2tr, 2tr into next tr, 2ch; rep from * 4 more times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch, 1tr into same place as last sl st, 1tr into each of next 4 tr, 2tr into next tr, 2ch, *2tr into next tr, 1tr into each of next 4tr, 2tr into next tr, 2ch; rep from * 4 more times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch, 1tr into each of next 7tr, *3ch, 1dc into next 2ch sp, 3ch, 1tr into each of next 8tr; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, 1dc into next 2ch sp, 3ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: Sl st into next tr, 3ch, 1tr into each of next 5tr, *3ch, [1dc into next 3ch sp, 3ch] twice, miss next tr, 1tr into each of next 6tr; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, [1dc into next 3ch sp, 3ch] twice, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 7: Sl st into next tr, 3ch, 1tr into each of next 3tr, *3ch, [1dc into next 3ch sp, 3ch] 3 times, miss next tr, 1tr into each of next 4tr; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, [1dc into next 3ch sp, 3ch] 3 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 8: Sl st between 2nd and 3rd tr of 1st group, 3ch, 1tr into same place, *3ch, [1dc into next 3ch sp, 3ch] 4 times, 2tr between 2nd and 3rd tr of next group; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, [1dc into next 3ch sp, 3ch] 4 times, sl st to top of 3ch. Round 9: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch, 3tr into same sp, [4tr into next 3ch sp] 4 times, *3ch, miss 2tr, [4tr into next 3ch sp] 5 times; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, join with sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.




When approaching a new design, consider the previous successes you have had, the yarn you are working with, and your goal for the project. Careful planning will be rewarded. Think about what purpose the final project will have and choose the most appropriate yarn for the best effect. Take into consideration whether the item will be mostly decorative, or whether you need to choose a practical yarn, for example, for an item that will need to be laundered.



Special abbreviation:

Sdc (Spike double crochet) = insert hook lower than usual (as indicated), yo, draw loop through and up to height of current row, yo, draw through both loops on hook.

Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 6dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (6 sts)

Round 2: 1ch, 2dc into each dc, sl st to 1st dc. (12 sts)

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into 1st st, [2dc into next st, 1dc into next st] 5 times, 2dc into last st, sl st to 1st dc. (18 sts)

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc into 1st st, [2dc into next st, 1dc into each of next 2 sts] 5 times, 2dc into next st, 1dc into last st, sl st to 1st dc. (24 sts) Cast off.

Round 5: Using B join into same place, 1ch, then starting in same st as 1ch work *1Sdc inserting hook into base ring, [1Sdc over next st inserting hook to left of last dc, but 1 round higher] twice, 1htr into next st, 3tr into next st, 1htr into next st, 1Sdc over next st inserting hook through top of 2nd round, 1Sdc over next st inserting hook through top of 1st round; rep from * twice more, sl st to 1st Sdc. Cast off.

Round 6: Using C join into same place, 1ch, then starting in same st as 1ch work *1Sdc inserting hook between threads of previous Sdc and through top of 1st round, 1Sdc over next st inserting hook between vertical threads of previous Sdc and through top of 2nd round, 1htr into next st, 1tr into next st, 2tr into next st, 3tr into next st, 2tr into next st, 1tr into next st, 1htr into next st, 1Sdc over next st inserting hook between threads of 2nd of 5 previous Sdcs and 1 round higher; rep from * twice more, sl st to 1st Sdc. Cast off.

Round 7: Using D join into same place, 1ch, starting in same st as 1ch *1Sdc inserting hook between threads of previous Sdcs and through top of 2nd round, 1dc into next st, [1htr, 1tr] into next st, [1tr into next st, 2tr into next st] 4 times, 1tr into next st, [1tr, 1htr] into next st, 1dc into next st; rep from * twice more, sl st to 1st Sdc. Cast off.

Round 8: Using B, join into next st, 1ch, 1dc into same st as 1ch, *[5ch, miss next st, 1dc into next st] 9 times, miss next st**, 1dc into next st; rep from * and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Daisy cluster square


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = yo, insert hook in st and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops. [Yo, insert hook in same st and draw up a loop. yo, draw through 2 loops] twice, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: Wrap yarn around finger.

Round 1: 1ch, 8dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (8 sts)

Round 2: 3ch, tr2tog into 1st st (counts as cluster), [3ch, cluster into next st] 7 times, 3ch, sl st to top of 1st cluster.

Round 3: 3ch, 1tr into 1st st (counts as tr2tog), *miss 3ch, [tr2tog, 5ch, tr2tog] all into next cluster; rep from * 6 more times, tr2tog into 1st clutter from 2nd row, 5ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next cluster, 7ch (counts as 1tr and 4ch), [1dc into next 5ch sp, 4ch, miss 1 cluster, 1tr into next cluster, 4ch] 7 times, 1dc into next 5ch sp, 4ch, sl st to 3rd of 7ch.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *4ch, miss 4ch, [1dtr, 4ch, 1dtr] into next dc, 4ch, miss 4ch, 1dc into next tr, 4ch, miss 4ch, 1htr into next dc, 4ch, miss 4ch, 1dc into next tr; rep from * 3 more times, omitting dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Garden balsam


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = [yo, insert hook in next st, yo and draw up loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook] as many times as indicated, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as tr), 4tr into ring, [9ch, 5tr into ring] 3 times, 9ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 3ch, 1tr into each of next 2tr, *2ch, 1tr into same tr as last tr, 1tr into each of next 2 tr, 2ch, into next 9ch sp work [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] for corner, 2ch**, 1tr into each of next 3 tr, rep from * 3 times more, ending last rep at **, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 3ch (count as tr), cluster over next 5tr, *5ch, miss 1 tr, 1tr into next tr, 3ch, into next 3ch sp work [2tr, 2ch, 2tr], 3ch, miss 1 tr, 1tr into next tr, 5ch, miss 1tr, [cluster over next 6 tr; rep from * twice more, 5ch, miss 1 tr, 1tr into next tr, 3ch, into next 3ch sp work [2tr, 2ch, 2tr], 3ch, miss 1 tr, 1tr into next tr, 5ch, sl st to top of 1st cluster.

Round 4: 1dc in each ch and in back loop of each tr, working 2tr into 2ch sp at each corner, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Spandrel motif


Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 1dc into ring, [4ch, 1trtr into ring, 4ch, 1dc into ring] 4 times omitting dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 2: Join B into same place, 11ch (count as 1dtr and 7ch), miss 4ch, 1dc into next trtr, *7ch, miss 4ch**, 1dtr into next dc, 7ch, miss 4ch, 1dc into next trtr; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to 4th ch of 11ch. Cast off.

Round 3: Join C into same place, 4ch (count as 1dtr), 2dtr into same place as 4ch, *1ch, 1dc into next 7 ch sp, 1ch, work [2trtr, 2ch, 2trtr] into next dc, 1ch, 1dc into next 7 ch sp, 1ch**, 3dtr into next dtr; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 4ch. Cast off.

Round 4: Rejoin B into same place, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 1dc into next and each ch and each st all around, except 3dc into each 2ch sp at corners, ending sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 5: Rejoin A into next dc, 6ch (count as 1dtr and 2ch), miss 1st 2dc, *1dtr into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc, 1tr into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc, 1htr into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc, 1htr into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc, 1tr into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc, 1dtr into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc**, 1dtr into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to 4th ch of 6ch.

Round 6: 1ch, into 1st st work a trefoil of [1dc, 5ch, 1dc, 7ch, 1dc, 5ch, 1dc], *[2dc into next 2ch sp, 1dc into next st] twice, work a picot of [3ch, insert hook down through top of dc just made and work sl st to close], [2dc into next 2ch sp, 1dc into next st] 4 times, picot, 2dc into next 2ch sp, 1dc into next st, 2dc into next 2ch sp**, trefoil into next st; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.




Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

First motif: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr in ring, *3ch, sl st in top of last tr (picot), 2tr in ring; rep from * until 12th picot is completed, join with sl st in top of 3ch. Cast off.

Second motif: 8ch, join with sl st, 3ch, 1tr in ring, 2ch, drop loop from hook, insert hook in any picot of 1st motif and in dropped loop, draw loop through, 1ch, complete picot on 2nd motif, 2tr in ring of 2nd motif, join with picot to next free picot on 1st motif, cont as in 1st motif until 12th picot is completed (including the 2 joined picots), join with sl st in top of 3ch. Cast off.

Rep 2nd motif, joining 1st 2 picots to 7th and 8th picot of previous motif.

Row 2 – first motif: Follow directions for 2nd motif of row 1, but join the 1st 2 picots of this motif to the 4th and 5th picots of the 1st motif in row 1.

Row 2 – second motif: Work as before, joining 1st 2 picots to 10th and 11th picots of next motif in row 1 and the 4th and 5th picots to 4th and 5th picots of 1st motif of row 2.

Cont, 1 picot of each motif remains free between joinings.


Puff stitch square


Special abbreviation:

Puff st = htr5tog.

Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 2ch, htr4tog into ring (counts as 1 puff st), 2ch, work [puff st, 2ch] 7 times into ring, sl st to 1st puff st.

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), 1tr into same puff st, *2ch, [puff st into next sp, 2ch] twice**, work a V st of [1tr, 2ch, 1tr] into next puff st; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next ch sp, 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), 1tr into same sp, *2ch, [puff st into next sp, 2ch] 3 times**, V st into next sp at corner; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 4: As for round 3, but work 4 puff sts along each side of square.

Round 5: As for round 3, but work 5 puff sts along each side of square. Cast off.


Halley’s comet


Special abbreviation:

Sdc (Spike double crochet) = insert hook below st indicated 1 row down, i.e. into top of 1st round, yo, draw loop through and up to height of current round, yo, draw through both loops on hook.

Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [1tr into ring, 2ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch. (8 sps)

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 3tr into next sp, [1tr into next tr, 3tr into next sp] 7 times, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off. (32 sts)

Round 3: Join B into same place, 1ch, 1Sdc over 1st st, work a picot of [3ch, insert hook down through top of dc just made and work sl st to close], *1dc into next st, 2dc into next st, 1dc into next st**, 1Sdc over next st, picot; rep from * 6 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st Sdc. Cast off.


Daisy wheel square


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (12 sts)

Round 2: 6ch (count as 1dtr and 2ch), miss 1st st, [1dtr into next st, 2ch] 11 times, sl st to 4th of 6ch.

Round 3: 5ch (counts as 1tr and 2ch), *[1dc into next sp, 2ch] twice, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next sp, 2ch; rep from *3 more times, omitting 1tr and 2ch at end of last rep, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 4: 1ch, *[1dc into next sp, 2ch] 3 times, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into corner sp, 2ch; rep from *3 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, work 2dc into each sp and 1dc into each st all around, but working 3dc into each corner sp, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Cluster wheel


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), (3tr into ring, 1ch) 5 times, 2tr into ring, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 2: Sl st into next ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 1ch, 3tr] into same sp, *1ch, [3tr, 1ch, 3tr] into next 1ch sp; rep from * 4 more times, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st in next 2 sts, sl st into next ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 1ch, 3tr] into same ch sp, *1ch, 3tr into next ch sp, 1ch, [3tr, 1ch, 3tr] into next ch sp, rep from * 4 more times, 1ch, sl st into top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Four petal


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = 3dtr into next dc until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 2: *4ch, 1 bobble into next dc, 4ch, sl st into each of next 2dc; rep from * 3 more times, missing 1 sl st at end of last rep, 7ch, 1dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1dc into each of next 5ch, sl st into 1st dc on 1st round. Cast off.


Two-tone hexagon


Base ring: Using A, 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into ring, *3ch, 3tr into ring; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, sl st to top of 1st 3ch. Cast off.

Round 2: Join B to any 3ch sp, 5ch (count as 1trtr), [2trtr, 2ch, 3trtr] into same sp, *[3trtr, 2ch, 3trtr] into next 3ch sp; rep from * 4 more times, sl st to top of 5ch. Cast off.

Round 3: Join A to same place as sl st, 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of next 2trtr, *[2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp, 1tr into each of next 6trtr; rep from * 4 more times, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp, 1tr into each of next 3trtr, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.

Round 4: Join B into any st, 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into previous st, *skip 1 st, 1tr into next st, 1tr into the skipped st; rep from * all around, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Begonia wheel


Base chain: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 13tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into 1st st, *1ch, skip 1tr, 3tr into next tr; rep from * 5 more times, 1ch, skip 1tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next tr, 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same tr, *1ch, 2tr into next 1ch sp, 1ch, skip 1tr, 2tr into next tr; rep from * 5 more times, 1ch, 2tr into next 1ch sp, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: [4ch, 1dc into next 1ch sp] 13 times, 2ch, 1tr into base of 1st 4ch.

Round 5: [4ch, 1dc into centre of next 4 ch sp] 13 times, 2ch, 1tr into tr at end of previous round.

Round 6: 3ch (count as 1tr), 3tr into same sp, 4tr into each of next 13 sps, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 7: Sl st to centre of 1st tr group, 1ch, 1dc into same place, [6ch, 1dc into centre of next tr group] 13 times, 6ch, sl st to 1st dc.


Primula circle


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, join with sl st to 1st ch.

Round 2: 1ch, 2dc into same place, inserting hook into back loop of each st work 2dc into each st to end, sl st to 1st ch. (24dc)

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc in same st, 2ch, *skip 1dc, 1dc into back loop of next dc, 2ch; rep from * to end, sl st to 1st of 3 ch.

Round 4: [1dc, 1tr, 2dtr, 1tr, 1dc] into each 2ch sp, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Eastern star


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, [1dc into ring, 3ch] 12 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: Sl st into each of next 2ch, 1ch, 1dc into same 3ch sp, [3ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp] 11 times, 1ch, 1htr into top of 1st dc.

Round 3: *6ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp**, 3ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp; rep from * 4 more times and from * to ** again, 1ch, 1tr into htr that closed previous round.

Round 4: *[5tr, 2ch, 5tr] into next 6ch sp, 1dc into next 3ch sp; rep from * 5 more times ending last rep in tr that closed previous round, sl st to next st. Cast off.


Incan star


Note: Pattern is worked in a spiral, do not join at the end of rounds 1–6.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 8dc into ring.

Round 2: 3dc in each st. (24 sts)

Rounds 3 and 4: 1dc in each st.

Round 5: *1dc in next dc, 2dc in next dc; rep from * around. (36 sts)

Round 6: 1dc in each st.

Round 7: *9ch, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in next ch, 1tr in each of next 3 ch, 1dtr in each of next 3 ch, skip next 3 sts of previous round, sl st in next st; rep from * around, join with sl st.

Cast off.


Flower square


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: *2ch, 4tr into ring, sl st into ring; rep from * 3 times more. (4 petals)

Round 2: Sl st into back of 2nd tr, * keeping yarn at back of work, 4ch, sl st into back of 2nd tr of next petal; rep from * twice more, 4ch, sl st to 1st sl st.

Round 3: [1 sl st, 5tr, 1 sl st] into each loop.

Round 4: *6ch, 1 sl st into back of sl st between petals; rep from * 3 times more.

Round 5: 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 3ch, 3tr] into 1st loop, *1ch, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next loop; rep from * twice more, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: Sl st across next 2tr and into next 3ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 3ch, 3tr] into same sp, *1ch, 3tr into next 1ch sp, 1ch, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next 3ch sp; rep from * twice more, 1ch, 3tr into next 1ch sp, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 7: Sl st across next 2tr and into next 3ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 3ch, 3tr] into same sp, *[1ch, 3tr into next 1ch sp] twice, 1ch, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next 3ch sp; rep from * twice more, [1ch, 3tr into next 1ch sp] twice, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Vintage square


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into ring, [1ch, 3tr into ring] 3 times, 1ch, sl st into top of 3ch.

