Abbott, Mark, 215
acceptable outcomes/setting
Burning Man example, 14–15
descriptions/advice, xviii, 1–21
failure and, 14–15
Mays/Sullivan and Tonight Show example, 1–7, 19
negotiation and, 15
scenarios questions/answers, 20–21
steps with, 9–12
summary, xvi
training/practice tips, 18–20
when no outcomes work, 17–18
acknowledgment (with entrance), 77
Ackroyd, Dan, 123
Advertising Age, xvii
agreement, fierce agreement, xii, 102, 164
Amadeus (movie), 152
American Idol, 158
Andretti, Mario, 134
Angelou, Maya, 178
angry buyer/handling tips, 59–61
AOs. See acceptable outcomes/setting
Apocalypse Now (movie), 111–112
Appel, Joel, xvii
Appel, Max/Elaine, xiv–xv
Apprentice, The, 140
Arkin, Alan, 174–175
Ashram and Pitchmen origins, 110–114, 115, 116, 121, 128
Avalon, Frankie, 44
Avon Cosmetics, 155
Ax Men, 128
Baker, Rick, 215
Baldwin, Alec, 174–175
“barrow boys,” 193–194
Bass-O-Matic sketch, 123
Beers, Thom
Ashram/Pitchmen origins, 110–114, 115, 116, 121
Bindi and, 103
Bindi, Juls, 101–104
Bingham, Mark, 171–173, 174, 184
Blind Box example, 195–197
Bloomin’ Brands, 153–156
body language, xii–xiii, 76, 95, 105, 131
Boku superfood product, 122–124
Bourdain, Anthony, 55
Bowstead, Mark, 86
Boyle, Susan, 158–159
Brando, Marlon, 111
Britain’s Got Talent, 158
Brown, Brené, 131
Bryson, Bill, 119
Buck, Joe, 55
Burger King, 155
Burning Man example, 14–15
Bush, George W., 82
Cheney, Dick, 82
Church & Dwight, xvii, xviii, 153, 154
closing/never be closing
collaboration, 182–183, 185, 186
comfort and, 178–180
description/advice, xix, 171–191
Glengarry Glen Ross movie and, 174–175
information/no strings attached, 181–182
listening/asking questions, 180, 185–186
loving what you do and, 184
Pearson’s story, 186–187
scenarios questions/answers, 190–191
serving mentality and, 184–187
Sullivan/first time selling Amazing Washmatik, 171–174
summary, xix
training/practice tips, 189–190
trust and, 178–180, 183, 185–186
collaboration and not closing, 182–183, 185, 186
Collins, Jackie, 44
Come Sunday (movie), 186
competitive business RFP example, 57
complimenting assistants, 84
appearance and, 198
“barrow boys,” 193–194
Blind Box example, 195–197
descriptions/advice, xix, 193–213
knowing when to shut up, 208–209
offering something free, 198–200
peak-end rule, 197
scenarios questions/answers, 212–213
Sullivan Productions beginnings, 200–201
summary, xix
training/practice tips, 209–212
control. See entrance/taking control
Corcoran, Barbara, 159
Costello, Elvis, 5
Cowell, Simon, 158
Craigie, Jim, 153
Cuban, Mark, 159
Cuban mop example, 30–31
Domenici, John, 161–162
Dragnet, 128
Ebony magazine, 126
Eco-Challenge/application, 140–141
egomaniac (sidekick), 183
Ejiofor, Chiwetel, 186
Empowering Dreamers to Become Achievers (Jay), 126
entrance/taking control
descriptions/advice, xviii–xix, 65–84
Mays example, 66–68
mistake/recovery, 79–80
other situations using, 79
sales resistance and, 69–76
scenarios questions/answers, 83–84
summary, xviii–xix
training/practice tips, 80–83
exiting advice, 203–204
fierce agreement, xii, 102, 164
Fleetwood Mac, 146–147
Fleetwood, Mick, 146–147
Fleming, Bruce, xvii
force field/breaching
being direct, 99
care and, 97–98
co-conspirators and, 98–99
connection/engaging with people, 87–88, 94, 95–96
description/advice, xix, 85–108
fun/humor and, 89, 90–93, 96–97
people on streets with signs example, 92–93
physical contact and, 94, 95–96
pitching dog carrier example, 101–104
scenarios questions/answers, 107–108
secrets and, 99–100
situations not using, 104–105
summary, xix
training/practice tips, 105–107
truths on, 92–94
See also sales resistance; triathlon, St. Petersburg
force field described, 87
Gilbert, Andy, 202–203
Gingrich, Newt, 82
Gladiator (movie), 2
Glengarry Glen Ross (movie), xxi, 174–175
goals. See acceptable outcomes/setting
Grisham, John, 119
Grossman, Mindy, 153
Home Shopping Club (HSC), 24, 25–29, 43–48
