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Table of Contents
Part 1: Should You Make a Move and/or Change Jobs?
The fish bowl—who needs success?
Danger or opportunity?
Can i afford to change careers?
Should i be grateful for a job i do not like?
So how can i be sure when it is time to change jobs?
Have you chosen your career?
Capturing the moment: chase’s story
Part 2: Finding the Job
Where do i even begin?
Maximize your time—the 30/30/30 rule
30% Networking
Keys to networking
Learn Chinese—Guanxi
Mixing and mingling
Keep your eyes open
Increase your net worth by increasing your network
30% Social media
The top five reasons to be on LinkedIn
What to make sure is in your profile
LinkedIn recommendations
When to endorse
Avoid common LinkedIn errors
Twitter—a little bird told me
The top three reasons to use Twitter
Facebook is not just for friends
Other social media
Social media dos and don’ts
30% Applying to jobs online
Listings—Monster, CareerBuilder or Indeed?
Should you use a recruiter?
Choosing a recruiter
Working with your recruiter
Help your recruiter to help you
Put the work into applying
Take it one day at a time
Fix your mistakes—silly reasons for getting passed up
One blank line could cost you that job
Tips for keeping up your job search moral
Part 3: Innovative Ways to Get Hired
So you have never volunteered . . .
The buddy system
Use leverage
Get past the gatekeeper!
Connecting with executives
Take the initiative to succeed
Failure is not an option
Part 4: The Resume
When should i have my resume ready?
Good formatting
Bad formatting
Sample action verbs to use in your resume
Should i use a functional or reverse chronological resume?
The top ten resume mistakes
Not being 100% honest
Too much information/too many pages
Personal baggage
Photos, fonts and borders
Far away address
Inappropriate contact information
Phone number
Personal pronouns
Vagueness and generic statements
Grammar and spelling errors
Proper reference etiquette
Degree or not degree?
Where can i get resume templates?
Sample reverse chronological resume
Sample functional resume from microsoft word
Does it matter who sends out your resume?
Final dos and don’ts
Cover letter
Part 5: The Mental Side of Your Search
What you say is what you get
Are you ready to make your move?
Skills vs. attitude
Know the keys to success
Reliable—make yourself what you want to be
Defensiveness + unaccountability = unemployment
Know yourself . . . and be proud!
Getting more than you give
Are you referable?
Are you giving up too easily?
Is ageism an issue?
The adaptability factor
Part 6: The Interview?
The interview starts earlier than you think
My biggest pet peeve—make time for your interviews!
Body language mistakes
Be memorable
What not to wear
Talking points
Block and bridge
Proactive vs. reactive interviewing
“Tell me about yourself”—why you need an elevator speech
The hook
The “what” statement
The evidence
Subjects to avoid
Do you have experience in . . .
Delivery makes the difference
Find a common ground
Really being there—the art of intentional listening
Common pitfalls
Going the extra mile (proper preparation!)
What to avoid
Common questions
The weakness question
Behavioral questions
Trick questions
Should you mention medical issues?
Do not tell too much
So what is missing?
If you were laid off
Skeletons in the closet
What about if you were terminated?
The phone interview
The dreaded threesome
Do i need to ask questions at the end?
Breaking down your salary
What if i need to cancel?
Ten things that separate the wheat from the chaff
Part 7: After the Interview
The art of the thank you card
So you have gotten a job offer
Should you negotiate on salary?
Negotiating your salary
Avoiding the rescinded job offer
Buying time with multiple offers
Handling a counteroffer
First impressions
Keep your new job—make yourself indispensable
Five phrases that can hurt your career
Can you negotiate a raise in this economy?
Reinvigorating a stale job
It is never too late
Helpful Links
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