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Designing Connected Products: UX for the Consumer Internet of Things
Praise for Designing Connected Products
From “Internet of Things” to “Connected Products”
The Design Challenge
Why Did I Write This Book?
Why Is It About Consumers?
Who Is It For?
About the Authors
How This Book Is Organized
Personal Acknowledgments
1. What’s Different About User Experience Design for the Internet of Things?
How Is UX for IoT Different?
Functionality Can Be Distributed Across Multiple Devices with Different Capabilities
The Focus of the User Experience May Be in the Service
We Don’t Expect Internet-Like Glitches from the Real World
IoT is Largely Asynchronous
Code Can Run in Many More Places
Devices are Distributed in the Real World
Remote Control and Automation are Programming-Like Activities
Complex Services Can Have Many Users, Multiple UIs, Many Devices, Many Rules and Applications
Many Differing Technical Standards Make Interoperability Hard
IoT is All About Data
A Design Model for IoT
UI/Visual Design
Interaction Design
Industrial Design
Service Design
Conceptual Model
Platform Design
2. Things: The Technology of Connected Devices
Types of Connected Device
Multipurpose Computers
Embedded Devices
Embedded Hardware
Embedded Software
Connected Sensors
Passively Trackable Objects
Bridging Physical and Digital: Sensors and Actuators
The Challenge of Powering Devices
Conserving Battery Life
Powering Devices Creates UX Challenges
3. Networks: The Technology of Connectivity
Why is Networking Relevant to IoT UX?
Networking Issues That Cause UX Challenges for IoT
IoT Devices Often Connect Only Intermittently
Latency and Responsiveness May Vary
Networks Are Not 100% Reliable
The Impact of Latency and Reliability on UX
Other Ways Networking Can Impact UX
The Architecture of the Internet of Things
Dedicated Gateway
Smartphone as Gateway
Direct Internet Connection
Device-to-Device Connections
Service-to-Service Connections
How System Architecture Affects UX
Advantages of Gateways
Edge devices can be kept simple
Easier setup and maintenance
The system can function when the Internet is unavailable
Lower latency
Enabling interoperability
Disadvantages of Gateways
Time consuming and costly to develop
A potentially confusing point of failure
Types of Network
How Internet Networking Works
Types of Internet Network
Cellular data
Types of Local Networking
Proprietary radio
ZigBee and ZWave
Powerline networking
IP to the Edge
Network Communication Patterns
Push, Pull, and Polling
IoT Application Protocols
Internet Service
The Role of the Internet Service
How do web APIs work?
Key design issues for APIs
Third-party APIs
Case Study 1: Proteus Digital Health: The Connected Pill
The Technology
Early Use Case 1: Caregiving
Early Use Case 2: Informing Hypertension Treatment
4. Product/Service Definition and Strategy
Making Good Products
What is Productization?
Why is This in a UX Book?
Why is This in an IoT Book?
Products Can Be Services
From Innovation to Mass Market
Innovators Are Not Consumers
What’s Different About Consumers?
Value Propositions for IoT
A new product in a new market
A new type of product in an existing market
A low-cost entrant to an existing market
A niche entrant to an existing market
Tools Versus Products
What Makes a Good Product?
The Product Solves a Real Problem (and Makes This Clear)
The Product Comes at a Cost Proportional to the Perceived Value
The Product is Pleasing to Use
Services in IoT
IoT Products Combine Devices and Services
How Users Understand Devices and Services
Service Ecosystems
Building a Service Offering
Business Models
What is a Business Model?
How Do Business Models Affect UX?
Device and Service Models
Bringing Digital Business Models to Physical Products
5. Understanding People and Context
The Role of Research in Connected Product Design
Initial Questions and Concepts
Actors and Stakeholders
But first, how not to define people
Actors, roles, and expertise
When needs conflict
The Context of Interaction
Operational context
Behavioral context
Techniques: From Asking to Watching to Making
Asking: Elicitation Tools
Diaries and usage logs
The Importance of Explanations
Watching: Field Visits
Making: Generative Methods
6. Translating Research into Product Definitions
Generating the Elevator Pitch
Why Does Your Product Matter?
Expanding the definition of “value”
Aspirations and goals
Moral behavior
Tools for Discovering and Communicating Value
Immersion tools
Customer journey maps
What Is Your Product?
Conceptual Models and Domain Metaphors
Grounded Innovation
What Does the Product Do?
