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Title Page
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Introduction: The Substance of the Crisis
1. The Unfolding Crisis and the Relevance of Marx
1. “Confidence” and its Disappearance
2. A Pseudo-Hegelian Triad
3. The Nationalization of Capitalist Bankruptcy
4. U.S. Default is by No Means “Unthinkable”
2. The Present Crisis
1. Surprising Admissions
2. The Assertion of U.S. Hegemony
2.1 “Extra-Territoriality”
2.2 Industrial Advantage from Military Secrecy
2.3 Direct Trade Pressures Applied by the U.S. Legislative and Executive
2.4 The Real Debt Problem
2.5 Political Antagonism Arising from U.S. Economic Penetration
3. Wishful Thinking about the “Decline of the U.S. as a Hegemonic Power”
4. The Official View of “Healthy Expansion”
5. Postscript 1995: The Meaning of “Black Mondays” (and Wednesdays)
3. The Necessity of Social Control
1. The Counterfactual Conditionals of Apologetic Ideology
2. Capitalism and Ecological Destruction
3. The Crisis of Domination
4. From “Repressive Tolerance” to the Liberal Advocacy of Repression
5. “War if the Normal Methods of Expansion Fail”
6. The Emergence of Chronic Unemployment
7. The Intensification of the Rate of Exploitation
8. Capital’s “Correctives” and Socialist Control
4. Radical Politics and Transition to Socialism: Reflections on Marx’s Centenary
1. The Meaning of Beyond Capital
2. Historical Conditions of the Socialist Offensive
3. The Need for a Theory of Transition
4. “Restructuring the Economy” and its Political Preconditions
4.1 The Dynamics of Postwar Developments
4.2 Alternatives to the Dominant “Economic Imperatives”
4.3 The Historical Moment of Radical Politics
5. Bolívar and Chávez: The Spirit of Radical Determination
1. “Feathers Carried by the Tempest”
2. Chávez’s Radical Critique of Politics in 1993
3. Prospects for Development
6. The Importance of Planning and Substantive Equality
1. The “Invisible Hand” and the “Cunning of Reason”
2. The Long Historical Gestation of the Categories of Socialist Theory
3. The Key Role of Substantive Equality
7. A Structural Crisis of the System: January 2009 Interview in Socialist Review
8. The Tasks Ahead: March 2009 Interview in Debate Socialista
1. The Global Explosion of Capital’s Structural Crisis
2. In Place of Neo-Keynesian Illusions: The Strategic Offensive of Anti-Systemic Forces
3. Monopolistic Economy and Credit Card Imperialism
4. The Irrationality of Capitalist “Down-Sizing” in the Age of “Monopoly-Finance Capital”
5. Deep-Seated Systemic Problems Call for Structural Remedies
6. Sectorial Interests and Class Solidarity
7. Labor’s Historical Alternative to Capital’s Social Order
8. A Radical Political Movement is Unthinkable Without the Creative Self-Education of its Members
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