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Imperial Library
Title Page
I. The Nature of Doctrine
II. The Value of Doctrine
1. Doctrinal Knowledge Supplies the Need for an Authoritative and Systematic Statement of Truth
2. Doctrinal Knowledge is Essential to the Full Development of Christian Character
3. Doctrinal Knowledge is a Safeguard against Error. Matt. 22:29; Gal. 1:6–9; 2 Tim. 4:2–4
4. Doctrinal Knowledge is a Necessary Part of the Christian Teacher’s Equipment
III. The Classification of Doctrine
1. Exegetical Theology
2. Historical Theology
3. Dogmatic Theology
4. Biblical Theology
5. Systematic Theology
IV. A System of Doctrine
1. The Doctrine of the Scriptures
2. The Doctrine of God
3. The Doctrine of Angels
4. The Doctrine of Man
5. The Doctrine of Sin
6. The Doctrine of Christ
7. The Doctrine of the Atonement
8. The Doctrine of Salvation
9. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
10. The Doctrine of the Church
11. The Doctrine of the Last Things
Chapter 1: The Scriptures
I. The Need for the Scriptures
1. Such a Revelation is to Be Desired
2. Such a Revelation is to Be Expected
3. Such a Revelation Would Be Written
II. The Inspiration of the Scriptures
1. Divine and Not Merely Human
2. Unique and Not Common
3. Living and Not Mechanical
4. Complete and Not Merely Partial
5. Verbal and Not Merely Conceptual
III. The Verification of the Scriptures
1. They Claim to Be Inspired
2. They Appear to Be Inspired
3. They are Felt to Be Inspired
4. They Prove to Be Inspired
Chapter 2: God
I. The Existence of God
1. His Existence Affirmed
2. His Existence Proven
(a) The Argument from Creation
(b) The Argument from Design
(c) The Argument from Man’s Nature
(d) The Argument from History
(e) The Argument from Universal Belief
3. His Existence Denied
II. The Nature of God
1. The Biblical View
(a) Elohim
(b) Jehovah
(c) El
(d) Adonai
(e) Father
2. Erroneous Views
(a) Agnosticism
(b) Polytheism
(c) Pantheism
(d) Materialism
(e) Deism
III. The Attributes of God
1. God’s Inner Nature (Unrelated Attributes)
(a) God is a Spirit
(b) God is Infinite
(c) God is One
2. God in Relation to the Universe (Active Attributes)
(a) God is Omnipotent
(b) God is Omnipresent
(c) God is Omniscient
(d) God is Wise
(e) God is Sovereign
3. God in Relation to Moral Creatures (Moral Attributes)
(a) God Is Holy
(b) God is Righteous
(c) God is Faithful
(d) God is Merciful
(e) God is Love
(f) God is Good
IV. The Trinity of God
1. The Doctrine Stated
2. The Doctrine Defined
3. The Doctrine Proven
(a) The Old Testament
(b) The New Testament
4. The Doctrine Illustrated
(a) Nature
(b) Human Personality
(c) Relationship
Chapter 3: Angels
I. Angels
1. Their Nature
(a) Creatures
(b) Spirits
(c) Immortal
(d) Numerous
(e) Sexless
2. Their Classification
(a) The Angel of the Lord
(b) The Archangel
(c) “Elect Angels”
(d) Angels of the Nations
(e) The Cherubim
(f) The Seraphim
3. Their Character
(a) Obedient
(b) Reverent
(c) Wise
(d) Meek
(e) Mighty
(f) Holy
4. Their Work
(a) God’s Agents
(b) God’s Messengers
(c) God’s Servants
II. Satan
1. His Origin
2. His Character
(a) Satan
(b) Devil
(c) Destroyer
(d) Serpent
(e) Tempter
(f) Prince and God of This World
3. His Activities
(a) Their Nature
(b) Their Sphere
(c) Their Motive
(d) Their Limitation
4. His Destiny
III. Wicked Spirits
1. Fallen Angels
2. Demons
Chapter 4: Man
I. The Origin of Man
II. The Nature of Man
1. The Human Tri-Unity
2. The Human Spirit
3. The Human Soul
(a) The Nature of the Soul
(b) The Origin of the Soul
(c) Soul and Body
(d) The Soul and Sin
(e) The Soul and the Heart
(f) Soul and Blood
4. The Human Body
(a) House, or Tabernacle
(b) Sheath
(c) Temple
III. God’s Image in Man
1. Kinship with God
2. Moral Character
3. Reason
4. Capacity for Immortality
5. Dominion over the Earth
Chapter 5: Sin
I. The Fact of Sin
1. Atheism
2. Determinism
3. Hedonism
4. Christian Science
5. Evolution
II. The Origin of Sin
1. Temptation
(a) The Possibility of Temptation
(b) The Source of the Temptation
(c) The Subtilty of the Temptation
2. Guilt
3. Judgment
(a) Judgment upon the Serpent
(b) Judgment upon the Woman
(c) Judgment upon the Man
4. Redemption
(a) Redemption Promised
(b) Redemption Pictured
III. The Nature of Sin
1. Old Testament Teaching
(a) The Sphere of Morals
(b) The Sphere of Brotherly Conduct
(c) The Sphere of Holiness
(d) The Sphere of Truth
(e) The Sphere of Wisdom
2. New Testament Teaching
(a) Missing the Mark
(b) Debt
(c) Lawlessness
(d) Disobedience
(e) Transgression
(f) Fall
(g) Defeat
(h) Ungodliness
(i) Error
IV. The Consequences of Sin
1. Spiritual Weakness
(a) The Marring of the Divine Image
(b) Inborn Sin
(c) Inner Discord
2. Positive Punishment
Chapter 6: The Lord Jesus Christ
I. The Nature of Christ
1. The Son of God (Deity)
(a) The Consciousness of Christ
(b) The Claims of Jesus
(c) The Authority of Christ
(d) The Sinlessness of Christ
(e) The Testimony of the Disciples
2. The Word (Eternal Pre-Existence and Activity)
3. Lord (Sovereignty)
(a) Deity
(b) Exaltation
(c) Sovereignty
4. The Son of Man (Humanity)
(a) Who?
