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Imperial Library
1. The Wood-street Cake.
2. Pectorals for a Colde or Consumption.
3. The Plague Water.
4. A very excellent Receipt against Convulsions which cur’d one had 9 Fitts a Day.
5. To make Ebulum Drinke.
6. To make Vinegar.
7. To make Goosbery or Currant Wine.
8. To make Methegline.
9. A Plaister for ye Spleen to be made in May.
10. To make Aquamirabilis the Lady Atkinses way.
11. To make Small Wine otherwise called Solerion. You may do Rasberry this way.
12. To make Wigs.
13. For the Giddiness in the Head.
14. How to Stue a Rump of Beef.
15. To make Almond Cakes.
16. To make Biskit.
17. To Bake a Rump of Beef.
18. The Black Seare Cloth.
19. To make Lemon or Orange Water.
20. Cowslip Wine aproved.
21. For the Worms.
22. For a Cold.
23. To make Fruit Biskit.
24. For Mother Fitts.
25. To preserve Green Aples.
26. Mrs. Thorps for the Mother Fitts.
27. To make a Calves Head Hashe.
28. To make Forced Meat.
29. For a Cold.
30. To make a Frigacy of Chicken.
31. For any Cough old or fresh.
32. For a Cold.
33. For a Cough.
34. For a Cough.
35. For the Rickets.
36. For Children that have Wormes.
37. A Small but very effectuall Cordial Powder.
38. A Stronger Cordial Powder.
39. For the Balsame.
40. To pot Venison to keep all the year.
41. To make Cowslip Wine.
42. Another Cowslip Wine.
43. To make the Eye Water.
44. For the Rickets.
45. An Ointment for the Rickets.
46. To Kill a Canker.
47. For any Aguish or Hectick Feavour in Children when they grow Weak and Forsake their Meat.
48. To make Orange Cakes.
49. A Perfumed Water.
50. To make Mumme according to the Direction recorded in the Town House of Brumswick.
51. Quince Wine.
52. Captain Greens Powder for to make Water for Sore Eyes and Sores, the Powder to be Calcinde.
53. To make Sirrop of Lemons.
54. To make Sirrop of Clove-Gilly flowers or any other flowers but Violets.
55. To make small Mead.
56. A brewed Drink for Rickets.
57. The Soveraign Balsame.
58. To make Biskit.
59. To make Cakes of Quinces red.
60. To make clear Cakes of Quinces.
61. To make Orange Cakes.
62. To make Apricock Cakes.
63. To make Sirrop of Violets.
64. To dry Cherrys.
65. To make Apricock Marmelade or Cakes.
66. To make White Quince Marmelade very good.
67. To make a very good Posset.
68. To make an Orange Pudding.
69. To preserve Damsens.
70. To preserve Rasberrys.
71. To dry Apricocks.
72. To make Rasberry Cakes.
73. To make Sirrop of Clove Gilly Flowers or Violets.
74. To preserve Rasberrys.
75. To dry Peaches.
76. To make Paste of Peaches.
77. To dry Apricocks or Chips.
78. To make very good Red Quince Marmalade.
79. How to preserve Red Quince.
80. To preserve Ripe Plummes in Jelly White.
81. To make Clear Cakes of either White Plummes, Red Plummes, Damsens, Grapes, Rasberrys, Currants, or Cherrys.
82. To make White Marmelade of Quinces or Pippins.
83. To make Almond Cream.
84. To make an Almond Pudding.
85. To make a Quakeing Pudding.
86. To make a Carraway Cake.
87. To make a very good Cake.
88. To make Marmelade of Oranges.
89. To preserve Pippins.
90. To make Small Meade.
91. To make Sugar Cakes.
92. To make Little Cakes.
93. To make Cherry Water.
94. Almond Puddings.
95. Quince Cream.
96. My Lady Ingrams Cream.
97. To make Pyramid Cream.
98. To make Gimboles.
99. Biskit Approvea.
100. Sugar Cakes.
101. To make Jelly.
102. To preserve Green Walnuts.
103. To make Cheesecakes.
