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Imperial Library
Redis in Action
Josiah L. Carlson
Brief Table of Contents
Table of Contents
About this Book
Code conventions and downloads
Author Online
About the author
About the Cover Illustration
Part 1. Getting started
Chapter 1. Getting to know Redis
Installing redis and python
Using redis from other languages
1.1. What is Redis?
1.1.1. Redis compared to other databases and software
Table 1.1. Features and functionality of some databases and cache servers
1.1.2. Other features
1.1.3. Why Redis?
1.2. What Redis data structures look like
Table 1.2. The five structures available in Redis
Command listing
Reminder About Installing Redis and Python
Redis with Other Languages
1.2.1. Strings in Redis
Figure 1.1. An example of a STRING, world, stored under a key, hello
Table 1.3. Commands used on STRING values
Listing 1.1. An example showing the SET, GET, and DEL commands in Redis
Using redis-cli
1.2.2. Lists in Redis
Figure 1.2. An example of a LIST with three items under the key, list-key. Note that item can be in the list more than once.
Table 1.4. Commands used on LIST values
Listing 1.2. The RPUSH, LRANGE, LINDEX, and LPOP commands in Redis
1.2.3. Sets in Redis
Figure 1.3. An example of a SET with three items under the key, set-key
Table 1.5. Commands used on SET values
Listing 1.3. The SADD, SMEMBERS, SISMEMBER, and SREM commands in Redis
1.2.4. Hashes in Redis
Figure 1.4. An example of a HASH with two keys/values under the key hash-key
Table 1.6. Commands used on HASH values
Listing 1.4. The HSET, HGET, HGETALL, and HDEL commands in Redis
1.2.5. Sorted sets in Redis
Figure 1.5. An example of a ZSET with two members/scores under the key zset-key
Table 1.7. Commands used on ZSET values
Listing 1.5. The ZADD, ZRANGE, ZRANGEBYSCORE, and ZREM commands in Redis
1.3. Hello Redis
Figure 1.6. Reddit, a site that offers the ability to vote on articles
Figure 1.7. Stack Overflow, a site that offers the ability to vote on questions
1.3.1. Voting on articles
Figure 1.8. An example article stored as a HASH for our article voting system
Using the Colon Character as a Separator
Figure 1.9. Two sorted sets representing time-ordered and score-ordered article indexes
Figure 1.10. Some users who have voted for article 100408
Figure 1.11. What happens to our structures when user 115423 votes for article 100408
Listing 1.6. The article_vote() function
Redis Transactions
1.3.2. Posting and fetching articles
Listing 1.7. The post_article() function
Listing 1.8. The get_articles() function
Default arguments and keyword arguments
1.3.3. Grouping articles
Listing 1.9. The add_remove_groups() function
Figure 1.12. The newly created ZSET, score:programming, is an intersection of the SET and ZSET. Intersection will only keep members from SETs/ZSETs when the members exist in all of the input SETs/ ZSETs. When intersecting SETs and ZSETs, SETs act as though they have a score of 1, so when intersecting with an aggregate of MAX, we’re only using the scores from the score: input ZSET, because they’re all greater than 1.
