This is huge! I mean as important as self-love. I kind of consider them best friends, they totally go hand in hand. However, just like self-love, self-care is one of those things that gets tossed aside until we find ourselves in a place of feeling rough, stuck or exhausted, or worse we find ourselves in the midst of a panic attack or burnout, then we suddenly wake up and think “Oops, I think I should have looked after myself.” I’ve totally been there too. I’m still slightly puzzled by my younger self, who I think didn’t look after herself in the way she deserved to. Seriously, though, we have this one life and if we don’t take care of ourselves, our mind and body will start acting out in different ways that really aren’t good for us.

Self-care is suddenly this trendy concept we see in magazines, as if it’s some elaborate thing we should do for ourselves. Let’s get real, guys, self-care is not a luxury, it’s your birthright and an absolute must if you really want to live a happy, fulfilled life with rewarding relationships. It’s so easy to neglect yourself when your focus becomes the needs and feelings of your partner, your children, your job, but when you start to suffer so will all your relationships. So just like anything else in life, and as we’ve seen throughout this book, it all starts with you.

I’m going to show you how to declutter your life from all the crap you don’t need to waste your energy on and help you figure out how to make self-care part of your day-today routine. You will soon reap the rewards once you see how looking after yourself improves your relationship with yourself and others.

A self-care plan

I’m going to share my absolute favourite tools with you, some of which I’ve used for over a decade. I’ve handpicked tried-and-tested self-care exercises that have seen my clients and me through every scenario you can imagine, and I’ve created a 7-day easy-to-follow self-care plan to help you get started. After doing that, you can pick and choose the tools that work best for you. I want you to be able to return to the plan again and again whenever you feel like you need a reset, or just need to feel cared for, and be reminded that it’s totally fine to take time for you! If you’re worried about finding the time, don’t be. Most of the exercises only take a few minutes, so there really is no excuse not to make time to care a little more about yourself, right?

Clint’s story

Before we get into the exercises, I want to share a real-life story with you, one that sums up perfectly how when we look after ourselves everything else falls into place.

When I thought of asking Clint, a regular student at my class at Unplug Meditation, to talk to me about how self-care had helped him, I was amazed by how far he’d come on that self-care journey in three years. He is now the co-founder of one of Hollywood’s most innovative media companies but, like many of us, went through a time of struggling with feeling okay within himself. But he dramatically altered the course of his life because he took back his power and gave himself the time and care he deserved. He got in the driver’s seat of his relationship with himself and realized that that was where it all had to start if he wanted to make meaningful change in his life. I loved our honest chat and I hope his story will inspire you and many others to take time for self-care and to know the ripple effect and power it can have on your life and relationships. Here’s what Clint told me…

“There was a point in my life when I realized that something had to change. I’d started a new job, thinking it would be everything I had ever dreamt of, but I really wasn’t enjoying it – far from it, in fact. It was starting to make me someone I’m not. It’s a hard thing to focus on the relationship with yourself – it gets buried when you’re so busy and you give away so much of your power in the course of a day. It became hard to remember that it was my relationship with myself that was everything, but I was about to find that out. I suddenly found myself feeling totally overwhelmed and I was struggling to find my footing – the job was seriously affecting my mental health. Because I was in an environment at work that didn’t suit me, I was in a constant state of feeling “not enough”. I needed a new mechanism to cope with the environment. Of course at the time I thought I was the only one feeling like that but I know now that I wasn’t.

I found it really helpful when Camilla explained in the meditation class how the negative things we think and say to ourselves affect us. It was a great reminder of this internal dialogue and once I was aware of it I started reframing “not enough” to “I am enough”. I realized I had identified getting that job with my success, my own identity. So coming to the realization that it wasn’t the right job, definitely not a good fit for me, and that I had to leave was daunting. It felt like an identity loss; it felt horrible and truly sucked, not least because I had a family to look after.

I gave myself three months to figure out what to do next and meditation became my daily act of self-care, my constant. I’m glad I let my friend know how I was feeling as he introduced me to a meditation app and took me to Camilla’s class at Unplug Meditation in LA.

