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Imperial Library
Title Page
Introduction by LUIS H. FRANCIA
Suggestions for Further Reading
A Note on the Text
HAVE COME, AM HERE (The Viking Press, 1942)
1 It is what I never said
2 There was a time
3 When the pigeon walked toward me
4 Nobody yet knows who I am
5 O the Eyes that will see me
6 I will break God’s seamless skull
7 Between God’s eyelashes I look at you
8 As in a rose the true fire moves
9 It’s a hurricane of spirit
10 O three eyen hath God
11 When I shall the first time seek my Life
12 Leaned in my eyes and loved me
13 There is a one that createth me
14 am so very am and
15 When the world shall come to its end
16 In my desire to be Nude
17 First, a poem must be magical
18 She has gone
19 I can no more hear Love’s
20 I can not speak of the beauty of love
21 And if the heart can not love
22 I was speaking of oranges to a lady
23 Girl singing. Day. And on her way
24 O Lovely. O lovely as panther. O
25 There came you wishing me * * *
26 Hands handle the hours of night
27 her day-rose is much sweet
28 Am
29 Silence is Thought converging
30 I did sternly (why not) ask very Death
31 By all the luminance of her voice I swear
32 than whose roses. And if her love be musical
33 I think, yes, a leopard in Dufy blue would
34 Bring the pigeons watermelons, Abelard
35 Inviting a tiger for a weekend
36 The distinction is in Fire and Division
37 Take a very straight line, Fermin, if you want to die
38 Now I prize yellow strawberries
39 Be beautiful, noble, like the antique ant
40 In Picasso you see Blue, Rose, and the
41 To make icecream chrysantheme
42 I have observed pink monks eating blue raisins
43 roses racing with rabbits
44 sky wrote me blackbirds
45 A radio made of seawater
46 in blue without when blues dream bears
47 All the horses were gold
48 If my sun set in the west
49 God said, “I made a man
50 Countering the general eye
51 Sir, I commend to you the spirit
52 Come to a conference with me!
53 I unfell completely from
54 Now, if you will look in my brain
55 Myself solving myself
56 Imagination is Where God
57 I was not young long: I met the soul early
58 My mouth is very quiet
59 From seeming to being is forever
60 The way my ideas think me
61 Now let us announce me
62 Between one and one
63 To give you my permanent address
64 Saw God dead but laughing
65 Only birds, only mirrors
67 Since my Correspondence
68 My most. My most. O my lost!
69 Flew birds east where I was
70 So that it could be essence
71 Or I myself in death
72 Then when He said no I knew yes
73 Nevermore to delay life
74 Time the traveller
75 Often, the livingness of death
76 Sir, there’s a tower of fire in me
77 Were death not so involved
78 Mostly are we mostless
79 Futurity’s equivalence to Now
80 Faithfullest, for I am infidel!
81 In life I shone with so much death
82 O, the brightness of my dark!
83 How shines my dark-world
84 Progress from no or yes
85 The contraband of soul
86 I betook me to the ways of Truth
87 If: or: maybe
88 It is necessary to die livingly
89 Now of two deaths
90 Within the city of my death
91 By death only. Her revival of infinity
92 I told God to go away
93 For which I designed God perishable
94 Christ adventuring in my mind
95 In the chamber of my philosophy
96 First add-subtract
97 God fears the poems of
98 Are you waiting for God’s Word
99 Now I will tell you the Future
100 Imagine God a peacock
101 With every word, with every thought
102 The wind shines
103 Then we came unsinging
104 Sphinx-mouthed Sage whose
105 I made myself to burn
106 God not looking, sudden
107 Inexplicacy of birth
108 Silentness is not Silence
109 Allow God’s cowardice
110 Days of my youth
111 When I mimic God
112 Equality? Our
113 God is Love 66
114 I will bespeak the mordaunce
115 Death, corollary to Life
116 A brilliance met me
117 In contest for myself
118 Had I not this life decreed
119 Now, there dwelt in me
120 Now that now
121 Does a mirror forget?
122 A wall is History
123 A true wrath requires reason
124 The shadow of a great man
125 Always I did want more God
126 Always and always the amaranth astir
127 Greatly imagine me, my God
A Note on Reversed Consonance
from VOLUME TWO (New Directions, 1949)
These poems from Volume Two were selected, rewritten and/or reversified by José Garcia Villa and are reprinted here as they appeared in Selected Poems and New.