Round 2: Sl st into each of next 2 tr, *[1dc, 3ch, 1dc] into next sp for a corner, 3ch; rep from * 3 times more, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: Sl st into corner sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 1ch, 3tr] into same sp, *3tr into next 3ch sp, [3tr, 1ch, 3tr] into next corner sp; rep from * twice more, join 3tr into next 3ch sp, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into each of next 2tr, *[1dc, 3ch, 1dc] into next corner sp, [3ch, skip 3tr, 1dc between last tr and next tr] twice, 3ch, skip 3tr, rep from * 3 times more, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: Sl st into next corner sp, [3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr, 1ch, 3tr] into same sp, *[3tr into next 3ch sp] 3 times, [3tr, 1ch, 3tr] into next corner sp; rep from * twice more, [3tr into next 3ch sp] 3 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: Rep round 4, working 4 [3ch] sps between corner sps.

Round 7: Rep round 5, working 3tr into each 3ch loop along sides between [3tr, 1ch, 3tr] at corners.

Cast off.


Moorish medallion


Special abbreviation:

Sdc (Spike double crochet) = insert hook 2 rounds below st indicated, i.e. into top of 1st round, yo, draw loop through and up to height of current round, yo, draw through both loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (16 sts)

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 1dc into next dc, *[1dc, 9ch, 1dc] into next dc**, 1dc into each of next 3dc; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, 1dc into next dc, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *miss next 2dc, [2htr, 17tr, 2htr] into next 9ch sp, miss next 2dc, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 3 more times, missing 1dc at end of last rep and ending sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, 1Sdc over 1st st, *5ch, miss 5 sts, 1dc into next st, work picot of [3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook], [5ch, miss 4 sts, 1dc into next st, 3ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook] twice, 5ch, miss 5 sts, 1Sdc over next st; rep from * 3 more times, missing Sdc at end of last rep and ending sl st to 1st Sdc.

Cast off.


Popcorn trefoil


Special abbreviations:

Cluster = tr2tog.

Popcorn = see here.

Base ring: Using A, 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 6dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 2: Join B in same st, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *3ch, 5tr popcorn into next st, 3ch**, 1dc into next st; rep from once more and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *4ch, 2tr into next 3ch sp, tr2tog inserting hook into same ch sp for 1st leg and into next ch sp for 2nd leg, 2tr into same ch sp, 4ch**, 1dc into next dc; rep from * once more and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 4: Using C join into corner cluster, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *2ch, skip 2tr, going behind ch sps of round 3, [3tr into next ch sp of round 2] twice, 2ch, skip 2tr**, 1dc into corner cluster; rep from * once more and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 5: Using B join into last 2ch sp of round 4, 1ch, *[1dc, 1htr, 1tr] into 2ch sp, 1ch, 1tr into next dc, 1ch, [1tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next 2ch sp, 1dc into each of next 6tr; rep from * twice more, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.

Round 6: Using A join into same place, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 3ch, 1dc into each of next 2 sts, 3ch, *2dc into next ch sp, 3ch, 3dc into tr at corner, 3ch, 2dc into next ch sp, 3ch**, [1dc into each of next 2 sts, 3ch] 6 times; rep from * once more and from * to ** again, [1dc into each of next 2 sts, 3ch] 4 times, 1dc into next st, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Frozen star


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = trtr4tog.

Base ring: 12ch, join with sl st into ring.

Round 1: 1ch, 24dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (24 sts)

Round 2: 6ch, trtr3tog over next 3 sts (counts as trtr4tog), [7ch, trtr4tog over same st as last leg of previous cluster and next 3 sts] 7 times, 7ch, sl st to top of 1st cluster.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *[3ch, skip 1ch, 1dc into next ch] 3 times, 3ch, skip 1ch, 1dc into top of next cluster; rep from * 7 more times, skipping dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: Sl st to centre of next 3ch sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp, *3ch, 1dc into next sp; rep from * to end, skipping dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: As round 4.

Round 6: Sl st to centre of next 3ch sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp, *[3ch, 1dc into next sp] 4 times, 3ch, skip next sp, [dtr3tog, 5ch, trtr4tog, 4ch, sl st to top of last cluster, 5ch, dtr3tog] into next sp, 3ch, skip next sp, 1dc into next sp; rep from * 3 more times, skipping dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Snowflake I


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, into ring work [1dc, 2ch ] 6 times, join with sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, into each 2ch sp work [2dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1htr, 2dc], join with sl st to 1st dc. (6 petals)

Round 3: 3 sl sts to centre tr, 3ch (count as 1tr), 4tr into same st, *3ch, 5tr in centre of tr of next petal; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, join with sl st to 3rd of 1st 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st to centre tr, 1ch, [1dc, 7ch, 1dc] into same st, *8ch, skip 4tr, [1dc, 7ch, 1dc] into next tr; rep from * 4 more times, 8ch, join with sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: Sl st to 4th ch of 7ch loop, 1ch, [1dc, 7ch, 1dc] into same st, *10ch, [1dc, 7ch, 1dc] into 4th ch of next 7ch loop; repeat from * 4 more times, 10ch, join with sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: 3 sl sts to 4th ch of 7ch loop, 1ch, into same st work (1dc, 6ch, [1 sl st, 6ch] twice, 1dc), *12ch, into 4th ch of next 7ch loop work (1dc, 6ch, [1 sl st, 6ch] twice, 1dc); rep from * 4 more times, 12ch, join with sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Snowflake II


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, [1dc into ring, 7ch] 6 times, join with sl st to 1st dc (6 loops).

Round 2: *1ch, into next 7ch sp work [2dc, 1htr, 3tr, 3dtr, 3tr, 1htr, 2dc], 1ch, sl st to next dc; rep from * 5 times more.

Round 3: 7 sl sts to centre dtr, *4ch, sl st into same dtr, 8ch, sl st on top of next dtr; rep from * around.

Round 4: Sl st into 4ch loop, *1ch, work 1dc, 2tr, 2ch, [3tr, 2ch] twice, 2tr, 1dc into same sp, 1ch, 6dc into next 8ch sp; rep from * around, join with sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Spiral pentagram


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: [6ch, 1dc into ring] 5 times.

Note: mark last dc of each round with contrasting thread.

Round 2: [6ch, 3dc into next 6ch sp] 5 times.

Round 3: [6ch, 3dc into next 6ch sp, 1dc into each of next 2dc] 5 times. (5 blocks of 5dc each)

Round 4: [6ch, 3dc into next 6ch sp, 1dc into each dc of next block skipping last dc] 5 times. (5 blocks of 7dc each) Cont as given on round 4 for 3 more rounds finishing with 5 blocks of 13dc each.

Round 8: *5ch, 1dc into centre of next 6ch sp, 5ch, skip 1dc, 1dc into each dc of next block skipping last dc; rep from * 4 more times.

Round 9: *[5ch, 1dc into next sp] twice, 5ch, skip 1dc, 1dc into each dc of next block skipping last dc; rep from * 4 more times. Cont as given on round 9 for 3 more rounds, but work 1 more 5ch sp in each segment on each round at same time as number of dc in each block reduces, finishing with 6 sps and 3dc in each of 5 segments.

Round 13: 5ch, 1dc into next sp, *[3ch, 1dc into next sp] 5 times, 3ch, 1tr into 2nd of next 3dc, 3ch, 1dc into next sp; rep from * 4 more times, skipping dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Traditional hexagon I


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = tr3tog.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch, tr2tog into ring (counts as tr3tog), [3ch, tr3tog into ring] 5 times, 1ch, 1htr into top of 1st cluster.

Round 2: 3ch, tr2tog into sp formed by htr (counts as tr3tog), *3ch, [tr3tog, 3ch, tr3tog] into next sp; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, tr3tog into last sp, 1ch, 1htr into top of 1st cluster.

Round 3: 3ch, tr2tog into sp formed by htr (counts as tr3tog), *3ch, [tr3tog, 3ch, tr3tog] into next sp**, 3ch, tr3tog into next sp; rep from * 4 more times and from * to ** again, 1ch, 1htr into top of 1st cluster.

Round 4: 3ch (counts as 1tr), 1tr into sp formed by htr, *3tr into next sp, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next sp**, 3tr into next sp; rep from * 4 more times and from * to ** again, 1tr into next sp, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into same place, 1dc into each tr and each ch all around, ending sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Traditional hexagon II


Worked as Traditional hexagon I (see left).

Work 1 round each in colours A, B, C, D and E.


Scalloped circle


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 23tr into ring, join with sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), 1tr into sl st, 1ch, *miss 2tr, [1tr, 2ch, 1tr] into next tr, 1ch; rep from * 6 times more, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next 2ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same sp, *1dc into next 1ch sp, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp; rep from * 6 times more, 1dc into next 1ch sp, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next 2ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 1ch, 3tr] into same sp, *1dc in sp before next dc, 1dc in sp after the same dc, [3tr, 1ch, 3tr] into next 2ch sp; rep from * 6 times more, 1dc in sp before next dc, 1dc in sp after the same dc, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Five-point star


Note: Pattern is worked in a spiral; do not join at the end of each round.

Base chain: 2ch.

Round 1: 5dc in 2nd ch from hook.

Round 2: 3dc in each dc. (15 sts)

Round 3: [1dc in next st, 6ch, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, 1dc in next ch, 1htr in next ch, 1tr in next ch, 1dtr in next ch, 1dtr in bottom of base dc, skip 2dc] 5 times, sl st in 1st dc.

Cast off.


Citrus ring


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), *1tr into ring, 1ch; rep from * 6 times more, sl st in 3rd of 4ch.

Round 2: 2ch, [1tr, 1dtr, 1tr, 1htr] in same sp, *[1htr, 1tr, 1dtr, 1tr, 1htr] in next sp; rep from * around, sl st to top of 2ch.

Cast off.


Flower crystal


Special abbreviation:

Popcorn = 5tr into next st, drop loop off hook, insert hook into 1st of these tr, pick up dropped loop and draw through.

Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr, 1ch), [1tr, 1ch] 11 times into ring, sl st into 3rd of 4ch.

Round 2: 6ch (count as 1tr, 3ch), 1 popcorn into next tr, 3ch, [1tr into next tr, 3ch, 1 popcorn into next tr, 3ch] 5 times, sl st into 3rd of 6ch at beg of round.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, 4ch, 1dc into top of next popcorn, 4ch, [1dc into next tr, 4ch, 1dc into top of next popcorn, 4ch] 5 times, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 4: Sl st into 1st 4ch sp, 2ch (count as 1htr), [1tr, 1dtr, 1trtr, 1dtr, 1tr, 1htr] into same sp, [1htr, 1tr, 1dtr, 1trtr, 1dtr, 1tr, 1htr] into each of next 11 4ch sps, sl st to top of 2ch.

Cast off.


Russian square


Special abbreviations:

Tr/rf = insert hook around the post of the stitch indicated from the front, around the back and to the front again and complete the tr as usual.

Tr/rb = insert hook around the post of the stitch indicated from the back, around the front and to the back again and complete the tr as usual. See raised stitches.

Base ring: Using A, 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), [3tr into ring, 3ch] 3 times, 2tr into ring, sl st to 3rd of 6ch. Cast off.

Round 2: Using B, join into a different corner 3ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same corner sp, *1tr/rf around each of next 3 sts**, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next corner sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, [3tr, 3ch] into last corner sp, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.

Round 3: Using C, join into a different corner sp, 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), 3tr into same corner sp, *1tr/rb around each of next 3 sts, 1tr/rf around each of next 3 sts, 1tr/rb around each of next 3 sts**, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next corner sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, 2tr into last corner sp, sl st to 3rd of 6ch. Cast off.

Round 4: Using D, join into a different corner sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same corner sp, *[1tr/rf around each of next 3 sts, 1tr/rb around each of next 3 sts] twice, 1tr/rf around each of next 3 sts**, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next corner sp; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, [3tr, 3ch] into last corner sp, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Two-colour star


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = tr3tog.

Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 14tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. (15 sts)

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same place as 3ch, 2tr into next and each tr all around, sl st to top of 3ch. (30 sts)

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), *1tr into next st, tr2tog over next 2 sts, 1tr into each of next 2 sts, change to B, 2tr into same place as last tr with A, 2tr into next st, change to A**, 1tr into same place as last tr with B; rep from * 3 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch (count as 1tr), *tr2tog over next 2 sts, 1tr into each of next 2 sts, change to B, 2tr into next st, 1tr into each of next 2 sts, 2tr into next st, change to A**, 1tr into next st; rep from * 3 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch (count as 1tr), *tr2tog over next 2 sts, 1tr into next st, change to B, 2tr into next st, 1tr into next st, 2tr into each of next 2 sts, 1tr into next st, 2tr into next st, change to A**, 1tr into next st; rep from * 3 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: 3ch, tr2tog over next 2 sts (counts as tr3tog), *change to B, 3tr into next st, [1tr into each of next 2 sts, 2tr into next st] twice, 1tr into each of next 2 sts, 3tr into next st, change to A**, tr3tog over next 3 sts; rep from * 3 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st cluster. Cast off B.

Round 7: Cont using A only 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 1dc into next and each st all around, sl st to 1st dc, turn.

Round 8 (WS): 1ch, 2dc into same place as 1ch, 1dc into next and each st all around, except 2dc into each of 4 sts corresponding to rem points of Star, ending sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Spider square


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = tr3tog.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, [1dc into ring, 15ch] 12 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: Sl st along to centre of next 15ch sp, 3ch, tr2tog into same sp (counts as tr3tog), *4ch, tr3tog into same sp, [4ch, 1dc into next sp] twice, 4ch, tr3tog into next sp; rep from * 3 more times, missing tr3tog at end of last rep, sl st to 1st cluster.

Round 3: Sl st into next 4ch sp, 3ch, tr2tog into same sp (counts as tr3tog), *4ch, tr3tog into same sp, [4ch, 1dc into next 4ch sp, 4ch, tr3tog into next 4ch sp] twice; rep from * 3 more times, missing tr3tog at end of last rep, sl st to 1st cluster. Cast off.


Mosaic tile


Base ring: Using A, 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch, [1tr, 1ch] 11 times into ring, sl st to 3rd of 4ch, draw B through loop, drop A.

Round 2: [1dc into next sp, 2ch] 12 times, sl st to 1st dc, draw A through loop, drop B.

Round 3: *[1dc into next sp, 2ch] twice, [2tr, 2ch] twice into next sp for corner; rep from * 3 times more, sl st to 1st dc, draw B through loop, cast off A.

Round 4: *(1dc, 3ch) into each sp to corner; [1dc, 3ch] twice into corner sp; rep from * 3 times more, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.




Special abbreviation:

Picot = 3ch, sl st into 1st of these ch.

Round 1: 10ch, sl st into 1st ch, [9ch, sl st into same ch as last sl st] twice. (3 loops formed)

Round 2: *1ch, working into next 9ch sp work [2dc, 1htr, 11tr, 1htr, 2dc], 1ch, sl st into same ch as sl sts of 1st round; rep from * twice more.

Round 3: Sl st into each of 1st 9 sts of 1st loop, [16ch, skip 1st 8 sts on next loop, sl st into next tr] twice, 16ch, sl st into same tr as last sl st at beg of round.

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc into same tr as last sl st of previous round, 19dc into 1st 16ch sp, [1dc into same tr as next sl st of previous round, 19dc into next 16ch sp] twice, sl st to 1st dc. (60dc)

Round 5: 8ch (count as 1tr, 5ch), skip next 3dc, [1tr into next dc, 5ch, skip 3dc] 14 times, sl st to 3rd of 8ch at beg of round.

Round 6: Sl st into 1st 3ch of 1st 5ch sp, 1ch, 4dc into 1st sp, 7dc into each of next 14 sps, 3dc to same sp as 1st 4dc, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 7: [6ch, skip next 6dc, sl st into next dc] 14 times, 6ch, sl st to same dc as last sl st of previous round.

Round 8: 1ch, into each 6ch sp work 2dc, [1 picot, 2dc] 3 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Magic circle


Base ring: 16ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 2ch (count as 1htr), 35htr into ring, sl st into 2nd of 2ch at beg of round.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, [5ch, miss 2htr, 1dc into next htr] 11 times, 5ch, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Green leaf


Special abbreviation:

Picot = 3ch, sl st into 1st of these ch.

