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BOOK ONE~ How to Write a Screenplay That Doesn't Suck
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Prologue: "Got a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore"
Step No.1: Don't Wait, Start Now
Step No.2: Write. Every. Day.
Step No.3: Read
Step No.4: Go L.A.
Step No.5: Go to the Movies
Step No.6: Pick a Movie Apart
Step No.7: Join the 21st Century
Step No.8: Make Sure Your Script Doesn't Suck
Step No.9: Fill Your Little Black Book
Step No.10: Get Some Digits
Step No.11: Stand on the Shoulders of Giants
Step No.12: Make Contact
Step 13: Don't Wait for Permission
Final Note: Or What the Hell Do I Know?
BOOK TWO~ How to Write a Movie Script With Kick-Ass Characters
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Prologue: "You Played It for Her, You Can Play It for Me"
Chapter 1: What the Hell Are Characters for Anyway?
Chapter 2: How to Create Characters That People Give a Crap About
Chapter 3: Secret Sauce to Great Movie Villains
Chapter 4: Nobody Thinks They're Supporting
Chapter 5: Interrogate This!
Chapter 6: Where the Wild Things Are
Chapter 7: The Final Frontier
BOOK THREE~ How to Write a Script With Dialogue That Doesn't Suck
Legal Stuff
Prologue: "They're Gonna Talk to You and Talk to You"
Chapter 1: What the %$%& is Dialogue Supposed to Do?
Chapter 2: How to Write Dialogue That Doesn't Suck
Chapter 3: How to Beg, Borrow, and Steal Your Way to Amazing Dialogue
Chapter 4: If You Can Talk, You Can Write (Dialogue)
Chapter 5: How to Deliver Exposition Without Putting the Reader in a Coma
Chapter 6: How to Make Sure Your Characters Don't All Sound the Same
Chapter 7: How to Cut, Mutilate and Transform Your Way to Kick-Ass Dialogue
Chapter 8: How to Get as Good as the Pros
Epilogue: "This Hero Stuff Has Its Limits"
BOOK FOUR~ Screenplay Format Made Stupidly Easy
Legal Stuff
Super Quick Note About the Formatting of This Book
Prologue: "We Find the Defendants Incredibly Guilty"
Chapter 1: Location, Location, Location
Chapter 2: Secondary Shot Headings (for Fun and Profit)
Chapter 3: It's About the Visuals, Stupid
Chapter 4: You Talkin' to Me?
Chapter 5: Transition This!
Chapter 6: Phone Calls, Montages and Flashbacks, Oh My!
Epilogue: "Gonna Miss You Most of All, Scarecrow"
BOOK FIVE~ How to Sell a Screenplay Without Having Spielberg in Your Last Name
Legal Stuff
Prologue: "Never Tell Me the Odds"
Chapter 1: How to Conquer Hollywood From 3000 Miles Away
Chapter 2: Is Your Script Ready for Prime Time?
Chapter 3: How to Make Your Story Not Sound Sucky
Chapter 4: How Netflix and a Jumbo Tub of Popcorn Can Help You Sell Your Script
Chapter 5: How Festivals and Conferences Can Make You Popular and Seriously Employed
Chapter 6: How to "Friend" Your Way to the Top
Chapter 7: Why Agents and Managers Suck, Except for the Ones That Don't
Chapter 8: The Big Query
Chapter 9: Making Contact
Chapter 10: Submissions, Submissions, Submissions
Chapter 11: The Strange and Mysterious World of Meetings
Epilogue: "The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship"
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