Listing 1.10. The get_group_articles() function
1.4. Getting help
1.5. Summary
Chapter 2. Anatomy of a Redis web application
2.1. Login and cookie caching
Table 2.1. Pros and cons of signed cookies and token cookies
Listing 2.1. The check_token() function
Listing 2.2. The update_token() function
Listing 2.3. The clean_sessions() function
Where to run cleanup functions
Python syntax for passing and receiving a variable number of arguments
Expiring data in Redis
2.2. Shopping carts in Redis
Listing 2.4. The add_to_cart() function
Listing 2.5. The clean_full_sessions() function
2.3. Web page caching
Listing 2.6. The cache_request() function
2.4. Database row caching
Figure 2.1. A cached database row for an item to be sold online
Using JSON instead of other formats
Nested structures
Listing 2.7. The schedule_row_cache() function
Listing 2.8. The cache_rows() daemon function
2.5. Web page analytics
Listing 2.9. The updated update_token() function
Listing 2.10. The rescale_viewed() daemon function
Listing 2.11. The can_cache() function
2.6. Summary
Part 2. Core concepts
Chapter 3. Commands in Redis
Additional documentation for commands not covered
Redis 2.4 and 2.6
3.1. Strings
Table 3.1. Increment and decrement commands in Redis
Listing 3.1. A sample interaction showing INCR and DECR operations in Redis
Table 3.2. Substring manipulation commands available to Redis
Listing 3.2. A sample interaction showing substring and bit operations in Redis
3.2. Lists
Table 3.3. Some commonly used LIST commands
Listing 3.3. A sample interaction showing LIST push and pop commands in Redis
Table 3.4. Some LIST commands for blocking LIST pops and moving items between LISTs
Listing 3.4. Blocking LIST pop and movement commands in Redis
3.3. Sets
Table 3.5. Some commonly used SET commands
Listing 3.5. A sample interaction showing some common SET commands in Redis
Table 3.6. Operations for combining and manipulating SETs in Redis
Listing 3.6. A sample interaction showing SET difference, intersection, and union in Redis
3.4. Hashes
Table 3.7. Operations for adding and removing items from HASHes
Listing 3.7. A sample interaction showing some common HASH commands in Redis
Table 3.8. More bulk operations and STRING-like calls over HASHes
Listing 3.8. A sample interaction showing some more advanced features of Redis HASHes
3.5. Sorted sets
Table 3.9. Some common ZSET commands
Listing 3.9. A sample interaction showing some common ZSET commands in Redis
Table 3.10. Commands for fetching and deleting ranges of data from ZSETs and offering SET-like intersections
Listing 3.10. A sample interaction showing ZINTERSTORE and ZUNIONSTORE
Figure 3.1. What happens when calling conn.zinterstore('zset-i', ['zset-1', 'zset-2']); elements that exist in both zset-1 and zset-2 are added together to get zset-i
Figure 3.2. What happens when calling conn.zunionstore('zset-u', ['zset-1', 'zset-2'], aggregate='min'); elements that exist in either zset-1 or zset-2 are combined with the minimum function to get zset-u
Figure 3.3. What happens when calling conn.zunionstore('zset-u2', ['zset-1', 'zset-2', 'set-1']); elements that exist in any of zset-1, zset-2, or set-1 are combined via addition to get zset-u2
3.6. Publish/subscribe
Table 3.11. Commands for handling pub/sub in Redis
Listing 3.11. Using PUBLISH and SUBSCRIBE in Redis
3.7. Other commands
3.7.1. Sorting
Table 3.12. The SORT command definition
Listing 3.12. A sample interaction showing some uses of SORT
3.7.2. Basic Redis transactions
What is a basic transaction in Redis?
Listing 3.13. What can happen without transactions during parallel execution
Listing 3.14. What can happen with transactions during parallel execution
3.7.3. Expiring keys
Table 3.13. Commands for handling expiration in Redis
Listing 3.15. A sample interaction showing the use of expiration-related commands in Redis
3.8. Summary
Chapter 4. Keeping data safe and ensuring performance
4.1. Persistence options
Listing 4.1. Options for persistence configuration available in Redis
4.1.1. Persisting to disk with snapshots
Aggregating logs
Listing 4.2. The process_logs() function that keeps progress information in Redis
Big data
4.1.2. Append-only file persistence
Table 4.1. Sync options to use with appendfsync
File syncing
Warning: SSDs and appendfsync always
4.1.3. Rewriting/compacting append-only files
4.2. Replication
Example performance for SUNIONSTORE
4.2.1. Configuring Redis for replication
4.2.2. Redis replication startup process
Table 4.2. What happens when a slave connects to a master
During sync, the slave flushes all of its data
Warning: Redis doesn’t support master-master replication
Table 4.3. When a slave connects to an existing master, sometimes it can reuse an existing dump file.
4.2.3. Master/slave chains
Figure 4.1. An example Redis master/slave replica tree with nine lowest-level slaves and three intermediate replication helper servers
4.2.4. Verifying disk writes
Listing 4.3. The wait_for_sync() function
Other information from the INFO command
4.3. Handling system failures
4.3.1. Verifying snapshots and append-only files
Checksums and hashes
4.3.2. Replacing a failed master
Listing 4.4. An example sequence of commands for replacing a failed master node
Redis Sentinel
4.4. Redis transactions
Delayed execution with MULTI/EXEC can improve performance
4.4.1. Defining users and their inventory
Figure 4.2. Example user inventory and user information. Frank has 43 e-dollars and an item that he’s considering selling from his inventory.
