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Imperial Library
Title Page
Editors’ Preface
Principles of the New Science of Giambattista Vico about the Common Nature of the Nations in this Third Edition
An Explication of the Picture Put Forward as the Frontispiece, to Serve as the Introduction to the Work
Chronological Table
Book One. On the Establishment of Principles
Annotations for the Chronological Table, in Which Is Made an Arrangement of Materials
On the Elements
On the Principles
On Method
Book Two. On Poetic Wisdom
On Wisdom in General
An Exposition and Partitioning of Poetic Wisdom
On the Universal Flood and the Giants
On Poetic Metaphysics, in Which Are Given the Origins of Poetry, Idolatry, Divination, and Sacrifices
Corollaries concerning the principal aspects of this science
On Poetic Logic
Corollaries concerning poetic tropes, monstrosities, and transformations
Corollaries concerning the earliest nations speaking through poetic characters
Corollaries concerning the origins of languages and letters, and therein the origins of hieroglyphics, of laws, of names, of insignia of noble houses, of medallions, and of money; and, so, the origins of the earliest language and literature of the natural law of the gentile peoples
Corollaries concerning the origins of poetic locution, digression, inversion, rhythm, song, and verse
The additional corollaries that were proposed above
Final corollaries concerning the logic of the learned
On Poetic Morals, and Therein on the Origins of the Commonplace Virtues Taught by Religion Along with Marriage
On Poetic Economics, and Therein on the Earliest Families Comprised of Children
On the families comprised of familial servants prior to cities, without which it was completely impossible for cities to come into being
Corollaries concerning contracts completed by consent alone
Mythological canon
On Poetic Politics, by Which the Earliest Republics in the World Came to Be in the Strictest Aristocratic Form
All republics have come to be from certain eternal principles of fealties
On the origins of the census and the treasury
On the origins of the Roman assemblies
Corollary: It is divine providence which is the institutor of the orders of republics and, at the same time, of the natural law of the gentile peoples
Heroic politics, continued
Corollaries concerning the ancient Roman things and, in particular, the dreamed-up monarchical regime in Rome and the dreamed-up popular liberty instituted by Junius Brutus
Corollaries concerning the heroism of the earliest peoples
Epitomes of poetic history
On Poetic Physics
On the poetic physics concerning man—that is, on heroic nature
Corollary on heroic sentences
Corollary on heroic descriptions
Corollary on heroic customs
On Poetic Cosmography
On Poetic Astronomy
An astronomical physico-philological demonstration of the uniformity of principles in all the ancient gentile nations
On Poetic Chronology
Chronological canon for giving the beginnings of universal history, which must have begun its course prior to the monarchy of Ninus, from which that universal history is presumed to start
On Poetic Geography
Corollary on Aeneas coming to Italy
On the naming and describing of heroic cities
Book Three. On the Discovery of the True Homer
On the Recondite Wisdom That Has Been Opined about Homer
On the Fatherland of Homer
On the Age of Homer
On the Unaccountable Faculty of Homer for Heroic Poetry
Philosophical Proofs for the Discovery of the True Homer
Philological Proofs for the Discovery of the True Homer
Discovery of the True Homer
The lack of congruity and the lack of verisimilitude belonging to the Homer believed in up until now becomes, with the Homer herein discovered, agreeableness and necessity
The poems of Homer are found to be the two great treasure houses of the natural law of the gentile peoples of Greece
A rational history of dramatic and lyric poetry
Book Four. On the Course That the Nations Make
Three Kinds of Natures
Three Kinds of Customs
Three Kinds of Natural Law
Three Kinds of Governance
Three Kinds of Languages
Three Kinds of Characters
Three Kinds of Jurisprudence
Three Kinds of Authority
Three Kinds of Reason
Corollary on the wisdom of the ancient Romans in matters of state
Corollary: Foundational history of Roman law
Three Kinds of Judgments
Corollary on duels and reprisals
Three Sects of Times
Additional Proofs Treating the Properties of Heroic Aristocracies
On Guardianship Over Boundaries
On Guardianship Over Orders
On Guardianship Over Laws
Additional Proofs Taken from the Moderating Which Happens of the Subsequent Constitutions of Republics Because of the Prior Ways of Governing
On the eternal and natural royal law through which nations come to rest under monarchies
Refutation of the principles of a political teaching based upon the system of Jean Bodin
Final Proofs Which Confirm That This Is the Course of Nations
Corollary: Ancient Roman law was a serious poem, and ancient jurisprudence was a severe poetry, within which are found the earliest roughed-out features of a legal metaphysics; and how for the Greeks philosophy came from the laws
Book Five. On the Recurrence of Human Things During the Resurgence That the Nations Make
The Recurrence Nations Make in Accordance with the Eternal Nature of Fealties; and, Consequently, the Recurrence of Ancient Roman Law in Feudal Law
A Depiction of the World of Nations, Ancient and Modern, with Observations Conforming to the Design of the Principles of This Science
Conclusion of the Work—Concerning an Eternal Natural Republic, Best in Each of the Kinds of Republic Ordered by Divine Providence
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