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Imperial Library
aww, poor baby—recognizing hurt
...and more to do!
catch those feelings— recognizing sadness
...and more to do!
the color of anger
...and more to do!
teasing: the good, the bad, and the unintended
...and more to do!
the endless game of telephone
...and more to do!
when the gosisp tables turn
...and more to do!
stand up and be counted
...and more to do!
when you're the bully—oh no!
...and more to do!
are you part of the problem?
...and more to do!
teasing—how to catch yourself in time
...and more to do!
gossip words and how to spot ’em
...and more to do!
telling the parental units without making them freak out
...and more to do!
dream girl vs. reject girl
...and more to do!
mirror, mirror on the wall…
...and more to do!
what’s to hate?
...and more to do!
survey says—what pop culture is telling you
...and more to do!
you’re so not that!
...and more to do!
know yourself
...and more to do!
clichés, clichés, clichés
...and more to do!
beauty: skin deep or inner?
...and more to do!
how much is too much?
...and more to do!
honesty: helpful or hurtful?
...and more to do!
independent vs. submissive
...and more to do!
who makes your clique click?
...and more to do!
a thunderclap: when the clique fights
...and more to do!
the enemy is across the room, and they’re looking at you
...and more to do!
rules, rules, rules
...and more to do!
if you were queen of the universe
...and more to do!
girlfriends’ bill of rights
...and more to do!
analyze this—the cliques at your school
...and more to do!
know thyself—are you a cyberbully?
...and more to do!
profile of a bully
...and more to do!
how to defend yourself online
...and more to do!
when the cyberbully is a friend
...and more to do!
how’s your cyber IQ?
...and more to do!
writing a profile bound for trouble
...and more to do!
create your own sassy profile
...and more to do!
the vocabulary of texting
...and more to do!
privacy counts, or how to protect yourself online
...and more to do!
when to activate the parental units
...and more to do!
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