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Title Page
Publisher Note
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Your Brain Is Always Listening to Hidden Dragons
Your Brain: A Very Brief Primer
Section 1: Tame the Dragons from the Past: Your History Is Not Your Destiny
Abandoned, Invisible, or Insignificant Dragons
Inferior or Flawed Dragons
Anxious Dragons
Wounded Dragons
Should and Shaming Dragons
Special, Spoiled, or Entitled Dragons
Responsible Dragons
Angry Dragons
Judgmental Dragons
Death Dragons
Grief and Loss Dragons
Hopeless And Helpless Dragons
Ancestral Dragons
Section 2: Quiet the They, Them, and Other Dragons: Don’t Let Their Dragons Pick Fights with Yours
Parent Dragons
Sibling and Birth Order Dragons
Children Dragons
Teacher and Coach Dragons
Friends, Popular Kids, Bullies, and Mean Girls Dragons
Former, Current, and Prospective Lover Dragons
Internet Troll Dragons
Section 3: Tame the Thoughts That Fuel Your Dragons: How Challenging 100 of Your Worst Thoughts Can Heal Your Life
All-or-Nothing ANTs (fuel Judgmental Dragons)
Less-Than ANTs (fuel Abandoned, Invisible, Insignificant, Inferior, and Flawed Dragons)
Just-the-Bad ANTs (fuel Wounded, Ancestral, Hopeless, Helpless, and Death Dragons)
Guilt-Beating ANTs (fuel Should and Shaming Dragons)
Labeling ANTs (fuel Should, Shaming, and Judgmental Dragons)
Fortune-Telling ANTs (fuel Anxious, Wounded, Hopeless and Helpless Dragons)
Mind-Reading ANTs (fuel Abandoned, Invisible, Insignificant, Inferior, Flawed, and Anxious Dragons)
If-Only and I’ll-Be-Happy-When ANTs (fuel Inferior, Flawed, Anxious, Wounded, Should, Shaming, Judgmental, Grief, and Loss Dragons)
Blaming ANTs (fuel Special, Spoiled, Entitled, Judgmental, and Ancestral Dragons)
Section 4: Eliminate Bad Habit Dragons: Identify the Automatic Behaviors That Ruin Your Life
Saying Yes, When You Should Say No Bad Habit Dragons
Automatic No or Arguing Bad Habit Dragons
Interrupting, No-Filter Bad Habit Dragons
Trouble with the Truth Bad Habit Dragons
Distracted, Obsessive, Multitasking Bad Habit Dragons
Procrastinating (I’ll Do It Tomorrow) Bad Habit Dragons
Disorganized Bad Habit Dragons
Let’s Have a Problem Bad Habit Dragons
Overeating Bad Habit Dragons
Oblivious Bad Habit Dragons
Section 5: Outfox the Scheming Dragons: The Impact of Advertisers, Food Companies, Gadgets, News, and Social Media
Food Pusher Dragons
Substance and Toxin Pusher Dragons
Digital Dragons
Contact Sports Dragons
Holiday Dragons
Section 6: Addicted Dragon Recovery Program: A New 12-Step Brain-Based Model
Section 7: The Dragon Tamer: Is Yours Healthy, Weak, or Overcontrolling?
Final Thoughts: Redirect What Your Brain Is Listening to, and Make Sure Others Know about the Dragons
About Daniel G. Amen, MD
Gratitude and Appreciation
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