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iOS 14 Programming for Beginners Fifth Edition
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Section 1: Swift
Chapter 1: Getting Familiar with Xcode
Technical requirements
Downloading and installing Xcode from the App Store
Understanding the Xcode user interface
Running the app in the iOS simulator
Using an iOS device for development
Connecting an iOS device wirelessly
Chapter 2: Simple Values and Types
Technical requirements
Understanding Swift Playgrounds
Customizing fonts and colors
Running playground code
Exploring data types
Representing integers
Representing floating-point numbers
Representing Booleans
Representing strings
Using common data types in the playground
Exploring constants and variables
Understanding type inference and type safety
Using type annotation to specify a type
Using type safety to check values
Exploring operators
Using arithmetic operators
Using compound assignment operators
Using comparison operators
Using logical operators
Performing string operations
Using the print() instruction
Chapter 3: Conditionals and Optionals
Technical requirements
Introducing conditionals
Using if statements
Using switch statements
Introducing optionals
Using optionals and optional binding
Chapter 4: Range Operators and Loops
Technical requirements
Exploring range operators
Exploring loops
Using the for-in loop
Using the while loop
The repeat-while loop
Chapter 5: Collection Types
Technical requirements
Understanding arrays
Creating an array
Checking the number of elements in an array
Adding a new element to an array
Accessing an array element
Assigning a new value to a particular index
Removing an element from an array
Iterating over an array
Understanding dictionaries
Creating a dictionary
Checking the number of elements in a dictionary
Adding a new element to a dictionary
Accessing a dictionary element
Assigning a new value to an existing key
Removing an element from a dictionary
Iterating over a dictionary
Understanding sets
Creating a set
Checking the number of elements in a set
Adding a new element to a set
Checking whether a set contains an element
Removing an item from a set
Iterating over a set
Exploring set operations
Exploring set membership and equality
Chapter 6: Functions and Closures
Technical requirements
Understanding functions
Creating a function
Using custom argument labels
Using nested functions
Using functions as return types
Using functions as parameters
Using a guard statement to exit a function early
Understanding closures
Simplifying closures
Chapter 7: Classes, Structures, and Enumerations
Technical requirements
Understanding classes
Creating a class declaration
Making an instance of the class
Making a subclass
Overriding a superclass method
Understanding structures
Creating a structure declaration
Making an instance of the structure
Comparing value types and references types
Deciding between classes and structures
Understanding enumerations
Creating an enumeration
Chapter 8: Protocols, Extensions, and Error Handling
Technical requirements
Understanding protocols
Creating a protocol declaration
Understanding extensions
Adopting a protocol via an extension
Creating an array of different types of objects
Exploring error handling
Section 2:Design
Chapter 9: Setting Up the User Interface
Technical requirements
Learning useful terms in iOS development
Touring the Let's Eat app
Using the Explore screen
Using the Locations screen
Using the Restaurant List screen
Using the Restaurant Detail screen
Using the Review Form screen
Using the Photo Filter screen
Using the Map screen
Creating a new Xcode project
Setting up a tab bar controller scene
Setting the titles of the tab bar's buttons
Adding the Assets.xcassets file
Adding the icons for the Explore and Map buttons
Setting up the Launch screen
Configuring the Launch screen's background color
Adding a logo and constraints to the Launch screen
Configuring Interface Builder
Chapter 10: Building Your User Interface
Adding a collection view to the Explore screen
Connecting storyboard elements to outlets in a view controller
Adding a Cocoa Touch Class file to your project
Connecting storyboard elements to the view controller
Configuring data source methods for the collection view
Setting the delegate and data source properties of the collection view
Adopting the UICollectionViewDataSource and UICollectionViewDelegate protocols
Adding a section header to the collection view
Configuring storyboard element sizes
Presenting a view modally
Adding a button to the collection view header
Adding a new view controller scene
Adding Cancel and Done buttons to the navigation bar
Chapter 11: Finishing Up Your User Interface
Technical requirements
Adding a table view to the Locations screen
Implementing the Restaurant List screen
Declaring the RestaurantListViewController class
Adopting the delegate and data source protocols
Presenting the Restaurant List screen
Implementing the Restaurant Detail screen
Implementing the Review Form screen
Implementing the Map screen
Chapter 12: Modifying and Configuring Cells
Technical requirements
Modifying the Explore screen section header
Adding Auto Layout to the Explore screen's section header
Modifying the exploreCell collection view cell
Modifying the restaurantCell collection view cell
Adding Auto Layout constraints to the restaurantCell collection view cell
Configuring the locationCell table view cell
Section 3:Code
Chapter 13: Getting Started with MVC and Collection Views
Technical requirements
Understanding the Model-View-Controller design pattern
Exploring controllers and classes
Understanding collection views
Conforming to the UICollectionViewDataSource protocol
Creating a CollectionViewExampleController instance