Design Principles
Service Ecology Maps
Recurring Questions for Product Strategy
Persuasion and Behavior Change
Data Ownership
Case Study 2: Little Kelham: Connected Home
7. Embedded Device Design
An Introduction to Thinking About Physical Objects in IoT
The Demise of “Form Follows Function”
Another Layer of Experience
Interaction and Placement: Basic Design Drivers
Devices that are hidden away and only rarely interacted with beyond initial setup
Devices that are interacted with occasionally, but that are more conspicuous and abundant due to what they do
Devices that are interacted with frequently and that are likely to be on display to be easily accessible or visible
Challenging These Characteristics
Making Stuff: Differences to UX
Product Design, Industrial Design, Design Engineering
Mindset of Industrial Designers
Design Freeze as Opposed to Continuous Iteration
Essentials of the Design Process
Establishing a Design Direction
Mood boards and design themes
CMF research
The importance of sketching
Formulating a design language
Detailing and Developing the Design
3D modeling and rendering
Model making and prototyping
Engineering and Production
Hardware engineering, DFM, DFA
Product certification
Collaboration Between UX and ID
Three Faces of a Physical Product
Form, Function, and Usability
Anthropometrics and ergonomics
Functionality and interfaces
Aesthetics and Appearance
Consistency and cohesion: Making connections
Conveying brand image and brand promise
Personality and character
Multisensory: Weight, texture, temperature
Materials, Manufacturing, and Maintenance
Operating environment and maintenance
Manufacturing constraints
Sustainability and recycling
BOM cost versus future-proofing
8. Interface and Interaction Design
Types of Interaction
Physical Controls
Visual and Screen Interfaces
Light output
Visual input
Screens and displays
Custom segment displays
Character set displays
Dynamic displays
Electronic ink displays
Is a screen better than no screen?
Audio and Voice Interfaces
Audio output
Voice interfaces
Voice as output
Voice as input
Gestural Interaction
Intangible interactions
Tangible and Tactile Interaction
Tangible user interfaces
Tactile output: Vibration, force feedback, and shape shifting
Context-Sensitive Interaction
Computer Vision, Barcodes, and Devices “Seeing”
Are QR codes good or bad?
Multimodal Interaction and Interface Combinations
IoT-Specific Challenges and Opportunities
Deciding on the Level of Interactivity of a Connected Device
Mobile and Web UIs
Glanceable and Ambient Interfaces
Working with Limited Input and Output Capabilities
Universal Design and Accessibility
Universal Design—We’re All Disabled Sometimes
Case Study 3: Ford SYNC 3: Connected Car
About Ford SYNC 3
Designing for Connected Car Systems
A Functional-Rich Small Space
Like Your Tablet but Intentionally Different
Demonstrating and Implementing an Iterative User-Centered Design Process
From Designing Features to Designing for Experiences
Mobility as an Emotional System
9. Cross-Device Interactions and Interusability
Cross-Platform UX and Usability
What Is Interusability?
Conceptual Models and Composition
Conceptual Models
The user model and the design model
Multidevice services are conceptually more complex
Patterns of composition
Determining the right composition
What best fits the context of use?
What connectivity and power issues do you need to consider?
Can you work with preexisting devices?
What interaction capabilities do the various devices have (or could you cost-effectively include on a custom device?)
Does the system need to work if some devices are unavailable?
How accurate does sensing need to be?
Do users have set expectations of devices?
How do you balance cost, upgradeability, and flexibility?
How central to the service are the devices?
Guidelines for Consistency Across Multiple Devices
Use consistent terminology
Follow platform conventions
Aesthetic styling
Interaction architecture and functionality
Consider the most likely combinations of devices
Data and Content Synchronization
Handling Cross-Device Interactions and Task Migration
Broader contexts of interusability
10. Interoperability
The CompuServe of Things
What Is Interoperability and Why Is It a Problem?
Network Interoperability
Interoperable Data
How Can Devices Interoperate?
Interoperability at Different Levels of System Architecture
One edge device connects directly to another
One edge device connects to another via local gateway/hub
One gateway connects to another
Edge devices connected via a cloud platform
Service to service over Internet
Products and services can interoperate on several levels
Functioning Together Versus True Interoperability
How Can We Improve Interoperability?