104. To Preserve Green Apricocks.
105. To Preserve Goosberrys.
106. To Preserve Sweet Lemons or Oranges.
107. To make Black Puddings.
108. To make White Puddings.
109. To make a Posset.
110. To make a Sullibub.
111. To make a Snow to put on the Sullibub.
112. To make Clouted Cream.
113. The Red Surfet Water for any Surfet.
114. To make French Bread.
115. To Dry Apricocks.
116. To make Plumme Gimbols.
117. To dry Cherrys Red.
118. To make Bean Cakes.
119. The Cabbidge Cream.
120. To make Paste of Apricocks.
121. Angelicoe Cakes.
122. To make a Lemon Cream.
123. A Clouted Cream.
124. To pickle Mushroms.
125. To preserve White Quinces whole.
126. To preserve Goosberrys.
127. To make Jelly.
128. To preserve Rasberrys.
129. To preserve Oranges.
130. To souce Pigg.
131. To preserve Apricocks.
132. A Sweet Bag.
133. To coller Beef.
134. Cherry Wine.
135. Little Cakes to be baked in Pans.
136. To make a Carrot Pudding.
137. A Cream.
138. To make a Flesh Cheese.
139. A Cordiall Organy Water.
140. To Salt Hams or Tongues.
141. Dr. Moors admired Pills.
142. To make Almond Puddings.
143. To make Sawcidges.
144. To make Whipt Sullibubs.
145. To make a Cordiall Water.
146. To Candie Angelicoe Stalks.
147. To Pickle Kidneybeans.
148. To Pickle Turneps.
149. To Pickle Oysters.
150. To Pickle Broom Buds.
151. To make Rasberry or Currant Wine.
152. To make Lemon Cream.
153. To make Almond Cream.
154. To make Snow.
155. Sirrop of Buckthorn Berrys.
156. To pot Beefe.
157. To make a Cake.
158. To make Jelly of Currants or any other suteable fruit.
159. For the Yellow or Black Jaundise.
160. For Deafness by reason of a Cold.
161. To take away the Felme out of the Eyes.
162. For a Swelling in any part.
163. For a Purge.
164. To Harden sore Nipples.
165. For the Biting of a Mad Dog.
166. For a Child troubled with man wormes which often occasions Convulsions.
167. Another aproved for Convulsion Fitts.
168. Cracknell Paste.
169. Jumble Paste.
170. Dr. Burgesses Re:ct against Ye Scurvy.
171. For the Stone.
172. Pills to kill Wormes and Open Obstructions.
173. For a Rupture.
174. For the Megrime in the Head.
175. For the Dropsey.
176. Against the Plague.
177. Dr. Smiths Rare Rect for Ye Itch.
178. Aquamirabilis.
179. For a Sore Mouth or Throat.
180. For the Yellow Jaundise.
181. Dr. Burgesses Receipt against Ye Plague.
182. A Cordiall Water of Dr. Stevens.
183. For the Sinking of the Pallet.
184. For an Ache or Bruise.
185. A Poultise for the Kings Evil.
186. The Imperiall Water.
187. The Palsey Water.
188. The Vertues of the Palsey Water.
189. To make Veale Collops Jno Raisyes way.
190. John Raysies Beefe Collops.
191. The Lady Buttons Melancholy Water.
192. The Purge for Winde.
193. A purge for Spleen and Winde.
194. To make a Pretious Ointment for ye Eyes.
195. To make Currant Wine.
196. Mrs. Herbert a Midwife her Receipt against Miscarrying.
197. Mr John Ashfields Rect against a Cold.
198. The Black Plaister good for Sprains Aches Wens Sores new or old.
199. To make Sack thin when it is Ropy.
200. Against the Stone in ye Kidneys or Bladder.
201. Dr. Butlers Powder against the Stone.
202. For the Goute.
203. For a Sore Throat.
204. For a Cold.
205. For the Piles inwardly.
206. A Glister for the Piles inwardly.
207. How to dry Flowers.
208. An Aprov’d Diet Drink to be taken every Spring and Fall from the First of September to the 1st of October & from ye 1st of April to the Last.
