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Where is the world’s largest waterfall?
Where is the world’s largest river?
Where is the world’s longest mountain range?
Where is the nearest natural rainforest to Britain?
Where will the lion sleep tonight?
How did Tarzan get around the jungle?
Which country has the second-biggest film industry?
Name the only country in the world to have been officially accused of biological warfare
Name a gas used on the battlefield in the Second World War
Which kind of power station produces the most radiation?
Why is gasoline called gasoline?
Which company is the world’s largest manufacturer of tyres?
What are plastic bags made from?
What is marmalade made from?
Who invented the grapefruit?
What’s the world’s most popular fruit?
Why did Popeye eat spinach?
What do beavers eat?
What does an elephant drink through?
What always happens to couples who get drunk in Las Vegas?
How old do you have to be for a Club 18–30 holiday?
When should you report a missing person?
How long does it take to play the ‘Minute Waltz’?
What’s the best kind of violin?
Which day is added to make a leap year?
Who brought the first Christmas tree to Britain?
What did Prince Albert invent?
Who invented the Nazi salute?
In which war did both sides fight under the Union Jack?
What colour are the flags on the Moon?
What colour is the dark side of the Moon?
What happens nine months after a blackout?
When should you be eating for two?
What was the first chainsaw used for?
What was the best thing before sliced bread?
Who invented the sandwich?
Which country invented ice hockey?
Which country invented the motorway?
Why did motorists have to carry red flags in front of them?
What kind of glass does the US president’s car have?
Would you take a bullet for me?
What might you find in the average British courtroom?
What’s the oldest profession?
Who first wore high heels?
Name a traditional Italian bread
Who first ate frogs’ legs?
What happens to most of the world’s liquorice?
Name the most important vow taken by Trappist monks
Which town hanged a monkey thinking it was a French spy?
What’s the northernmost place on mainland Britain?
Which country do missionaries go to more than any other?
Where did the Mayflower land in America?
What was the date of the American Declaration of Independence?
When should you take down your Christmas decorations?
Which holiday is celebrated on 26 December every year?
Which seasonal event was ‘Jingle Bells’ written for?
Who should you visit on Mothering Sunday?
How old would Jesus have been in the year ad 2000?
What would Jesus’ mum have called him?
What was the name of the saint from Assisi?
When was the name ‘Wendy’ first used?
What kind of reasoning did Sherlock Holmes use?
What was the name of the cabin boy in Captain Pugwash?
Name a piece of music written by Henry VIII
What was the main event in a medieval tournament?
Why was the Colosseum called the Colosseum?
What is the name of the Queen’s official residence?
How many English kings named Henry have there been?
What dynasty did Henry VII and Henry VIII belong to?
Which king of Scotland succeeded Macbeth?
Which dog stood by his master’s grave for 14 years?
How did Pavlov get dogs to salivate?
Why should you rely on the ‘wisdom of crowds’?
Why should you avoid feral pigeons?
How hot does water have to be to wash the bacteria off your hands?
What would happen if the world suddenly stopped spinning?
What is the deepest canyon in the USA?
Where is the world’s tallest statue of Jesus Christ?
What species of tree is the tallest ever?
Which way do sunflowers face?
What colour is a robin’s breast?
Could you beat the king of dinosaurs at an arm wrestle?
Which animal has the most teeth?
How many claws does a lobster have?
How do crickets make their chirps?
How do cuckoos raise their young?
How clever are dolphins?
Which animal has the most genes?
What is junk DNA good for?
Who discovered DNA?
Who invented the hovercraft?
Why was the dishwasher invented?
When was the selfie invented?
When was ‘OMG’ first used?
Who wrote the first English dictionary?
What is literally the most misused word in the English language?
What does a cowboy call his rope?
What kind of hat did they wear in the Wild West?
Where is Harris Tweed made?
Which bone of a whale is used for whalebone corsets?
What’s the loudest animal for its size?
Where do fish live?
Where do penguins live?
Where did the camel get its hump?
What is Antarctica’s largest native land animal?
How high could a flea jump if it was the size of a human?
What would happen if the population of China all jumped at once?
Which island could the whole population of the world stand on?
Where is Krakatoa?
What’s the world’s largest body of dead water?
How many American Great Lakes are there?
What are deserts made from?
What is the ozone layer made of?
Does the air get warmer or cooler the higher you get?
Which humans have been closest to the Sun?
How long does light from the centre of the Sun take to reach Earth?
How much does a shadow weigh?
What is the strongest creature for its weight in the world?
What’s the worst thing a swan can do to you?
Name a monogamous bird
Name a non-venomous snake
Name a vertebrate with no backbone
What kind of creature is a Portuguese man-o’-war?
How many legs does the average animal have?
How many legs does a kangaroo have?
How many knees does an elephant have?
How many sphincters do you have?
Which finger would you sacrifice first if you had to?
What happened to Walt Disney’s body?
What happened to the Mary Celeste?
Who was the naturalist on board the Beagle?
What bird did the Ancient Mariner shoot?
The sirens were half-woman, half-what?
What did the Birdman keep in Alcatraz?
Where is most of America’s gold kept?
How did Roman soldiers receive their salary?
What killed most of the population of Pompeii?
How many Spartans died at the Battle of Thermopylae?
How many people were at the feeding of the 5,000?
What did Mary Magdalene do for a living?
What did Lady Godiva do?
When did the first woman vote in Britain?
What’s the most dangerous sport for girls in America?
How good was Kim Jong-il at golf?
What is the brake man’s job in a bobsled race?
What’s the main rule of walking races?
How long are Olympic swimming pools?
Name either the starting point or the finishing point of the Paris–Dakar rally
Which country is the world’s largest producer of Brazil nuts?
What are the prickly bits of a rose called?
What was the main use for pepper in the Middle Ages?
Would you rather drink pure water or treated sewage?
What’s the quickest way to look healthy?
How many portions of fruit and vegetables should you eat a day?
What did the Famous Five have lashings of?
Where was Juliet standing when she was wooed by Romeo?
What did Napoleon say to Josephine?
Who coined the phrase ‘Elementary, my dear Watson’?
Who invented Pythagoras’ theorem?
Fill in the blank: ‘The Man in the __ Mask’
Which of the following is true of corrugated iron?
What happens if you hit a diamond with a hammer?
What shape is a snowflake?
What happens if you shout in the mountains?
When did the First World War get its name?
What happened to crime during the Second World War?
What was the average age of US combat troops in Vietnam?
Which country’s national anthem is ‘The Land of the Free’?
What were the inhabitants of Mexico called before the Europeans arrived?
Name the first great civilisation to mummify its dead
Where would you find the world’s largest pyramid?
How did Vikings bury their dead?
What can you legally do if you come across a Welshman in Chester after sunset?
What landmark formed the northern boundary of Roman Britain?
What’s the nearest Third World country to the UK?
What’s the world’s most overweight country?
Which country has the most time zones?
When was ‘time immemorial’?
How long is an epoch?
How fast was the Earth’s fastest mass extinction?
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