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1. Foundations of Aging and Sexual Identities
1. Theories, Constructs, and Applications in Working with LGBT Elders in Human Services
2. Sexual Minority Status and Aging
3. Family Relationships of Older LGBT Adults
4. Deconstructing Multiple Oppressions Among LGBT Older Adults
5. The Intersection of Identities of LGBT Elders: Race, Age, Sexuality, and Care Network
2. Multicultural, International, and Select Populations of LGBT Elders
6. African-American and Black LGBT Elders
7. American Indian, Alaska Native, and Canadian Aboriginal Two-Spirit/LGBT Elderly
8. Asian American and Native Pacific Islander LGBT Elders
9. European LGBT Elders
10. Hispanic/Latino LGBT Elders
11. Elder LGBT Veterans and Service Members
12. LGBT Elders and the Criminal Justice System
13. Immigrant LGBT Elders
14. Understanding Transgender Elders
15. Bisexuality: An Invisible Community Among LGBT Elders
3. Mistreatment and Victimization of Older LGBT Persons
16. An Overview of Aging and Mistreatment of LGBT Elders
17. Mistreatment and Victimization of LGBT Elders
18. The Prevalence of Elder Bullying and Impact on LGBT Elders
4. Health Care and Mental Health
19. Impact of Healthcare Reform on LGBT Elders
20. Healthcare, Sexual Practices, and Cultural Competence with LGBT Elders
21. LGBT Elders in Nursing Homes, Long-Term Care Facilities, and Residential Communities
22. End-of-Life Issues for LGBT Elders
23. Mental Health Counseling of LGBT Elders
24. Substance Use Disorders Intervention with LGBT Elders
5. Family and Community
25. LBGT Elders in Rural Settings, Small Towns, and Frontier Regions
26. Law Enforcement and Public Safety of LGBT Elders
27. The Role of Religious and Faith Communities in Addressing the Needs of LGBT Elders
28. No Money, No Work, and You’re Old
29. LGBT Intersection of Age and Sexual Identity in the Workplace
30. Isolation, Socialization, Recreation, and Inclusion of LGBT Elders
6. Counseling and Human Services Delivery
31. Counseling LGBT Elders
32. Advocacy and Community Needs Assessment
33. Disabilities and Chronic Illness Among LGBT Elders: Responses of Medicine, Public Health, Rehabilitation, and Social Work
7. Conclusion
34. Ethical Standards and Practices in Human Services and Health Care for LGBT Elders
35. Trends, Implications, and Future Directions for Policy, Practice, and Research on LGBT Elders
36. Implications of DOMA and the Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage for Spousal Benefits
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