Base chain: 15ch, work in a spiral as follows:

1dc into 2nd ch from hook, working 1 st into each ch, 1htr, 3tr, 4dtr, 3tr, 1htr and 1dc, 3ch, then working 1 st into each ch on other side of base chain, 1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 4dtr, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc, 3ch, 1dc into 1st dc at beg of spiral, 1dc into next htr, 1 picot, [1dc into each of next 2 sts, 1 picot] 6 times, [1dc, 4ch, sl st into 3rd ch from hook, 1ch, 1dc] into 3ch sp at point of leaf, [1 picot, 1dc into each of next 2 sts] 7 times, sl st into 3ch sp. Cast off.


Canterbury bell


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = 5tr into next dc until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 6 loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 3ch, 4tr into same st as last sl st until 1 loop of each tr remains on hook, yo and draw through all 5 loops on hook (1 bobble made at beg of round), *5ch, miss 1dc, 1 bobble into next dc; rep from * 4 times more, 5ch, sl st to top of 1st bobble. Cast off.


Scallop flower


Base ring: Using A, 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 17tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch (18 sts).

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *3ch, miss next 2 sts, 1dc into next st; rep from * 5 more times missing last dc and ending sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 3: Using B join in to next ch, 1ch, *work a Petal of [1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next 3ch sp, sl st into next dc; rep from * 5 more times. (6 petals)

Round 4: Sl st into each of next 4 sts to centre tr of next Petal, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *8ch, 1dc into centre tr of next Petal; rep from * 5 more times missing last dc and ending sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 5: Using A join in to next ch, 1ch, *[1dc, 3htr, 5tr, 3htr, 1dc] into next sp; rep from * 5 more times, ending sl st into 1st dc. Cast off.


Sun fire


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 7ch (count as 1dtr and 3ch), [1dtr into ring, 3ch] 7 times, sl st to 4th of 7ch. (8 sps)

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), [4tr into next sp, 1tr into next dtr] 7 times, 4tr into next sp, sl st to top of 3ch. (40 sts)

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *6ch, 1dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1htr into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 1dtr into next ch, 1trtr into next ch, miss 4 sts, 1dc into next st; rep from * 7 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Elephant’s ear


Work as given for Flower crystal, but working rounds 1 and 2 in A and rounds 3 and 4 in B.


Little gem


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = tr3tog.

Base ring: Using A, 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1dtr), 2tr into 4th ch from hook, *3ch, 1dtr into ring, 2tr into base of stem of dtr just made; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 2: 3ch, tr2tog over next 2tr (count as cluster), *6ch, miss 3ch, cluster over next 3 sts; rep from * 5 more times missing last cluster and ending sl st to top of 1st cluster. Cast off.

Round 3: Using B, join in to centre of 3ch sp of 1st round to enclose 6ch sp of round 2, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *5ch, 1tr into top of next cluster, 5ch, 1dc into 3ch sp of 1st round at same time enclosing 6ch sp of round 2; rep from * 5 more times missing last dc and ending sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 4: Using C join in to same place, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *5ch, miss 5ch, 3dc into next tr, 5ch, miss 5ch, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 5 more times missing last dc and ending with sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Arcade diamond


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 15tr into ring, sl st to 3rd of 3ch. (16 tr)

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1tr, 2ch), *1tr into next tr, 2ch; rep from * 14 more times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 3ch, 2tr] into same sp, *[2ch. 1dc into next sp] 3 times, 2ch, [2tr, 3ch, 2tr] into next sp; rep from * twice more, [2ch, 1dc into next sp] 3 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 3ch, 3tr] into same sp, *[2ch, 1dc into next 2ch sp] 4 times, 2ch, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next 3ch sp; rep from * twice more, [2ch, 1dc into next 2ch sp] 4 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 2ch, 3tr] into same sp, *[1ch, 2tr into 2ch sp] 5 times, 1ch, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next 3ch sp; rep from * twice more, [1ch, 2tr into 2ch sp] 5 times, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.


Crystal snowflake


Base ring: 12ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 24dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (24 sts)

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *1dc into next st, [3ch, insert hook down through top of dc just made and work sl st] (one picot made)**, 1dc into next st; rep from * 10 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 8ch (count as 1dtr and 4ch), miss picot, [1dtr into next dc between picots, 4ch] 11 times, sl st to 4th of 8ch.

Round 4: 1ch, [5dc into next 4ch sp] 12 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, *1dc into back loop only of each of next 5dc, 15ch, miss next 5dc; rep from * 5 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: 1ch, *1dc into back loop only of each of next 5dc, 15dc into next 15ch sp; rep from * 5 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into back loop only of next st, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 1dc into back loop only of each of next 2dc, *miss 1dc, [1dc into each of next 3dc, picot] 4 times, 1dc into each of next 3dc, miss 1dc**, 1dc into back loop only of each of next 3dc; rep from * 4 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Ice crystal


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = 1tr into each of next 5tr until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 6 loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (12 sts)

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, [7ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc] 5 times, 3ch, miss 1dc, 1dtr into top of 1st dc.

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), 4tr into sp formed by dtr, [3ch, 5tr into next 7ch sp] 5 times, 3ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of next 4tr, *3ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp, 3ch**, 1tr into each of next 5tr; rep from * 4 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch, tr4tog over next 4tr (count as cluster), *[5ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp] twice, 5ch**, cluster over next 5tr; rep from * 4 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st cluster.

Round 6: Sl st into each of next 3ch, 1ch, 1dc into same space, *5ch, 1dc into next 5ch sp; rep from * all around missing last dc and ending sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into each of next 3ch, 1ch, 1dc into same space, *5ch, 1dc into next 5ch sp, 3ch, [5tr, 3ch, 5tr] into next sp, 3ch, 1dc into next sp; rep from * 5 more times missing last dc and ending sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Crystal motif


Special abbreviation:

Cluster = dc3tog.

Base ring: Using A, 12ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 1dc into ring, *[7ch, 1dc, 4ch, 1trtr, 4ch, 1dc] into ring; rep from * 5 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 2: Join B into top of any trtr, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *13ch, miss 7ch sp, 1dc into top of next trtr; rep from * 5 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, miss next ch, 1dc into each of next 5ch, *3dc into next ch, 1dc into each of next 5ch**, dc3tog over [next ch, next dc and next ch], 1dc into each of next 5ch; rep from * 4 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, miss 1st st, *1dc into each of next 5 sts, 3dc into next st, 1dc into each of next 5sts**, dc3tog over next 3 sts; rep from * 4 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: As round 4. Cast off.

Round 6: Join C into same place, 1ch, 1dc into same place, *7ch, miss 6dc, (1trtr, [5ch, 1trtr] 4 times) into next dc at tip of star, 7ch, miss 6dc, 1dc into next dc cluster; rep from * 5 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Astrolabe motif


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), [1tr into ring, 1ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 4ch. (8 spaces)

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, [3ch, miss 1ch, 1dc into next tr] 8 times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: Sl st into each of next 2ch, 1ch, 1dc into same sp as 1ch, [6ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp] 8 times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: Sl st into each of next 3ch, 1ch, 1dc into same sp as 1ch, [6ch, 1dc into next 6ch sp] 8 times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *[2tr, 4ch, 2tr] into next sp, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 7 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: Sl st into each of next 2tr and next 2ch, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, [8ch, 1dc into next 4ch sp] 8 times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: 1ch, *work a Wave of [1dc, 1htr, 2tr, 1dtr, 2tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next 8ch sp; rep from * 7 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 8: Sl st into each of next 4 sts to dtr, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, [11ch, 1dc into dtr at centre of next Wave] 8 times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 9: 1ch, *[2dc, 2htr, 2tr, 4dtr, 2tr, 2htr, 2dc] into next 11ch sp; rep from * 7 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Five branches


Base ring: 7ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into 1st dc, [5ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc] 7 times, 5ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st 5ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 5htr, 1dc] into each 5ch sp to end, sl st into 1st dc. (8 petals)

Round 4: 1ch, working behind each petal, 1dc into 1st dc on round 2, [6ch, 1dc into next dc on Round 2] 7 times, 6ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: Sl st into 1st 6ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 6htr, 1dc] into each 6ch sp to end, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: 1ch, working behind each petal, 1dc into 1st dc on round 4, [7ch, 1dc into next dc on Round 4] 7 times, 7ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into 1st 7ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 7htr, 1dc] into each 7ch sp to end, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 8: 1ch, working behind each petal, 1dc into 1st dc on round 6, *[9ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook (1 picot made)] twice, 4ch, 1dc into next dc on Round 6, [13ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook (1 picot made)] twice, 8ch, 1dc into same dc as last dc, [9ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook] twice, 4ch, 1dc into next dc on round 6; rep from * 3 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 9: Sl st into each of 1st 3ch, behind 1st picot and into next ch of sp between picots, 1ch, 1dc into same sp as sl st, **[10ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook] twice, 5ch, 1dc into corner loop between 2 picots, *[10ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook] twice, 5ch, 1dc into sp between 2 picots; rep from * once more; rep from ** 3 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 10: Sl st into each of 1st 4ch, behind 1st picot and into next 2ch of sp between 2 picots, 1ch, 1dc into same sp between 2 picots, **[10ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook] twice, 5ch, 1dc into next dc at top of loop, *[10ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook] twice, 5ch, 1dc into next sp between 2 picots; rep from * twice more; rep from ** 3 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Sylvan circles


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 31tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. (32 sts)

Round 2: 3ch, 1tr into same place as 3ch (count as tr2tog), 3ch, tr2tog into same place as last tr2tog, *7ch, miss 3 sts, [tr2tog, 3ch, tr2tog] into next st; rep from * 6 more times, 7ch, miss 3 sts, sl st to top of 1st tr2tog.

Round 3: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch, 1tr into same place as 3ch (count as tr2tog), 3ch, tr2tog into same 3ch sp, *7ch, miss 7ch, [tr2tog, 3ch, tr2tog] into next 3ch sp; rep from * 6 more times, 7ch, miss 7ch, sl st to top of 1st tr2tog.

Round 4: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch, 1tr into same place as 3ch (count as tr2tog), 3ch, tr2tog into same 3ch sp, *4ch, 1dc under 7ch sp of 2nd round to enclose 7ch sp of 3rd round, 4ch**, [tr2tog, 3ch, tr2tog] into next 3ch sp; rep from * 6 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st tr2tog.

Round 5: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch, 1tr into same place as 3ch (count as tr2tog), 3ch, tr2tog into same 3ch sp, *15ch, sl st into 12th ch from hook, 3ch, sl st to top of previous tr2tog, 6tr into 12ch ring, miss 4ch, sl st to next dc, 8tr into ring, miss 4ch, (inner half of Sylvan Circle completed)**, [tr2tog, 3ch, tr2tog] into next 3ch sp; rep from * 6 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st tr2tog.

Round 6: *1ch, [tr2tog, 6ch, sl st to 5th ch from hook, 1ch, tr2tog] into next 3ch sp, 1ch, sl st to top of next tr2tog, 16tr into 12ch ring (outer half of Sylvan circle completed), sl st to top of next tr2tog; rep from * 7 more times.

Cast off.


Briar rose


Base ring: Using A, 3ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [1tr into ring, 2ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch. Cast off. (8 sps)

Round 2: Join B into a sp, 8ch, sl st into 4th ch from hook, work a picot of [5ch, sl st into 4th ch from hook], 1ch, *1tr into next sp, work a picot twice, 1ch; rep from * 6 more times, sl st to 3rd of 4ch at beg of round. Cast off.

Round 3: Join C into 1ch between 2 picots, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *7ch, miss [1 picot, 1tr and 1 picot], 1dc into next ch between picots; rep from * 7 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: Sl st into next ch, 1ch, *[1dc, 1htr, 9tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next sp; rep from * 7 more times, sl st into 1st dc. Cast off.


Granny square


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into ring, *1ch, 3tr into ring; rep from * twice more, 1ch, sl st into top of 3ch.

Round 2: Sl st into each of next 2tr and next 1ch sp, 3ch, 4tr into same sp for a corner, *1tr into centre of next 3tr group, 5tr into next 1ch sp for a corner; rep from * twice more, 1tr into centre of next 3tr group, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.

Round 3: Join into centre of any corner group, 3ch, 5tr into same place for corner, *3tr into next tr, 6tr into centre of next corner group; rep from * twice, 3tr into next tr, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.

Round 4: Join into centre sp of any corner group, 3ch, 5tr into same place for corner, *1tr into last tr of same corner group, 1tr into centre of next 3tr group, 1tr into 1st tr of next corner group**, 6tr into centre sp of same corner group; rep from * twice more, then from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.




Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 10dc into ring, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into each dc, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 2ch (count as 1htr), miss 1st dc, 2htr into each of next 9dc, 1htr into 1st dc, sl st into 2nd of 2ch.

Round 4: *2ch, working into front loop only of each htr, 2tr into each of next 3htr, 2ch, sl st into next htr; rep from * 4 times more placing last sl into 2nd of 2ch at beg of previous round. (5 petals made)

Round 5: Working behind each petal of previous round and into back loop of each htr on round 3, sl st into 1st 2htr, *4ch, 2trtr into each of next 3htr, 4ch, sl st into next htr; rep from * 3 times more, 4ch, 2trtr into next htr, 2trtr into 2nd of 2ch at beg of round 3, 2trtr into next htr, 4ch, sl st to next htr. Cast off.


Gardenia bloom


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), [1tr into ring, 3ch] 5 times, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into sl st, *[1tr, 1ch, 1tr, 1ch, 1tr] into next 3ch sp, 1dc into next tr; rep from * 5 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into 1st dc, *1ch, miss 1tr, [1tr, 1ch] 5 times into next tr, miss 1tr, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 5 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Granite wheel


Special abbreviation:

Puff st = see here, work 3htr leaving last loop on hook, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: 7ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (12 sts)

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into next dc, *3ch, 1tr into each of next 2 sts; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next tr and next ch, 3ch, htr2tog into same sp (counts as puff st), 4ch, puff st into same sp, *4ch, [puff st, 4ch, puff st] into next sp; rep from * 4 more times, 4ch, sl st to top of 1st puff st. (12 puff sts)

Round 4: 1ch, *[2dc, 3ch, 2dc] into next sp; rep from * 11 more times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Mayfair square


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = work 4tr into same sp leaving last loop of each tr on hook, yo and draw through all 5 loops on hook.

Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch, 3tr into ring (hold back last loop of each tr, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook), *4ch, bobble into ring; rep from * twice more, 4ch, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 2: Sl st into next 4ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr, 3ch, 3tr] into same sp, *1tr into top of next bobble, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next 4ch sp; rep from * twice more, 1tr into top of next bobble, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 3ch, 1tr into each of next 2tr, [2tr, 3ch, 2tr] into next 3ch sp, *1tr into each of next 7tr, [2tr, 3ch, 2tr] into next 3ch sp; rep from * twice more, 1tr into each of next 4tr, sl st to top of 3ch.


Ring web


Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 6ch (count as 1dtr and 2ch), [1dtr into ring, 2ch] 11 times, sl st to 4th of 6ch.

Round 2: 4ch, 3dtr into next sp, [1dtr into next dtr, 3dtr into next sp] 11 times, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 3: 9ch, miss next 2dtr, [1dtr into next dtr, 5ch, miss next 2dtr] 15 times, sl st to 4th of 9ch.

Round 4: 4ch, 1dtr into each of next 5ch, [1dtr into next dtr, 1dtr into each of next 5ch] 15 times, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 5: 12ch (count as 1dtr and 8ch), [miss next 5dtr, 1dtr into next dtr, 8ch] 15 times, miss next 5dtr, sl st to 4th of 12ch. Cast off.


Barnacle motif


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, [1dc into ring, 3ch, 1dtr into ring, 3ch] 8 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: Sl st into each of next 3ch and into dtr, [12ch, 1tr into 9th ch from hook, 3ch, sl st to top of next dtr] 8 times.

