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Imperial Library
Foreword by Guy P. Harrison
Part I: Foundations
Chapter 1: Motives and Methods
My purpose for writing
My approach to my readers
Two kinds of believers
A look ahead
Chapter 2: My Journey from Missionary Bible Translator to Humanist
Introduction to my story
Life as an evangelical Christian
Life as a nonbeliever
Chapter 3: Why I Remained a Christian: Pre-deconversion Perspectives
The influence of other believers
The design of the universe and of life
The superiority of Christianity over other worldviews
The foundations of morality
Purpose and meaning
Fulfilled prophecies
The resurrection of Jesus
The reliability of the Bible
Miracles and answered prayer
A personal relationship with a loving, almighty God
Chapter 4: Why I Hesitated to Examine my Faith Critically
The sum of all fears and costs
Psychological inertia
Accident of birth, benefit of doubt (ABBOD)
The virtue of faith
Sanctified exceptionalism
Good and bad
Focus on the flaws of the foes of the faith
The big stick
The ease and security of a package
A set-apart identity
Moderation inoculation
But what about you now, Ken?
Part II: My Reasons for Believing: A Critique
Chapter 5: The Influence of Other Believers
Exemplary believers
The myth of individual faith
Accident of birth, benefit of doubt (ABBOD reprise)
Tradition and authority
Fear of others' reactions
Christian fellowship
Chapter 6: The Design of the Universe and of Life
Suspicion of the scientific establishment
Excursus: the age of the earth
Naturalism versus supernaturalism
The origin of the universe
The origin of God
Chapter 7: The Superiority of Christianity over Other Worldviews
Deformed to fit
The numbers game
Chapter 8: The Foundations of Morality
A typical discussion
The limitations of faith-based morality
Not perfect, just forgiven
Chapter 9: Purpose and Meaning
Mortality and meaninglessness
Chapter 10: Fulfilled Prophecies
Prophetic presuppositions
The "seventy weeks" of Daniel 9
Jesus' failed prophecy
Chapter 11: The Resurrection of Jesus
The apologetic stance
The location of Jesus' post-resurrection appearances
Arguments for the resurrection
Chapter 12: The Reliability of the Bible
The unity of the Bible
The integrity and trustworthiness of the biblical authors
The archaeological confirmation of the scriptures
The beauty and wisdom of the gospel
Chapter 13: Miracles and Answered Prayer
Answered prayer
Chapter 14: A Personal Relationship with a Loving, Almighty God
Excursus: the possibility of losing one's relationship with God
Marriage to Jesus
The Bible and Jesus as personal savior
The reality of a personal relationship
God's power and love
Chapter 15: Fear of Eternal Loss
Pascal's Wager
Defenses of the doctrine of hell
Chapter 16: Questions, Answers, and Final Thoughts
Are you happier now than before?
Have your morals changed?
Do you ever doubt your doubts?
Do you ever feel guilty about your decision?
How do you relate to your wife and family?
Parting thoughts
About the Author
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