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Table of Contents
Series Editor’s Introduction
I. Politics: Part Introduction
1. The Political Function of Fake News: Disorganized Propaganda in the Era of Automated Media
2. Ways of Seeing … What You Want: Flexible Visuality and Image Politics in the Post-Truth Era
3. A Case against the Post-Truth Era: Revisiting Mouffe’s Critique of Consensus-Based Democracy
4. You’re Fake News: The Problem with Accusations of Falsehood
II. Journalism: Part Introduction
5. Journalism and the New Information Ecosystem: Responsibilities and Challenges
6. Native Advertising as Counterfeit News
7. The Second Amendment vs. the First: The NRA’s Constitutional Bias Perspective on Fake News
8. Media Credibility before “Fake News”: Interpreting an Antiabortion Activist Undercover Video
III. Law and Policy: Part Introduction
9. Confronting the Misinformation Society: Facebook’s “Fake News” Is a Symptom of Unaccountable Monopoly Power
10. Fixing Fake News: Self-Regulation and Technological Solutionism
11. The Scourge of Disinformation-Assisted Hate Propaganda
12. Fake News and Open Channels of Communication
IV. Social Media: Part Introduction
13. Fake News Fingerprints
14. Reddit’s Alt-Right: Toxic Masculinity, Free Speech, and /r/The_Donald
15. Fake Memetics: Popular Rhetoric and Circulation in Political Campaigns
16. Weaponizing #fakenews in a Visual War on Journalism: Seeing a Big Picture through Instagram
V. Reception: Part Introduction
17. Mental Shortcuts, Emotion, and Social Rewards: The Challenges of Detecting and Resisting Fake News
18. Source Credibility and Belief in Fake News: I’ll Believe You If You Agree with Me
19. Technology, Propaganda, and the Limits of the Human Intellect
VI. History: Part Introduction
20. A Prehistory of Fake News in America
21. Beware the Theory in Conspiracy Theories
22. “The Intel on This Wasn’t 100 Percent”: Fake News and Concerns over the Modern Democratic Project
VII. Media Hoaxes and Satire: Part Introduction
23. An Oral History of the Yes Men
24. An Interview with the Yes Men
25. All “Fake News” Is Not Equal
VIII. Solutions: Part Introduction
26. Platforms Throw Content Moderation at Every Problem
27. Normalizing Fake News in an Age of Platforms
28. Teaching “Fake News” and Resisting the Privilege of Forgetting
29. Viral “Fake News” Lists and the Limitations of Labeling and Fact-Checking
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