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Imperial Library
Front Matter
1. Introduction: Resources Politics and Knowing the Salween River
2. Salween: What’s in a Name?
3. Hydropower Politics and Conflict on the Salween River
4. From Hydropower Construction to National Park Creation: Changing Pathways of the Nu River
5. Rites, Rights, and Water Justice in Karen State: A Case Study of Community-Based Water Governance and the Hatgyi Dam
6. Contested Water Governance in Myanmar/Burma: Politics, the Peace Negotiations and the Production of Scale
7. A State of Knowledge of the Salween River: An Overview of Civil Society Research
8. “We Need One Natural River for the Next Generation”: Intersectional Feminism and the Nu Jiang Dams Campaign in China
9. Local Context, National Law: The Rights of Karen People on the Salween River in Thailand
10. An Ethnobotanical Survey in Shan State, Myanmar: Where Thanlwin Biodiversity, Health, and Deforestation Meet
11. Not only Anti-dam: Simplistic Rendering of Complex Salween Communities in Their Negotiation for Development in Thailand
12. Powers of Access: Impacts on Resource Users and Researchers in Myanmar’s Shan State
13. Fisheries and Socio-economic Change in the Thanlwin River Estuary in Mon and Kayin State, Myanmar
14. The Impact of Land Cover Changes on Socio-economic Conditions in Bawlakhe District, Kayah State
15. Local Knowledge and Rangeland Protection on the Tibetan Plateau: Lessons for Conservation and Co-management of the Upper Nu-Salween and Yellow River Watersheds
16. Future Trajectories: Five Short Concluding Reflections
Back Matter
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