Round 3: Sl st into each of next 4ch, 3ch (count as 1tr), *[1htr, 7dc, 1htr] into next 8ch sp, 1tr into next tr, miss last 3ch of same segment and 1st 3ch of next segment**, 1tr into next ch, (i.e. opposite side of same ch as tr of round 2); rep from * 6 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc inserting hook under sl st which joined round 3, *3ch, miss [1htr and 1dc], 1dc into next dc, 3ch, miss 1dc, [1dc, 4ch, 1dc] into next dc, 3ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc, 3ch, miss [1dc, 1htr and 1tr]**, 1dc between 2tr, miss 1tr; rep from * 6 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Geometric circle


Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 29tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. (30 tr)

Round 2: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), miss next 2tr, [1tr into next tr, 3ch, miss next 2tr] 9 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same place as last sl st, 3ch, [3tr into next tr, 3ch] 9 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of next 2tr, 4ch, [1tr into each of next 3tr, 4ch] 9 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of next 2tr, 5ch, [1tr into each of next 3tr, 5ch] 9 times, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Spiral hexagon


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: [6ch, 1dc into ring] 6 times, sl st into 1st 3ch of 1st sp.

Round 2: [4ch, 1dc into next 6ch sp] 6 times, working last dc into sl st before the 1st 4ch sp.

Round 3: [4ch, 2dc into next 4ch sp, 1dc into next dc] 6 times,, working last dc into last dc at end of last round.

Round 4: * 4ch, 2dc into next 4ch sp, 1dc into each of next 2dc; rep from * to end.

Round 5: *4ch, 2dc into next 4ch sp, 1dc into each of next 3dc; rep from * to end. Cont in this way, working 1 more dc in each group on each round until motif is the required size, ending with a sl st into next dc. Cast off.


Popcorn wheel square


Special abbreviation:

Popcorn = see here.

Round 1: 3ch, 4tr popcorn into ring (counts as 5tr popcorn), [3ch, 5tr popcorn into ring] 7 times, 3ch, sl st to 1st popcorn.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into next 3ch sp, [9tr into next sp, 2tr into next sp] 3 times, 8tr into last sp, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 1dc into each of next 2 sts, *into next 9tr group work 1dc into each of 1st 3tr, miss 1tr, [1htr, 4tr, 1htr] into next tr, miss 1tr, **1dc into each of last 3tr, 1dc into each of next 2 sts; rep from * twice more and from * to ** again, 1dc into each of last 2tr, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.




Special abbreviation:

Bobble = dtr4tog.

Base ring: 7ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 13tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. (14tr)

Round 2: 9ch (count as 1dtr and 5ch), 1dtr into next tr, [5ch, 1dtr into next tr] 12 times, 5ch, sl st to 4th of 9ch.

Round 3: 4ch, hold back last loop of each dtr, 3dtr into 1st sp, yo and draw through all 4 sps on hook (count as 1st bobble), [5ch, bobble into next 5ch sp] 13 times, 5ch, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 4: Sl st into next 5ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same sp, [5ch, 3tr into next 5ch sp] 13 times, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Cross panel


Special abbreviations:

4tr cluster = 1tr into each of next 4tr until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 5 loops on hook.

4tr bobble or 5tr bobble = 4tr (or 5tr) into next ch until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 5 (or 6) loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 15tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 3ch, 1tr into each of next 3tr, [7ch, 1tr into each of next 4tr] 3 times, 7ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 3ch, 1tr into each of next 3tr until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 4 loops on hook (1 cluster made at beg of round), 5ch, miss 3ch, [1tr, 5ch, 1tr] into next ch, 5ch, *4tr cluster over next 4tr, 5ch, miss 3ch, [1tr, 5ch, 1tr] into next ch, 5ch; rep from * twice more, sl st into top of 1st cluster.

Round 4: 1ch, *1dc into top of cluster, 1dc into each of next 5ch, 1dc into next tr, 2ch, 4tr bobble into next ch, 5ch, miss 1ch, 5tr bobble into next ch, 5ch, miss 1ch, 4tr bobble into next ch, 2ch, 1dc into next tr, 1dc into each of next 5ch; rep from * 3 times more, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Crystal hexagon


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [1tr into ring, 2ch] 5 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 2: 4ch, 2dtr in same place as sl st, *2ch, 1dtr into next sp, 3ch, sl st into last dtr, 2ch**, 3dtr into next dtr; rep from * 4 more times, then from * to ** again, sl st to top of 4ch. Work in back loop only of each dtr from now on.

Round 3: 4ch, 1dtr into same place as sl st, *1dtr into next dtr, 2dtr in next dtr, 7ch**, 2dtr in 1st dtr of next 3dtr group; rep from * 4 more times, then from * to ** again, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 4: 4ch, 1dtr into same place as sl st, *1dtr into each of next 3 dtr, 2dtr into next dtr, 4ch, miss 1st 3ch of next 7ch, 1dc into next ch, 3ch, 1dc into same sp, 4ch**, 2dtr into next dtr; rep from * 4 more times, then from * to ** again, sl st to top of 4ch. Cast off.


Galaxy motif


Special abbreviations:

Puff st = see here, work 5htr leaving last loop of each st on hook, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Cluster = see here, work 3tr over sts indicated leaving last loop on hook, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 6ch (count as 1dtr and 2ch), [1dtr into ring, 2ch] 7 times, sl st to 4th of 6ch. (8 sps)

Round 2: 2ch, htr4tog into next sp (counts as puff st), [7ch, puff st into next sp] 7 times, 7ch, sl st to top of 1st puff st.

Round 3: Sl st into each of next 3ch, 1ch, 3dc into same sp, [9ch, 3dc into next sp] 7 times, 8ch, 1dc into 1st dc.

Round 4: 3ch, tr2tog over next 1dc and next ch missing dc between (counts as cluster), *2ch, miss 1ch, 1tr into next ch, 2ch, skip1ch, [1tr, 3ch, 1tr] into next ch, 2ch, miss 1ch, 1tr into next ch, 2ch, miss 1ch**, cluster over [next ch, 2nd of next 3dc and next ch]; rep from * 6 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st cluster. Cast off.


Flemish motif


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (16 sts)

Round 2: 12ch (count as 1dtr and 8ch), miss 1st 2dc, [1dtr into next dc, 8ch, miss 1dc] 7 times, sl st to 4th of 12ch.

Round 3: 1ch, *[1dc, 1htr, 1tr, 3dtr, 4ch, insert hook down through top of dtr just made and work a sl st to close, 2dtr, 1tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next 8ch sp; rep from * 7 more times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Boat steer


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 10dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [4ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc] 4 times, 4ch, miss 1dc, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: [Sl st into next 4ch sp, 5dc into same loop] 5 times, sl st to 1st sl st.

Cast off.


Amanda whorl


Segment 1

Base ring: Using A, 12ch, join with sl st.

Row 1 (RS): 4ch (count as 1dtr), [1dtr into ring, 6ch, 1tr into top of dtr just made, 1dtr into ring] 3 times, 1dtr into ring, 2ch, 10dtr into ring, turn.

Row 2: Work a picot of [5ch, sl st to 5th ch from hook], *miss 1st dtr, 1dc into each of next 9dtr, change to next colour, turn.

Segment 2

1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 3ch, miss 3dc, 1dc into next dc, 9ch, sl st to 1st dc to complete joined base ring.

Row 1: As given for Segment 1.

Row 2: 2ch, 1dc into picot of previous Segment, 3ch, sl st to 1st ch of row to complete picot, cont as for Segment 1 from *.

Work 5 more Segments as Segment 2 using C, D, A, B and C.

Segment 8

Using D, work as for previous Segments, except also join to Segment 1 during row 2 as follows: 2ch, 1dc into picot of Segment 7, 1ch, 1dc into picot of Segment 1, 2ch, sl st to 1st ch of row to complete picot, miss 1st dtr, 1dc into each of next 5dtr, sl st to Segment 1, 1dc into each of next 4dtr, sl st to Segment 1. Cast off.

Centre ring

Using A, work inward round centre to make edging as follows: join into any dc, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, [1dc into next picot, 1dc into side of next dc] 7 times, 1dc into next picot, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Celtic motif


Base ring: Using A, 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: Work a Leaf of [3ch, 2tr into ring, 3ch, sl st into ring] 4 times. Cast off.

Round 2: Join B into same place, 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), miss next Leaf, *[1tr, 3ch, 1tr] into sl st, 3ch, miss next Leaf; rep from * twice more, 1tr into next sl st, 3ch, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *work a Leaf of [3ch, 3tr into next 3ch sp, 3ch, 1dc into next tr]; rep from * 7 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 4: Join C into same place, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *4ch, miss next Leaf, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 7 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 3ch (count as 1tr), 4tr into next 4ch sp, [2ch, 5tr into next sp] 7 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, 1dc into each of next 4tr, *[1dc, 3ch, insert hook down through top of dc just made and work sl st to close, 1dc] into next 2ch sp**, 1dc into each of next 5tr; rep from * 6 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Astro waves


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch, [1tr into ring, 1ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 2: [3ch, 1dc into next tr] 8 times, working last dc into 1st of 1st 3ch. (8 3ch loops).

Round 3: 1ch, [1dc into next 3ch sp, 6ch] 8 times, sl st to 1st dc. (8 6ch sps)

Round 4: Sl st into each of 1st 3ch of next 6ch sp, 1dc into same 6ch sp, 6ch, [1dc into next 6ch sp] 7 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into same place, *[2tr, 4ch, 2tr] into next 6ch sp, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 6 more times, [2tr, 4ch, 2tr] into next 6ch sp, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: Sl st into each of 1st 2 tr, [1dc into next 4ch sp, 8ch] 8 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: *[1dc, 1htr, 2tr, 1dtr, 2tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next 8ch sp, sl st into next dc; rep from * 7 more times, working last sl st into 1st dc.

Round 8: Sl st into each of 1st dc, htr, 2tr and dtr, 1dc in same dtr, 11ch, [1dc in next dtr, 11ch] 7 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 9: *[2dc, 2htr, 2tr, 4dtr, 2tr, 2htr, 2dc] into next 11ch loop, sl st into next dc; rep from * 7 more times, working last sl st into 1st dc.

Cast off.


Lazy wheel


Special abbreviation:

Corded dc = working from left to right, insert hook into each stitch and complete as for dc.

Segment 1

17ch, sl st into 8th ch from hook.

Row 1: 1dc into next ch, 1htr into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 2tr into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 2dtr into next ch, 1dtr into next ch, 2trtr into next ch, 1trtr into last ch, 1ch. Do not turn.

Row 2: Work corded dc back from left to right inserting hook under front loop only of each st, ending sl st into ring.

Segment 2

Row 1: Working behind corded dc row into back loop only of row 1 of previous Segment, 1dc into 1st st, 1htr into next st, 1tr into next st, 2tr into next st, 1tr into next st, 2dtr into next st, 1dtr into next st, 2trtr into next st, 1trtr into next st, 1ch. Do not turn.

Row 2: Complete as for Segment 1.

Segments 3–10

Work as given for Segment 2.

Cast off, leaving enough yarn to sew Segment 10 to Segment 1 on WS.


Row 1 (RS): Rejoin yarn at tip of any Segment in corded edge row, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, [7ch, 1dc into tip of next Segment] 9 times, 7ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Row 2: 1ch, 2dc into same place as 1ch, *7dc into next sp**, 2dc into next dc; rep from * 8 more times and from * to ** again, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Tea rose


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1tr, 2ch), miss next dc, [1tr into next dc, 2ch, miss 1dc] 7 times, sl st into 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next 2ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 1tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 8 2ch sps, sl st to 1st dc. (8 petals)

Round 4: Working behind each petal, sl st into base of each of next 2 sts, 1ch, 1dc into base of same tr as last sl st, [3ch, miss 4 sts, 1dc into base of next tr] 7 times, 3ch, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 5: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 8 3ch sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: Working behind each petal, sl st into base of each of next 3 sts, 1ch, 1dc into base of same tr as last sl st, [5ch, miss 6 sts, 1dc into base of next tr] 7 times, 5ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into next 5ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 5tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 8 5ch sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 8: Working behind each petal, sl st into base of each of next 4 sts, 1ch, 1dc into base of same tr as last sl st, [7ch, miss 8 sts, 1dc into base of next tr] 7 times, 7ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 9: Sl st into next 7ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 7tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 8 7ch sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 10: Working behind each petal, sl st into base of each of next 5 sts, 1ch, 1dc into base of same tr as last sl st, [9ch, miss 10 sts, 1dc into base of next tr] 7 times, 9ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 11: Sl st into next 9ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 9tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 8 9ch sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Celestial cluster


Base ring: 3ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 10dc into ring, join with sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: [3ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc] 5 times, working last dc into base of 1st 3ch.

Round 3: *[1dc, 1htr, 1tr, 2ch, 1tr, 1htr, 1dc, 1ch] into each 3ch sp around sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: Sl st into last 1ch sp, 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), *[3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next 2ch sp, 1ch**, 1tr into next 1ch sp, 1ch; rep from * 3 more times, then from * to ** again, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 5: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), 1tr into same place, 3ch, *[1dc, 3ch, 1dc] into next 2ch sp, 3ch, miss next 3tr and 1ch sp**, [1tr, 1ch, 1tr] into next tr, 3ch; rep from * 3 more times, then from * to ** again, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Cast off.


Window pane


Base chain: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 7ch (count as 1dtr and 3ch), 1dtr into same dc as sl st, *10ch, miss 2 dc, [1dtr, 3ch, 1dtr] into next dc; rep from * twice more, 5ch, 1dtr into 4th of 7ch.

Round 3: *3dtr into next 3ch sp, 4ch, sl st into last dtr (picot) [4dtr, picot, 4dtr, picot, 3dtr] into same 3ch sp, 1dc into next 10ch sp; rep from * 3 times more working last dc into sp formed by last dtr of previous round, sl st to 1st dtr of round.

Cast off.


Samosa motif


Note: On rounds 1 and 2, draw tr loops up to 1.3cm (½in).

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st to form ring.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr, 1ch), 1tr into ring, *[2ch, 1tr, 1ch, 1tr] 5 times, 2ch, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 2: *1dc into next sp, [1tr, 1ch] twice into next sp, 1tr into same sp; rep from * 5 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 4ch (count as 1tr, 1ch), *[1dc into next 1ch sp, 1ch] twice, (1 long tr drawing loop up to 2.5cm/1in, 1ch, 1 long tr, 5ch, 1 long tr, 1ch, 1 long tr) into next dc for a corner group, [1ch, 1dc into next 1ch sp] twice, 1ch**, 1tr into next dc, 1ch; rep from * once more, then from * to ** again, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.


Tribal star


Base ring: 9ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 23tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 10ch (count as 1tr, 8ch), 1dc into 4th ch from hook, 1tr into each of next 4ch, miss 1tr into ring, 1tr into next tr, *8ch, 1dc in 4th ch from hook, 1tr into each of next 4 ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr; rep from * 9 more times, 8ch, 1dc into 4th ch from hook, 1tr into each of next 4 ch, sl st to 3rd of 10ch.

Cast off.




Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), [1tr, 1ch] 11 times into ring, sl st to 3rd of 4ch. (12 tr)

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into 1st 1ch sp, 4ch, [miss 2tr, 1dc into next 1ch sp, 4ch] 5 times, sl st to 1st dc. (6 4ch sps)

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same dc as last sl st, *1ch, [1 long tr drawing loop up to 2.5cm/1in, 1ch] 4 times into next 4ch sp, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 4 more times, 1ch [1 long tr, 1ch] 4 times into next 4ch sp, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 5ch (count as 1dtr, 1ch), 1dtr into same place as last sl st, 1ch, *miss 2 long tr, 1dc into next 1ch sp, 1ch, [1dtr, 1ch] 4 times into next dc; rep from * 5 more times, ending [1dtr, 1ch] twice into same place as last sl st of previous round, sl st to 4th of 5ch.

Cast off.


Bean cluster


Special abbreviation:

Puff = [yo, insert hook in sp indicated and pull up loop] twice, yo and draw through all 5 loops on hook.

Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, [puff into ring, 1ch] 8 times, sl st to top of 1st puff.

Round 2: 1ch, *[puff, 1ch] twice into next ch sp; rep from * 7 more times, sl st to top of 1st puff.

Round 3: Sl st into ch sp between 1st 2 puffs, 3ch (count as 1tr), 4tr into same ch sp, [miss next ch sp, 5tr into next ch sp] 7 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.




Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 17tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 8ch (count as 1tr, 5ch), [1tr into next tr, 5ch] 17 times, sl st to 3rd of 8ch.

