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Imperial Library
1. Through A Candy Store Window
2. All Candy Expo
3. Art or Science: A Brief History of Candy
4. Candy Companies Big and Small
5. Sugar History and Production
6. The Demon Sugar
7. The Sweet Tooth
8. Soft Ball to Hard Crack
9. Breakaway Glass: A Soft Solid
10. Cotton Candy
11. Rock Candy
12. Candy Doctors
13. LifeSavers or Jolly Ranchers
14. Candy Canes: The Science Experiment
15. Sponge Candy or Fairy Foam
16. Dum Dum Lollipops
17. Cut Rock
18. Sugar-Free Candy
19. Pixy Styx and Fun Dip
20. Pez
21. Fizzies
22. NECCO Wafers and Conversation Hearts
23. Wint-O-Green Mints
24. Peppermint Patties
25. Junior Mints
26. National Candy Corn Day
27. Maple Syrup Candies: A Natural Treat?
28. Caramel: Controlled Scorching of Milk?
29. A Caramel Family
30. Caramel Cold Flow
31. Tootsie Roll Pops
32. Cajeta
33. The Fudge Factor
34. English Toffee
35. Gummies and Jellies
36. The Starch Mogul
37. Swedish Fish and Starch Jelly Candies
38. Dots and Orange Slices
39. Gummy Jigglers
40. Black Chuckles
41. Fruit Snacks
42. Sour Patch Candy
43. Where Do the Jelly Beans in the Easter Basket Come from?
44. Jelly Bean Flavor Development
45. Panning Patience
46. Everlasting Gobstoppers and Atomic Fireballs
47. Runts and Nerds
48. Is Licorice Good for You?
49. Licorice Variations
50. The Marsh Mallow
51. Nougat
52. Starburst
53. A Whopper of a Story: Malted Milk Balls
54. Retro Candy: Bit-O-Honey and Mary Jane
55. Gum Wads
56. Gumballs
57. Gum and the Bedpost
58. Medicinal Gum
59. The Vending Machine
60. Snickers Bars
61. Baby Ruth
62. Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut
63. Turtles or Cow Pies?
64. Candies: Dead or Alive
65. Super-Sized Candies
66. Goo Goo Clusters
67. Candy Land
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