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Imperial Library
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List of Illustrations
Abraham Lincoln on Race and Slavery
1 Protest in Illinois Legislature on Slavery
2 Address Before the young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois
3 AL to Mary Speed
4 Temperance Address
5 AL to Williamson Durley
6 AL to Josephus Hewett
7 Speech at Worcester, Massachusetts
8 Remarks and Resolution Introduced in United States House of Representatives Concerning Abolition of Slavery in the District of Columbia
9 Eulogy on Henry Clay & Outline for Speech to the Colonization Society
10 Speech to the Springfield Scott Club
11 Fragments on Slavery
12 Speech at Bloomington, Illinois
13 Speech at Peoria, Illinois
14 AL to Ichabod Codding
15 AL to Owen Lovejoy
16 AL to George Robertson
17 AL to Joshua F. Speed
18 Speech at Kalamazoo, Michigan
19 AL to Newton Deming and George P. Strong
20 Speech at Springfield, Illinois
21 A House Divided, Speech at Springfield, Illinois
22 AL to John L. Scripps
23 Fragment on the Struggle Against Slavery
24 Speech at Chicago, Illinois
25 Speech at Springfield, Illinois
26 Speech at Lewistown, Illinois
27 First Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Ottawa, Illinois
28 Second Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Freeport, Illinois
29 Speech at Carlinville, Illinois
30 Speech at Clinton, Illinois
31 Speech at Edwardsville, Illinois
32 Fourth Debate with Stephen A. Douglas
33 Fragment on Pro-slavery Theology
34 Seventh and Last Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Alton, Illinois & AL to James N. Brown
35 AL to Salmon P. Chase
36 Speech at Columbus, Ohio
37 Speech at Cincinnati, Ohio
38 Fragment on Free Labor
39 Address at the Cooper Institute, New York City
40 Speech at Hartford, Connecticut
41 AL to John A. Gilmer
42 First Inaugural Address
43 AL to Orville H. Browning
44 Message to Congress
45 AL to James A. McDougall
46 AL to Horace Greeley & Message to Congress
47 Appeal to Border State Representatives to Favor Compensated Emancipation
48 Address on Colonization to a Deputation of Negroes
49 AL to Horace Greeley
50 Reply to Emancipation Memorial Presented by Chicago Christians of All Denominations
51 Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation
52 Annual Message to Congress
53 Emancipation Proclamation
54 AL to Andrew Johnson
55 Resolution on Slavery
56 AL to John M. Schofield
57 Order of Retaliation
58 AL to Nathaniel P. Banks
59 AL to Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
60 AL to James C. Conkling
61 Fragment
62 Annual Message to Congress
63 Reply to New York Workingmen’s Democratic Republican Association
64 AL to Albert G. Hodges
65 AL to Edwin M. Stanton
66 Interview with Alexander W. Randall and Joseph T. Mills
67 Resolution Submitting the Thirteenth Amendment to the States
68 Second Inaugural Address
69 Speech to One Hundred Fortieth Indiana Regiment
70 Last Public Address
Appendix: Lincoln, Race, and Humor
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