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Foreword by Sudha Bulusu and Dr. Shekhar Annambhotla
Preface: My Story
Introduction: Reinventing the Wheel?
Why the Wheel?
Taking Back Your Health and Your Life
Taking Responsibility for Your Health
Exercise: Your Commitment to Yourself
Chapter 1. A Quick Immersion in Ayurveda
What Is Ayurveda?
Balance versus Imbalance
The Ayurvedic Definition of Health
The Mahabhutas: The Great Elements
An Introduction to the Doshas
The Ayurvedic Mind-Body Type Test
Interpreting Your Mind-Body Type
The Six Stages of Disease
Creating a Symptom Plan
Exercise: Identifying Your Typical Symptoms
Checklist for Health: An Introduction to Ayurveda
Chapter 2. The Entire Wheel: Living Your Dharma, or Life’s Purpose
The Importance of Dharma
Defining Dharma
Finding Your Dharma
Exercise: Discovering Dharma
Intention and Desire: Creating Your Life’s Purpose
Exercise: List of Intentions and Desires
Checklist for Health: Dharma
Chapter 3. Physical Health
Food as Medicine
An Ayurvedic Plan for Optimal Nutrition
The Twelve Guidelines for an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Eating Plan
Guidelines for Re-creating the Mind-Body Connection with Food
Ten Guidelines for Eating Awareness
Eating for Your Mind-Body Type
Exercise: Your Dosha-Specific Eating Plan
Daily Routine and Seasonal Routine: Respecting Nature’s Waves
Moving Your Body
Exercise: Creating Your Physical Movement Plan
Checklist for Health: Physical Healing
Chapter 4. Spiritual Health
What Defines Spiritual?
Embracing Your Spiritual Self
Going from Tunnel Vision to Funnel Vision
Cultivating the Act of Witnessing Awareness
Exercise: Internal-Dialogue Assessment
Meditation: Anyone Can Do It
Thinking Thousands of Thoughts a Day
Do Nothing or Do Everything?
Wondering How It Works
Living a Spiritual Life
Checklist for Health: Spiritual Healing
Chapter 5. Emotional Health
Do You Run Your Emotions, or Do Your Emotions Run You?
Tools for Establishing a Healthy Emotional Life
Emotional Clearing for Each Dosha
Exercise: Your Emotional Healing Plan
Checklist for Health: Emotional Healing
Chapter 6. Healing Your Past
What Is Your Story?
Exercise: The Stories from Your Past
Exercise: Your New Reality
Understanding Why You Have a Past
Finding the Lesson and Moving On
The Seven Main Chakras: Opening Blocked Energy
Let Go of Your Past by Taking Three Lessons to the Future
Exercise: Your Three Lessons to Take to Your Fulfilling Future
Checklist for Health: Healing Your Past
Chapter 7. Relationship Health
We Are Social Beings Meant to Be in Relationships with Others
Life Is Not Balanced without Healthy and Loving Relationships
Twelve Traits of Healthy Relationships
Exercise: Taking Inventory of Your Relationship Using the Twelve Traits
Communicating Compassionately
Minding the Doshas in Relationships
Creating the Relationships You Desire
Steps to Attract the Right Mate
Checklist for Health: Healing Your Relationships
Chapter 8. Occupational Health
The Daily Grind
Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do
Discovering the Higher Purpose of Having a Career
Finding Dharma in a Career That Is Not Exactly Your Dharma
Honoring Your True Nature: Ideal Work for Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Exercise: Creating a Plan for Transforming Your Current Job or Finding Your Ideal Job
Checklist for Health: A Healthy Occupation
Chapter 9. Financial Health
Your Financial Situation and Your Health
Getting Rid of a Poverty Mind-Set
Exercise: Taking Stock of Your Beliefs about Money
Honoring Money as Energy: Giving to Receive
Exercise: A Commitment to Financial Giving
Your Plan to Abolish Debt and Create Wealth in Your Life
Checklist for Health: Healing Your Finances
Chapter 10. Environmental Health
Maximizing Healthy Sensory Input
Outlining the Environments in My Daily Life
Exercise: Space-Clearing Commitment
The Dosha Response to Environment
Reconnecting to the Outer Environment: Living outside Our Boxes
Exercise: Ways You Can Live Outside Your Boxes
Checklist for Health: Healing Your Environments
Chapter 11. Breaking a Spoke of the Wheel
Dealing with Illness While Learning an Ayurvedic Lifestyle
Healing from Addictions
What If You Get Stuck on One Spoke and Cannot Move On?
Chapter 12. Rolling Smoothly: Enjoying the Ride
Karmic Action: Doing What’s Right
On Being Gentle, Humble, Loving, and Kind
Appendix: Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)
Glossary of Sanskrit Terms
Recommended Websites and Ayurvedic Resources
References and Recommended Reading
About the Author
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