Round 3: Sl st into each of next 3ch of 1st sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into same ch as last sl st, *2dc into 2nd part of sp and 2dc into 1st part of next sp, [1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into centre ch of same sp; rep from * 16 more times, 2dc into 2nd part of last sp, 2dc into 1st part of 1st sp, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: Sl st into 1st ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into same sp as last sl st, 1dc into each of next 6dc, *[1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into next ch sp, 1dc into each of next 6dc; rep from * 16 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: Sl st into 1st ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into same sp as last sl st, 1dc into each of next 8dc, *[1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into next ch sp, 1dc into each of next 8dc; rep from * 16 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: Sl st into 1st ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into same sp as last sl st, 1dc into each of next 10dc, *[1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into next ch sp, 1dc into each of next 10dc; rep from * 16 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into 1st ch sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp as last sl st, 5ch, [1dc into next ch sp, 5ch] 17 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 8: 1ch, 1dc into 1st dc of previous round, 3ch, 1dc into next 5ch sp, [3ch, 1dc into next dc, 3ch, 1dc into next 5ch sp] 17 times, 3ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 9: Sl st into 1st ch of 1st 3ch sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp as last sl st, *4ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp; rep from * to end, 4ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 10: Sl st into each of 1st 2ch of 1st 4ch sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp as last sl sts, *5ch, 1dc into next 4ch sp; rep from * to end, 5ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.



Snail shell


Special abbreviations:

Popcorn = work 3tr into st, drop loop from hook and insert hook into the 1st of these 3tr and pick up dropped loop, tighten and draw loop through, 1ch.

Long tr (long treble crochet) = yo, insert hook in designated st or row, pull up long loop on hook, (yo, pull through 2 loops on hook) 2 times.

Base ring: Using A, 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 2ch, 12tr into ring, sl st to 1st tr (not in 2ch).

Round 2: 2ch, popcorn into same place as sl st, [2ch, popcorn into next tr] 11 times, 2ch (12 popcorns), draw B through, sl st to back loop of 1st popcorn.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [1dc into next 2ch sp, 1 long tr into base of next popcorn, 1dc into same 2ch sp, 1dc into back loop of top of same popcorn as last long tr] 12 times, missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to back loop of 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc into back loop of each st around, sl st to 1st dc, drop B, draw A through loop.

Round 5: 2ch, 1 popcorn into same place as last sl st, [2ch, miss 2dc, 1 popcorn into next dc] 15 times, 2ch (16 popcorns), sl st to back loop of 1st popcorn, draw B through loop. Cast off A.

Round 6: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [1dc in next 2ch sp, 1 long tr into each of 2dc between popcorns, 1dc into same 2ch sp] 16 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: 1ch, 1dc into each st around, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.




Special abbreviation:

Trtr2tog = 2trtr into next sp until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1trtr), 19trtr into 1st ch, sl st to 5th ch of 5ch. (20trtr)

Round 2: 8ch (count as 1trtr, 3ch), [1trtr into next trtr, 3ch] 19 times, sl st to 5th of 8ch. (20 sps)

Round 3: Sl st into 1st sp, 5ch (count as 1trtr), 1trtr into same sp as sl st, 6ch, [1 trtr2tog into next sp, 6ch] 19 times, sl st to top of 1st trtr.

Round 4: Sl st into each of 1st 3ch of 1st sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp as sl sts, [8ch, 1dc into next 6ch sp] 19 times, 4ch, 1trtr to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into sp just formed, 9ch, [1dc into next 8ch sp, 9ch] 19 times, sl st into 1st dc.

Cast off.


Bird of paradise


Flower petals: *20ch, miss 2ch, 1dc into each of next 2ch, 1htr into next ch, 1tr into each of next 2ch, 1dtr into each of next 2ch, holding back last loop of each dtr, 1dtr into each of next 2ch, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook, 1tr into each of next 3 ch, 1htr into next ch, sl st into each of last 5ch; rep from * 5 more times. (6 petals made)

Flower base: 1ch, 1dc in base of each of 6 petals, 5ch, turn. Holding back last loop of each dtr, 1dtr into each of 1st 5dc, 2dtr into last dc, yo and through all 8 loops on hook.

Stem: 30ch, miss 2ch, 1htr into each ch to base of flower, sl st to base of flower.

Cast off.


Six-point motif


Special abbreviations:

Bobble = 3tr into next st until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Picot = 3ch, sl st into 1st of these ch.

Round 1: 2ch, 12dc into 2nd ch from hook, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), miss 1st dc, 1tr into next dc, 3ch, [1tr into each of next 2dc, 3ch] 5 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next next tr and 3ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 3 loops on hook (bobble made at beg of round), 3ch, 1 bobble] into same 3ch sp, 7ch, *[1 bobble, 3ch, 1 bobble] into next 3ch sp, 7ch; rep from * 4 more times, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 4: 2sl sts into 1st 3ch sp, 1ch, 1dc into same sp, *[6tr, 1 picot, 6tr] into next 7ch sp, 1dc into next 3ch sp; rep from * 5 more times, missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.




Base ring: 9ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1dtr), 2dtr into same st as last sl st, 3dtr into next dc, [7ch, miss 2dc, 3dtr into each of next 2dc] 3 times, 7ch, sl st to top of 5ch.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, *1tr into next dtr, 2tr into next dtr, 4ch, sl st through top of last tr (picot), 2tr into next dtr, 1tr into next dtr, 1dc into next dtr, 7dc into next 7ch sp, 1dc into next dtr; rep from * 3 times more, missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.




Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same dc, [3ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc] 5 times, 3ch, miss 1dc, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: *[1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next 3ch sp; rep from * 5 more times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 4: Working in back of petals, join yarn in back loop of dc on round 2 below last and 1st petals, [5ch, 1dc in back loop of next dc on round 2 below next 2 petals] 5 times, 5ch, 1dc into joining st.

Round 5: *[1dc, 1htr, 5tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next 5ch sp; rep from * 5 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.

Round 6: Rep round 4 with 7ch instead of 5ch for each ch sp.

Round 7: 11dc into each 7ch sp, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Hamster wheel


Base ring: 12ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 24dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 12ch, miss next dc, 1dc into next dc, turn, *3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of 1st 7ch of 12ch sp, turn, 3ch, miss 1st tr, 1tr into each of next 6tr, 1tr into top of 3ch, (one block made)**, miss next dc on ring, 1dtr into next dc, 8ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc, turn; rep from * 4 more times, then from * to ** again, sl st to 4th of 12ch.

Round 3: Sl st to 3rd of 3ch at top corner of 1st block, 1ch, 1dc into top of 3ch, 13ch, [1dc into 3rd of 3ch at top of next block, 13ch] 5 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), 1tr into same place as last sl st, [1ch, miss 1ch, 1tr into next ch] 6 times, 1ch *[1tr, 3ch, 1tr] into next dc, [1ch, miss 1ch, 1tr into next ch] 6 times, 1ch; rep from * 4 more times, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Cast off.


Appliqué square


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 15tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, 1dc into next tr, *[1dc, 7ch, 1dc] into next tr, 1dc into each of next 3tr; rep from * 3 more times missing 2dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, *[2htr, 17tr, 2htr] into next 7ch sp (1 shell made), miss 2dc, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 3 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: Sl st into each of 1st 2htr and 6tr of 1st shell, 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, 9ch, miss 5tr, 1dc into next tr, *7ch, miss 1st 2htr and 5tr on next shell, 1dc into next tr, 9ch, miss 5tr, 1dc into next tr; rep from * twice more, 7ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 3ch, *[8tr, 1dtr, 8tr] into next 9ch sp, 1tr into next dc, 7tr into next 7ch sp, 1tr into next dc; rep from * 3 more times missing 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Solar system


Special abbreviation:

Picot = 3ch, sl st to 1st of these ch.

Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 5dc into ring, 1 picot, [8dc into ring, 1 picot] twice, 3dc into ring, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, *12ch, miss [4dc, 1 picot, 3dc], 1dc into next dc; rep from * once more, 12ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st 12ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 2tr, 9dtr, 2tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 3 sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: *1ch, 1dc into next htr, 1ch, [1tr into next st, 1ch] 13 times, 1dc into next htr, 1ch, sl st into each of next 2dc; rep from * twice more missing 1 sl st at end of last rep.

Round 5: Sl st into each of 1st [sl st, ch sp, dc and ch sp], 1ch, [1dc, 4ch, 1dc] into same ch sp as last sl st, [1dc, 4ch, 1dc] into each of next 13 ch sps, *1ch, sl st into each of next [dc, ch sp, 2 sl sts, ch sp, dc and ch sp], 1ch, [1dc, 4ch, 1dc] into same sp as last sl st, [1dc, 4ch, 1dc] into each of next 13 ch sps; rep from * once more, 1ch, sl st into each of last [dc, ch sp and sl st].

Cast off.


Pulsar motif


Special abbreviations:

Picot = 5ch, insert hook through top of last tr made, sl st to close.

V st = [2tr, 2ch, 2tr].

Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 8ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook (counts as 1tr and picot), *4tr into ring, picot; rep from * 6 more times, 3tr into ring, sl st to 3rd of 8ch. (8 picots)

Round 2: Sl st into each of next 2ch, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same picot, *4ch, V st into next picot; rep from * 6 more times, 4ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next tr and next ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same sp, *6ch, V st into next V st ch sp; rep from * 6 more times, 6ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next tr and next ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same sp, *8ch, V st into next V st ch sp; rep from * 6 more times, 8ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: Sl st into next tr and 2ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 4tr into same ch sp, *1dc into each of next 8ch, 5tr into next 2ch sp; rep from * 6 more times, 1dc into each of next 8ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.




Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 15dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 5ch, miss 1st 3dc, [sl st into next dc, 5ch, miss 2dc] 4 times, sl st into sl st at end of previous round.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st 5ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 5tr, 1htr, 1dc] into same sp and each of next 4 sps, sl st to 1st dc. (5 petals)

Round 4: 1ch, working behind each petal of previous round, 1 sl st into last sl st on round 2, 8ch, [1 sl st into next sl st on round 2, 8ch] 4 times, sl st to same st as 1st sl st at beg of round.

Round 5: Sl st into 1st 8ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 8tr, 1htr, 1dc] into same sp and each of next 4 sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: 2ch, working behind each petal of previous round 1sl st into last sl st on round 2, 10ch, [1sl st into next sl st on round 2, 10ch] 4 times, sl st to same st as 1st sl st at beg of round.

Round 7: Sl st into 1st 10ch sp, 1ch, 15dc into same sp and into each of next 4 sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 8: Sl st into next dc, *[4ch, miss 1dc, sl st into next dc] 6 times, turn, 2 sl sts into 1st 4ch sp, [4ch, sl st into next 4ch sp] 5 times, turn, 2 sl sts into 1st 4ch sp, [4ch, sl st into next 4ch sp] 4 times, turn, 2 sl sts into 1st 4ch sp, [4ch, sl st into next 4ch sp] 3 times, turn, 2 sl sts into 1st 4ch sp, [4ch, sl st into next 4ch sp] twice, turn, 2 sl sts into 1st 4ch sp, 4ch sl st into next sp and cast off*. [With RS facing, miss next 2dc on round 7, rejoin yarn to next dc and rep from * to *] 4 more times.


Spanish square


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. (16 sts)

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, [7ch, miss 3 sts, 1dc into next st] 3 times, 7ch, miss 3 sts, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: Sl st across to 3rd ch of next 7ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same sp, *[3ch, 2tr] into same sp, 3ch, tr2tog inserting hook into same sp for 1st leg and into next sp for 2nd leg, 3ch, 2tr into same sp; rep from * 3 more times, missing 2tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next tr and next ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same sp, *[3ch, 2tr] into same sp, 3ch, miss 2tr, 1tr into each of next 3ch, 1tr into next tr2tog, 1tr into each of next 3ch, 3ch, miss 2tr, 2tr into next sp; rep from * 3 more times, missing 2tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: Sl st into next tr and next ch sp, 3ch, 2tr into same sp, *[3ch, 3tr] into same sp, 6ch, miss [2tr, 3ch, 1tr], 1tr into each of next 5tr, 6ch, miss [1tr, 3ch, 2tr], 3tr into next 3ch sp; rep from * 3 more times, missing 3tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of next 2tr, *[3tr, 5ch, 3tr] into next 3ch sp, 1tr into each of next 3tr, 6ch, miss [6ch and 1tr], 1tr into each of next 3tr, 6ch, miss [1tr and 6ch], 1tr into each of next 3tr; rep from * 3 more times, missing 3tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Traffic lights


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 2dc into ring, *13ch, sl st into 6th ch from hook, 3ch, miss 3ch, sl st into next ch, 3ch, sl st into side of last dc worked, 4dc into ring; rep from * 3 more times missing 2dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc. (4 points made)

Round 2: *[1dc, 3tr, 1dc] into each of 1st 2 sps on next point, 1dc into top sp of same point, [3tr, 1dc] twice into same top sp, then working on other side of loop [1dc, 3tr, 1dc] into each of next 2 sps, 1sl st into each of next 3 dc on 1st round; rep from * 3 more times missing 1sl st at end of last rep.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same dc as last sl st, *16ch, 1dc into centre dc at top of point, 16ch, 1dc into centre sl st between 2 points on 1st round; rep from * 3 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, *1dc into each of next 16ch, 1dc into next dc, 1dc into each of next 16ch, miss 1dc; rep from * 3 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


La fleur de vie


Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 23tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into next tr, 2tr into next tr, [1tr into each of next 2tr, 2tr into next tr] 7 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 3ch, 2tr into next tr, 2ch, [1tr into each of next 3tr, 2tr into next tr, 2ch] 7 times, 1tr into each of last 2tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch, 1tr into each of next 2tr, 2ch, 1tr into next 2ch sp, 2ch, [1tr into each of next 5tr, 2ch, 1tr into next 2ch sp, 2ch] 7 times, 1tr into each of last 2tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch, 1tr into next tr, 5ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr, [5ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into each of next 3tr, 5ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr] 7 times, 5ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into last tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: 11ch (count as 1tr and 8ch), miss next tr, 1tr into next tr, [8ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr] 14 times, 8ch, sl st to 3rd of 11ch.

Cast off.




Special abbreviation:

Picot = 3ch, sl st into 1st of these ch.

Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 15tr into ring, sl st into top of 3ch.

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1tr, 2ch), [1tr into next tr, 2ch] 15 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: 1ch, 3dc into each of the 16 2ch sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc into same dc as last sl st, *6ch, miss 5 dc, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 6 more times, 6ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: Sl st into 1st 6ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 6tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 8 6ch sps, sl st to 1st dc. (8 petals worked)

Round 6: 1ch, working behind each petal of previous round, 1dc into 1st dc on round 4, *7ch, 1dc into next dc on round 4; rep from * 6 more times, 7ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into 1st 7ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 7tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 8 7ch sps, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 8: 1ch, working behind each petal of previous round, 1dc into 1st dc on round 6, *8ch, 1dc into next dc on round 6; rep from * 6 more times, 8ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 9: Sl st into 1st 8ch sp, 1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1 picot, 3tr, 1 picot, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each of the 8 8ch sps, sl st to 1st dc.


Star bright


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 9tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1dtr and 1ch), [1dtr into next tr, 1ch] 9 times, sl st to 4th of 5ch.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st sp, 11ch (count as 1tr and 8ch), [1tr into same sp, 2tr into next sp, 1tr into next sp, 8ch] 4 times, 1tr into same sp, 2tr into next sp, sl st to 3rd of 11ch.

Round 4: Sl st into 1st 8ch sp, 3ch, 11tr into same sp, [miss 1tr, 1tr into each of next 2tr, miss 1tr, 12tr into next sp] 4 times, miss 1tr, 1tr into each of next 2tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: *[3ch, sl st into each of next 2tr] 5 times, 3ch, sl st into each of next 4tr; rep from * 4 times more missing 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to 1st of 1st 3ch.

Cast off.


Eyelet square


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [10ch, miss 3dc, 1dc into next dc] 3 times, 10ch, miss 3dc, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [11dc into next 10ch sp, 1dc into next dc] 3 times, 11dc into next 10ch sp, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, 1dc into each of next 5dc, [2dc into next dc to form corner, 1dc into each of next 11sts] 3 times, 2dc into next dc, 1dc into each of next 5dc, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into each dc and 2dc in 1st dc of increase at each corner, sl st to 1st dc.