Figure 4.3. Our basic marketplace that includes an ItemA being sold by user 4 for 35 e-dollars
4.4.2. Listing items in the marketplace
What is DISCARD?
Listing 4.5. The list_item() function
Figure 4.4. list_item(conn, "ItemM", 17, 97)
4.4.3. Purchasing items
Listing 4.6. The purchase_item() function
Figure 4.5. Before the item can be purchased, we must watch the market and the buyer’s information to verify that the item is still available, and that the buyer has enough money.
Figure 4.6. In order to complete the item purchase, we must actually transfer money from the buyer to the seller, and we must remove the item from the market while adding it to the buyer’s inventory.
Why doesn’t Redis implement typical locking?
4.5. Non-transactional pipelines
Listing 4.7. The update_token() function from section 2.5
Listing 4.8. The update_token_pipeline() function
Listing 4.9. The benchmark_update_token() function
Table 4.4. Performance of pipelined and nonpipelined connections over different types of connections. For high-speed connections, we’ll tend to run at the limit of what a single processor can perform for encoding/decoding commands in Redis. For slower connections, we’ll run at the limit of bandwidth and/or latency.
4.6. Performance considerations
Listing 4.10. Running redis-benchmark on an Intel Core-2 Duo 2.4 GHz desktop
Table 4.5. A table of general performance comparisons against a single redis-benchmark client and what may be causing potential slowdowns
4.7. Summary
Chapter 5. Using Redis for application support
5.1. Logging to Redis
Replacing syslog
5.1.1. Recent logs
Listing 5.1. The log_recent() function
5.1.2. Common logs
Listing 5.2. The log_common() function
5.2. Counters and statistics
5.2.1. Storing counters in Redis
Updating a counter
Figure 5.1. A HASH that shows the number of web page hits over 5-second time slices around 7:40 a.m. on May 7, 2012
Figure 5.2. A ZSET that shows some known counters
Listing 5.3. The update_counter() function
Listing 5.4. The get_counter() function
Cleaning out old counters
Why not use EXPIRE?
Listing 5.5. The clean_counters() function
5.2.2. Storing statistics in Redis
Figure 5.3. Example access time stats for the profile page. Remember that ZSETs are sorted by score, which is why our order seems strange compared to our description.
Listing 5.6. The update_stats() function
Listing 5.7. The get_stats() function
5.2.3. Simplifying our statistics recording and discovery
Listing 5.8. The access_time() context manager
Gathering statistics and counters in the real world
5.3. IP-to-city and -country lookup
5.3.1. Loading the location tables
Listing 5.9. The ip_to_score() function
Listing 5.10. The import_ips_to_redis() function
Listing 5.11. The import_cities_to_redis() function
5.3.2. Looking up cities
Listing 5.12. The find_city_by_ip() function
5.4. Service discovery and configuration
5.4.1. Using Redis to store configuration information
Listing 5.13. The is_under_maintenance() function
5.4.2. One Redis server per application component
Listing 5.14. The set_config() function
Listing 5.15. The get_config() function
5.4.3. Automatic Redis connection management
Listing 5.16. The redis_connection() function/decorator
Combining *args and **kwargs
Listing 5.17. The decorated log_recent() function
5.5. Summary
Chapter 6. Application components in Redis
6.1. Autocomplete
6.1.1. Autocomplete for recent contacts
Figure 6.1. A recent contacts autocomplete showing users with names starting with je
Listing 6.1. The add_update_contact() function
Listing 6.2. The fetch_autocomplete_list() function
6.1.2. Address book autocomplete
Listing 6.3. The find_prefix_range() function
Character sets and internationalization
Listing 6.4. The autocomplete_on_prefix() function
Listing 6.5. The join_guild() and leave_guild() functions
6.2. Distributed locking
6.2.1. Why locks are important
Figure 6.2. The structure of our marketplace from section 4.6. There are four items in the market on the left—ItemA, ItemC, ItemE, and ItemG—with prices 35, 48, 60, and 73, and seller IDs of 4, 7, 2, and 3, respectively. In the middle we have two users, Frank and Bill, and their current funds, with their inventories on the right.