209. For Proud Flesh.
210. To dry a Hamm the best Way.
211. To wash Poynt or any Sort of Lace.
212. A Diet Drink for the Kings Evil.
213. To make Counterfeit Nants Wine.
214. A Varnish for Deal Floor’d Rooms.
215. To make an Oatmeal Pudding very good.
216. For Mother Fitts in a Woman.
217. The Milk Water.
218. For Deafness.
219. A Water for any Sore or Sore Eyes.
220. For Convultion Fits.
221. Another for Convultions.
222. The Water for the Fits.
223. For very strong Fitts or Fitts in Great People.
224. Another for Convultions if that should faile.
225. For Cankers in Man Woman or Child.
226. To draw up the Pallet.
227. A Water for Fits.
228. For a Purge that works upward.
229. A strong Vomit for the Falling Sickness.
230. A Pomatum for the Face.
231. A Pectoral Drink for a Cough.
232. To make Black Cherry Brandy.
233. For a Looseness in a Lyeing Inn.
234. For the Palsey and Giddiness in the Head.
235. For the Wind in the Blader.
236. An Ointment for the Gout or any Swelling.
237. A Stagg Powder for Fainty or Hot Bloomes & Tremblings at Heart.
238. For Deafness.
239. For an Imposthume or Gathering.
240. For a Sore Throat.
241. For the Stone Collick, or Gravell in ye Kidneys.
242. For ye Same when ye Person is much weakened by pain. Dr May.
243. To make a Fume to fetch up the Mouth.
244. For Scalds Burns or Childblains.
245. A Poultise for Burns or Scaulds.
246. To make Pidgeons increase.
247. For the Palsey.
248. To keep the Skin from breaking where ye Dead Palsey is.
249. To draw out Fire when tis just burnt.
250. For the Stone.
251. For the biteing of a Madd Dog.
252. For a Poisoned Dog.
253. To Rost a Leg of Mutton.
254. To make an Orange Pudding.
255. To make a Tansie.
256. Sauce for Boyled Fish as follows.
257. To make a Quakeing Pudding.
258. Pickle for Brawn to last a Quarter of a Year.
259. To stew Eels.
260. To bake a Bullocks Head.
261. A Goosberry Fool.
262. To dress Soales a fine way.
263. A Pasty Crust.
264. Puff Paste.
265. Sauce for Boyled Mutton.
266. Sauce for Rost Shoulder of Mutton.
267. A White Pot.
268. A Sauce for all Stew’d Meats.
269. To make Almond Puddings.
270. To make Puddings 4 in a Dish.
271. To stew Pidgeons.
272. To Boyle a Powder’d Haunch of Venison.
273. To Rost a Carpe.
274. A Chicken Pye wth Sweet Seasoning.
275. To coller Eels.
276. To pickle Trouts or Salmon.
277. A Lumber Pye.
278. To make Spanish Biskits.
279. To pot Hare.
280. To wash Gloves.
281. Eye Water.
282. A Rich Cordiall.
283. The Lady Ashfields Angellot Cheese.
284. Angellot Cheese.
285. A Thick Cheese.
286. Almond Butter.
287. To Fat Poultrey.
288. Sr William Buttons for those wch make Bloody Water.
289. A Purge of the Lady Binions.
290. Another of hers for the Green Sickness.
291. Mr. Walldrons ye Surgeons Cure for Green Wounds.
292. Mrs. Hellen Parrys Receipte for a Cold.
293. An Electuary for the Green Sickness or Pain in ye Stomach.
294. To Recover or Strengthen a Weak Eye Sight.
295. Mr Gaskins Cordial Powder.
296. The Lady Marquese Heartfords Rect for all Agues.
297. An Excellent Powder to Cure a Defective Memorie Gidieness in ye Head or any other Distemper in the Brain.
298. An Ointment for the Giddiness in the Head or any other Distemper in Ye Brain or Deffect in the Memorie.
