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Imperial Library
Title Page
Foreword by Scott Russell Sanders
Chapter 1: Wherein Great Risks Are Taken and the Limberlost Guard Is Hired
Chapter 2: Wherein Freckles Proves His Mettle and Finds Friends
Chapter 3: Wherein a Feather Falls and a Soul Is Born
Chapter 4: Wherein Freckles Faces Trouble Bravely and Opens the Way for New Experiences
Chapter 5: Wherein an Angel Materializes and a Man Worships
Chapter 6: Wherein a Fight Occurs and Women Shoot Straight
Chapter 7: Wherein Freckles Wins Honor and Finds a Footprint on the Trail
Chapter 8: Wherein Freckles Meets a Man of Affairs and Loses Nothing by the Encounter
Chapter 9: Wherein the Limberlost Falls upon Mrs. Duncan and Freckles Comes to the Rescue
Chapter 10: Wherein Freckles Strives Mightily and the Swamp Angel Rewards Him
Chapter 11: Wherein the Butterflies Go on a Spree and Freckles Informs the Bird Woman
Chapter 12: Wherein Black Jack Captures Freckles and the Angel Captures Jack
Chapter 13: Wherein the Angel Releases Freckles, and the Curse of Black Jack Falls upon Her
Chapter 14: Wherein Freckles Nurses a Heartache and Black Jack Drops Out
Chapter 15: Wherein Freckles and the Angel Try Taking a Picture, and Little Chicken Furnishes the Subject
Chapter 16: Wherein the Angel Locates a Rare Tree and Dines with the Gang
Chapter 17: Wherein Freckles Offers His Life for His Love and Gets a Broken Body
Chapter 18: Wherein Freckles Refuses Love without Knowledge of Honorable Birth, and the Angel Goes in Quest of It
Chapter 19: Wherein Freckles Finds His Birthright and the Angel Loses Her Heart
Chapter 20: Wherein Freckles Returns to the Limberlost, and Lord O’More Sails for Ireland without Him
A Girl Of The Limberlost
Chapter 1: Wherein Elnora Goes to High School and Learns Many Lessons Not Found in Her Books
Chapter 2: Wherein Wesley and Margaret Go Shopping, and Elnora’s Wardrobe Is Replenished
Chapter 3: Wherein Elnora Visits the Bird Woman, and Opens a Bank Account
Chapter 4: Wherein the Sintons Are Disappointed, and Mrs. Comstock Learns that She Can Laugh
Chapter 5: Wherein Elnora Receives a Warning, and Billy Appears on the Scene
Chapter 6: Wherein Mrs. Comstock Indulges in “Frills,” and Billy Reappears
Chapter 7: Wherein Mrs. Comstock Manipulates Margaret and Billy Acquires a Residence
Chapter 8: Wherein the Limberlost Tempts Elnora, and Billy Buries His Father
Chapter 9: Wherein Elnora Discovers a Violin, and Billy Disciplines Margaret
Chapter 10: Wherein Elnora Has More Financial Troubles, and Mrs. Comstock Again Hears the Song of the Limberlost
Chapter 11: Wherein Elnora Graduates, and Freckles and the Angel Send Gifts
Chapter 12: Wherein Margaret Sinton Reveals a Secret, and Mrs. Comstock Possesses the Limberlost
Chapter 13: Wherein Mother Love Is Bestowed on Elnora, and She Finds an Assistant in Moth Hunting
Chapter 14: Wherein a New Position Is Tendered Elnora, and Philip Ammon Is Shown Limberlost Violets
Chapter 15: Wherein Mrs. Comstock Faces the Almighty, and Philip Ammon Writes a Letter
Chapter 16: Wherein the Limberlost Sings for Philip, and the Talking Trees Tell Great Secrets
Chapter 17: Wherein Mrs. Comstock Dances in the Moonlight, and Elnora Makes a Confession
Chapter 18: Wherein Mrs. Comstock Experiments with Rejuvenation, and Elnora Teaches Natural History
Chapter 19: Wherein Philip Ammon Gives a Ball in Honour of Edith Carr, and Hart Henderson Appears on the Scene
Chapter 20: Wherein the Elder Ammon Offers Advice, and Edith Carr Experiences Regrets
Chapter 21: Wherein Philip Ammon Returns to the Limberlost, and Elnora Studies the Situation
Chapter 22: Wherein Philip Ammon Kneels to Elnora, and Strangers Come to the Limberlost
Chapter 23: Wherein Elnora Reaches a Decision, and Freckles and the Angel Appear
Chapter 24: Wherein Edith Carr Wages a Battle, and Hart Henderson Stands Guard
Chapter 25: Wherein Philip Finds Elnora, and Edith Carr Offers a Yellow Emperor
The Harvester
Chapter 1: Belshazzar’s Decision
Chapter 2: The Effect of a Dream
Chapter 3: Harvesting the Forest
Chapter 4: A Commission for the South Wind
Chapter 5: When the Harvester Made Good
Chapter 6: To Labour and to Wait
Chapter 7: The Quest of the Dream Girl
Chapter 8: Belshazzar’s Record Point
Chapter 9: The Harvester Goes Courting
Chapter 10: The Chime of the Blue Bells
Chapter 11: Demonstrated Courtship
Chapter 12: “The Way of a Man with a Maid”
Chapter 13: When the Dream Came True
Chapter 14: Snowy Wings
Chapter 15: The Harvester Interprets Life
Chapter 16: Granny Moreland’s Visit
Chapter 17: Love Invades Science
Chapter 18: The Better Man
Chapter 19: A Vertical Spine
Chapter 20: The Man in the Background
Chapter 21: The Coming of the Bluebird
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