Listing 6.6. The list_item() function from section 4.4.2
Listing 6.7. The purchase_item() function from section 4.4.3
Table 6.1. Performance of a heavily loaded marketplace over 60 seconds
6.2.2. Simple locks
6.2.3. Building a lock in Redis
Listing 6.8. The acquire_lock() function
Listing 6.9. The purchase_item_with_lock() function
Listing 6.10. The release_lock() function
Table 6.2. Performance of locking over 60 seconds
6.2.4. Fine-grained locking
Table 6.3. Performance of fine-grained locking over 60 seconds
Figure 6.3. Items purchased completed in 60 seconds. This graph has an overall V shape because the system is overloaded, so when we have five listing processes to only one buying process (shown as 5L/1B in the middle samples), the ratio of listed items to bought items is roughly the same ratio, 5 to 1.
Figure 6.4. The number of retries when trying to purchase an item in 60 seconds. There are no retries for either types of locks, so we can’t see the line for “with lock” because it’s hidden behind the line for fine-grained locks.
Figure 6.5. Average latency for a purchase; times are in milliseconds. The maximum latency for either kind of lock is under 14ms, which is why both locking methods are difficult to see and hugging the bottom—our overloaded system without a lock has an average latency of nearly 500ms.
6.2.5. Locks with timeouts
Listing 6.11. The acquire_lock_with_timeout() function
6.3. Counting semaphores
6.3.1. Building a basic counting semaphore
Figure 6.6. Basic semaphore ZSET
Listing 6.12. The acquire_semaphore() function
Listing 6.13. The release_semaphore() function
6.3.2. Fair semaphores
Figure 6.7. Fair semaphore owner ZSET
Listing 6.14. The acquire_fair_semaphore() function
Fair semaphores on 32-bit platforms
Figure 6.8. Call sequence for acquire_fair_semaphore()
Listing 6.15. The release_fair_semaphore() function
6.3.3. Refreshing semaphores
Listing 6.16. The refresh_fair_semaphore() function
6.3.4. Preventing race conditions
Listing 6.17. The acquire_semaphore_with_lock() function
6.4. Task queues
6.4.1. First-in, first-out queues
Figure 6.9. A first-in, first-out queue using a LIST
Listing 6.18. The send_sold_email_via_queue() function
Listing 6.19. The process_sold_email_queue() function
Multiple executable tasks
Listing 6.20. The worker_watch_queue() function
Task priorities
Listing 6.21. The worker_watch_queues() function
6.4.2. Delayed tasks
Listing 6.22. The execute_later() function
Figure 6.10. A delayed task queue using a ZSET
Listing 6.23. The poll_queue() function
Respecting priorities
6.5. Pull messaging
6.5.1. Single-recipient publish/subscribe replacement
Figure 6.11. jack451 has some messages from Jill and his mother waiting for him.
6.5.2. Multiple-recipient publish/subscribe replacement
Figure 6.12. Some example chat and user data. The chat ZSETs show users and the maximum IDs of messages in that chat that they’ve seen. The seen ZSETs list chat IDs per user, again with the maximum message ID in the given chat that they’ve seen.