299. Mrs Skillins Rect for the Yellow Jaundise.
300. The Lady St Johns Aproved Rect for the Stone.
301. For a Cough a Drink by Dr. Bauyer.
302. An Aproved Rect. for a Consumption.
303. An Aproved Rect for the Wind.
304. For Convultion Fits in Man Woman or Child.
305. A Cordial Water of any Cherries.
306. Sr Roger Pallmers Teeth Powder.
307. Dr. Feners Strengthening Broth to Thicken any Sharpe Humour.
308. A Wash for the face after ye Small Pox.
309. To make Runnet Cream.
310. To make Egg Cream.
311. To make Plumme Cream.
312. To make Apple Pasties.
313. To make fresh Cheese and Cream.
314. To make Dutch Waffers.
315. To make Cracknells.
316. The Lady Jenkinsons Ointment for ye Pain in ye Stomach.
317. To stop vomitting for one in a Consumption.
318. The Lady Jenkinsons way to preserve Barberries.
319. To make Sugar Cakes.
320. To make Biskit.
321. To make Cheese Cakes.
322. To make Almond Loaves.
323. Mrs Daniells Rect to make White Metheglin.
324. Another of Hers to make White Metheglin.
325. To make a Silliebube.
326. To make a Posset without Milk.
327. To make Sugar Puffs.
328. The Lady Jenkinsons Plumme Cake.
329. To make Light Bread the French Way.
330. The Lady Buttons Almond Butter.
331. The Lady Bidollyps Rasberry Wine.
332. The Lady Ashfields Metheglin.
333. The Marleborow Cake.
334. To make ye Spanish Cream.
335. A Cabbidge Cream.
336. My Lord Howards Rect for Sherbett.
337. To keep Damsons all the Year.
338. Oyster Porrage.
339. To make Pancakes.
340. The Lady Seymours way to Coller Beefe.
341. To boyle a Rump, Surloine, or Rearing of Beef.
342. To preserve Oranges or Lemons.
343. To preserve Pippins Green.
344. To preserve Cherries.
345. The Carraway Comfit Cake without Fruit in it.
346. The Lady Marquess of Worcester’s Rect to sugar all Sorts of Sharpe Fruits or Herbs to dry or Flowers.
347. To preserve Chyna Oranges.
348. A Cake for Ordinary Uses.
349. Madame Brewen’s French Way to make ye Runnet or Trifle Cream.
350. Cowslips into Plummes to make Wine.
351. My Lady Seymours Pancake.
352. My Lady Ffosters Metheglin.
353. A Metheglin to be made at Barthollemew Tide.
354. To preserve Grapes for all the Year.
355. A Marrow Pudding.
356. To Candie Irringoe Roots.
357. To make a Sweetmeat like Rashers of Bacon.
358. To Preserve Oranges in Jelly.
359. Mathew Cariers Ollio or Pottage.
360. To make Sugar Jumballs.
361. To make Gooseberry Wine.
362. Balls to take Stains out of Linnen.
363. To Pickle Green Ashen Keys, Elder Buds, Broom Buds, or ye like.
364. To Preserve White Pear Plummes Green.
365. To Candie Flowers.
366. A Sack Posset.
367. To make Barberrie Wine.
368. To make Apricocke Wine.
369. To make a Conserve of Clove Jilly Flowers as an excellent Cordiall.
370. Apricockes the best way to preserve in Jelly.
371. To pickle Violets for Sallets.
372. To preserve Goosberrys in Jelly.
373. To preserve Goosberries.
374. A Pippin drink.
375. To make Vinegar of Unripe Grapes.
376. A Rect of Harts Horne Jelly.
377. The Countess of Kents Lozenges for a Cold.
378. To make Cherry Wine.
379. The Portugal Cake.
380. To Cure the Heart Burning.
381. A Cream Cheese.
382. The Lady Ashfields Almond Puffs, Jumballs Beaten Small with Rose Water or Orange Flower Water.
383. The Lady Fusts Hipoccras.
