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C HAPTER 1 — Pillars of Classical Economics
Say’s law;
rule of diminishing returns (Laffer curve);
tax rate and employment trade-off;
GDP growth rate vs. tax rate;
classical theory in tax policy;
classical theory in monetary policy;
measuring currency value;
stabilizing currency value;
analysis and forecasting;
diagnosing economic ailments
C HAPTER 2 — Mercantilism
Illicit alliance;
zero-sum universes;
precious metals, money and commerce;
mercantilist tariff policy;
the rise of international trade;
persistent mercantilism and war;
mercantilist theory and policy;
“executors” of mercantilism;
classical theory and the middle class
C HAPTER 3 — Mercantilism in America 1600-1900
Colonial elite;
Hamilton’s “Report on Manufactures;”
federal credit: success and scandal;
Andrew Jackson’s Democratic Party;
Whigs and the new Republican Party;
the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861;
war in America 1861-1865;
reconstructing the U.S.;
monetary deflation and the “longest contraction;”
1873-1879 in classical context;
railroad mercantilism;
White on French fiat money;
reconstruction mercantilism;
post-resumption expansion;
banking panic of 1893;
19 th Century sunset;
monopolist mercantilism;
the rise of financial mercantilism;
a mercantilist social agenda
C HAPTER 4 — Progress and Poverty
Henry George;
the law of rent;
land, labor and capital;
Malthus theory dissected;
land rent colossus;
land ownership issues;
vast and dominant pecuniary interest;
poverty’s solution;
theory of taxation;
George’s grand reception;
Henry George and the Roosevelts
C HAPTER 5 — Nearly the Best of Times 1901-1929
U.S. economic leadership;
Harding-Coolidge replace Wilson;
Coolidge- Mellon fiscal policy;
Republican tariff policy;
the Coolidge-Mellon record;
Coolidge-to-Hoover transition;
Hoover on stage;
Joe Kennedy’s rise;
Kennedy in Hollywood;
Wall Street in 1929
C HAPTER 6 — Almost the Worst of Times 1929-1940
Smoot-Hawley and the Great Crash of 1929;
malefactors of great wealth;
Hoover and Smoot-Hawley;
the Revenue Act of 1932;
Roosevelt’s tax increases;
FDR embargoes gold exports, seizes domestic gold;
burying free trade;
U.S. purchases foreign gold;
devaluation of the dollar;
Federal Reserve shrinks bank lending;
sterilization of gold;
regulatory complexity and the economic wedge;
the dark side of the New Deal;
amidst poverty, government enrichment;
humanity at mercantilism’s table
C HAPTER 7 — The Keynes Mutiny 165
Keynes joins the mercantilists;
confronting Keynes;
managed domestic interest rates;
deficit spending as economic stimulus;
“animal spirits” and rational markets;
a quiver of errors;
complexity exalted;
Heckscher on Keynes
C HAPTER 8 — The Worst: Slip-Sliding into War
“The Great War;”
the Treaty of Versailles;
Germany’s hyper-inflation;
the Dawes and Young Plans;
mercantilist nationalism;
weakened U.S. pushes allies away;
opponents move aggressively;
allies no longer;
Roosevelt’s mercantilist agenda;
U.S. isolation/appeasement;
Hitler moves at will;
FDR asks assurances;
Japan watches Europe, acts in Asia and Pacific;
FDR ignores German offers;
holding FDR accountable
C HAPTER 9 — Understanding Franklin
Franklin’s family heritage;
an only child;
early influences, Groton and Harvard;
social suitability;
offers to marry;
cousin Eleanor;
Columbia Law School and marriage;
internship as attorney;
parenting children;
becoming a politician;
Assistant Secretary of the Navy;
the Lucy Mercer affair;
gaining political standing;
on the ticket in 1920;
rainmaking on Wall Street;
affliction by polio;
Wall Street business and investments;
return to the political stage;
bringing the “brain trust” to Albany;
appraising the “sphinx of Hyde Park”
C HAPTER 10 — New Light on the New Deal
Small is beautiful;
free trade weds mercantilism;
rolling Hoover;
yachting into office;
off the gold standard;
a “man-made” depression;
the Rockefeller assist;
