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Title Page
Copyright Page
Introduction: Pedagogy in sign language as first, second, and additional language
A history of sign language research and practice
Recent developments in sign language pedagogy
The Handbook of Sign Language Pedagogy
Considerations on terminology
Part I Standards
1 Standards in sign language pedagogy
Theoretical perspectives
Standards in sign language pedagogy
Standards for curriculum
Standards for instruction
Standards for assessment
Sources of sign language standards
Sign language policy and planning
Research studies
Deaf community
Standard-bearing social institutions
Standards as a web of interconnections
Pedagogical applications
Future trends
Research studies
Pedagogical practices
Part II L1 sign language pedagogy
2 L1 sign language teacher preparation, qualifications, and development
Looking back
Theoretical perspectives
Language considerations for sign language as L1
Demographics of deaf and hard of hearing children
Program considerations for TPPs
Looking around: international perspectives
Who offers L1 sign language TPPs?
How are L1 sign language teachers qualified?
Current issues in L1 sign language teacher qualification and development
Pedagogical applications
L1 sign language TPP at the University of Cologne
German sign language linguistics I and II
Deaf studies
Sign language curriculum development
Sign language assessment
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical practices
3 L1 sign language teaching approaches and strategies
Theoretical perspectives
Sign language as the natural L1 of deaf children
Cummins’ Interdependence Hypothesis
Pedagogical practices
A history of pedagogical practices
Current pedagogical practices
Sign bilingual education: key components and variables
Sign language as the primary language of deaf learners
Sign language as an academic subject
Sign language as a language of instruction
Instructional strategies
Spoken language and written language as L2
Communication practices in bilingual classrooms
Bilingual learners’ pooling of resources
Deaf learners’ diverse cultural affiliations
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical applications
4 Using L1 sign language to teach reading
Theoretical perspectives
Deaf bilingual, L1 and L2/Ln, and bilingual strategies
Reading theories: An international perspective
Cross-language transfer
Language ability and processing
Language access
Neurolinguistics and visual-based processing (VSP)
Deaf epistemology
Development of sign language-using deaf children learning to read and reading to learn
Reading environment
Pedagogical applications
Sign language – print strategies
Fingerspelling and reading
Technology, sign language, and print
Reading-Thinking-Signing (RTS)
Before reading lesson
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical applications
5 Using L1 sign language to teach writing
Theoretical perspectives
Research in writing
Concepts in the teaching of L2 writing
Studies in deaf learners’ writing
Pedagogical practices
Content- or meaning-based instruction
Interactional approaches and scaffolding
Fingerspelling and chaining
Contrastive methods
Foreign language teaching methods and translation tasks
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical applications
6 Using L1 sign language to teach mathematics
Theoretical perspectives
Pedagogical practices
Sign language mathematics curriculum
Sign language mathematics instruction
Sign language concept categories
Sign language mnemonics
Sign language counting strings
Visual physicality
Three Read Protocol for mathematics story problems
Sign language mathematics assessment
Considerations in assessment translation from L2 to L1
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical practices
7 Teaching sign language literature in L1 classrooms
Theoretical perspectives
Sign language literacy
Sign language literature
The teaching of sign language literature
Literary structure
Sign language linguistic system
Literary structures and linguistic structures in sign language literature
Considerations in teaching sign language literature
Teacher inquiries
Teaching deaf experience through sign language literature
Use of live storytelling in classrooms
Use of videos to record and teach live literary works
Choosing literary works
Pedagogical practices
Techniques in teaching signed literature
Lesson structures
Teaching different genres in sign language literature
Morphology and morphosyntax
Future trends
8 L1 sign language tests and assessment procedures
Theoretical perspectives
Evaluation of sign language tests
Content validity
Construct validity
Criterion-related validity
Predictive validity
Modern approaches to test validation
Pedagogical applications
Assessing vocabulary in deaf children
The MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventory (CDI)
Perlesko: Vocabulary test for German Sign Language
British Sign Language Vocabulary Test
Assessing grammatical aspects in deaf children
British Sign Language Receptive Skills Test
American Sign Language Assessment Instrument
Assessment Instrument for Sign Language of the Netherlands
British Sign Language Productive Skills Test (BSL-PST)
Nonsense Sign Repetition Task (NSRT)
Test of American Sign Language (TASL)