The UX of Interoperability
UX Issues in Interoperability
Knowing which devices will talk to each other
Getting devices to coordinate
Generic versus specific UIs
Organizing devices and accessing controls
Interoperability puts users in control
Case Study 4: LOOP: Connected Pelvic Floor Exerciser
11. Responsible IoT Design
The UX of Security
Why IoT Security is a Big Challenge
Design Requirements for Usable IoT Security
Limit the damage that can be caused
Keep devices secure
Make authentication easier
Keep users in control of permissions
Make the invisible visible
Design security measures to suit user and domain needs
Information and Privacy
Handling data with tact
Collecting and distributing data
Patterns of behavior
Legal Issues, Consent, and Data Protection
In the USA
In Europe
Principles of data management for privacy
Privacy settings and informed consent
“Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default”
Social Engineering
Mitigating the dangers of social engineering?
What’s the Environmental Impact of an IoT Product?
Maintenance and upgradeability
What Can Designers Do?
12. Supporting Key Interactions
Creating Good Setup Experiences
Preconfiguration Versus User Effort
Flexibility and Modularity
Context of Use
Is Anyone Else Involved?
Getting Things Connected
Getting Real Benefit Out of the System
Test It’s Working
In-Life Housekeeping
Device Management
Notifications, Messages, and Alerts
User Management
System Maintenance
Control Experiences
Prioritizing Key Controls
Grouping Controls
Sending Commands to Other Devices
Activity Feeds
Common Components
A common design language for UI elements
Design templates and patterns
Handling instructions from multiple users/devices
Viewing interrelationships between devices, services, and rules
The Technology of Getting Things Connected
Set Up Gateway or Directly Internet-Connected Device
Mobile Devices
Pairing Devices
Bluetooth pairing options
“Just works”
Numeric comparison
Passkey entry
Out of band pairing
Case Study 5: BRCK: Rugged Portable WiFi Hotspot
Designing the Setup of the BRCK
What is BRCK?
Designing for BRCK
User Learning Curve
The Unboxing Process
What We Learned and Changed
13. Designing with Data
Data in IoT
Flow of Data in Connected Products
Data Science
Types of IoT Data
Static versus dynamic
Direct versus inferred
Big versus small, real-time versus historical
Time, frequency
Augmenting Your Data with Third-Party Data
Types of Data-Driven Product
Smart Systems
Ambient Analytics
Personal Assistants
Quantified Self
Data Above the Level of a Single Product
What This Means for Design
Making Meaning and Enabling Action
Understand motivations and goals
Provide context
Actionable insights, explanations, and data
Attention is a Scarce Resource
Experience Over Time
Inference and Interpretation
Transparency and Trust
Data May Not Be Objective
When Behavioral Change is a Goal
Visualizing Data
Using Data in the Design Process
14. Iterative Design: Prototyping and Learning
The Necessity of Working Iteratively
Using Prototypes to Answer Questions
What Does the World Look Like with Your Product in It?
Product/Service Visualizations
Media from the future
Video prototyping
What Does Using a Product Feel Like?
Experience prototypes
Wizard-of-Oz demonstrations
How Does a Product Support a Service (and Vice Versa)?
How Do We Prototype with Data?
Canned data
Faking it
How Will People Interact with an Interface?
Inputs and outputs: beyond the screen, keyboard, and mouse
Adapt a working device
Connect toolkit components
New screen interaction paradigms
Evaluating placement, size, and scale
How Do You Decide What to Prototype?
Prototype what you care about
Build as little from scratch as possible
Fit the medium to the purpose
Evaluation: Success Demands Failure
15. Designing Complex, Interconnected Products and Services
It’s Complicated...
Scaling the UX
Keeping Track of Multiple Devices
Looking Beyond Devices
Addressing User Needs
Putting Users in Control
Why is using IoT like programming?
How IoT products displace actions from results
Displacement in space
Displacement in time
Displacement in function/application
Programming and notations
What is programming?
How can we make controlling complex systems easier?
Make programming easier
Is programming the right model?
Giving Machines Control
Make the system smarter
What intelligent systems can do
UX risks of autonomous systems
Reduced control
Reduced predictability and comprehensibility
Balancing user control with system autonomy
Approaches to Managing Complexity
How UX in the Platform Scales Up
Data Models
System-generated metadata about devices
Metadata about the device context
Data about the system
Data about the wider context
Data about the user
How much modeling do you need?
A. Companies, Products, and Links
B. About the Authors
About the Authors
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