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Imperial Library
Half Title
Tile Page
Publisher’s Notes
Foreword to the English Edition
Part I
1. Las Meninas
2. The Prose of the World
I The Four Similitudes
II Signatures
III The Limits of the World
IV The Writing of Things
V The Being of Language
3. Representing
I Don Quixote
II Order
III The Representation of the Sign
IV Duplicated Representation
V The Imagination of Resemblance
VI Mathesis and ‘Taxinomia’
4. Speaking
I Criticism and Commentary
II General Grammar
III The Theory of the Verb
IV Articulation
V Designation
VI Derivation
VII The Quadrilateral of Language
5. Classifying
I What the Historians Say
II Natural History
III Structure
IV Character
V Continuity and Catastrophe
VI Monsters and Fossils
VII The Discourse of Nature
6. Exchanging
I The Analysis of Wealth
II Money and Prices
III Mercantilism
IV The Pledge and the Price
V The Creation of Value
VI Utility
VII General Table
VIII Desire and Representation
Part II
7. The Limits of Representation
I The Age of History
II The Measure of Labour
III The Organic Structure of Beings
IV Word Inflection
V Ideology and Criticism
VI Objective Syntheses
8. Labour, Life, Language
I The New Empiricities
II Ricardo
III Cuvier
IV Bopp
V Language Become Object
9. Man and His Doubles
I The Return of Language
II The Place of the King
III The Analytic of Finitude
IV The Empirical and the Transcendental
V The ‘Cogito’ and the Unthought
VI The Retreat and Return of the Origin
VII Discourse and Man’s Being
VIII The Anthropological Sleep
10. The Human Sciences
I The Three Faces of Knowledge
II The Form of the Human Sciences
III The Three Models
IV History
V Psychoanalysis and Ethnology
VI In Conclusion
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