Instrumento de avaliação da língua de sinais brasileira (IALS)
Use of sign language assessments in practice
Technology and sign language testing
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical applications
9 The politics of L1 sign language pedagogy
Historical impact of views about languages on Deaf children
Historical background
Theoretical perspectives
L1 politics of bilingual deaf education
Integrating Deaf perspectives within a bilingual framework
Pedagogical practices
Bilingual education programming for Deaf children
Signed language instruction with Hearing families and Deaf adults
Bilingual education in practice: US
Bilingual education in practice: Brazil
Bilingual education in practice: Asia and Europe
Deaf bilingual education and cochlear implants
Training professional educators
Future trends
Part III L2/Ln sign language pedagogy
10 L2/Ln sign language teacher preparation, qualifications, and development
Theoretical perspectives
Principles of teacher preparation programs
Teacher preparation program in sign languages
Philosophical orientations
Linguistic status of sign languages
Deaf community
Learner characteristics
L2 sign language teaching
Epistemological orientations
Introduction to sign languages, Deaf communities, and cultures
Introduction to Deaf cultures
Introduction to Deaf histories
Introduction to language
Introduction to linguistics
Sign language phonology
Sign language lexical analysis
Sign language morphology
Sign language syntax
Non-manuals in sign languages
Readings in applied linguistics
Language acquisition
Sign language acquisition
Readings in language teaching
Methods of teaching sign languages
Curriculum design and materials development for sign language instruction
Assessments in sign language skills
Media production in sign language
Practicum in teaching sign language
Research on sign language teaching
Learner participation in the Deaf community
Teacher certification
Teacher certification examination
Entry requirements for applicants
Pedagogical applications
The United States
Sociolinguistic situation of sign languages
Education available to culturally Deaf people
Establishment of sign language teacher training programs
Availability of qualified trainers
Sociolinguistic situation
Education available to culturally Deaf people
Establishment of sign language teacher training programs
Availability of qualified trainers
Courses in the certificate program in teaching Thai Sign Language
Viet Nam
Sociolinguistic situation of sign languages
Education available to culturally Deaf people
Establishment of sign language teacher training programs
Availability of qualified trainers
Courses in the Certificate Program in Teaching Vietnamese sign languages
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical practices
11 Course design for L2/Ln sign language pedagogy
Theoretical perspectives
Pedagogical applications
Curriculum design and current pedagogical approaches
Curricular orientations to course design
Curricular components
Considering the contents
Considering the instructional methodology
Considering the learning outcomes
Time distribution and class planning
Remaining issues in L2/Ln sign language in course design
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical applications
12 L2/Ln sign language teaching approaches and strategies
The teaching and learning of signed language as L2/Ln
Issues and challenges in L2/Ln signed language pedagogy
Theoretical perspectives
Issue of method
Language-centered methods
Learner-centered methods
Learning-centered methods
Post-method pedagogy
Parameter of particularity
Parameter of practicality
Parameter of possibility
Pedagogical practices
History of teaching strategies in signed languages as a L2/Ln
Problems and issues in the teaching of signed language as an L2/Ln
Considerations in L2/Ln signed language teaching approaches and strategies
Components of instruction
Components of instructional materials
Components of course design
Components of a lesson plan
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical practices
13 Teaching L2/Ln sign language fingerspelling
Theoretical perspectives
The pedagogy of fingerspelling
Fingerspelling as an educational tool
Why empirically tested fingerspelling curricula are necessary
Pedagogical practices
The ASL Inside fingerspelling curricula
Fingerspelled Word Recognition Through Rapid Serial Visual Presentation
Future trends
Future research studies
Improving comprehension feedback
Targeted cue re-weighting comprehension training
Unpacking issues with palm orientation
Understanding the role of mouthing and context
Fingerspelling production
Future pedagogical practices
14 Teaching L2/Ln sign language vocabulary
Theoretical perspectives
Acquisition of vocabulary from a second language acquisition perspective
A unique feature of sign language vocabulary learning: iconicity
Pedagogical practices
Practices in the teaching of sign language vocabulary to L2/Ln learners
Voice-on and voice-off instruction
Use of multimedia for vocabulary instruction
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical practices
15 Teaching L2/Ln sign language grammar
Theoretical perspectives
Approaches in teaching L2/Ln grammar
Cognitive linguistics
Pedagogical practices