384. To Pickle Oysters.
385. To make Elder Vinegar.
386. To Dry Orringo Roots.
387. To Dry a Gamon of Bacon.
388. To Dry Neat’s Tongues.
389. To make Almond Jomballs.
390. To Dry Apricocks.
391. To Ice Cakes.
392. To Preserve Grapes Green.
393. To dry Peaches.
394. To make Almond Cake.
395. To make Jockallato drink.
396. To make Sugar Cakes.
397. To make Almond Tarts.
398. To make Jellies.
399. Friccasies or Veal Collops.
400. Sr Edward Gust’s Cordiall for Old and Young.
401. A Oringe Pudding or Lemon.
402. The Lady Long’s way of drying a Gamon of Bacon.
403. To frye Venison.
404. To order Venison to keep it cold a year round wth ye Gravey in it.
405. To make Wigs.
406. To dry Goosberryes Plummes or Angelicoe.
407. To Roste a Haunch of Venison.
408. To make the Cockleshell Sweetmeat.
409. To make Red Currant Wine.
410. To make Aquamirabilis.
411. To make Vinegar.
412. A Pickle for Brawn.
413. For Fits.
414. A Cordiall Tincture for the Collicke by ye Lady Fust.
415. Hysterick Electuary the Lady Gerrard’s Rect.
416. To Pickle Kidney Beans.
417. To Pickle Cucumbers.
418. The Lady Lees Sore Breast Poultise.
419. The Lord Bristoes Contraerva, or Counter Poison.
420. A Sweet Water.
421. The best way to make Sirrop of Violets.
422. To make Oringe Water.
423. To Preserve the Water Mellon.
424. To make Paste of Gennaye the true way.
425. To make Marmalade of some of these Quinces.
426. To make Paste of Oringes and Lemons.
427. To make Paste of any tender Plummes.
428. To make Conserve of any of these Fruits.
429. To make any Conserve of tender Fruits.
430. To make Quidony of the Liquor you kept of your Plummes before.
431. To make Paste Royal of any Fruits.
432. To preserve Fruits Green.
433. To preserve these Plummes when ripe.
434. To preserve Damosens Red or Black Plummes.
435. To preserve Grapes Barberryes or Goosberrys.
436. To preserve Quinces white.
437. To keep Quinces raw all the year.
438. To candy Barberries Grapes and Goosberries.
439. To make Clear Cakes.
440. To Dry any Fruit after they are Preserved.
441. To Dry any Fruit without Sugar.
442. To candie the Clear Rock Candie.
443. To sucket Candie Oringes Lemons Pome-Citerons & Lettice Stalks.
444. To candye Flowers the Spanish Fashion.
445. To make Lozenges of any of these Flowers.
446. To make a March Payne Ice it Garnishe it & Gild it.
447. To make Sugar Plate.
448. To make Wallnuts Artificial.
449. To make Muskedyne Cumfits.
450. To make Italyan Biskit.
451. To make French Biskit.
452. To make Macaroons.
453. To make Naples Biskit.
454. To make any Artificial Fruits, as Oranges, Lemons, Cucumbers, Radish, Herrings, Sprats, Oysters, or Mushells.
455. To boyle Sugar to a Manus Christi.
456. To boyle Sugar to a Candy Hight.
457. To make a Pomander.
458. To make a Perfume to burn in a Chamber.
459. A Perfume to perfume Starch.
460. To perfume Gloves.
461. To make a Mothes Powder to lay amongst your Linnen or Wollen Clothes.
462. A Water to make the Breath Sweet.
463. A Powder to make the Teeth White and Sweet.
464. An excellent Water to clear Hands and Face.
465. Sr. George Horseyes Green Ointment for Aches proceeding from a Cold Cause for Shrunke Sinews in Man, or Beast, & for Strains it it’s incomperably good & holds Perfection 40 years.