(b) How?
(c) Why
5. The Christ (Official Title and Mission)
(a) The Prophecy
(b) The Fulfilment
6. Son of David (Royal Lineage)
(a) The Prophecy
(b) The Fulfillment
7. Jesus (Saving Work)
II. The Offices of Christ
1. Christ the Prophet
(a) Jesus Preached Salvation
(b) Jesus Announced the Kingdom
(c) Jesus Predicted the Future
2. Christ the Priest
3. Christ the King
III. The Work of Christ
1. The Death of Christ
(a) Its Importance
(b) Its Meaning
2. The Resurrection of Christ
(a) The Fact of the Resurrection
(b) The Evidence for the Resurrection
(c) The Meaning of the Resurrection
3. The Ascension of Christ
(a) The Heavenly Christ
(b) The Exalted Christ
(c) The Sovereign Christ
(d) The Way-Preparing Christ
(e) The Interceding Christ
(f) The Omnipresent Christ
(g) Conclusion
Chapter 7: The Atonement
I. Atonement in the Old Testament
1. The Origin of Sacrifice
(a) Ordained in Heaven
(b) Instituted on Earth
2. The Nature of Sacrifice
3. The Efficacy of Sacrifice
(a) The Old Testament Sacrifices Were Good
(b) The One Sacrifice of the New Testament is Better
II. Atonement in the New Testament
1. The Fact of the Atonement
2. The Necessity for the Atonement
(a) Holiness
(b) Sinfulness
(c) Wrath
(d) Atonement
3. The Nature of the Atonement
(a) Atonement
(b) Propitiation
(c) Substitution
(d) Redemption
(e) Reconciliation
4. The Efficacy of the Atonement
(a) Pardon of Transgressions
(b) Freedom from Sin
(c) Deliverance from Death
(d) The Gift of Life Eternal
(e) The Victorious Life
Chapter 8: Salvation
I. The Nature of Salvation
1. Three Aspects of Salvation
(a) Justification
(b) Regeneration
(c) Santification
2. Salvation—Outward and Inward
3. The Conditions of Salvation
(a) Repentance
(b) Faith
4. Conversion
II. Justification
1. The Nature of Justification: Divine Acquittal
2. The Necessity for Justification: Man’s Condemnation
3. The Source of Justification: Grace
4. The Ground of Justification: Christ’s Righteousness
5. The Means of Justification: Faith
III. Regeneration
1. The Nature of Regeneration
(a) A Birth
(b) A Cleansing
(c) A Quickening
(d) A Creation
(e) A Resurrection
2. The Necessity for Regeneration
3. The Means of Regeneration
(a) Divine Agency
(b) The Human Preparation
4. The Effects of Regeneration
(a) Positional
(b) Spiritual
(c) Practical
IV. Sanctification
1. The Nature of Sanctification
(a) Separation
(b) Dedication
(c) Purification
(d) Consecration
(e) Service
2. The Time of Sanctification
(a) Positional and Instantaneous
(b) Practical and Progressive
3. The Divine Means for Sanctification
(a) The Blood of Christ
(b) The Holy Spirit
(c) The Word
4. Erroneous Views of Sanctification
(a) Eradication
(b) Legalism
(c) Asceticism
5. The True Method of Sanctification
(a) Faith in the Atonement
(b) Response to the Spirit
6. Entire Sanctification
(a) The Meaning of Perfection
(b) The Possibilities of Perfection
V. The Security of Salvation
1. Calvinism
2. Arminianism
3. A Comparison
4. A Scriptural Balance
Chapter 9: The Holy Spirit
I. The Nature of the Spirit
1. The Names of the Spirit
(a) The Spirit of God
(b) The Spirit of Christ
(c) The Comforter
(d) The Holy Spirit
(e) The Holy Spirit of Promise
(f) The Spirit of Truth
(g) The Spirit of Grace
(h) The Spirit of Life
(i) The Spirit of Adoption
2. Symbols of the Spirit
(a) Fire
(b) Wind
(c) Water
(d) A Seal
(e) Oil
(f) The Dove
II. The Spirit in the Old Testament
1. The Creative Spirit
2. The Dynamic Spirit
(a) Workers for God
(b) Speakers for God
3. The Regenerative Spirit
(a) Operative but Not Emphasized
(b) His General Bestowal, a Future Blessing
(c) Connected with Messiah’s Coming
(d) And Exhibiting Special Features
III. The Spirit in Christ
1. Birth
2. Baptism
3. Ministry
4. Crucifixion
