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Title Page
Introduction: You Need to Be More Resilient
Secret #1: Add a Dot-Dot-Dot
1. A 500-year-old invention we can use today
2. What happens when you see past the period?
3. “I don’t waltz . . . yet.”
4. Keep your options infinite
5. The single word that makes it happen
Secret #2: Shift the Spotlight
1. Who fails hardest and what can we do about it?
2. You think you don’t fit but you do
3. Don’t magnify. Don’t biggify. Don’t amplify.
4. The spotlight effect
5. How do you shift the spotlight?
Secret #3: See It as a Step
1. The end of history illusion
2. Go back to the beginning
3. Have you had enough one-night stands?
4. “What’s a blog?”
5. Soak it up
Secret #4: Tell Yourself a Different Story
1. The swamplands of the soul
2. Who’s really to blame in the shame game?
3. What story are you telling yourself?
4. Tilt the lens
5. Three big questions to help achieve this secret
Secret #5: Lose More to Win More
1. “Do it for free for ten years.”
2. Lead the failure parade
3. What do wedding photographers, the T-1000, and Nolan Ryan have in common?
4. The life-changing magic of hypertrophy
5. What every commencement speech gets wrong
6. Three simple ways to achieve this secret
Secret #6: Reveal to Heal
1. What’s the world’s fastest growing religion?
2. A million postcards show us what we need
3. The two-minute morning practice
Secret #7: Find Small Ponds
1. The life-changing story from the dean
2. What’s wrong with the $5 million condo?
Secret #8: Go Untouchable
1. The two questions you must ask before you quit your job
2. The barrage is getting louder
3. How to disappear completely
4. The 3 excuses you’ll get when attempting this secret
Secret #9: Never, Never Stop
1. There is magic in doing things simply
2. They’re not wrong. You’re not right.
3. Every connection is an opportunity
4. You can only go forward
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