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Imperial Library
Title Page
Day 1: Make fajitas
Day 2: Let people in
Day 3: Brush the dog
Day 4: Write my obituary
Day 5: Clean your house
Day 6: Visit an all-night diner
Day 7: Bury me
Day 8: Go Rollerblading
Day 12: See a blockbuster movie
Day 15: Bake brownies
Day 17: Smile and nod
Day 18: Throw something
Day 21: Take a hike
Day 26: Allow me to explain the stuff you found while cleaning out my house
Day 45: Say thank you
Day 76: Breathe in
Day 110: Create a new holiday tradition
Day 144: Bake a pecan pie
Day 170: Jump on the trampoline
Day 231: Celebrate your birthday
Day 285: Buy a great pair of shoes
Day 320: Stop doing stuff you hate to do
Day 365: Make chicken and dumplings
Day 400: Replace me
Day 450: Look in the mirror and see yourself the way I saw you
Day 500: Take a bath
Day 550: Make a decision
Day 600: Get some perspective
Day 650: Cure your heartbreak with curry
Day 700: Raise the volume
Day 750: Eat chocolate
Day 850: Talk to me
Day 900: Look up
Day 950: Make chili
Day 1,000: Take a risk
Day 1,500: Have kids
Day 1,775: Do drugs
Day 1,800: Sing the lullaby I used to sing to you
Day 1,900: Make amends
Day 2,000: Enjoy this dream
Day 2,500: Suffer
Day 3,000: Talk to your kids about death
Day 3,500: Make beauty
Day 4,000: Think of me unexpectedly
Day 4,500: Pinch yourself
Day 5,000: Go to work
Day 5,500: Ask questions
Day 6,000: Make a quiche
Day 7,000: Prioritize
Day 8,000: Redefine happiness
Day 9,000: Sharpen your pencil
Day 10,000: Take a field trip
Day 11,000: Climb out of a rut
Day 12,000: Watch a funny movie
Day 13,000: Step lively
Day 14,000: Make a duck-it list
Day 15,000: Drop a crutch
Day 17,000: Get a cane
Day 18,000: Show compassion
Day 20,000: Plan your dream death
A Note on the Author and the Illustrator
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