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Imperial Library
1. Scientific Evidences of Climate Change and Societal Issues
Introduction to Climate Change Mitigation
Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change Impacts
Paleoclimate Changes and Significance of Present Global Warming
Life Cycle Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Some Economics of International Climate Policy
Ethics and Environmental Policy
Mass Media Roles in Climate Change Mitigation
Economics for a Sustainable Planet
Emissions Trading
Carbon Markets: Linking the International Emission Trading Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the European Union Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
European Union (EU) Strategy to Face the Climate Change Challenge in the Framework of the International Commitments
Implications of Climate Change for the Petrochemical Industry: Mitigation Measures and Feedstock Transitions
Venture Capital Investment and Trend in Clean Technologies
Analysis of the Co-benefits of Climate Change Mitigation
The Role of Aviation in Climate Change Mitigation
2. Impact of Climate Change and Adaptation
Carbon Liability
Climate Change and Carbon Sequestration in Forest Ecosystems
Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity
Sea-Level Rise and Hazardous Storms: Impact Assessment on Coasts and Estuaries
Projected Impacts of Climatic Changes on Cisco Oxythermal Habitat in Minnesota Lakes and Management Strategies
Impact of Climate Change on Crop Production
Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability, and Adaptation in East Africa (EA) and South America (SA)
Statistics in Climate Variability, Dry Spells, and Implications for Local Livelihoods in Semiarid Regions of Tanzania: The Way Forward
Climate Change Adaptation, Mitigation, and the Attainment of Food Security in the Sudano-Sahelian Belt of Nigeria
Understanding Climate Change Adaptation Needs and Practices of Households in Southeast Asia: Lessons from Five Years of Research
Impact of Climate Change, Adaptation, and Potential Mitigation to Vietnam Agriculture
Potential Impacts of the Growth of a Mega City in Southeast Asia: A Case Study on the City of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Potential of Solid Waste and Agricultural Biomass as Energy Source and Effect on Environment in Pakistan
The Advanced Recycling Technology for Realizing Urban Mines Contributing to Climate Change Mitigation
An Introductory Course on Climate Change
Reducing Personal Mobility for Climate Change Mitigation
Nontechnical Aspects of Household Energy Reductions
Bringing Global Climate Change Education to Middle School Classrooms: An Example from Alabama
Climate Change: Outreaching to School Students and Teachers
Geoengineering for Climate Stabilization
Social Efficiency in Energy Conservation
Measuring Household Vulnerability to Climate Change
Transport Through Porous Media: Case Studies of CO2 Sequestration, CO2-Oxygen Reaction in Oxy-Combustion, and Oxygen Transport in Membrane at High Temperatures
3. Climate Change Mitigation: Energy Conversation, Efficiency, and Sustainable Energies
Energy Efficiency: Comparison of Different Systems and Technologies
Fuel Efficiency in Transportation Systems
Thermal Insulation for Energy Conservation
Thermal Energy Storage and Transport
Smart Grid
Concentrated Solar Thermal Power
Harvesting Solar Energy Using Inexpensive and Benign Materials
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Using Advanced Heat Integration Techniques
Modern Power Plant Control for Energy Conservation, Efficiency Increase, and Financial Benefit
Mobile and Area Sources of Greenhouse Gases and Abatement Strategies
Biomass as Feedstock
Biochemical Conversion of Biomass to Fuels
Thermal Conversion of Biomass
Chemicals from Biomass
Hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of Bio-Oil Model Compounds with Synthesis Gas Using a Water Gas Shift Catalyst with a Mo/Co/K Catalyst
Biochar from Biomass: A Strategy for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, Soil Amendment, Power Generation, and CO2 Utilization
Wind Energy
Wave Power: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Geothermal Energy
Nuclear Energy and Environmental Impact
4. Climate Change Mitigation: Advanced Carbon Conversion Sciences and Technologies
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with CO2 Capture and Geological Storage
Chemical Absorption
CO2 Capture Using Solid Sorbents
CO2 Capture by Membrane
CO2 Geological Storage
Conversion of CO2 to Value Added Chemicals: Opportunities and Challenges
Oxy-Fuel Firing Technology for Power Generation
Gasification Technology
Conversion of Syngas to Fuels and Chemicals
Chemical Looping Combustion
High Temperature Oxygen Separation Using Dense Ceramic Membranes
5. Climate Change Mitigation: Advanced Technologies
Photocatalytic Water Splitting and Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Simultaneous CO2 and H2S Sequestration by Electrocatalytic Conversion for Chemical Feedstock Synthesis
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Catalytic Processes
Integrated Systems to Reduce Global Warming
Hydrogen Production
Low-Temperature Fuel Cell Technology for Green Energy
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells
Fusion Energy
3rd-Generation Biofuels: Bacteria and Algae as Sustainable Producers and Converters
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