Rep round 5 for desired size.

Cast off.


Magdalene motif


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 6ch (count as 1dtr, 2ch), *dtr in ring, 2ch; rep from * around 6 times more, join with sl st in 4th of 6ch.

Round 2: Sl st in next sp, 4ch (count as 1dtr), 4dtr in same sp, *2ch, 5dtr in next sp; rep from * around, 2ch, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 3: 4ch (count as 1dtr), 1dtr in same place as sl st, 1dtr in next 4dtr, *1dtr in 1st ch of 2ch, 3ch, 1dtr in next ch of same 2ch, 1dtr in next 5 dtr; rep from * around to last 2ch sp, 1dtr in 1st ch of 2ch, 3ch, sl st to top of 4ch.

Cast off.




Base ring: 9ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 18dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 9ch, 1dc into 4th ch from hook, 1htr into each of next 2ch, 1tr into each of next 3ch, miss 1st 3dc on ring, sl st into next dc, *9ch, 1dc into 4th ch from hook, 1htr into each of next 2ch, 1tr into each of next 3ch, miss next 2 dc on ring, sl st into next dc; rep from * 4 times more placing last sl st into same st as sl st of previous round. Cast off.


Begonia square


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = work 5dtr until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 6 loops on hook.

Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: Using A, 4ch, work 4dtr until loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 5 loops on hook (count as 1st bobble), 4ch, *[bobble, 4ch into ring] 7 times, sl st to top of 1st bobble. Cast off A.

Round 2: Join B to a 4ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 3tr into same sp, *4tr into next sp, 6ch, 4tr into next sp; rep from * twice more, 4tr into next sp, 6ch, sl st to top of 3ch (count as 1tr). Cast off.


Summer spiral


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 6ch (count as 1dtr and 2ch), [1dtr into ring, 2ch] 7 times, sl st to 4th of 6ch.

Round 2: Sl st into next sp, 4ch (count as 1dtr), 4dtr into same sp, [2ch, 5dtr into next sp] 7 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 3: 4ch, 1dtr into each of next 4dtr, [1dtr into 1st ch of next 2ch, 3ch, 1dtr into next ch of same 2ch, 1dtr into each of next 5dtr] 7 times, 1dtr into 1st ch of next 2ch, 3ch, 1dtr into next ch of same 2ch, sl st to top of 4ch. Cast off.


Prairie motif


Special abbreviation:

Popcorn = 4tr into next ch sp, drop loop from hook, insert hook under 2 loops at top of 1st of the 4tr and through dropped loop, draw loop through tr.

Base ring: Using A, 12ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1dtr, 1ch), [1dtr in ring, 1ch] 15 times, sl st to 4th of 5ch. (16ch sps)

Round 2: 4ch, 3tr into 1st ch sp, drop loop from hook, insert hook in 4th of 4ch and through dropped loop, draw loop through ch (count as 1st popcorn), 2ch, [popcorn, 2ch] 15 times, sl st to top of 4ch. Cast off A.

Round 3: Join B in any 2ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 3tr into same sp, 2ch, 4tr into same sp (corner), *[3ch, 1dc into next 2ch sp] 3 times, 3ch, [4tr, 2ch, 4tr] into next 2ch sp for corner; rep from * twice more, [3ch, 1dc into next 2ch sp] 3 times, 3ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st to 1st 2ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [3tr, 2ch, 4tr] into same sp, *1ch, miss next 3ch sp, [4tr into next 3ch sp, 1ch] twice, [4tr, 2ch, 4tr] into corner sp; rep from * twice more, 1ch, miss next 3ch sp, [4tr into next 3ch sp, 1ch] twice, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off B.

Round 5: Join A in a corner 2ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [3tr, 2ch, 4tr] into same sp, *[4tr into next 1ch sp] 3 times, [4tr, 2ch, 4tr] into corner sp; rep from * twice more, [4tr into next 1ch sp] 3 times, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Wagon wheel


Special abbreviation:

Puff st = [yo, insert hook into ring, draw up a loop] twice, yo and through all 5 loops on hook.

Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch, htr into ring (counts as 1st puff st), 1ch [puff st, 1ch], 7 times into ring, sl st to top of 1st puff st. (8 petals)

Round 2: Sl st into next ch sp, 3ch, 1tr into 1st ch sp, 2ch, [2tr, 2ch] into each of next 7ch sps, sl st into top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next ch sp, 3ch, [1tr, 1ch, 2tr, 1ch] into same ch sp, [2tr, 1ch] twice into each of next 7 ch sps, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next ch sp, 3ch, 2tr into same ch sp, 1ch, [3tr, 1ch] into each of next 15 ch sps, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: Sl st into next ch sp, 3ch, 3tr into same ch sp, 1ch, [4tr, 1ch] into each of next 15 ch sps, sl st to top of 3ch.

Rep rounds 4 and 5 as many times as desired for size but, after round 5, 2ch between tr groups.

Cast off.


Water wheel


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into ring, [2ch, 2tr into ring] 5 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same place as 3ch, 1tr into next tr, *3ch, miss 2ch, 3tr into next tr, 1tr into next tr; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, miss 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch. (6 segments of 4tr and 3ch).

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same place as 3ch, 1tr into next tr, tr2tog over next 2tr, *4ch, miss 3ch, 3tr into next tr, 1tr into next tr, tr2tog over next 2tr; rep from * 4 more times, 4ch, miss 3ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same place as 3ch, 1tr in each of next 2tr, tr2tog over next 2tr, *5ch, miss 4ch, 3tr into next tr, 1tr in each of next 2tr, tr2tog over next 2tr; rep from * 4 more times, 5ch, miss 4ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same place as 3ch, 1tr in each of next 3tr, tr2tog over next 2tr, *6ch, miss 5ch, 3tr into next tr, 1tr in each of next 3tr, tr2tog over next 2tr; rep from * 4 more times, 6ch, miss 5ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Rounds 6, 7 and 8: As round 5, but adding 1 more single tr in each tr block and 1 more ch in each ch sp on each round.

Cast off.


Dutch medallion


Special abbreviations:

2dtr bobble = leaving last loop of each on hook, work 2dtr into ring, yo, draw through all 3 loops on hook.

3dtr bobble = leaving last loop of each st on hook, work 3dtr into ring, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch, 2dtr bobble into ring, *6ch, 3dtr bobble into ring; rep from * 6 more times, 6ch, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 2: Sl st into each of next 3ch, 4ch, [2dtr bobble, 5ch, 3dtr bobble] into same sp, *5ch, [3dtr bobble, 7ch, 1tr] into next sp, 7ch**, [3dtr bobble, 5ch, 3dtr bobble] into next sp; rep from * twice more, then from * to ** again, sl st to top of 1st bobble. Cast off.


Maui orchid


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 19tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: [11ch, miss next tr, sl st into next tr] 9 times, 6ch, 1qtr into sl st at end of previous round.

Round 3: Sl st into loop just formed by qtr, 3ch, [2tr, 3ch, 3tr] into same loop, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into each of next 9 loops, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.

Note: After working round 3 it may be necessary to ease the shells of [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] to the centre of the loop formed in the previous round.


Petit point


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, [1dc into next dc, 2dc into next dc] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, [1dc into next dc, 3ch, miss 2dc] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: [(1dc, 1htr, 1tr, 1dtr, 1tr, 1htr, 1dc)] into next 3ch sp] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Maui wheel


Work as given for Maui Orchid (see left) but working 1 round each in colours A, B and C.


Old American square


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into ring, [2ch, 3tr into ring] 3 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: Sl st into 1st 2ch sp, 3ch, [2tr, 2ch, 3tr] into same sp to form corner, *1ch, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next 2ch sp to form corner; rep from * twice more, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st 2ch sp, 3ch, [2tr, 2ch, 3tr] into same sp to form corner, *[1ch, 3tr] into each 1ch sp along the side, [1ch, 3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next 2ch sp to form corner; rep from * twice more, [1ch, 3tr] into each 1ch sp along the side, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Rep round 3 for desired size. Cast off.


Daisy bloom


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into ring, [6ch, 3tr into ring] 5 times, 6ch, 1tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: *1ch, [1dc, 1htr, 7tr, 1htr, 1dc] into next 6ch sp, 1ch, miss 1tr, 1 sl st into next tr; rep from * 5 more times placing last sl st into top of 3ch at beg of previous round. Cast off.


Six-spoked wheel


Special abbreviations:

Picot = 6ch, 1dc in 4th ch from hook.

3dtr cluster = yo twice, insert hook into same place as last sl st, yo and pull through, [yo and pull through 2 loops on hook] twice, [yo twice, insert hook into next dtr, yo and pull through, (yo and pull through 2 loops on hook) twice] twice, yo and pull through last 4 loops on hook.

Left cluster = [yo twice, insert hook into next dtr, yo and pull through, (yo and pull through 2 loops on hook) twice] 3 times, yo twice, insert hook into same dtr, yo and pull through, [yo and pull through 2 loops on hook] twice, yo and pull through last 5 loops on hook.

Right cluster = yo twice, insert hook into next dtr, yo and pull through, [yo and pull through 2 loops on hook] twice, yo twice, insert hook into same dtr, yo and pull through, [yo and pull through 2 loops on hook] twice, [yo twice, insert hook into next dtr, yo and pull through, (yo and pull through 2 loops on hook) twice], twice, yo and pull through last 5 loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 4ch (count as 1dtr), 2dtr into same place as last sl st, [3ch, miss 1dc, 3dtr into next dc] 5 times, 3ch, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 3: 4ch, 1dtr into same place as last sl st, [1dtr into next dtr, 2dtr into next dtr, picot, 2ch, 2dtr into next dtr] 5 times, 1dtr into next dtr, 2dtr into next dtr, picot, 2ch, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 4: 4ch, 1dtr into same place as last sl st, [1dtr into each of next 3dtr, 2dtr into next dtr, 9ch, 2dtr into next dtr] 5 times, 1dtr into each of next 3dtr, 2dtr into next dtr, 9ch, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 5: 4ch, 3dtr cluster *5ch, 1sl st into next dtr, 5ch, left cluster, 6ch, miss 4ch, [1dc, 4ch, 1dc] into next ch, 6ch, miss 4ch, right cluster; rep from * 4 more times, 5ch, 1 sl st into next dtr, 5ch, 1 left cluster over next 3dtr, 6ch, miss 4ch, [1dc, 4ch, 1dc] into next ch, 6ch, miss 4ch, sl st to top of 1st cluster.

Cast off.


Astro motif


Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 17tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [5ch, miss 2tr, 1dc into next tr] 5 times, 5ch, sl st to 1st dc. (6 loops)

Drop A, draw B through loop on hook.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st 5ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 6tr into same 5ch sp, [7tr into next 5ch sp] 5 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Draw A through loop on hook, tighten B. Cast off.

Round 4: *Yo twice, insert hook from right to left behind next dc of round 2, yo and draw up loop to height of tr of round 3, [yo and draw through 2 loops] 3 times (1st dtr made), 1dc into each of next 7tr through back loops; rep from * 5 more times, sl st to top of 1st dtr.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [5ch, miss 3 sts, 1dc in next st] 11 times, 5ch, sl st to 1st dc. (12 loops) Drop A, draw C through loop on hook.

Round 6: Sl st into 1st 5ch sp, 3ch, 5tr into same 5ch sp, [6tr into next 5ch sp] 11 times, sl st to top of 3ch, draw A through loop on hook, tighten C and cast off.

Round 7: 1ch, yo 3 times, insert hook under tr of round 4, yo and draw up long loop, [yo and through 2 loops] 4 times (trtr worked around dtr), 2ch, trtr around same dtr, miss 1 st, *working through back loops, 1dc into each of next 10 sts, (1trtr, 2ch, 1trtr) around next dtr of round 4, miss 2 sts; rep from * 4 more times, 1dc into back loop of each of next 10 sts, sl st to 1st trtr.

Round 8: 1ch, *yo, insert hook behind 1st trtr, yo and draw up loop, yo and draw through 3 loops on hook (1htr worked around trtr), 3dc into next 2ch sp, 1htr around next trtr, 1dc into back loop of each of next 10 sts; rep from * 5 more times, sl st to 1st htr. Cast off.


Nanna square


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 15tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), (1tr into next tr, 2ch) 15 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch. (16 spokes)

Round 3: 3ch, [1tr, 3ch, 2tr] into 1st 2ch sp, *[2ch, 1dc into next 2ch sp] 3 times, 2ch**, [2tr, 3ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp; rep from * twice more, then from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch, [1tr, 3ch, 2tr] into same ch sp, *[2ch, 1dc into next 2ch sp] 4 times, 2ch ** [2tr, 3ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp; rep from * twice more, then from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: Sl st into next 3ch sp, 3ch, [1tr, 3ch, 2tr] into same ch sp, *[2ch, 1dc into next ch sp] 5 times, 2ch** [2tr, 3ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp; rep from * twice more, then from * to ** again, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Springtime blossom


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 15tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), 1tr into same st as last sl st, *1ch, miss 1tr, [1tr, 2ch, 1tr] into next tr; rep from * 6 more times, 1ch, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st 2ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same sp, *1ch, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 2ch sp; rep from * 6 more times, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next tr and 1st 2ch sp, 3ch, 6tr into same sp as last sl st, 1dc into next ch sp, [7tr into next 2ch sp, 1dc into next ch sp] 7 times, sl st into top of 3ch. Cast off.


Leaf over


Flower: 10ch, 1dc into 2nd ch from hook and into each of next 7 ch, 3dc into last ch, work on opposite side of ch, 1dc into each of next 6 ch, turn.

Row 2: 3ch, miss 1st st, working into back loops of sts, 1dc into each of next 6dc, 3dc into next dc, 1dc into each of next 6dc, turn.

Rep row 2 a further 3 times.

Cast off.




Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, [1dc in ring, 10ch] 8 times, sl st to 1st dc. Fasten off A.

Round 2: Join B at top of any 10ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into same sp, *[3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next sp for corner, 3tr into next sp; rep from * twice more, [3tr, 2ch, 3tr] into next sp, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off B.

Round 3: Join C in 2ch of any corner, 3ch, 2tr into same 2ch sp, [1tr into each of next 9tr, 3tr into next 2ch sp] 3 times, 1tr into each of next 9tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Fern leaf


Round 1: 18ch, sl st into 2nd ch from hook, 1dc into next ch, 1htr into next ch, 1tr into each of next 4 ch, 1dtr into each of next 5 ch, 1tr into each of next 2 ch, 1htr into next ch, 1dc in next ch, sl st into next ch. Cast off. Do not turn.

Round 2: Join yarn in 1st dc, 1dc into next st, 1htr into next st, 1tr into each of next 5 sts, 1htr into each of next 3 sts, 1dc into each of next 2 sts, sl st into each of next 3 sts.

Cast off.


Webbed flower


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = holding back last loop of each dtr, 5dtr into next sp, yo and draw through all 6 loops on hook.

Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [1tr, 2ch] 5 times into ring, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 2: Sl st into next sp, 4ch, holding back last loop of each dtr, 4dtr into same sp, yo and draw through all 5 loops on hook, *9ch, bobble in next sp; rep from * 4 more times, 9ch, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *9ch, miss 4ch, work bobble into next ch of 9ch, 9ch, 1dc into top of next bobble; rep from * 5 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Genesa crystal


Special abbreviations:

Petal = 1ch, 1dtr into next dc, 2ch, 1dtr into stem of last dtr two-thirds of the way down, 2ch, [1tr, 2ch] twice into stem of last dtr (two-thirds of the way down as before), 1tr two-thirds of the way down stem of 1st dtr, 1ch, 1dc into next tr.

Bobble = 3tr into next dc until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and through all 4 loops on hook.

Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 3ch, 2tr into same place as last sl st until 1 loop of each tr remains on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops, (1 bobble made at beg of round), [3ch, miss next dc, 1 bobble into next dc] 7 times, 3ch, sl st to top of 3ch at beg of round.

Round 3: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), 1dc into next 3ch sp, 3ch, [1tr into next bobble, 3ch, 1dc to next 3ch sp, 3ch] 7 times, sl st into 3rd of 6ch.