owning government;
Roosevelt’s skeptics;
goading fear and suffering;
the three truths;
the myth of unintended consequences;
eye to eye;
Democratic platform facelift;
feeling for the bottom;
committed mercantilism;
imperial mercantilism;
the unclad emperor;
nailing a depression
C HAPTER 11 — Debunking Orthodoxy: Making Economics Rational Again
Reconsidering A Monetary History;
economic history unveiled;
speak no evil, write no evil;
loving a good crash;
Smoot-Hawley: signal for short sellers;
coming out on top;
presuming benign influences;
Mundell’s great deflation;
inflationary, conservative Federal Reserve;
deflation issues;
Keynesian confusion;
21 st Century orthodoxy;
classical analysis;
gold standard and classical theory exonerated
C HAPTER 12 — American Mercantilism After Roosevelt
Two-party domination by mercantilism;
Goldwater defeats Rockefeller;
Nixon mercantilism;
the Camp David weekend;
life after Nixon;
fixing Camp David;
the dollar floats;
Volcker’s Miracle;
Camp David in perspective;
Reagan’s economic policy;
Bush 41: middle class values and Wall Street;
Clinton: Bentsen, Rubin and Summers;
Bush 43: giving way to Obama
C HAPTER 13 — Untangling the Monetary Morass
Self-appraisal exposes rifts;
Keynesian performance in classical context;
Federal Reserve diversionary tactics;
ending manipulation of interest rates;
shrinking the Fed;
rescuing the dollar;
persistent central manipulation
C HAPTER 14 — Redistribution Injustice: Four Horsemen of Economic Apocalypse
Capital investment and compounding growth;
political redistribution of wealth;
redistribution by mercantilist designs (Wall Street captives: the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, the Securities & Exchange Commission and the Commodities Futures Trading Commission);
Madoff and Markopolos
C HAPTER 15 — Third Millennium Mercantilism
Mercantilism, media and Enron;
SEC green-lights naked short selling;
hedge funds, prime brokers, conspiracy;
SEC corruption and scandal;
legal racketeering;
SEC repeals “uptick rule;”
front-running every trade;
buying “entitlements” to securities;
academic cover for naked short selling;
illicit handoff: naked short to private equity;
crude oil, gasoline and politics;
crime fighting in financial markets;
interest on bank reserves;
weapons of mass financial destruction
C HAPTER 16 — Financial Collapse of 2008-2010
Snow at Treasury;
czar Paulson’s regime;
liberating fraud;
Goldman Sachs and sub-prime loans;
New Century blow-up;
banks fall to market scam;
demolition of Bear Stearns;
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac;
Lehman Bros., Merrill Lynch and AIG;
SEC shield;
some “more equal”
than others;
bailout billions;
Wachovia Bank, Citigroup and Wells Fargo;
Morgan Stanley;
fake Treasuries;
crude oil coup de grace; tasting distrust;
automobile industry collapse;
integrity in policy and enforcement;
financial terrorism;
Bush’s shortcoming;
uncharted waters;
business as usual
C HAPTER 17 — The Elitist Paradigm
The plan for global rule;
H. G. Wells: elitist shill;
Wells and the presidents;
defeating the middle class;
the paramount mercantilist motive;
the broader agenda;
indispensable media;
making the agenda happen;
mercantilism vs. capitalism;
private agenda shadows public policy;
the European front;
searching for law of human progress
C HAPTER 18 — Politics and Reform
Social effects of unstable currency;
slouching towards the “new republic;”
rolling back mercantilist advances;
media shield for mercantilism;
political alignments;
middle class pathfinding;
ending financial fraud;
federal tax reform;
stripping mercantilism out;
Connolly’s epiphany;
saving the republic
C HAPTER 19 — Powering Market Prosperity
Stolen American progress;
free market locomotion;
the acquisitivity model;
innovation-production phenom;
distinguishing the enemy;
the financial isthmus;
the road away from mercantilism
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