Home Shopping Network (HSN), xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, 24, 29, 33, 51–52, 58–59, 60, 66–68, 97, 117, 118, 136, 150, 153, 200, 201, 209
HSC (Home Shopping Club), 24, 25–29, 43–48
HSN (Home Shopping Network), xiv, xv, xvi, xvii, 24, 29, 33, 51–52, 58–59, 60, 66–68, 97, 117, 118, 136, 150, 153, 200, 201, 209
Ice Road Truckers, 110–111, 128
inertia (sales resistance type), 70
Ironman World Championships, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 206–207
Jackson, Phil, 127
Jay, Ramsey, Jr., 126–127
Jerry Maguire (movie), 80
Jobs, Steve, 53
“joint” meaning (pitching), xiii
Jordan, Michael, 127
Joy (movie), 58–59
Karzen, Brooke, 110
Khubani, AJ, 201
King, B.B., 82
Kuni, Nancy, 25–26
Kutcher, Ashton, 134
language, profane, 120
Lemmon, Jack, 174–175
Leno, 2
Little, Tony, 24
Los Angeles Times, 199
McCormack, Chris (“Macca”), 16, 138
magnetism, 82
Major League Soccer (MLS), 215–216
Mangano, Joy, 58–59
marathon. See running
Marino, Dan, 35
Martin, Steve, 142
Mays, Billy
acceptable outcomes, 19
on confidence, 210
death/aftermath, xvii–xviii, 161
description when not pitching, 209
HSN beginnings, 66–68
on not closing, 189
OxiClean and, x, xiv–xvii, 4, 51, 150
as pitchman/description, x, xiii–xvii, 2, 3, 4, 6, 19, 51, 53, 54, 55, 66–68, 81, 106, 112, 210, 212
preparation and, 61
on push back, 168
signature line, 51
on storytelling, 130
Sullivan relationship, 2–3, 4, 5, 6–7
taking control, 81
voice/delivery, 55
“What Would Billy Do?,” 19, 39, 61, 81, 106, 130, 150, 168, 189, 210
See also specific events; specific products; specific shows
Mays/Sullivan and Tonight Show
overview, 1–7
seat next to Conan and, 3–4, 7, 19
car test drive example, 133–135
comedians and, 141–142, 148–149, 150
descriptions/advice, xix, 80, 133–152
methods overview, 139–145
scenarios questions/answers, 151–152
selling unbreakable plates example, 136
situations requiring near-perfection, 149
situations using, 146–148
Sullivan/Eco-Challenge application, 140–141
Sullivan’s mom/Mick Fleetwood photo, 146–147
summary, xix
training/practice tips, 150–151
Monster Garage, 110
Montgomery, Carole, 148–149
Moth, The (radio), 130–131
Nokes, Jon, 198–199
NPR, 130–131
Obama, Barack
Jay and, 126
mistake in speaking/handling, 144
speaking/style, 55
Tonight Show, The, 5
Obama, Michelle, 126
Oliver Twist (book/movie), 194
outcomes. See acceptable outcomes/setting
overseller (sidekick), 95
Mays and, x, xiv–xvii, 4, 51, 150
origins, xiii–xvii
parent company of, 154
Sullivan and, xiii–xiv, xv–xviii, 33, 86, 88–89, 90, 119, 141, 212
Paige, Elaine, 158
Palin, Sarah, 55
pause (with entrance), 77
peak-end rule, 197
Pearson, Carlton, Bishop, 186–187
perfectionist (sidekick), 144
description, x
examples, 6, 28, 48, 68, 91, 115, 139, 157, 176, 198
Picasso, Pablo, 54
Pippen, Scottie, 127
list, xviii–xix
pattern/sequence, xix–xx
where to use, xx–xxi
See also specific powers
appealing to self-interest, 73–74
description/overview, ix, xi–xiii, xviii–xxiii, 23
engaging the senses, 74–75, 97
fear and, 78
“sell lines,” 72–73
sharing information and, 36–37, 73
stealing ideas for, 54–55
surprise/being memorable and, 56–57, 68, 71–72, 73, 75
what it is not, xxi
See also specific components; specific examples
Pitchmen (reality show)
origins, 110–114, 115, 116, 121
positivity, 80–83
postponing, 83–84
power plays, 78
preamble (with entrance), 77–78
angry buyer/handling and, 59–61
being memorable and, 56–57
descriptions/advice, xviii, 43–64
personal presentation, 53–54
procrastination and, 54
public speaking and, 57–58
scenarios questions/answers, 63–64
situations using, 54–61
Sullivan/HSC example, 43–48
summary, xviii
training/practice tips, 50–54, 61–63
voice/delivery style, 55–57
procrastinator (sidekick/preparation), 54
Procter & Gamble, xvii
profane language, 120
push back
avoiding rejection and, 160–162
calculating, 166–167