Revisiting the Explore and Restaurant List screens
Chapter 14: Getting Data into Collection Views
Technical requirements
Understanding model objects
Understanding .plist files
Creating a structure to represent a cuisine
Implementing a data manager class to read data from a .plist file
Using the data manager to initialize ExploreItem instances
Displaying data in a collection view
Connecting the outlets in exploreCell
Implementing additional data manager methods
Updating the data source methods in ExploreViewController
Technical requirements
Understanding table views
Creating the LocationViewController class
Connecting the table view to the LocationViewController class
Adding the data source and delegate methods
Adding location data for the table view
Creating the LocationDataManager class
Displaying data in a table view
Chapter 16: Getting Started with MapKit
Technical requirements
Understanding and creating annotations
Creating the RestaurantItem class
Creating the MapDataManager class
Creating the DataManager protocol
Refactoring the MapDataManager class
Refactoring the ExploreDataManager class
Adding annotations to a map view
Creating the MapViewController class
Connecting the outlets for the map view
Setting the map view region to be displayed
Displaying MKAnnotationView instances on the map view
Creating custom MKAnnotationView instances
Going from the Map screen to the Restaurant Detail screen
Creating and configuring a storyboard reference
Performing the showDetail segue
Passing data to the Restaurant Detail screen
Organizing your code
Refactoring the ExploreViewController class
Using the // MARK: syntax
Refactoring the RestaurantListViewController class
Refactoring the LocationViewController class
Refactoring the MapViewController class
Chapter 17: Getting Started with JSON Files
Technical requirements
Getting data from JSON files
Understanding the JSON format
Creating the RestaurantDataManager class
Using data from JSON files in your app
Configuring the MapDataManager instance to use data from the RestaurantDataManager instance
Storing a user-selected location
Adding a view controller for the section header on the Explore screen
Connecting the section header's label to the ExploreViewController class
Adding an unwind action method to the Done button
Selecting only one location on the Locations screen
Passing location and cuisine information to the RestaurantListViewController instance
Creating a view controller for the cells on the Restaurant List screen
Connecting the outlets for the RestaurantCell class
Displaying a custom UIView to indicate no data is available
Displaying a list of restaurants on the Restaurant List screen
Chapter 18: Displaying Data in a Static Table View
Technical requirements
Setting up outlets for the RestaurantDetailViewController class
Displaying data in the static table view
Passing data to the RestaurantDetailViewController instance
Chapter 19: Getting Started with Custom UIControls
Technical requirements
Creating a custom UIControl subclass
Displaying stars in your custom UIControl subclass
Adding support for touch events
Implementing an unwind method for the Cancel button
Creating the ReviewFormViewController class
Chapter 20: Getting Started with Cameras and Photo Libraries
Technical requirements
Understanding filters
Creating model objects for the Photo Filter screen
Creating the ImageFiltering protocol
Creating view controllers for the Photo Filter screen
Creating a view controller for the collection view cells
Creating a view controller for the Photo Filter screen
Getting permission to use the camera or photo library
Chapter 21: Understanding Core Data
Technical requirements
Introducing Core Data
Implementing Core Data components for your app
Creating a data model
Creating ReviewItem
Creating RestaurantPhotoItem
Creating a Core Data manager
Understanding how saving and loading works
Passing RestaurantID to the ReviewFormViewController instance
Updating the PhotoFilterViewController class to save photos
Displaying saved reviews and photos on the Restaurant Detail screen
Calculating a restaurant's overall rating
Section 4:Features
Chapter 22: Getting Started with Apple Silicon Macs
Technical requirements
Fixing user interface issues
Making your app run on all iOS devices
Identifying device type
Understanding size classes
Updating the Explore screen
Updating the Restaurant List screen
Updating the app to work on macOS
Chapter 23: Getting Started with SwiftUI
Technical requirements
Creating a SwiftUI Xcode Project
Creating the Restaurant List screen
Adding model objects and configuring navigation
Using UIKit and SwiftUI views together
Completing the Restaurant Detail screen
Chapter 24: Getting Started with Widgets
Technical requirements
Introducing widgets
Adding a widget target to your app
Providing timeline entries to your widget
Customizing your widget's view
Adding a widget to your Home Screen
Chapter 25: Getting Started with App Clips
Technical requirements
Introducing app clips
Adding an app clip to your project
Configuring your app clip
Passing restaurant data to the Restaurant Detail screen
Chapter 26: Testing and Submitting Your App to the App Store
Technical requirements
Getting an Apple Developer account
Exploring your Apple Developer account
Generating a certificate signing request
Creating development and distribution certificates
Registering an App ID
Registering your devices
Creating provisioning profiles
Submitting your app to the App Store
Creating icons for your app
Creating screenshots for your app
Creating an App Store listing
Creating an archive build
Completing the information in App Store Connect
Testing your app
Testing your app internally
Testing your app externally
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