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, work 8 petals omitting dc at end of last petal, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Framed star


Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), [1tr into ring, 3ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 6ch. (8tr)

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), [4tr into next 3ch sp, 1tr into next tr] 7 times, 4tr into last 3ch sp, sl st to top of 3ch (40 tr made).

Cast off.

Round 3: Working behind all tr of round 2, attach yarn to top of any tr of round 1, *8ch (count as 1 long dc and 6ch), 1dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1htr into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 1dtr into next ch, 1trtr into last ch, [1 long dc into top of next tr of round 1, 6ch, 1dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1htr into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 1dtr into next ch, 1trtr into last ch] 7 times, sl st to 2nd of 1st 8ch. Cast off.

Round 4: Attach yarn to turning ch of any star point, 4ch [1dtr, 3ch, 2dtr] into same ch, *6ch, 1dc into turning ch of next star point, 6ch, [2dtr, 3ch, 2dtr] into turning ch of next star point (corner made); rep from * twice more, 6ch, 1dc into turning ch of next star point, 6ch, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 5: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into next dtr, [5tr into next 3ch sp (corner made), 1tr into each of next 2dtr, 6tr into next 6ch sp, 1tr into next dc, 6tr into next 6ch sp, 1tr into each of next 2dtr] 4 times missing 2tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr, 1ch, miss 1tr, *[1tr, 3ch, 1tr] into next tr (corner made), [1ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr] 10 times, 1ch, miss 1tr; rep from * twice more, [1tr, 3ch, 1tr] into next tr, [1ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr] 8 times, 1ch, miss 1tr, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Cast off.


Solidarity plaque


Motif 1

Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 8dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 2ch, 1tr into same place as sl st, *3ch, 1dc into next dc, 3ch, tr2tog in next dc; rep from * twice more, 3ch, 1dc into next dc, 3ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), [1tr, 3ch] twice into same place as last sl st, 1tr into next dc, 3ch, *[1tr, 3ch] 3 times into top of next tr2tog, 1tr into next dc, 3ch; rep from * twice more, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Motif 2

Follow pattern for 1st motif through round 2.

Round 3: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), sl st in 3ch sp of 1st motif corner group, 1ch, [1tr, 3ch] twice into same place as last sl st from previous round, 1tr into next dc, 3ch, *[1tr, 3ch] 3 times into top of next tr2tog, 1tr into next dc, 3ch; rep from * once more, (1tr, 3ch, 1tr) in next tr2tog, 2ch, sl st in 3ch sp of corresponding corner of motif 1, (1ch, 1tr) in same tr2tog, 3ch, 1tr in next dc, 3ch, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Join motif 3 to bottom edge of motif 1 as for motif 2.

Join motif 4 as for motif 2 except also join corresponding corner sps to motif 2.

Cast off.




Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 8ch, sl st into 5th ch from hook (picot), *4tr into ring, 5ch, sl st into top of last tr made (picot); rep from * 6 more times, ending 3tr into ring, sl st to 3rd of 8ch.

Round 2: Sl st into centre of 1st picot, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same picot, *4ch, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next picot (shell); rep from * 6 more times, 4ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next tr and into next 2ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same sp, *6ch, shell into 2ch sp of next shell; rep from * 6 more times, 6ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next tr and into next 2ch sp, 3ch, [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same ch sp, *8ch, shell into 2ch sp of next shell; rep from * 6 more times, 8ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: Sl st into next tr and into next 2ch sp, 3ch, 3tr into same sp, *1dc into each ch of next 8ch, 4tr into next 2ch sp; rep from * 6 more times, ending 1dc into each ch of next 8ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.




Special abbreviations:

2dtr bobble = 2dtr into next dc until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

3dtr bobble = 3dtr into next dc until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, [1dc into next dc, 2dc into next dc] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc. (18 dc made)

Round 3: 1ch, [1dc into each of next 2dc, 2dc into next dc] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc. (24 dc made)

Round 4: 1ch, [1dc into each of next 3dc, 2dc into next dc] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc. (30 dc made)

Round 5: 1ch, [1dc into each of next 4dc, 2dc into next dc] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc. (36 dc made)

Round 6: 1ch, [1dc into each of next 5dc, 2dc into next dc] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc. (42 dc made)

Round 7: 1ch, [1dc into each of next 6dc, 2dc into next dc] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc. (48 dc made)

Round 8: 4ch, 2dtr bobble in same dc as last sl st, *5ch, miss 2dc, 3dtr bobble in next dc; rep from * 14 more times, 5ch, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 9: Sl st to centre of 5ch, 7ch, [1dc in next 5ch sp, 6ch] 16 times, sl st to 1st of 7ch.

Cast off.


Doily square


Special abbreviations:

Dtr2tog = 2dtr into ring until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Bobble = work 3tr into sp until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch, 1dtr into ring, 2ch, [dtr2tog, 2ch] 11 times into ring, sl st to 1st dtr.

Round 2: Sl st into next 2ch sp, 3ch, into same 2ch sp as sl st, work 2tr until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook (1st bobble made), 3ch, [1 bobble into next 2ch sp, 3ch] 11 times, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 3: 5ch (count as 1htr and 3ch), miss 1st 3ch sp, [1 bobble, 2ch, 1 bobble, 4ch, 1 bobble, 2ch, 1 bobble] into next 3ch sp, 3ch, *miss next 3ch sp, 1htr into top of next bobble, 3ch, miss next 3ch sp, [1 bobble, 2ch, 1 bobble, 4ch, 1 bobble, 2ch, 1 bobble] into next 3ch sp, 3ch; rep from * twice more, sl st to 2nd of 5ch.

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *3dc into next 3ch sp, 1dc into next bobble, 2dc into next 2ch sp, 1dc into next bobble, 5dc into next 4ch sp, 1dc into next bobble, 2dc into next 2ch sp, 1dc into next bobble, 3dc into next 3ch sp, 1dc into next htr; rep from * 3 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Aquarius stitch


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 4ch (count as 1dtr), 2dtr into 1st dc, 3dtr into next dc, 5ch, [miss 2dc, 3dtr into each of next 2dc, 5ch] 3 times, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *[1htr, 1tr] into next dtr, 2dtr into each of next 2dtr, [1tr, 1htr] into next dtr, 1dc into next dtr, 1dc into each of next 2ch, 3dc into next ch, 1dc into each of next 2ch, 1dc into next dtr; rep from * 3 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Daisy motif


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 15dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *[2tr, 1dtr, 2tr] into next dc, 1dc into each of next 2dc; rep from * 4 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.




Work as given for Six-point motif but working and rounds 1 and 2 in A, round 3 in B, and round 4 in C.


Orchid blossom


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Petal: [6ch, 1dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1htr into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 1htr into next ch, 1dc into next ch, sl st into ring] 8 times. Cast off.


Popcorn cluster


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [1tr into ring, 2ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 2: 3ch, holding back last loop of each tr, *[3tr, yo and draw through all loops on hook] into next 2ch sp, 1ch; rep from * 7 more times, sl st top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Swirl motif


Note: This motif is worked as a continuous spiral; the size can therefore be increased or decreased as required.

Round 1: 2ch, 6dc into 2nd ch from hook, sl st to 1st dc.

Cont in a spiral as follows:

1ch, 1dc into same st as last sl st, 3ch, [1dc into next dc, 3ch] 5 times, [1dc into next dc, 1dc into next sp, 3ch] 6 times, [miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc, 2dc into next sp, 3ch] 6 times, [miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 2dc, 2dc into next sp, 4ch] 6 times, [miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 3dc, 2dc into next 4ch sp, 4ch] 6 times, [miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 4dc, 2dc into next 4ch sp, 5ch] 6 times, [miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 5dc, 2dc into next 5ch sp, 5ch] 6 times, [miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 6dc, 2dc into next 5ch sp, 6ch] 6 times, [miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 7dc, 2dc into next 6ch sp, 6ch] 6 times, [miss 1dc, 1dc into each of next 8dc, 2dc into next 6ch sp, 7ch] 6 times, miss 1dc, sl st to next dc.

Cast off.


Granny Mae


Special abbreviation:

3-picot cluster = 4ch, sl st into 1st ch, [3ch, sl st into same ch as 1st sl st] twice.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same place as last sl st, 2tr into each of next 11 dc, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, 1dc into each of next 23 tr, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, 5ch, miss 2dc, [1dc into next dc, 5ch, miss 2dc] 7 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *[1htr, 3tr, 3-picot cluster, 3tr, 1htr] into next 5ch sp, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 7 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 6: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *7ch, 1dc into centre picot of 3-picot cluster, 7ch, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 7 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into next 7ch sp, 1ch, [8dc into next 7ch sp, 3-picot cluster, 8dc into next 7ch sp] 8 times, sl st to 1st dc.


Tunisia flower


Base ring: Using A, 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 9tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, 2dc into next tr, [1dc into next tr, 2dc into next tr] 4 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, 1dc into next dc, 2dc into next dc, [1dc into each of next 2dc, 2dc into next dc] 4 times, sl st to 1st dc. (20 dc)

Round 4: [7ch, 1dc into 2nd ch from hook and into each of next 5ch, sl st into next dc, 1dc into next dc] 10 times, missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to dc of 1st point, turn.

Round 5: *Miss sl st and next dc, 1dc into back loop of each of next 6 dc, [1dc, 1ch, 1dc] into top of point, 1dc into each of next 6ch on other side of ch; rep from * 9 more times, sl st to sl st between points, draw B through loop, cast off A, turn.

Round 6: Miss 1st dc, *1dc into back loop of each of next 6dc, [1dc, 2ch, 1dc] into 1ch of point, 1dc into back loop of each of next 6dc, miss next 2dc; rep from * 9 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc, turn.

Rounds 7, 8 and 9: Work as round 6, through back loops of 6 sts at each side of points with [1dc, 2ch, 1dc] into 2ch sp at each point.

Cast off.


Floral lace


Special abbreviation:

Tr2tog = 1tr into next tr until 2 loops remain on hook, miss 2tr, 1tr into next tr until 3 loops remain on hook, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.

Base ring: 10ch, join with sl, st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 31tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: [7ch, miss 3tr, sl st into next tr] 7 times, 3ch, 1dtr into same st as last sl st of previous round.

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), 6tr into top of dtr, [7tr into 4th ch of next 7ch sp] 7 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next tr, 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), *miss 1tr, [1dtr, 5ch, 1dtr] into next tr, 3ch, miss 1tr, tr2tog, 3ch, miss 1tr, 1dc into next tr, 3ch, miss 1tr, tr2tog, 3ch; rep from * 3 more times missing 1tr2tog and 3ch at end of last rep, miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Round 5: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *3dc into next 3ch sp, 1dc into next dtr, 6dc into 5ch sp, 1dc into next dtr, 3dc into next 3ch sp, 1dc into top of next tr2tog, 3dc into next 3ch sp, 1dc into next dc, 3dc into next 3ch sp, 1dc into top of next tr2tog; rep from * 3 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.




Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 24dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 5ch (count as1tr and 2ch), 1tr into next tr, [1ch, miss 1tr, 1tr into next tr, 2ch, 1tr into next tr] 7 times, 1ch, skip1tr, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st 2ch sp, 2ch (count as 1htr), [1htr, 2ch, 2htr] into same 2ch sp, 1dc into next 1ch sp, *[2htr, 2ch, 2htr] into next 2ch sp, 1dc into next 1ch sp; rep from * 6 more times, sl st to top of 2ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next tr and into next 2ch sp, 3ch, [2tr, 1ch, 3tr] into same 2ch sp, 1dc on each side of next dc, *[3tr, 1ch, 3tr] into next 2ch sp, 1dc on each side of next dc; rep from * 6 more times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


African violet


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = 3trtr into ch until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Round 1: 6ch, trtr2tog into 1st ch (count as 1st bobble), [5ch, 1 bobble] 7 times into same ch, 2ch, 1tr into top of 1st bobble.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into sp just formed, 6ch, [1dc into next 5ch sp, 6ch] 7 times, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: Sl st into 1st 6ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 5tr into same sp, 3ch, [6tr into next 6ch sp, 3ch] 7 times, sl st to top of 3ch at beg of round.

Cast off.


Gemini spoke


Base ring: 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), miss next dc, [1tr into next dc, 3ch, miss 1dc] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [4tr into next 3ch sp, 1dc into next tr] 7 times, 4tr into next 3ch sp, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Five-point starfish


Base chain: 2ch.

Round 1: 5dc into 2nd ch from hook, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 1ch, 3dc into each dc, sl st to 1st dc. (15dc)

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [6ch, sl st into 2nd ch from hook, 1dc into next ch, 1htr into next ch, 1tr into next ch, 1dtr into next ch, 1dtr into base of last dc worked into circle, miss 2dc, 1dc into next dc] 5 times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Bull’s eye


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = leaving last loop of each tr on hook, 3tr in same sp, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Base ring: Using A, 8ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 20dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: Working through front loops only, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [3ch, 1dc into next dc] 19 times, 3ch, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 3: Attach B behind A to any dc on 1st round. Working through back loops only of each dc in 1st round, holding the 3ch loops forward, 4ch (count as 1tr, 1ch), [1tr into next dc, 1ch] 19 times sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 4: Sl st in next 1ch sp, 3ch, tr2tog in same sp (count as 1st bobble), 5ch, bobble in same ch sp, *bobble in next sp, (bobble, 3ch, bobble) in next sp, bobble in next sp**, (bobble, 5ch, bobble) in next sp; rep from * 3 more times and from * to ** once more, sl st to top of 1st bobble.


Circle of life


Special abbreviation:

Bobble = 3tr into next tr (leaving last loop of each tr on hook), yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 15tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 3ch, tr2tog in same place as last sl st (count as 1st bobble), [2ch, miss 1tr, 1dc into next tr, 2ch, miss 1tr, bobble into next tr] 3 times, 2ch, miss 1 tr, 1dc into

Round 3: 3ch, [2tr into next 2ch sp, 3tr into next dc, 2tr into next 2ch sp, 1tr into next bobble] 4 times missing 1tr at end of last rep, 1dc into next tr, 2ch, miss 1tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Flower in hexagon


Special abbreviation:

Puff st = [yo, insert hook from front and from right to left around post of next dtr, yo, pull up a long loop] 5 times, yo and pull through 11 loops on hook, 1ch to tighten.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch, 23dtr into ring, sl st to top of 4ch.

Round 2: 5ch, [yo, insert hook from front and from right to left around 4ch of previous round, yo, pull up a long loop] 4 times, yo and pull through 9 loops on hook, 1ch, *miss 1dtr, (2tr, 1dtr, 2tr) into next dtr, miss 1dtr, puff st in next dtr; rep from * 4 more times, miss 1dtr, (2tr, 1dtr, 2tr) into next dtr, miss 1dtr, sl st to top of 1st puff st. (6 puff sts).

Round 3: 1 ch, *1dc into each of next 2tr, 3dc into next dtr (corner made), 1dc into each of next 2tr, 1dc into top of next puff st; rep from * 5 more times, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.




Base ring: Ch 5, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to first dc.

Round 2: [3ch, miss 1dc, 1dc into next dc] 5 times, 3ch, miss 1dc, sl st to first of 3ch.

Round 3: [1dc, 1htr, 3tr, 1htr, 1dc] into each 3ch sp, sl st to first dc. (6 petals)

Round 4: *3ch, 1dc around bar of first dc of next petal; rep from * 4 more times, 3ch, sl st to first of first 3ch.

Round 5: Rep round 3.

Cast off.


Mediterranean circle


Round 1: Using A, 7ch (count as 1dtr and 2ch), [1dtr, 2ch] 5 times into 7th ch from hook, sl st into 4th ch of 7ch, turn.

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, *[3dc into next 2ch sp, 1dc into next dtr] 5 times, 3dc into next 2ch sp, sl st to back loop of 1st dc, draw B through loop. Cast off A.

Round 3: 8ch, drop B from hook, join C in next dc, 8ch, *drop C loop, pick up B loop in back of C, 1dtr into next dc, 5ch, drop B, pick up C loop in back of B, 1dtr into next dc, 5ch; rep from * around, ending with 1st B ch in front, 1st C ch in back, join last C 5ch with sl st to 3rd ch of 1st C 8ch and cast off C, keeping 1st B ch at back, join last B 5ch with sl st to 3rd ch of 1st B 8ch. Cast off.