466. To make Thin Cheese.
467. To make Angelot Cheese.
468. To make Pastills.
469. For Fine Linnen.
470. Perfumes to Burn.
471. For Ordinary Linnen.
472. To destroy Moths & preserve Cloths untouch’d.
473. To destroy Moths in Chairs & Stools & to refresh ye Colour.
474. To scoure and refresh the Colour of Cloth Carpets, Silk Curtains, or any Stuff yt is Stain’d or Soil’d.
475. To scoure & refresh ye Colour of Gold & Silver Lace or Fringe.
476. To scoure or refresh ye Colours of Pictures yt are Stain’d or Soil’d.
477. To dress & order Thin & Old Bedtikes to make ym keep in their Feathers.
478. To perfume Bedtikes for Down or other Bedtikes wn ye Feathers smell Strong and Mustie.
479. To make Butter Cheese.
480. To keep Oringes fresh all ye Year.
481. To make Quince Marmalade.
482. An excellent Pommander.
483. To make Mince Pyes.
484. An excellent Water for ye Head & for Sleep called ye Emperour Charleses Water.
485. The Lady Drakes Rect to cure the Stone.
486. Cere Clothes.
487. Almond Custards.
488. Macaroons.
489. A Ragou of Veal.
490. For a Tickling Cough or Rhume.
491. For Flegme when it sticks that it cannot come up.
492. For a Cold newly taken.
493. To keep damosens all ye Year.
494. For a Healing Ointment.
495. For a Drawing Salve.
496. For a Tenting Salve.
497. A Poultise.
498. A Cordiall or Surffit Water of Poppies.
499. To make a Surfit Water.
500. For a Sinew Strain in Man or Beast.
501. To make Juice of Liquorish as a special Cordiall.
502. To make a Powder for the Stone used by Pope Silvester ye 2d.
503. For an Ague.
504. For Agues of all Sorts.
505. An Ointment for Eyes.
506. A Puff Paste.
507. A Water for Wounds and Old Sores.
508. The Wound Drink.
The vertues of it.
509. The Black Cere Cloth.
510. The White Cere Cloth.
511. Direction to cure Ye King’s Evil & 1st for the drink.
512. A healing Salve for ye King’s Evil.
513. To raise a Blister.
514. Swallows Ointment.
515. The Lady Biddolphs Green Oyle to be made in May.
The vertue of it.
516. To stop Bleeding if a Veine be cut asunder.
517. For the Jaundice.
518. Dr. Willis his electuarie for a Dead Palsey.
519. His Whey for ye same Palsey.
520. An Eye Water.
521. To make Wigs.
522. Pills for Vapours of Spleen & Fits of ye Mother to Suppress and cure them.
523. For a Cold.
524. For the Scurvy.
525. To make the Convulsion Water.
526. For the Yellow Jaundice or Collick in the Stomach or the Consumption, Obstructions in ye Liver Spleen & especially for ye Falling Sickness.
527. An Oyle for any deep wound or wounds through the Body or wounds made wth an envenomed Weapon, or Sinews Prickt.
528. The Countess of Bristolls Black Salve.
529. An Ointment to cure old Sores, to search Fistolas, to eate Dead Flesh and to dry up Wattery Humors.
530. To make Milke Punch.
531. For the Farcy in a Horse.
532. To cure the Grease in a Horse.
Transcriber's Notes
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