I’m also grateful to my wife for understanding the importance of me taking that time for me – this meant everything to me. She said, “Let’s take the summer and then see how you feel.” Feeling this bad pushed me to look at myself and flush out all the things that didn’t work any longer – the old beliefs and habits – and find new ways of doing things. I was the main provider and I just had to figure it out, so giving up was not an option. Instead it was about finding a new way that would serve me and my family. Meditation helped me find my footing and begin to think constructively about how to rebuild my relationship with myself, which created a way to look at my career with fresh eyes. I started to feel different right away.

I remember Camilla doing a meditation in one of her classes that turned out to be critically important to me. It was about planting the seeds of intentions in the garden of opportunity. I have returned to that garden many times since. It became a safe place to go in my mind and a lot of good thoughts and intentions were planted and grew from there. I rebooted my entire life in 2015, as I started to believe that it’s your relationship with yourself that is everything. I began to start each day with self-care, which was a workout then meditation and then, and only then, I would figure out what else I needed to do each day. Self-care was how I aligned myself with what was to come next for me. I also learnt the importance of a morning ritual, which I still do to this day.

The beauty of having gone through this time is that I now listen to my mind and body in a way I didn’t before. I now have tools I can rely on, such as positive affirmations, breathing exercises and meditation.

I started with self-care and that has helped me develop self-love, although that is still new to me and it takes a constant reminder. Looking back, this was the best thing that ever happened to me. Getting knocked down emotionally led me to find the courage to found my own company and that led to me meeting the business partner I run my company with today. It felt like a deconstruction. And in retrospect it had to happen. I went to the life gym, I guess. I was a high achiever and dependent on other people’s validation, thinking I needed it. Now I know the validation starts with me.”

A common story

Clint’s story moved me so much because I know many people have gone through something similar at some point in their lives. That was why I wrote my last book Reinvent ME, because I wanted people who needed support through times like that to know they are not alone and that there are tools there to help them.

As an athlete for most of my life, before becoming a Life Coach, I wasn’t very good at saying no. I would just power through and, although that has its place in sport and in business at certain times, I headed straight for a burnout aged 35 and learnt my lesson the hard way. So I take self-care very seriously in my own life. It’s what I call non-negotiable because I have seen first hand what can happen and the power of prevention. And that is why I love serving my clients as a Life and Mind Coach because I’m passionate about what I teach, and sharing the importance of self-care before it’s too late. Some call me their personal mind trainer.

On my last book tour I spoke to many people going through relationship issues and challenging times. I realized, just like Clint, how so many were not looking after themselves. In fact, during stressful and challenging times taking time for self-care was the last thing on their list of priorities when it needed to be the first, mainly because people often considered self-care a kind of extra thing they had to pay for, such as a massage, a spa day or even a holiday. Of course it can be all of those things too, but self-care can just as easily be having a hot bath with no disturbances, a power nap in the afternoon (my absolute fave and how I navigate through my busy schedule most days – well, that and meditation) or an evening to yourself to do exactly what YOU want. It can also be the way you talk to yourself, nurture your thoughts and relationship with yourself and the way you create positive behaviours and habits in your life so that you can show up for yourself in the best possible way.

“If one wishes to know love, one must live love, in action.”

Leo Buscaglia


For self-care, it is vital that we are honest with ourselves. What we want, speak and do needs to be in alignment for the happiness to flow. If there is opposition in any of those areas, they will come out as unhappiness or disharmony in an area of our life. I remember asking a client who struggled with insomnia “What’s keeping you awake?” She told me how she was no longer happy in her relationship, as she and her partner wanted different things, but she was fearful about breaking up as she enjoyed the lifestyle her partner provided and that would have to change if she left him. I asked her what exactly the relationship provided. She replied “Financial freedom”, to which I asked “At what cost?” She replied “Emotionally I feel in prison.” So all that time she thought she had freedom she felt in prison emotionally. Those two opposite energies were keeping her awake at night because there was a message that she was denying. She knew if she truly stopped and listened to her intuition or guidance, she would have to go through some discomfort and turmoil to align herself and her lifestyle again. What she was putting out there energetically was that she valued the money more than she valued her own happiness and that was never going to align her with attracting more happiness now, was it? She and her partner broke up not long after because she realized that she deserved to be happy as well as having a good lifestyle, and that she didn’t have to settle for one or the other long-term, but just make some adjustments temporarily. Like Phil Stutz and Barry Michels explain in the book The Tools, endless possibilities lie outside of your comfort zone on the other side of the pain you need to go through to get there.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

