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Imperial Library
Borrowing ideas from engineering, manufacturing, and telecommunications
Models I developed for the future of learning and working
The psychology and inner experience of modern knowledge work
Extended cognition and how the environment influences how we think
History and broader context of personal knowledge management
Personal growth and how it relates to effectiveness
Practical methods for automating productivity
Bending the Curves of Productivity
The Future of Online Learning: STEVEs (Short Tiny Exclusive Virtual Experiences)
Bootcamps as personality-driven brands
The bottleneck of the bottleneck: marketing and sales
Marketing as product definition
STEVEs and Just-In-Time Education
The journey ahead
Outstanding questions
1. Balance between optionality and accountability
2. Exercises and activities
3. Follow-through and support
The Throughput of Learning
Getting Things Done + Personal Knowledge Management
An Integrated Total Life Management System
A Theory of Unlearning: Ecstasis, Anamnesis, Kenosis
Greater satisfaction
Faster information processing
Accelerated learning
Mood as Extrapolation Engine: Using Emotions to Generate Momentum
Cancelled appointments
Repressing things I want to do
Accumulating a large batch of small admin tasks
Having a theme song for each project
Make an Excitement Map
Live-tweeting book notes
The Rise of the Full-Stack Freelancer
Portfolio thinking
Opportunistic addition
Building a portfolio
Network effects
Unbounded learning
The Rise of the Full-Stack Freelancer, Part II: The Stack
Personal layer
Business layer
Offerings layer
Strategically Constrained: How to Turn Limitations Into Opportunities
A Beautiful Constraint Summary
#1 Raise your bold ambition
#2 Create a propelling question
#3 Give the propelling question legitimacy, authority, and accountability
#4 Identify undervalued resources
#5 Write a “We can if…” (WCI) statement
The implications
The Inner Game of Work: Focus, Desire, and Working Free
The Conversation for Awareness
The Conversation for Choice
The Conversation for Trust
A new definition of work
The World Beyond Your Head: How Distraction Shapes Who We Are
The World Beyond Your Head: On Becoming an Individual in an Age of Distraction
We are embodied
We are social
We are situated
The Topology of Attention
1. Attention has a shape
2. Attention has a quality
3. Attention can be cultivated
4. Attention is curative
5. Attention is our greatest asset
Attention in knowledge work
5 Steps to Creating Packets
#1 Stateful
Step 1: Collect all this content from all the places where it lives, into a centralized location where it can be organized
#2 Encapsulated
Step 2: Separate your content into small packets with clean edges (i.e. notes)
#3 Reusable
Step 3: Design notes for easy search and retrieval
Step 4: Organize your notes by project and topic
#4 Composable
Step 5: Practice composing things
Working with nodes
A Productivity Expert Goes to Burning Man
Supersizing the Mind: The Science of Cognitive Extension
Three Principles of Cognitive Extension
#1 Principle of Ecological Assembly
#2 Principle of Cognitive Impartiality
#3 Principle of Motor Deference
Human performance
Epistemic skills
Masters of Creative Note-Taking: Luhmann and Da Vinci
Niklas Luhmann’s Zettelkasten
Lessons and takeaways
Leonardo da Vinci’s notebooks
Lessons and takeaways
Principles and techniques
The Weekly Review is an Operating System
Tiago’s Weekly Review
1. Clear email inbox
2. Check calendar (-2/+4 weeks)
3. Clear physical inbox/notebook
4. Clear computer desktop/downloads
Check Mint transactions
5. Process Evernote inbox
6A. Prioritize and file new open loops
6B. Review Waiting For list for followup
7. Choose Today tasks
Cadence and synchronization
The Monthly Review is a Systems Check
Tiago’s Monthly Review
1. Review and update Life Goals
2. Review and update Project List
3. Review and update Areas of Responsibility
4. Review Personal Narrative Vision
5. Review Someday/Maybe items
6. Reprioritize tasks
7. Extract highlights from finished ebooks
8. Empty trash in task manager and Evernote
Focus as structural integrity
My learnings
1. More attention on the higher horizons
2. Need to leverage the efforts of others
3. Areas build the capacity required to execute projects
Accumulating change
The Annual Review is a Rearchitecture
1. Write Gratitude List
2. Answer questions about last year
3. Answer questions about next year
4. Add new Life Goals and Projects
5. Read last year’s Personal Narrative Vision and write next year’s
6. Review last year’s Daily Routines and write next year’s
Turning over a new leaf
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