Creating a chat session
Listing 6.24. The create_chat() function
Generator expressions and dictionary construction
Sending messages
Listing 6.25. The send_message() function
Fetching messages
Listing 6.26. The fetch_pending_messages() function
Joining and leaving the chat
Listing 6.27. The join_chat() function
Listing 6.28. The leave_chat() function
6.6. Distributing files with Redis
6.6.1. Aggregating users by location
Aggregating data locally
Listing 6.29. A locally aggregating callback for a daily country-level aggregate
6.6.2. Sending files
Listing 6.30. The copy_logs_to_redis() function
6.6.3. Receiving files
Listing 6.31. The process_logs_from_redis() function
6.6.4. Processing files
Listing 6.32. The readlines() function
Generators with yield
Listing 6.33. The readblocks() generator
Listing 6.34. The readblocks_gz() generator
6.7. Summary
Chapter 7. Search-based applications
7.1. Searching in Redis
7.1.1. Basic search theory
Figure 7.1. The inverted index for docA and docB
Basic indexing
Figure 7.2. The process of tokenizing text into words, then removing stop words, as run on a paragraph from an early version of this section
Listing 7.1. Functions to tokenize and index a document
Removing a document from the index
Basic searching
Listing 7.2. SET intersection, union, and difference operation helpers
Figure 7.3. The SET intersection, union, and difference calls as if they were operating on Venn diagrams
Parsing and executing a search
Listing 7.3. A function for parsing a search query
Listing 7.4. A function to parse a query and search documents
7.1.2. Sorting search results
Figure 7.4. An example document stored in a HASH
Listing 7.5. A function to parse and search, sorting the results
7.2. Sorted indexes
7.2.1. Sorting search results with ZSETs
Listing 7.6. An updated function to search and sort based on votes and updated times
Listing 7.7. Some helper functions for performing ZSET intersections and unions
7.2.2. Non-numeric sorting with ZSETs
Listing 7.8. A function to turn a string into a numeric score
7.3. Ad targeting
7.3.1. What’s an ad server?
Ads with budgets
7.3.2. Indexing ads
Calculating the value of an ad
Making values consistent
Calculating the estimated CPM of a CPC ad
Calculating the estimated CPM of a CPA ad
Listing 7.9. Helper functions for turning information about CPC and CPA ads into eCPM
Inserting an ad into the index
Listing 7.10. A method for indexing an ad that’s targeted on location and ad content
7.3.3. Targeting ads
Listing 7.11. Ad targeting by location and page content bonuses
Listing 7.12. A helper function for targeting ads based on location
Calculating targeting bonuses
Being mathematically rigorous
Listing 7.13. Calculating the eCPM of ads including content match bonuses
Figure 7.5. The data that’s examined during a union-then-intersect calculation of ad-targeting bonuses includes all ads in the relevant word bonus ZSETs, even ads that don’t meet the location matching requirements.
Figure 7.6. The data that’s examined during an intersect-then-union calculation of ad-targeting bonuses only includes those ads that previously matched, which significantly cuts down on the amount of data that Redis will process.
7.3.4. Learning from user behavior
Recording views
Listing 7.14. A method for recording the result after we’ve targeted an ad
Recording clicks and actions
Listing 7.15. A method for recording clicks on an ad
Updating eCPMs
Listing 7.16. A method for updating eCPMs and per-word eCPM bonuses for ads
7.4. Job search
7.4.1. Approaching the problem one job at a time
Listing 7.17. A potential solution for finding jobs when a candidate meets all requirements
7.4.2. Approaching the problem like search
Listing 7.18. A function for indexing jobs based on the required skills
Listing 7.19. Find all jobs that a candidate is qualified for
7.5. Summary
Chapter 8. Building a simple social network
8.1. Users and statuses
8.1.1. User information
Figure 8.1. Example user information stored in a HASH
Listing 8.1. How to create a new user profile HASH
Sensitive user information
8.1.2. Status messages
Figure 8.2. Example status message stored in a HASH
Listing 8.2. How to create a status message HASH
8.2. Home timeline
Figure 8.3. When someone visits their home timeline on a site like Twitter, they see the most recently posted messages that people they follow have written. This information is stored as a ZSET of status ID/timestamp pairs. Timestamp information provides the sort order, and the status ID shows us what information to pull in a second step.
Listing 8.3. A function to fetch a page of recent status messages from a timeline
8.3. Followers/following lists
Figure 8.4. To know who’s following a user, we store user ID/timestamp pairs in a ZSET. The user IDs are the people who’re following that user, and the timestamp is when they started following the user. Similarly, the users that a user is following are stored as a ZSET of user ID/timestamp pairs of the user ID of the person being followed, and the timestamp of when the user followed them.
