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Authors’ Note
The Time is Right For Remote Work
Why work doesn’t happen at work
Stop commuting your life away
It’s the technology, stupid
Escaping 9am–5pm
End of city monopoly
The new luxury
Talent isn’t bound by the hubs
It’s not about the money
But saving is always nice
Not all or nothing
Still a trade-off
You’re probably already doing it
Dealing With Excuses
Magic only happens when we’re all in a room
If I can’t see them, how do I know they’re working?
People’s homes are full of distractions
Only the office can be secure
Who will answer the phone?
Big business doesn’t do it, so why should we?
Others would get jealous
What about culture?
I need an answer now!
But I’ll lose control
We paid a lot of money for this office
That wouldn’t work for our size or industry
How to Collaborate Remotely
Thou shalt overlap
Seeing is believing
All out in the open
The virtual water cooler
Forward motion
The work is what matters
Not just for people who are out of town
Disaster ready
Easy on the M&Ms
Beware the Dragons
Cabin fever
Check-in, check-out
Ergonomic basics
Mind the gut
The lone outpost
Working with clients
Taxes, accounting, laws, oh my!
Hiring and Keeping the Best
It’s a big world
Life moves on
Keep the good times going
Seeking a human
No parlor tricks
The cost of thriving
Great remote workers are simply great workers
On writing well
Test project
Meeting them in person
Contractors know the drill
Managing Remote Workers
When’s the right time to go remote?
Stop managing the chairs
Meetups and sprints
Lessons from open source
Level the playing field
Remove the roadblocks
Be on the lookout for overwork, not underwork
Using scarcity to your advantage
Life As A Remote Worker
Building a routine
Morning remote, afternoon local
Compute different
Working alone in a crowd
Staying motivated
Nomadic freedom
A change of scenery
Family time
No extra space at home
Making sure you’re not ignored
The quaint old office
The Remote Toolbox
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