description/advice, xix, 39–40, 153–170
“final offer” and, 170
kid selling magazines example, 161–162
knowing when to stop, 165
scenarios questions/answers, 169–170
Sullivan Productions/Liz Smith example, 153–156, 163
summary, xix
training/practice tips, 168–169
Pushback Multiplier Rule, 166–167
Ramsey, Dave, 32
reactance (sales resistance type), 70
RFP example, 57
Rick, Bill, 215–216
Rock, Chris, 55
Rollé, Reno, 122–124
Rotato, 201
Ironman World Championships, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 206–207
marathon, New York City (2010), 85–86
See also triathlon, St. Petersburg
sad sack (sidekick), 205
sales resistance
descriptions/overcoming, 36–37, 69–70, 72–76, 122–123, 125
Plexiglas riot shield comparison, 69–70
storytelling and, 122–123, 125
types, 70
See also force field/breaching
Saturday Night Live, 123
self-deprecation, 97
“sell lines,” 72–73
senses and pitching, 74–75, 97
Shamrocks (Sullivan’s neighbors), 86, 89, 90
Sharif, Omar, 44
Shimer, Jeff, 26–27, 28–29, 43, 46
sidekick (competent sidekick), expert, 20–21
sidekick (incompetent sidekick)
acceptable outcomes and, 11
description, x
egomaniac, 183
lack of confidence, 76
overseller, 95
perfectionist, 144
procrastinator (preparation), 54
profane language and, 120
sad sack, 205
underminer, 162
Yes-Man, 35
silence and not closing, 180–181, 190
skepticism (sales resistance type), 70
Smith, Dean, 127
Smith, Leroy, 127
soccer, 215–216
solution. See understanding audience pain/solution
Stern, Howard, 55
Ashram/Pitchmen origins, 110–114, 115, 116, 121, 128
beats of a story, 120–122
description/advice, xix, 109–132
drama and, 118
framing and, 122–124
humor and, 117–118
likability and, 119–120
relevance and, 116–117
sales resistance and, 122–123, 125
scenarios questions/answers, 131–132
story components, 116–120
Sullivan’s Hawaii story/effects, 117, 119, 130
summary, xix
training/practice tips, 129–131
when not to use, 128–129
Sullivan, Anthony
background/pitching, ix, xxi, 1, 2, 24–26, 171–174, 198–199
contact information, 216–217
divorce and, 109–110
father, 194–195
Florida trip and, 24–26
Hawaii story/effects, 117, 119, 130
HSC/first pitch, 43–48
HSN/HNC beginnings, 24–29, 43–48
keynote speech/business group (2015), 56–57
marathons/triathlons and, 85–86, 91, 206–207
Mays relationship, 2–3, 4, 5, 6–7
mom/Mick Fleetwood photo, 146–147
mother/mother’s husband, 86, 88, 89, 90
OxiClean and, xiii–xiv, xv–xviii, 33, 86, 88–89, 90, 119, 141, 212
Randi (wife), 134
speech on friendships, 56–57
See also specific events; specific products; specific shows
Sullivan Productions, xv, 153–156, 188, 201
Survivor, 140
Tampa Bay Rowdies, 215–216
Tap Light, xv
TED talks, 131
Telebrands, 201
This American Life (radio), 130–131
Timeshare companies example, 73
Tonight Show, The, 82
Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien, The. See Mays/Sullivan and Tonight Show
traveling/planning example, 58
triathlon, Ironman World Championships, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, 206–207
triathlon, St. Petersburg
force field and, 86–87, 88–91, 94
Sullivan/handing out fruit, 86–87, 88–89, 90–91, 94
Sullivan’s relatives/neighbors and, 86, 88, 89, 90
See also running
Trump, Ivana, 44
Ullman, Chris, 81–82
“under the ether,” 27, 47, 56–57, 124–125, 131
underminer (sidekick), 162
understanding audience pain/solution
audience cares and, 28–29, 30–31
Cuban mop example, 30–31
descriptions/advice, xviii, 23–42
miscalculation/recovery, 38–40
Nutrisystem example, 33–35
pushing back and, 39–40
scenarios questions/answers, 42
situations using, 36–38
Sullivan’s HSC/HSN beginnings, 24–29
summary, xviii
training/practice tips, 40–41
voice/delivery style, 55–57
Voice, The, 158
Wal-Mart, xvii
Wall, Robin, 97–98
Walters, Barbara, 55
Washmatiks (Amazing Washmatiks), 51, 72, 143, 171–174
Yes-Man (sidekick), 35
Zap Off, 66–67
ZuGoPet, 101–104