5. Resurrection
6. The Ascension
IV. The Holy Spirit in Human Experience
1. Conviction
(a) The Sin of Unbelief
(b) The Righteousness of Christ
(c) The Judgment of Satan
2. Regeneration
3. Indwelling
4. Sanctification
5. Enduement with Power
(a) Its General Nature
(b) Its Special Characteristic
(c) Its Initial Evidence
(d) Its Continuous Aspect
(e) The Manner of Its Reception
6. Glorification
(a) Commercial
(b) Agricultural
(c) Domestic
7. Sins against the Spirit
V. The Gifts of the Spirit
1. The General Nature of the Gifts
2. The Variety of the Gifts
(a) The Word of Wisdom
(b) The Word of Knowledge
(c) Faith
(d) Gifts of Healing
(e) The Working of Miracles
(f) Prophecy
(g) Discerning of Spirits
(h) Tongues
(i) Interpretation of Tongues
3. The Regulation of Gifts
(a) Proportionate Value
(b) Edification
(c) Wisdom
(d) Self-Control
(e) Orderliness
(f) Teachableness
4. The Receiving of the Gifts
(a) Submission to the Will of God
(b) Holy Ambition
(c) Strong Desire
(d) Faith
(e) Yieldedness
5. The Testing of the Gifts
(a) Loyalty to Christ
(b) The Practical Test
(c) The Doctrinal Test
VI. The Spirit in the Church
1. The Advent of the Spirit
(a) The Birth of the Church
(b) The Evidence of Christ’s Glorification
(c) The Completion of Christ’s Work
(d) The Anointing of the Church
(e) The Indwelling of the Church
(f) The Beginning of a Dispensation
2. The Ministry of the Spirit
(a) Administration
(b) Preaching
(c) Prayer
(d) Singing
(e) Testimony
3. The Ascension of the Spirit
Chapter 10: The Church
I. The Nature of the Church
1. Words Describing the Church
2. Words Describing Christians
(a) Brethren
(b) Believers
(c) Saints
(d) The Elect
(e) Disciples
(f) Christians
(g) Those of the Way
3. Illustrations of the Church
(a) The Body of Christ
(b) The Temple of God
(c) The Bride of Christ
II. The Founding of the Church
1. Considered Prophetically
2. Considered Historically
III. The Membership of the Church
IV. The Work of the Church
1. To Preach Salvation
2. To Provide a Means of Worship
3. To Provide Religious Fellowship
4. To Hold up the Moral Standard
V. The Ordinances of the Church
1. Baptism
(a) The Mode
(b) The Formula
(c) The Recipient
(d) The Efficacy
(e) The Meaning
2. The Lord’s Supper
(a) Commemoration
(b) Instruction
(c) Inspiration
(d) Assurance
(e) Responsibility
VI. The Worship of the Church
1. The Public Service
2. The Private Service
VII. The Organization of the Church
1. The Government of the Church
2. The Ministry of the Church
(a) The General and Prophetic Ministry
(b). The Local and Practical Ministry
Chapter 11: The Last Things
I. Death
II. The Intermediate State
1. The Scriptural View
2. False Views
(a) Purgatory
(b) Spiritism
(c) Soul-Sleeping
III. The Resurrection
1. The Importance of the Resurrection
2. The Nature of the Resurrection
(a) Relationship
(b) Reality
(c) Incorruption
(d) Glory
(e) Agility
(f) Subtlety
IV. The Future Life
1. Old Testament Teaching
2. The New Testament Teaching
V. The Destiny of the Righteous
1. The Nature of Heaven
2. The Necessity for Heaven
3. The Blessings or Heaven
(a) Light and Beauty
(b) Fullness of Knowledge
(c) Rest
(d) Service
(e) Joy
(f) Stability
(g) Social Joys
(h) Fellowship with Christ
VI. The Destiny of the Wicked
1. The Scriptural View
2. False Views
(a) Universalism
(b) Restorationism
(c) Second Probationism
(d) Annihilationism
VII. The Second Coming of Christ
1. The Fact of His Coming
2. The Manner of His Coming
3. The Time of His Coming
4. The Signs of His Coming
5. The Purpose of His Coming
(a) In Relation to the Church
(b) In Relation to Israel
(c) In Relation to the Antichrist
(d) In Relation to the Nations
Index of Subjects
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