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Table of Contents
From the Universe to me to you
Rise sister rise
Bask in the light
Part I – Losing Everything Finding Me
Call off the search party, I was inside me all along
What I thought was rock bottom
Cracked open
Foundations come crumbling
Finding Grace
Living in the light
Waking up
‘F you God’
Part II – Turn Your Light On
Welcome to the Age of Light
You’re here for a reason
You are light
Your authentic self is your light
Letter to a Lightworker
Your light is contagious
What the what is a Lightworker?
The double mission
Your Soul Purpose
You’ve been working on You for lifetimes
The ego, the soul, and the spirit
You are Divine
Oneness vs. aloneness
We choose our parents
I’m talking to that part of you
Your Inner Guru knows best
Inauthenticity no longer stands a chance
Loosen your grip
The world needs you cracked open
I pray that you hit rock bottom
Your suffering happened for you, not to you
You’ve been training for this for lifetimes
Don’t let it define you
Come home to yourself
When did you stop being you?
You are already doing it
Fill yourself up
We all just want to be seen
See the light in others
The fear of being seen
Don’t dim to fit in
People who can’t handle your bright
You are the heroine of your life
Who am I?
Who are You?
Ask the part of you that knows
Leap into yourself
Face the niggle
Answer the ache
You are not going to miss your life
My soul is calling me to…
Part III – Work Your Light
Your soul is always calling
It’s harder to ignore a call than to answer it
Soul callings vs. the callings of your soul
You were born knowing
Everyone’s got a secret dream, not many have a public one
Career vs. calling
Your treasure chest of gifts
The never-ending gift list
You don’t have to stick at it
A prayer for letting go
Shadow callings
Shake it off
Multiple callings
The dots join in the end
Devote your life
Ask the part of you that knows
What lights you up?
Will it light you up?
You are your heroes
Acknowledge YOU
There’s no place like home
Your greatest fear is the gatekeeper to your highest calling
If I wasn’t afraid I would…
A prayer for expansion
What’s the worst that could happen?
Five people
Ask the part of you that knows
The Universe will catch you
Start before you’re ready
Jump right on in
Do one thing every day
Just dance extra quick
Don’t be attached to the outcome
Show up and shine
You’re ready
Permission granted
My soul is calling me to…
Part IV – Living in the Light
Embodying the light
Non-negotiable spiritual practice
Light Sourcing
Light bath
Call yourself home
Back to center
Dear God
Impromptu dance breaks
Take a breath
Who lights you up?
Where’s your energy at?
Be the lighthouse, not the electricity
Sacred social
Choose a higher thought
Create a vibration board
Make your life a moving prayer
Your spirit guides are waiting
Invest in your soul’s growth
Assemble your support team
Making an altar
Leave space for Grace
My soul is calling me to…
Part V – Be the Light
Your light is needed here
You do YOU (#YDY)
The world needs you
Being of service
Please use me
Forge, don’t follow
Embrace your weird
My weirdness list
Call in your people
Let your spirit be your brand™
Your tribe’s waiting for you
You are your message
Choose your own theme song
Write your own tag line
Come out of the spiritual closet
Align your life
Be a YES
Twitter bios and fitting in
Vibration is the best marketing tool
You© – Your authentic voice
You© – Your authentic visual style
It’s not about you
You are not for everyone
Be OK with where you are
Creativity and being a clear channel
Invoking your muse
Letters to self
Your soul’s voice
Speak up, I can’t hear you
Raise them up, don’t cut them down
If you’re competing with someone…
Be an encourager
There’s room enough for everyone
Demystifying the mystic
The mystic always rises
Your heart is elastic
Let the Universe support you
Expansion and never-ending growth
It’s time to step up
You weren’t born for the sidelines
You go first
Letter to a Lightworker II
The Army of Light is always recruiting
Thank you
One thing
Bask in the light some more
I recommend
About the author
Join the Hay House Family
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