Listing 8.4. Update the following user’s home timeline
Converting a list of tuples into a dictionary
Listing 8.5. A function to stop following a user
8.4. Posting or deleting a status update
Listing 8.6. Update a user’s profile timeline
Listing 8.7. Update a user’s followers’ home timelines
Listing 8.8. A function to delete a previously posted status message
8.5. Streaming API
8.5.1. Data to be streamed
8.5.2. Serving the data
A streaming HTTP server
Listing 8.9. Server and request handler for our streaming HTTP server
Listing 8.10. The code to actually start and run the streaming HTTP server
Identifying the client
Listing 8.11. An example function to parse and store the client identifier
Handling HTTP streaming
Listing 8.12. A function that will verify the request and stream data to the client
8.5.3. Filtering streamed messages
Updating status message posting and deletion
Listing 8.13. Updated create_status() from listing 8.2 to support streaming filters
Listing 8.14. Updated delete_status() from listing 8.8 to support streaming filters
Receiving streamed messages for filtering
Listing 8.15. A function to receive and process streamed messages
Filtering messages
Listing 8.16. A factory function to dispatch to the actual filter creation
Listing 8.17. The function to handle firehose, gardenhose, and spritzer
Listing 8.18. A filter that matches groups of words that are posted in status messages
Listing 8.19. Messages posted by or mentioning any one of a list of users
Listing 8.20. Messages within boxes defined by ranges of latitudes and longitudes
8.6. Summary
Part 3. Next steps
Chapter 9. Reducing memory use
9.1. Short structures
9.1.1. The ziplist representation
Figure 9.1. How long LISTs are stored in Redis
Using the ziplist encoding
Listing 9.1. Configuration options for the ziplist representation of different structures
Listing 9.2. How to determine whether a structure is stored as a ziplist
9.1.2. The intset encoding for SETs
Listing 9.3. Configuring the maximum size of the intset encoding for SETs
Listing 9.4. When an intset grows to be too large, it’s represented as a hash table.
9.1.3. Performance issues for long ziplists and intsets
Listing 9.5. Our code to benchmark varying sizes of ziplist-encoded LISTs
Listing 9.6. As ziplist-encoded LISTs grow, we can see performance drop
Keeping key names short
9.2. Sharded structures
Sharding LISTs
Sharding ZSETs
9.2.1. HASHes
Listing 9.7. A function to calculate a shard key from a base key and a secondary entry key
Being consistent about total_elements and shard_size
Listing 9.8. Sharded HSET and HGET functions
Listing 9.9. Sharded IP lookup functions
Storing STRINGs in HASHes
9.2.2. SETs
Listing 9.10. A sharded SADD function we’ll use as part of a unique visitor counter
Listing 9.11. A function to keep track of the unique visitor count on a daily basis
Listing 9.12. Calculate today’s expected unique visitor count based on yesterday’s count
Other methods to calculate unique visitor counts
9.3. Packing bits and bytes
9.3.1. What location information should we store?
Listing 9.13. Base location tables we can expand as necessary
Listing 9.14. ISO3 country codes
9.3.2. Storing packed data
Listing 9.15. A function for storing location data in sharded STRINGs
9.3.3. Calculating aggregates over sharded STRINGs
Listing 9.16. A function to aggregate location information for everyone
Listing 9.17. Convert location codes back to country/state information
Listing 9.18. A function to aggregate location information over provided user IDs
9.4. Summary
Chapter 10. Scaling Redis
10.1. Scaling reads
Remember: Write to the master
Figure 10.1. An example Redis master/slave replica tree with nine lowest-level slaves and three intermediate replication helper servers
Encryption and compression overhead
Using compression with OpenVPN
10.2. Scaling writes and memory capacity
Scaling write volume
Presharding for growth
10.2.1. Handling shard configuration
Listing 10.1. A function to get a Redis connection based on a named configuration
Listing 10.2. Fetch a connection based on shard information
10.2.2. Creating a server-sharded connection decorator
Listing 10.3. A shard-aware connection decorator
Listing 10.4. A machine and key-sharded count_visit() function
Multiple Redis servers on a single machine
Alternate methods of handling unique visit counts over time
10.3. Scaling complex queries
10.3.1. Scaling search query volume
10.3.2. Scaling search index size
Sharding SORT-based search
Listing 10.5. SORT-based search that fetches the values that were sorted
Listing 10.6. A function to perform queries against all shards
Listing 10.7. A function to merge sharded search results
Sharding ZSET-based search
Listing 10.8. ZSET-based search that returns scores for each result
Listing 10.9. Sharded search query over ZSETs that returns paginated results
10.3.3. Scaling a social network
Scaling posted message database size
Sharding timelines
Listing 10.10. An example of how we want our API for accessing shards to work
Listing 10.11. A class that implements sharded connection resolution based on key