Anais Nin


There are certain times in our lives when self-care becomes even more important and one of those is when we’ve been rejected. We definitely need self-care to regain our strength and positivity. Rejection is something most of us experience early on in our lives – it might be wanting to be friends with someone at school who doesn’t feel the same. We’re left hurt and wondering if it is because we are not good enough or pretty enough. The feeling of rejection never goes away, whatever age. When I first read the words, “You were not rejected you were protected”, probably inspired by the words “Rejection is God’s protection”, it summed up in one sentence what I had taught my clients for years – that when something doesn’t work out, open yourself up to the possibility that something even more suitable and better for you will arrive instead, and that it will all make sense one day. In the moment of rejection it’s hard to think that you were literally protected in that moment but, wow, when you truly choose to believe that, your mind switches immediately from a place of “poor me” to “yay me, something better is on its way”.

It may take a few meditations and conversations with your friends or coach to come to that conclusion, but I can tell you it is definitely a much more compassionate way to look at it. If you are feeling rejected, repeat this affirmation, “I am protected, I am guided and I am loved”, a few times. It will help you to refocus on your healing rather than on the person who has rejected you.

Looking at rejection from the other side: let’s say you are letting go of someone who you have been trying to fix or save. Remember when we save others we actually prevent them from learning valuable lessons they need to evolve on their path.

“When we truly care for ourselves, it becomes possible to care far more profoundly about other people. The more alert and sensitive we are to our own needs, the more loving and generous we can be toward others.”

Eda Leshan


Have you ever found yourself saying things like, “I should really catch up with xyz so they don’t get annoyed” or “I have to go to a friend’s dinner tonight”? Consider the words “I should” and “I have to” – the intention behind those words is very different from “I want to”. The intention is a need to please or not rock the boat – you are doing it for the other person, not for yourself. Saying no to a friend or leaving a friendship group brings the same feelings as leaving a love relationship, where you want to move on but are worried about hurting the other person.

Hanging out with the right friends can be such an uplifting experience and a real act of self-care – you can leave a conversation with a good friend feeling so elated, heard and free, but when you start filling your schedule with things you “should” do or “have to” do it will drag you down and steal your energy, leaving you exhausted. Would you want your friends to hang out with you because they feel they have to or because they truly want to? To attract that into your life you have to walk the walk yourself by making choices that are in alignment with your wishes and true intentions in relationships.

To get to the bottom of your intentions in a relationship, ask yourself: What’s my intention behind hanging out with this person? And then check in and ask what’s the intention behind the intention. For example, you might choose to hang out with a friend because you don’t really want to be sat at home alone or because you quite fancy watching the same movie rather than because you actually want to hang out with them specifically. Then when you actually meet up you find being with them draining and realize that a night in alone, or seeing the movie alone or at a later date, would have nurtured your soul more. The clearer you become about your intentions being aligned with what you truly want in any relationship, the more you will start to attract more harmonious relationships.

The same goes for business, too: if you are going to work events because you need to and not because you want to, consider a different way of networking, perhaps online instead. The key is to choose the way you want to network – the way that’s right for you, that allows your energy to flow – because if you’re in a space of “I have to” it will create a heavy, blocking energy instead.


You committed and you get to reap the benefits! You can carry on using the 7-day plan or choose to use one or more of the exercises from this chapter daily, or create your own plan made up of your favourite exercises from the book. See page 168 for a checklist.

