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Application Development with Qt Creator Third Edition
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Section 1: The Basics
Getting Started with Qt Creator
Technical requirements
Downloading Qt and Qt Creator
New features in Qt
Finding your way around Qt Creator
Your first application – Hello World
Hello World using the Qt Widgets library
Placing widgets in Qt Designer
Hello World using Qt Quick
Building Applications with Qt Creator
Technical requirements
Getting started – our sample library
Learning the landscape – the Build menu and the .pro file
Linking against our sample library
Getting lost and found again – debugging
Setting breakpoints and stepping through your program
Examining variables and memory
Examining the call stack
The Projects pane and building your project
A review – running and debugging your application
Designing Your Application with Qt Designer
Technical requirements
Introducing signals and slots
Creating user interfaces with Qt Designer
Creating the main form
Using application resources
Instantiating forms, message boxes, and dialogs in your application
Wiring the Qt Widgets application logic
Learning more about Qt Widgets
Introducing Qt Quick's support for declarative user interface development
Understanding the building of a Qt application
Creating the Qt application
The calculator's main view
Learning more about Qt Quick and QML
Qt Foundations
Technical requirements
Representing data using Qt's core classes
Working with key-value pairs
Multithreading in Qt
Accessing files using Qt
Accessing HTTP resources using Qt
Performing HTTP requests
Parsing XML using Qt
Using XML parsing with HTTP
Implementing WorkerThread
Parsing JSON using Qt
Developing Applications with Qt Widgets
Technical requirements
Your main application and its menus
Creating simple Qt Widgets
Managing the widget layout with layouts
Model-View-Controller programming with Qt
Analyzing a concrete model subclass
Using the MVC model on Qt Creator
Rendering web content with QWebEngineView
Using the model editor
Enabling LSP on your Qt Creator
Section 2: Advanced Features
Drawing with Qt
Technical requirements
Starting to draw in Qt
Drawing with QPainter on QPaintDevice instances
Drawing off screen
Creating custom widgets
Introducing the Graphics View framework
Doing More with Qt Quick
Technical requirements
Understanding the fundamental concepts of Qt Quick
Using states and transitions in Qt Quick
Integrating Qt Quick and C++
Putting it all together – an image gallery application
Introducing the new Qt Quick Controls 2
Understanding the new graphical editor for SCXML
Implementing Multimedia with Qt Quick
Technical requirements
Implementing multimedia in Qt
Playing audio clips and sound effects
Playing video clips
Accessing the camera
Sensors and Qt Quick
Technical requirements
Accessing sensors in Qt
Determining device location
Obtaining a device's position
Placing a position marker on a Map View
Accessing sensors with C++
Section 3: Practical Matters
Localizing Your Application with Qt Linguist
Technical requirements
Understanding the task of localization
Marking strings for localization
Localizing your application with QLinguist
Including localized strings in your application
Localizing special parameters – currencies and dates with QLocale
Optimizing Performance with Qt Creator
Technical requirements
Introducing QML performance analysis
QtSlowButton – a Qt Quick application in need of performance tuning
QtLeakyButton – a Qt C++ application in need of memory help
Detecting a memory leak on Linux using Valgrind
Detecting a memory leak on Windows using Visual Leak Detector
Introducing QML Profiler
Doing more with QML Profiler
Implementing test integration
Creating Qt and Qt Quick tests
Testing signals and slots using QSignalSpy
Adding better support for test integration
Creating Google tests
Creating Boost tests
Developing Mobile Applications with Qt Creator
Technical requirements
Understanding mobile software development
User attention is at a premium
Computational resources are at a premium
Network resources are at a premium
Storage resources are at a premium
To port or not to port?
A word on testing
Setting up Qt Creator for Android
Downloading all the pieces
Setting environment variables
Finishing the Android SDK installation
Configuring Qt Creator
Building and running your application
Deploying applications to Android devices
Setting up Qt Creator for iOS
Improving support for iOS and Android applications
Calling Android functions from Qt
Calling iOS functions from Qt
Embedded and IoT Development with Qt Creator
Technical requirements
Setting up an embedded Linux image
Registering the 30-day trial Qt commercial license
Installing Qt components for device creation
Writing an embedded Linux image to a storage device
Building a cross-compiled Qt application
Automated cross-compile using Qt Creator
Manual cross-compile
Configuring Qt for an embedded project
Writing your first embedded program
Deploying a Qt application to an embedded system
Automated deployment from Qt Creator
Manual deployment using SSH
Qt Tips and Tricks
Technical requirements
Writing console applications with Qt Creator
Integrating Qt Creator with version control systems
Setting up your GitHub repository
Setting up your GitLab repository
Configuring the coding style and coding format options
Applying new themes to Qt Creator
Setting the Qt Quick window display options
Building projects from CMake and the command line
Building using qmake
Building using CMake
Running multiple debuggers simultaneously
Learning more about Qt
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