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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Let’s Bring Back Heroes
1. Man in War
Profile: Donovan Campbell
Saint Crispin’s Day Speech
Response to the Archbishop of Canterbury
“Character of the Happy Warrior”
“The Campaigns of Alexander the Great”
Profile: Joshua Marcellino
“Concord Hymn”
“This was their Finest Hour”
David and Goliath: 1 Samuel 17:1–58
Profile: Rick Rescorla
Funeral Oration
“Before Action”
“Battle is a Joyous Thing”
The Navy Seal Creed
Profile: Nathan Bruckenthal
From “Bivouac of the Dead”
Profile: Red Falvey
“Be Ye the Avengers of Noble Blood”
Profile: Alvin York
Remarks on the Fortieth Anniversary of D-Day
From the Apology
From “The Soldier’s Faith”
“Of Man”
“The Charge of the Light Brigade”
“We shall Fight on the Beaches”
Ares: Greek God of War
Profile: John Leone
From Beowulf by an Unknown Saxon Poet
“In Flanders Fields”
Horatius at the Bridge
“Duty, Honor, Country”
War Sonnets
Profile: Audie Murphy
2. Man at Work
Profile: Terry Toussaint
“The Plough Boy”
“How do You Tackle Your Work?”
The Gift of God: Ecclesiastes 3:10–15
From Two Years Before the Mast
The Parable of the Talents: Matthew 25:14–30 (Also in Luke 19:12–28)
“The Strenuous Life”
“The Work is what Counts”
“No Man is Happy if He Does Not Work”
Saving Time
Profile: Incwell
From Works and Days
From the Sea Wolf
Profile: Coach Ken
A Humorist’s Confession
“Psalm of Life”
The Spiritual Value of Work
From the Future of the American Negro
From Up from Slavery
From the Way to Wealth
Profile: George Gershwin
Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier from American Patriot’s Almanac
From Democracy in America
Profile: Michel Faulkner
Selections from Middlemarch
The Four Chaplains of World War II from American Patriot’s Almanac
From Paradise Lost
From True Tales of Arctic Heroism in the New World
“Men Wanted for Hazardous Journey”
Inaugural Address at Edinburgh University
On the Elevation of the Laboring Classes
Profile: David Aikman
Emerson on Labor
Some Fruits of Solitude
Selections from Meditations
3. Man in Play, Sports, and Leisure
Profile: “Pistol” Pete Maravich
“Do You Fear the Wind?”
“It is a Pleasant Day”
“The Answer”
“Playing the Game”
From “The Quitter”
Profile: Eddie Aikau
From “The American Boy”
A President and His Leisure
Coin Collecting
Coney Island
A Nation’s Pastime
On Gardening
Finding Troy
A Father to His Son, Upon Leaving for College
Tragedy on K2
Abe Lincoln Wrestles Jack Armstrong
From War and Peace
The Traffic Guard
The Art of Fencing
A Day at the Ancient Olympic Games
Learning Languages for Fun
From “An Autumn Effect”
Filling Days and Finding Relaxation
Angler Grover Cleveland
Profile: Milan High School and the 1954 Indiana State Championship
Leo Tolstoy the Chess Player
Profile: Cal Ripken Jr., the Iron Man of Baseball
In Defense of Sports
Buster Douglas Defeats Mike Tyson, Tokyo, 1990
The National Game
Practice Makes Perfect
Profile: Aaron Rodgers
Little Bob’s First Bass
Hunting the Grisly
1980 U.S. Ice Hockey Team Miracle on Ice
On Leisure
The Thrilla in Manila
Prepared for a Rain
Profile: Mario Andretti
Piers Paul Read’s Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors
4. Man in the Polis
“Not Yours to Give”
Profile: Zuhdi Jasser
The Athenian Oath
A Politician and a Hero
From Politics
“A Nation’s Strength”
Profile: A Navy Seal
“Of the Beginning of Political Societies”
Profile: Dave Pereda
National Greatness
“Love of Country”
From De Officiis (On Duties)
“Power Tends to Corrupt”
Lectures and Miscellanies
From a Man and His Money
From “Acres of Diamonds”
The Duties of Citizenship
From the Royal Art
The Ethics of Politics
“Duties of American Citizenship”
Profiles of Law Enforcement
Reflections on the Revolution of France