Scaling follower and following lists with sharding
Listing 10.12. Access follower/following ZSET shards
Listing 10.13. Sharded connection resolution based on ID pairs
Listing 10.14. A function that implements a sharded ZRANGEBYSCORE
Using this method for sharding profile timelines
Listing 10.15. Updated syndicate status function
10.4. Summary
Chapter 11. Scripting Redis with Lua
11.1. Adding functionality without writing C
11.1.1. Loading Lua scripts into Redis
Listing 11.1. A function that loads scripts to be called later
Keys and arguments to Lua scripts
Returning non-string and non-integer values from Lua
Table 11.1. Values returned from Lua and what they’re translated into
11.1.2. Creating a new status message
Lua scripts—as atomic as single commands or MULTI/EXEC
Lua scripts—can’t be interrupted if they have modified structures
Listing 11.2. Our function from listing 8.2 that creates a status message HASH
Listing 11.3. Creating a status message with Lua
Writing keys that aren’t a part of the KEYS argument to the script
Script loaders and helpers
11.2. Rewriting locks and semaphores with Lua
11.2.1. Why locks in Lua?
11.2.2. Rewriting our lock
Listing 11.4. Our final acquire_lock_with_timeout() function from section 6.2.5
Listing 11.5. A rewritten acquire_lock_with_timeout() that uses Lua
Listing 11.6. A rewritten release_lock() that uses Lua
Table 11.2. Performance of our original lock against a Lua-based lock over 10 seconds
11.2.3. Counting semaphores in Lua
Listing 11.7. The acquire_semaphore() function from section 6.3.2
Listing 11.8. The acquire_semaphore() function rewritten with Lua
Listing 11.9. A refresh_semaphore() function written with Lua
11.3. Doing away with WATCH/MULTI/EXEC
11.3.1. Revisiting group autocomplete
Listing 11.10. Our autocomplete code from section 6.1.2
Listing 11.11. Autocomplete on prefix using Redis scripting
Table 11.3. Performance of our original autocomplete versus our Lua-based autocomplete over 10 seconds
11.3.2. Improving the marketplace, again
Listing 11.12. The purchase item with lock function from section 6.2
Listing 11.13. The purchase item function rewritten with Lua
Table 11.4. Performance of Lua compared with no locking, coarse-grained locks, and fine-grained locks over 60 seconds
11.4. Sharding LISTs with Lua
11.4.1. Structuring a sharded LIST
Figure 11.1. First and last shard IDs for sharded LISTs
Figure 11.2. LIST shards with data
11.4.2. Pushing items onto the sharded LIST
Listing 11.14. Functions for pushing items onto a sharded LIST
Limitations to this sharded LIST
11.4.3. Popping items from the sharded LIST
Listing 11.15. The Lua script for pushing items onto a sharded LIST
11.4.4. Performing blocking pops from the sharded LIST
Why not use a MULTI/EXEC transaction?
Listing 11.16. Our code to perform a blocking pop from a sharded LIST
11.5. Summary
Appendix A. Quick and dirty setup
A.1. Installation on Debian or Ubuntu Linux
Listing A.1. Installing build tools on Debian Linux
Listing A.2. Installing Redis on Linux
Listing A.3. Installing the Redis client libraries for Python on Linux
A.2. Installing on OS X
Listing A.4. Installing Redis on OS X
Listing A.5. Installing the Redis client library for Python on OS X
A.3. Installing on Windows
A.3.1. Drawbacks of Redis on Windows
Compiling Redis in Windows yourself
A.3.2. Installing Redis on Windows
Figure A.1. Redis running in Windows
A.3.3. Installing Python on Windows
Listing A.6. Installing the Redis client library for Python on Windows
A.4. Hello Redis
Listing A.7. Testing Redis from Python
Running Python in other ways
Redis on OS X and Windows
Configuring Redis
Is hiredis available on non-Linux platforms?
Appendix B. Other resources and references
B.1. Forums for help
B.2. Introductory topics
B.3. Queues and other libraries
B.4. Data visualization and recording
B.5. Data sources
B.6. Redis experiences and articles
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
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