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List of Figures and Tables
Notes on Contributors
PARTI Music from the Air to the Brain
1 Music from the Air to the Brain and Body
2 Music in the Brain: Areas and Networks Psyche
3 Music in the Brain: Imagery and Memory
4 Music in the Brain: Music and Language Processing
5 Music and the Brain: Music and Cognitive Abilities
6 Music, Brain, and Movement: Time, Beat, and Rhythm
7 Music and Health: Physical, Mental, and Emotional
8 Music, Moments, and Healing Processes: Music Therapy
9 Music, Pleasure, and Social Affiliation: Hormones and Neurotransmitters
PART 2 Hearing and Listening to Music
10 Musical Structure: Time and Rhythm
11 Musical Structure: Sound and Timbre
12 Musical Structure: Tonality, Melody, Harmonicity, and Counterpoint
13 Musical Structure: Melody, Texture, and Harmony in the Classical Tradition
14 Harmony and Melody in Popular Music
15 Musical Structure: Form
16 Music Production: Recording Technologies and Acousmatic Listening
17 Musical Connections: Absolute Pitch
18 Musical Connections: Cross-modal Correspondences
19 Musical Connections: Music Perception and Neurological Deficits
20 Assisted Music Listening in Hearing Loss
PART 3 Making and Using Music
21 Creating Music: Composition
22 Music Improvisation: A Challenge for Empirical Research
23 Performing Music: Written Traditions
24 Performing Music: Oral and Improvising Traditions
25 Performing Music: Humans, Computers, and Electronics
26 Music with Others: Ensembles, Conductors, and Interpersonal Coordination
27 Music Alone and with Others: Listening, Sharing, and Celebrating
28 Music and Text: Vocal Musicianship
29 Music and Movement: Musical Instruments and Performers
30 Scene and Heard: The Role of Music in Shaping Interpretations of Film
31 Music as Enabling: Enhancing Sport, Work, and Other Pursuits
PART 4 Developing Musicality
32 Music Across the Species
33 Music Cognition: Developmental and Multimodal Perspectives
34 Musical Expertise: Genetics, Experience, and Training
35 Learning Music: Informal Processes and Their Outcomes
36 Music and Social Cognition in Adolescence
37 Musical Preference: Personality, Style, and Music Use
PART 5 Musical Meanings
38 Music Cognition: Investigations Through the Centuries
39 Music and Communication
40 Emotion in Music Listening
41 Music, Analogy, and Metaphor
42 Musical Aesthetics and Values
43 Music's Meanings
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