One thing I have come to believe is that creating positive habits and having a routine works! I see it time and time again with my clients, when they make space for self-care in their schedules, whether that’s taking time to cook healthy meals, exercise and or meditate, their days flow with more ease, they feel less stressed and overwhelmed and, more importantly, they deal with challenges in their life more comfortably. And with everyone being “plugged in” most of the day and feeling under pressure, creating balance in our lives may mean scheduling small pockets of self-care over the day or week rather than being able to switch off each night at 6pm like in generations before us. I know that’s wishful thinking to many now and that’s why I help my clients schedule in self-care rituals at different times during their week to give them moments to breathe.

I hope that doing these exercises throughout the week has encouraged you to set aside at least a little time for yourself daily. Once you start making a self-care practice part of your day it soon becomes a positive habit you will never want to be without and one you can rely on to support you every day.

Mindfulness every day is an act of self-care

If you have been reading the exercises in the 7-day plan and thinking, “I wish I had more time for self-care but I don’t”, then I would like to remind you that you can easily introduce mindful moments into your day. You can reap the rewards by simply becoming more mindful through your daily actions: when you are sitting on a bus or train, having a cuppa, eating your lunch – these can all be mindful moments. Give yourself that time to allow for you to be doing just that one thing and for thoughts to flow in and out of your mind without needing to do anything more than acknowledge them – there is no need to judge or work anything out. Each time you notice a thought, just come back and refocus on the task at hand. One of the most beautiful things about practising mindfulness is that it allows you to just be with whatever you are feeling – accepting, for example, that you are just going to sit or be with anger allows it to actually pass through you more quickly.

I remember one morning a lady rushed into my meditation class looking all stressed out. Afterwards she told me that she almost didn’t make the class because her child had taken his time as they were walking to school, pointing out a beautiful tree and some stunning flowers that he wanted to further investigate, and even stopping to say hello to someone he thought was nice. I said to her, “You rushed to get here to sit and meditate and yet you missed all the signs your son gave you of practising mindfulness on the way to school.” She looked at me completely confused and then the penny dropped, “Wow my son was fully present and in my mind I was already in the car driving to the studio!” Don’t let the special moments of the present get away, those are magical and deeply bonding in any relationship. So before we go blaming anyone else for their behaviour, it’s good to tune in and ask “Am I fully present in this relationship?” So much can be solved when we hold space for each other and truly see, feel and hear each other.

Go forward with self-love

Throughout the book, as you have worked your way through becoming more self-aware and accepting, learnt how to love yourself and take care of yourself, you will have peeled back those layers to find the issues lying at the core of whichever relationship you were working on when you started this journey. You have allowed yourself to perceive the relationship and yourself in different ways, learnt from it and taken the opportunity to heal what was unhealed within you.

I truly hope that the book and the exercises have inspired you to know that whatever challenging relationships you are faced with, you have the tools to return to for support whenever needed. Hopefully you will approach relationship issues with a newfound curiosity and allow yourself to figure out what that challenge is there to teach you. I also hope that it has reminded you of how powerful you are when you take back your control and focus on you.

You can now go forward with a deeper understanding of yourself and an abundance of compassion and self-love, yes? If not, I suggest returning to the self-love chapter and repeating the exercises, until you can shout YES to that question!!! Remember, I told you, you deserve to LOVE yourself!

Celebrating You

Thank you for going on this journey with me through the book. It’s been an honour to support you. I hope by now you know that you are an amazing human being put on this earth for a reason. Never let anyone convince you that you have to dim your beautiful light so that they don’t feel inferior. The world needs you and your light, so shine it as brightly as you can – there is room for everyone. And if you ever have a moment of doubt, a little stumble, know that you are not alone – we all have those moments. Say these words to pick yourself back up. From my heart to yours

I am love

I am a beautiful radiant light

I am safe

I am enough

I am

And so it is

Love & Light

Camilla x

I hope to connect with you either online @camilladallerup or in person at one of my workshops or classes.