Base ring: 5ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: Working into back loop only of each dc, 12ch, sl st into 1st dc, *sl st into next dc, 12ch, sl st into same dc; rep from * to end.

Round 3: Work as for round 2, but into the front loop only of each dc and 8ch only between sl sts. Cast off.


Orient motif


Special abbreviation:

Puff = [yo, insert hook, yo and draw up loop] twice, yo and draw through all 5 loops on hook.

Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into ring, [1ch, 2tr into ring] 4 times, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: Sl st into next tr and next ch sp, puff into same ch sp, [4ch, puff into next ch sp] 4 times, 4ch, sl st to top of 1st puff.

Round 3: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [5dc into next 4ch sp, 1 dc into top of next puff] 4 times, 5dc into next 4ch sp, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Druid motif


Base ring: Using A, 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 2ch, 1htr into ring (count as htr2tog), [3ch, htr2tog into ring] 7 times, 3ch, sl st to 1st htr2tog.

Round 2: Sl st into each of next 2ch, 1ch, 1dc into same ch sp, [5ch, 1dc into next 3ch sp] 7 times, 5ch, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: 1ch, [5dc into next 5ch sp] 8 times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 4: Join B to 3rd of next 5dc, 1ch, 1dc into same place as 1ch, *7ch, miss 4dc, 1dc into next dc; rep from * 7 more times missing dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 5: 1ch, *[4dc, 3ch, 4dc] all into next 7ch sp; rep from * 7 more times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Granny Jane


Special abbreviations:

Bobble = 3tr into next st until 1 loop of each remains on hook, yo and draw through all 4 loops on hook.

Fan = [1htr, 3tr, 1htr] into next tr.

Round 1: 5ch, [1tr, 1ch] 7 times into 1st ch, sl st to 4th of 5ch.

Round 2: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), 1tr into 1st ch sp, 1ch, [1tr into next tr, 1ch, 1tr into next ch sp, 1ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), tr2tog in same place as last sl st (count as bobble), 2ch, [1 bobble into next tr, 2ch] 15 times, sl st to top of 1st bobble.

Round 4: 3ch (count as 1tr), 3tr into 1st 2ch sp, [1tr into next bobble, 3tr into next 2ch sp] 15 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch, [1tr, 1htr] into same place as last sl st, miss 1tr, 1dc into next tr, [miss 1tr, 1 fan into next tr, miss 1tr, 1dc into next tr] 15 times, miss last tr, [1htr, 1tr] into same place as sl st at end of previous round, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 6: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, 5ch, [1dc into centre tr of next fan, 5ch] 15 times, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 7: Sl st into 1st 5ch sp, 3ch, 6tr into same sp as sl st, 7tr into each of next 15 5ch sps, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 8: Sl st into each of 1st 6tr, 1ch, 1dc between last tr worked into and next tr, 6ch, [miss 7tr, 1dc between last tr skipped and next tr, 6ch] 14 times, miss 7tr, 1dc between last tr skipped and 3ch at beg of previous round, 6ch, sl st into 1st dc.

Round 9: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st, [2ch, 1tr into next 6ch sp] twice 2ch, 2dc into next dc; rep from * 15 more times missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Cast off.


Shells and popcorns


Special abbreviation:

Popcorn = 5tr into next st, withdraw hook from working loop and insert through top of 1st of 5tr, insert hook back into working loop and draw through 1st of 5tr.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into ring, [3ch, 3tr into ring] 3 times, 3ch, 1tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. (4 3tr blocks)

Round 2: 3ch, popcorn into next tr, *[5tr into next 3ch sp, popcorn into next tr, 1tr into next tr, popcorn into next tr] 3 times, 5tr into next 3ch sp, popcorn into next tr, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 5ch, *miss popcorn, popcorn into next tr, 1tr into next tr, 3tr into next tr, 1tr into next tr, popcorn into next tr, 2ch, miss popcorn, 1tr into next tr, 2ch; rep from * 3 more times missing 1tr and 2ch at end of last rep, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 4: Sl st into next 2ch sp, 5ch, *miss popcorn, popcorn into next tr, 1tr into next tr, 3tr into next tr, 1tr into next tr, popcorn into next tr, 2ch, miss next popcorn, 1tr into next 2ch sp, 2ch, 1tr into next 2ch sp, 2ch; rep from * three more times missing 1tr and 2ch at end of last rep, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 5: Sl st into next 2ch sp, 5ch, *miss popcorn, popcorn into next tr, 1tr into next tr, 3tr into next tr, 1tr into next tr, popcorn into next tr, 2ch, [1tr into next 2ch sp, 2ch] 3 times; rep from * 3 more times missing 1tr and 2ch at end of last rep, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 6: Work as round 5, but working section in brackets 4 times instead of 3.

Round 7: As round 5, but working section in brackets 5 times instead of 3.

Cont working in this way until motif is required size.

Cast off.


Embossed motif


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1st tr), 15tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. (16 tr)

Round 2: 4ch, [5tr into next tr, 1ch, 1tr into next tr, 1ch] 7 times, 5tr into next tr, 1ch, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 3: 4ch, 1tr into same place as last sl st, 1ch, [2tr into each of next 5tr, 1ch, 1tr into next tr, 1ch, 1tr into same place as last tr, 1ch] 7 times, 2tr into each of next 5tr, 1ch, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 4: 3ch, 1tr into same place as last sl st, 1ch, 2tr into next tr, 1ch, [tr2tog 5 times over next 10tr, 1ch, 2tr into next tr, 1ch, 2tr into next tr, 1ch] 7 times, tr2tog 5 times over next 10tr, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 4ch, [1tr into next tr, 1ch] 3 times, *work tr5tog over next 5tr, 1ch, [1tr into next tr, 1ch] 4 times; rep from * 6 more times, work tr5tog over next 5tr, 1ch sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 6: 4ch, *1tr into next tr, 1ch, [2dtr, 3ch, 2dtr] into next 1ch sp, [1ch, 1tr into next tr] twice, 1ch, 1htr into top of next cluster, [1ch, 1dc into next tr] 4 times, 1ch, 1htr into top of next cluster, 1ch, 1tr into next tr, 1ch; rep from * 3 more times missing 1tr and 1ch at end of last rep, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 7: 3ch, *1tr into next ch sp, 1tr into next tr, 1tr into next ch sp, 1tr into each of next 2dtr, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next 3ch sp, 1tr into each of next 2dtr, [1tr into next ch sp, 1tr into next tr] twice, 1tr into next ch sp, 1tr into next htr, [1tr into next ch sp, 1tr into next dc] 4 times, 1tr into next ch sp, 1tr into next htr, 1tr into next ch sp, 1tr into next tr; rep from * 3 more times missing 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 8: 4ch, miss next tr, 1tr into next tr, [1ch, miss next tr, 1tr into next tr] twice, *1ch, miss next tr, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into 2ch sp, [1ch, miss next tr, 1tr into next tr] 14 times; rep from * 3 more times working [1ch, miss next tr, 1tr into next tr] 10 times, 1ch at end of last rep, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Cast off.


Six-point snowflake motif


Special abbreviations:

Picot = 4ch, sl st into 4th ch from hook.

Tr rice st = 3ch, 2tr into indicated base st while holding back last loop of each tr, yo and pull through all 3 loops on hook, 3ch, sl st into same base st.

Trtr rice st = 5ch, 2 trtr into indicated base st while holding back last loop of each trtr, yo and pull through all 3 loops on hook, 5ch, sl st into same base st..

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 12dc into ring, join with sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: Trtr rice st in same place as sl st, sl st into next dc, *tr rice st in next dc, sl st in next dc, trtr rice st in next dc, sl st in next dc; rep from * 4 more times, tr rice st in next dc.

Round 3: 5 sl sts to top of trtr rice st, 1ch, 1dc into same st, *7ch, 1dc on top of next trtr rice st; rep from * 4 times more, 7ch, join with sl st to 1st dc.

Round 4: 6ch (count as 1tr, 3ch), 1tr into same st, *7tr into next 7ch sp, [1tr, 3ch, 1tr] into next dc; rep from * 4 times more ending with 7tr into last 7ch sp, join with sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Round 5: Sl st into 3ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), *1trtr into 3ch sp, 1 picot, 8ch, sl st into 8th ch from hook, 10ch, sl st into 10th ch from hook, 14ch, sl st into 14th ch from hook, 3 picots, 4ch, (from now on work on the other side of the picots just made and sl st into base ch of respective picot of the other side after completing each one), 3 picots, 14ch, sl st into 14th ch from hook, 10ch, sl st into 10th ch from hook, 8ch, sl st into 8th ch from hook, 1 picot, sl st on top of trtr just made, 1tr into same 3ch sp, 1tr into next tr, 1dc into each of next 3tr, into next dc work 4tr while holding back last loop of each tr, yo and and pull through all 5 loops on hook, 1dc into each of next 3tr, 1tr into next tr, 1tr into next 3ch sp; rep from * 5 times more omitting last tr, end with sl st into 3rd of 1st 3ch.

Cast off.


Garden party


Special abbreviation:

Picot = 3ch, sl st in 3rd ch from hook.

Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into ring, [picot 2tr into ring] 7 times, picot, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into next tr, [6ch, 1tr into each of next 2tr] 7 times, 6ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into next tr and into next 6ch sp, 1ch, 8dc into same 6ch space, [8dc into next 6ch sp] 7 times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Star hexagon


Base ring: Using A, 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1dtr), 2dtr into ring, [1ch, 3dtr into ring] 5 times, 1ch, sl st to top of 4ch, turn.

Round 2: [1dc into next 1ch sp, 6ch] 6 times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 3: Join B to a 7ch sp, [1htr, 2tr, 3dtr, 2tr, 1htr] into each 7ch sp, sl st to 1st htr (6 petals). Cast off.

Round 4: Turn, join C to 1st htr of a petal, 4ch (count as 1dtr), *1tr into each of next 2tr, 1htr into each of next 3dtr, 1tr into each of next 2tr, 1dtr into each of next 2htr; rep from * around skipping last htr, sl st to top of 4ch. Cast off.


Catherine medallion


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 5ch (count as 1tr and 2ch), [1tr into ring, 2ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 5ch.

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), [2tr into next 2ch sp, 1tr into next tr] 7 times, 2tr into next 2ch sp, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr in next tr, 1tr in next tr, [1tr in next tr, 2tr in next tr, 1tr in next tr] 7 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Cast off.


Shamrock motif


Base ring: 2ch, 8dc into 1st ch, sl st to 1st dc, turn.

Petal 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 4tr into same place as last sl st, turn.

Row 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same tr, 1tr into each of next 3tr, 2tr into top of 3ch, turn.

Round 2: 1tr into 1st tr, 1htr into next tr, sl st into each of next 3tr, 1tr into next tr, 1dc into top of 3ch. Cast off.

Petal 2: Skip 1dc of 1st row, join yarn in next st, work same as 1st petal.

Work 2 more petals in same manner.


Desert garden


Base ring: 4ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 4ch (count as 1tr and 1ch), [1tr into ring, 1ch] 7 times, sl st to 3rd of 4ch.

Round 2: Sl st into 1st 1ch sp, 3ch, 2tr into same 1ch sp, 1ch, [3tr into next 1ch sp, 1ch] 7 times, sl st to top of of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into each of next 2tr and next 1ch sp, 3ch, 2tr into same ch sp, 1ch, *[3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next 1ch sp, 1ch, 3tr into next 1ch sp, 1ch; rep from * twice more, [3tr, 3ch, 3tr] into next 1ch sp, 1ch, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Easy polygon


Base ring: 3ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 23tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: 3ch, [1tr, 2ch, 2tr] into same place as last sl st, *skip next 3tr, [2tr, 2ch, 2tr] into next tr; rep from * 4 more times, skip next 3tr, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Morning glory


Base ring: 4ch (count as 1tr), 11tr in 1st ch, sl st to 3rd of 4ch. (12 tr)

Round 1: 1ch, 2dc into same place as last sl st, working through back loops 2dc in each tr around, sl st to 1st dc. (24 dc)

Round 2: 1ch, 1dc into same place as last sl st *10ch, sl st into 8th ch from hook (forming an 8ch loop), 2ch, miss next 2dc, 1dc in next dc; rep from * 7 more times, missing 1dc at end of last rep, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 3: Sl st into each of 1st 2ch, [1dc, 5tr, 1dc] into 1st 8ch loop, *[1dc, 5tr, 1dc] into next 8ch loop; rep from * 6 more times, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Granny wheel square


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 6ch (count as 1tr and 3ch), [1tr into ring, 3ch] 5 times, sl st to 3rd of 6ch.

Round 2: Sl st into 1st 3ch sp, 3ch (count as 1tr), 3tr into same 3ch sp, 2ch, [4tr into next 3ch sp, 2ch] 5 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: Sl st into each of next 3tr and into next 2ch sp, 3ch, [3tr, 2ch, 4tr] into same 2ch sp, [(4tr, 2ch, 4tr) into next 2ch sp] 5 times, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Plain octagon


Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 23tr into ring, sl st to top of 3ch. (24 tr)

Round 2: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into each of next 2tr, [2ch, 1tr into each of next 3tr] 7 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch. (8 groups)

Round 3: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same place as last sl st, 1tr into next tr, 2tr into next tr, [2ch, 2tr into next tr, 1tr into next tr, 2tr into next tr] 7 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 4: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same place as last sl st, 1tr into each of next 3tr, 2tr into next tr, [2ch, 2tr into next tr, 1tr into each of next 3tr, 2tr into next tr] 7 times, 2ch, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 5: 3ch (count as 1tr), 1tr into same place as last sl st, tr into each of next 5tr, 2tr into next tr, [2ch, 2tr into next tr, 1tr into each of next 5tr, 2tr into next tr] 7 times, 2ch, sl st into top of 3ch. Cast off.


Decorative button


Base ring: 6ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 3ch (count as 1tr), 2tr into ring, 7ch, [3tr into ring, 7ch] 3 times, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 2: Sl st into each of next 2tr and into next 7ch, sp, 3ch, [2tr, 3dtr, 5trtr, 3dtr, 3tr] into same 7ch sp, [3tr, 3dtr, 5trtr, 3dtr, 3tr] into each of next 3 7ch sps, sl st to top of 3ch.

Round 3: 1ch, working through back loops only 1dc in each st around, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.


Summer garden motif


Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 24dc in ring, sl st to 1st dc.

Round 2: 12ch (count as 1dtr, 8ch), **miss next dc, 1dc into next dc, 1ch, turn, 1dc into each of next 8ch, 1ch, turn, *1dc into each dc across, 1ch, turn; rep from * until there are 6 rows of dc, miss next dc of ring, 1dtr into next dc, 8ch; rep from ** 5 more times ending last rep after 6th row of dc, sl st to 4th of 12ch.

Round 3: 12ch (count as 1dtr, 8ch), [1dc into free tip of next dc-block, 8ch, 1dtr into next dtr, 8ch] 5 times, 1dc into free tip of next dc-section, 8ch, sl st to 4th of 12ch.

Round 4: 3ch, [1tr into each ch of next 8ch, 1tr into next dc, 1tr into each ch of next 8ch, 1tr into next dtr] 6 times missing 1tr at end of last rep, sl st to top of 3ch. Cast off.


Leafy pinwheel


Base ring: 10ch, join with sl st.

Round 1: 1ch, 16dc into ring, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.

Round 2: 9ch, sl st into any dc on ring, hold chain to left, 1ch to right of ch, across ch work 1dc, 1htr, 5tr, 1htr, ending 1dc into last ch, *17ch, turn, miss 1dc on ring, sl st into next dc, 1ch, turn, across half of ch work 1dc, 1htr, 5tr, 1htr, 1dc; rep from * 6 more times, 8ch, turn, sl st to end of 1st petal.

Round 3: 1ch, turn, [2dc, 2htr, 7tr, 2htr, 2dc] into each 8ch sp around, sl st to 1st dc. Cast off.