Civil and Political Association
The Political Duties of Christian Men and Ministers
From “The Capacity for Greatness”
Profile: Álvaro Uribe Vélez
Good Citizenship
Good Citizenship Dependent Upon Great Citizens
Cato the Younger
Taking Command
From Arthur James Balfour
From Foundations of the Republic
Profile: Jaime Escalante
A Story of Civic Improvement
The Story of Cincinnatus
Five Keys to Democratic Statesmanship
“Hello, Freedom Man”
Choosing Just Men
Heroes of Science
“To Defend and Enjoy His Own”
Profile: Marco Rubio
Profile: Ray Sorensen and the Freedom Rock
What You can do for Your Country
In Harm’s Way for Others
Irrationally Patriotic
Abraham Lincoln’s Lyceum Address
5. Man with Woman and Children
Profile: Chris Scott
“When You are Old”
“Down by the Salley Gardens”
Robert E. Lee
“Love Among the Ruins”
Duff Cooper’s Letter to Diana, His Future Wife
Leo Tolstoy’s Letter to His Fiancée, Valeria Arsenev
“A Father’s Gift to His Son on His Becoming an Apprentice”
Advice to Boys
Profile: Nolan Ryan
From She Stoops to Conquer
Excerpt from Bleak House
Two Poems
From Don Juan
George Washington to Martha
Pierre Curie
“Annabel Lee”
Antony and Cleopatra
Abraham Lincoln and Grace Bedell
Marcus Cato
The Influence of a Father
The Farmer and His Sons
Things to Tell Your Children or Grandchildren
The Best Things in Life
Teddy Roosevelt with His Children
Jonathan Edwards with His Children
“On My First Sonne”
“A Boy of Much Promise”
“Bone of My Bones”: Genesis 2:19–24
Finding a Good Wife: Proverbs 31:10–31
From Sketches of Young Couples
What is Love?
True and False Manliness
From Canal Boy to President
Thomas Carlyle’s Advice to Young Men
Are You Well Bred?
Profile: David Gelernter
Courtship and Matrimony
From Self-Control, Its Kingship and Majesty
A Father’s Legacy
“A Manly Boy”
From the Marriage Guide for Young Men
Letter to a Sickly Child
Response to a Fan Letter of Sorts
A Father’s Prayer
“Only a Dad”
Letter to a Bereaved Husband
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Letter to His Daughter
Profile: “A Shau Valley”
Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith
Dr. Johnson and His Father
Profile: Bill Phillips
6. Man in Prayer and Reflection
The Our Father (Or the Lord’s Prayer)
The Glory be
A Child’s Grace
“We Thank Thee”
Profile: Os Guinness
“Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep”
Tuning the Soul
Unspoken Prayer
“May I Know Thee More Clearly”
Harry S. Truman’s Daily Prayer
“On Self-Improvement”
Matins (Morning Prayer)
A Prayer for Guidance
A Prayer for Peace
A Prayer in Dark Times
A Prayer of Gratitude
A Prayer for a Meaningful Life
A Prayer for Healing
A Prayer to Help Others
A Prayer for the Departed
“The Examined Life”
Aids to Reflection
“A Student’s Prayer”
“That Which . . . had been Long Looked for”
An Instrument of Peace
Profile: Saint Damien de Veuster
Call to Prayer
Times That Try Men’s Souls
“Forms of Prayer at Sea”
“The Pilgrim Fathers”
The Amidah
A Soldier’s Prayer
Thanksgiving Proclamation
“My God shall Raise Me Up”
From the Power of Prayer
Eulogy for Abraham Lincoln
“In Prayer”
Prayer and the Individual Life
Four Thoughts on Prayer
From Confessions
Prayer of Saint Benedict
Homily 6 on Prayer
“Universal Prayer”
National Day of Prayer
A Prayer Under the Pressure of Violent Anguish
Begin the Day with Prayer
From “Praying Men are God’s Mightiest Leaders”
“A Prayer in Darkness”
Address at the Episcopal National Cathedral
“Let My Thoughts Abide in Thee”
New Year’s Prayer
The Martyrdom of Polycarp of Smyrna
“The Upward Look”
“Prayer of Columbus”
Litany of Humility
Praying in Faith
What a Great Gift We have in Prayer
A Prayer for a Good Death
Prayer Found in the Heart
The Anima Christi
Agnus Dei
Man: At the End
Funeral Meditation
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