A Note on the Commas
128 The,bright,Centipede,
129 Purely—
130 Much,beauty,is,less,than,the,face,of,
(130) Much beauty is less than the face of
131 No; I,will,not,speak,softly—
132 Before,one,becomes,One,
133 The,Reason,Why—
134 When,I,was,no,bigger,than,a,huge,
(134) When I was no bigger than a huge
135 Oh,yes,I,am,looking,for,
136 My,whoseness,is,to,me,what,I,
137 The,soul,swarms,with,angels,
138 At,the,in,of,me,
139 By,His,eyes,felt,my,eyes—
140 As,much,as,I,perceive,the,Future,
141 My,bright,Lion,coming,down.
142 In,my,undream,of,death,
143 Clean,like,iodoform,between,the,tall,
144 I,was,old,very,young: I,was,all,
145 More,miracled,and,
146 How,high,is,low,
147 How,young,art,thou?
148 The,baby,that,grows,up,from,old,age,
149 Purity…before,I,
150 Today,the,spirituality,of,the,devil,
151 What,is,defeat?
152 Came,I,then,upon,Lightning,as,still-life—
153 Somewhat,there,is,somewhere,
154 In,not,getting,there,is,perfect,Arrival.
155 To,be,central,or,God-I,
156 Jewels,do,not,glow,
157 Does,Death,revise?
158 A,living,giant,all,in,little,pieces,
159 What,is,equal,to,
160 Crisp,is,God’s,anger—
161 There,are,three,Gentlemen—
162 As,Eternity,rests,poised,
163 All,the,time,living,
164 The,hands,on,the,piano,are,armless.
165 Description of a Girl
166 And,tell,of,the,corners,of,love,
167 My,first,war,was,ten,
168 The,clock,was,not,a,clock,
169 Parthenogenesis of Genius
170 With,on,my,pencil,the,youngest,flower,
171 I,skirted,all,round,Heaven,
172 Because,thy,smile,is,primavera,
173 I,it,was,that,saw,
174 My,signature,is,that,part,of,me,
175 Elegy for the Airplane
176 A Virginal
177 A,piece,of,coffee,a,piece,of,rose,
178 Moonlight’s,watermelon,mellows,light,
179 The,caprice,of,canteloupes,is,to,be,
180 David,fourteen,fifteen,a,little,pepper,and,fox,
181 A,cat,having,attained,ninehood,
182 The Emperor’s New Sonnet
from SELECTED POEMS AND NEW (McDowell, Obolensky, 1958)
Author’s Note
183 Xalome
184 (Up)(in)(the)(Tree)
185 The Angel
186 A Valentine for Edith Sitwell
187 And,if,Theseus—then,Minotaur.
188 The,Verb,in,its,Lair:
189 Death and Dylan Thomas
190 The Anchored Angel
(190) The Anchored Angel
A Note on the Adaptations
191 When I Think of Rilke,
192 This being-in-the-sun and
193 The Allegory of the Cavern
194 The Admiration of Mountains
195 Everyone carries a room about
196 Think you must have it someday!
197 The language of bells
198 Death of Apollinaire
199 Dame Edith Sitwell Reading
200 Custom of the Leucadians
201 Mallarmé’s Esthetic
202 Eleanora Duse
203 That the absence of the sun
204…until the dark
205 To Become an Archer
206 In no sense can genius
207 The Golden Birds of Rimbaud
208 Do not be bewildered by the
209 The bullfight is pure art: the perfect
210 The medieval tea
211 If El Greco Was Astigmatic
212 What stood there was
213 Not all who would be are
214 Certain Indians of high
215 The Storm
216 And then suddenly
217 And I said to myself
218 You would not say
219 And when what is near
220 Strindberg
221 More single-purposed than
222 Death of Raymond Radiguet
223 Night and sleep alone
224 Dr. Vilhjalmur Stefansson
225 Military History,
226 The early Chinese probably
227 Characters in Historical Novels
228 The Manner of a Poet’s Germination
229 Through what twists and
230 Mondrian
231 Nyabongo’s Project
232 British painter Ben Nicholson
233 The brotherliness and
234 Man’s Fate
235 The Woman
236 The Bird
237 First frost comes
238 Neither beginning nor end
239 The Coconut Poem
240 Poem for Violeta
241 I demand brilliance and
242 Poems for an Unhumble One
243 This second is more
244 If Addition were Subtraction
245 Love Song
246 Curve of gold above her
247 Fragment
248 How beautiful is sleep. Let
249 O lovely thighs
250 One hemisphere the heart
251 The r
252 Q. And did you see Wisdom?
253 Religionist! you up-down there
254 The Nude is to be viewed
255 All saints are naked (how
256 Will you always for I can always
257 There was a perfect tree
258 Complexity’s unity
259 All in the name of you whom I love
260 The preliminary is the beginning dissolution
261 Exactly what is unexact
262 When God my darling turned adulterous
263 Observe me. I do not speak.
264 From the beginning it has been the ending
265 The standstillness of unthought
266 If it is again futurity
267 I am earlier than today
268 Now is the speech of Tomorrow
269 Looking into the least mirror
270 A certain morning is
271 My portrait is my not-face
272 When what cannot run runs
273 Your profundity is very light
274 To a Lady Going to Antipolo
275 To ensnare a proud love
276 Fulfilment
277 Story
278 Have I Sung?
279 Descriptional
280 Song for the First Sweetheart
281 Pastorale
282 As of Tulips: As of Two Lips
283 Lotus
284 Go to a woman and say to her
285 Duetto for Surrender
286 Blossom Under Thee
287 Poem Written Beneath a Blue Lampshade
288 Come, Wreathe Me with Love
289 Twin Poems
290 O thou whom Love has steeded
291 Bridal Song
292 Poem of the Man-God: The Lover
293 The Sweet Song Sanora Sang After the Setting of Sun
294 And did you. Of her mouth
295 Address
296 Pretend we do not love
297 Song Unworthy of Her
298 This thing so beautiful and high
299 Invitation to Doom
300 Speech Against Love
301 And of the golden road: the faméd road
302 One life is not enough for love
303 From,peaches,are,polar,bears,made,
304 A Song for Rosemarie
Editor’s Note on Duo-Technique: Villa’s Unpublished Versification Method
Poem Designed by a Bird
Late Snow
Finishing The Poem
The water hollows the stone,
To get
Writing Poetry
(FEET ! !
At the Deli (Ten Years Later)
Thanks to NEA
With nothing to do : but
Blue Storm
Editor’s Note on Villa’s Unpublished Xocerisms
God, Nature, Beauty
Art and Craft
Criticism and Critics
Human Behavior
The Artist
Poetry and Prose Processes
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