Current pedagogical approaches
Teaching grammar through translations, drills, and rote memorization
Teaching grammar by analyzing linguistic rules
Teaching grammar through communication
Emerging pedagogical approaches
Teaching grammar using content and task
Teaching grammar as translanguaging
Teaching grammar using corpus
Considerations in the L2/Ln teaching of sign language grammar
Consideration in the use of gestures
Considerations in the use of written language
L2/Ln acquisition of syntax
Future trends
16 Teaching sign language literature in L2/Ln classrooms
Theoretical perspectives
Theoretical perspectives on sign language literature
Theoretical perspectives on teaching sign language literature
Pedagogical practices
Sign language literature and L2/Ln language instruction
Sign language literature and cultural elements of L2/Ln learning
Sign language literature and linguistics classes
Sign language literature and interpreter training classes
Sign language literature as a separate academic subject
Future trends
Future research topics
Future pedagogical practices
17 L2/Ln sign language tests and assessment procedures
Theoretical perspectives
Who we assess: the target population
Why we assess: reasons for assessment
What we assess: domains of assessment
How we assess: assessment protocols
Test format: informal and formal
Test data solicitation: receptive and expressive
Times of test: formative and summative
Test scoring: issue of neutrality
Considerations for the selection of assessment tests and procedures
Pedagogical applications
Assessments for L2/Ln sign language learners
Informal assessments
Formal assessments
Sign Language Proficiency Interview: American Sign Language (SLPI: ASL)
American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI)
NGT (Nederlandse Gebarentaal) Functional Assessment (NFA)
51U American Sign Language Phonological Fluency Task (51U)
Receptive L2 assessments
American Sign Language Discrimination Test (ASL-DT)
American Sign Language-Sentence Reproduction Test (ASL-SRT)
German Sign Language Sentence Reproduction Test (DGS-SRT)
British Sign Language Sentence Reproduction Test (BSL-SRT)
American Sign Language Comprehension Test (ASL-CT)
Assessments of L2 sign language teachers and interpreters
Assessment of L2 sign language teachers
Assessment of sign language interpreters
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical applications
18 The politics of L2/Ln sign language pedagogy
Theoretical perspectives
Language policy and planning
Sign languages and deaf communities
LPP for sign languages
Pedagogical practices
LPP in the US and L2/Ln ASL pedagogy
Current pedagogical practices
Current issues in L2 ASL pedagogy
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical practices
Part IV Learner characteristics
19 Typical and atypical sign language learners
Theoretical perspectives
L1 and L2/Ln sign language learning considering typicality and atypicality
Typicality in L1
Atypicality in L1
Typicality in L2/Ln
Language aptitude
Phonological short-term memory and working memory
Language aptitude for signed languages
Atypicality in L2
Pedagogical practices
L1 signed language learners: intervention
L2/Ln signed language learners: aptitude
Hearing L2 sign learners with language or learning disabilities
Future trends
Future considerations for teaching and language support for L1 learners with signed language disorders
Future considerations for teaching and language support for learners of L2/Ln sign language
20 L2/Ln parent sign language education
Theoretical perspectives
Policy context and parent advocacy in Scandinavia
Home visiting frameworks
Teaching goals and learner motivation in parent sign language teaching
A plurilingual framework
Pedagogical practices
Immersion programs in Scandinavia
An Auslan curriculum for families
American Sign Language initiatives
Current pedagogical practices
Using CEFR to teach sign language to parents of deaf children
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical practices
21 Using sign language to teach sign language interpreters
Theoretical perspectives
Pedagogical practices
A survey of signed language teaching in US undergraduate and graduate interpreter education
Survey results
Formal training and professional development of interpreter educators
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical practices
Part V Special issues
22 The uses of technology in L1 and L2/Ln sign language pedagogy
Theoretical perspectives
Sign recognition systems
Kinect and body sensors
Robotics-based systems
Virtual reality (VR) and avatar-based systems
Pedagogical applications
Virtual reality and avatar-based systems
Computer assisted systems
Sign assessment systems
Messenger systems
Computer software programs
Robotic Sign Language Tutor Project
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical applications
23 The uses of corpora in L1 and L2/Ln sign language pedagogy
Theoretical perspectives
Defining a “corpus”
Why sign language corpora?
Corpora in language teaching and learning
Corpora and sign languages in L1 and L2/Ln
Pedagogical practices
Practical considerations in using corpus in pedagogy
Future trends
Future research studies
Future pedagogical applications
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