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1. Introduction: Balancing Connectedness and Autonomy in Diverse Families
1. Theoretical and Methodolocal Issues
2. The Current Status of Theorizing About Families
3. The Demography of Families
4. Quantitative Methodology for Family Science
5. Qualitative Family Research: Enduring Themes and Contemporary Variations
6. Systemic and Ecological Qualities of Families
7. Feminism and Families
8. Stress Processes in Families and Couples
9. Conceptualizing Cultural Influences on Socialization: Comparing Parent–Adolescent Relationships in the United States and Mexico
2. Relationships, Processes, and Roles in Families
10. Dating and Mate Selection
11. Marital Relationships in the Twenty-First Century
12. Living Together Unmarried: What Do We Know About Cohabiting Families?
13. Parent–Child Relationships in Diverse Contexts
14. Theory and Research Pertaining to Families with Adolescents
15. Sibling Relationships
16. Fathers’ Nurturance of Children over the Life Course
17. Adulthood and Aging in Families
18. Gender and Family Relations
19. Sexuality in Families: The (Re-) Creation of Sexual Culture
20. Family Violence
21. Marital Dissolution
22. Remarriage and Stepfamily Life
3. Families and Other Institutions
23. Work and Family Through Time and Space: Revisiting Old Themes and Charting New Directions
24. Family Economic Well-Being
25. The Division of Household Labor
26. Religion and Family Research in the Twenty-First Century
4. Diversity in Family Life
27. Family Lives of Lesbian and Gay Adults
28. African American Families: Research Progress and Potential in the Age of Obama
29. The Adjustment of Asian American Families to the U.S. Context: The Ecology of Strengths and Stress
30. Latino Families in the United States
5. Application of Family Social Science
31. Social Policies and Families Through an Ecological Lens
32. Families and Communities: A Social Organization Theory of Action and Change
33. Family Life Education: Issues and Challenges in Professional Practice
34. Family Therapy: An “Emerging Field”
35. Teaching About Family Science as a Discipline
6. Afterword
36. Diverse Families: Islands of Refuge in the Midst of Troubled Waters?
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