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Title Page
Dedication and Disclaimer
Chapter 1. Heroic Mornings: Breakfasts for Warriors
Last Bite of Summer Blackberry Preserves
Northmen’s Soft-Boiled Eggs and Bacon
Black Brothers’ Blood Sausage Breakfast
Tywin Lannister’s Garlic Sausage
Sansa’s Buttermilk Biscuits
Dothraki Antelope and Spicy Sausage
Northern Harvest Oat Biscuits
Direwolf Beef and Bacon Pie
Weasel’s Oatcakes
Dragonstone Meat and Mash
Septa Mordane’s Porridge
Back at the Wall Thick Cream of Wheat
Night’s Watch Breakfast Loaf
Fiery Dornish Frittata
Hard-as-Cersei Boiled Eggs, Bread, and Honey
Westerosian Fried Breakfast
The Blind Girl’s Piping Hot Fish and Pepper Breakfast
Chapter 2. A Morsel in a Moment: Appetizers and Snacks
Grand Maester Pycelle’s Prized Pomegranate Grapefruit Bars
King’s Landing Snails in Garlic
Robert’s Fried Golden Goose Eggs
Red Keep Blood Orange Sampler
Desperate Travelers’ Acorn Paste
Winterfell Cold Fruit Soup
Blackbird Salt Cod Toast
Sandor Clegane’s Pickled Pigs’ Feet
Ten Towers Cold Beef and Oldtown Mustard
Doran’s Favorite Chickpea Paste
Road to Riverrun Apple Chips
Dornish Cheese Flight of Fancy
Illyrio’s Goose Liver Drowned in Wine
Fiery Vengeance Stuffed Peppers of Dorne
The Cheesemonger’s Candied Onions
Pentoshi Stinky Cheese Plate
Balerion Fish Roe Dip
Volantene Honey Sausages
Bolton Wedding Cod Cakes
The Hedge Knight’s Salt Beef Salami
Ghiscari Spiced Honeyed Locusts
The Queenmaker’s Stuffed Dates
Chapter 3. Something off the Sideboard: Sides and Bread
Benjen’s Roasted Onions Dipped in Gravy
The Lord Commander’s Turnips Soaked in Butter
Mord’s Boiled Beans
Golden Lions’ Spiced Squash
Arya’s Sweetcorn Eaten on the Cob
Lannister Red Fennel Delight
Jeyne’s Stewed Onions and Leeks
Cersei’s Buttered Beets
Braavosian Frog Legs
Bolton Savory Stuffed Winter Squash
Pentoshi Mushrooms in Butter and Garlic
The Dead Man’s Roasted Vegetables
Illyrio’s Buttered Parsnip Pure´e
Winterfell Black Bread
Inn at the Crossroads 7-Grain Loaf
Westerosian Barley Bread
Black Brothers’ Oat Bread
Umma’s Morning Loaf
Soft Flatbread from Across the Narrow Sea
Trident Flax and Fennel Hardbread
Chapter 4. Fireside Fare: Soups, Stews, and Salads
Redwyne Brown Stock
The Hand’s Daughter’s Pumpkin Soup
Harrenhal Vegetable Stew
Hand of the King’s Oxtail Soup
Ranging Soup of Roots
Cersei’s Creamy Chestnut Soup
Queen’s White Bean Soup
Late Lord Frey’s Leek Soup
Lord Nestor Royce’s Wild Mushroom Ragout
Volantene Cold Beet Soup
Night’s Watch Onion Soup
Common Pease Porridge
Lord Caswell’s Venison and Barley Stew
Inn of the Kneeling Man’s Rabbit Stew
King Stannis’s Fish Stew
Northern Harvest Auroch Stew
Leaf’s Blood Stew
Three-Finger Hobb’s Best Mutton
Sweetrobin’s Stewed Goat
Sister’s Stew
Lannister Cream Stews
Three-Finger Hobb’s Infamous Three-Meat Stew
Riverrun Turnip Greens and Red Fennel Salad
Bitter Green Salad
Southron Spinach and Plum Salad
Cersei’s Greens Dressed with Apples and Pine Nuts
Lord Walder’s Green Bean Salad
Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun’s Giant Salad
Chapter 5. Feasts for Friends — and Enemies: Main Courses
Winterfell Meats
Bran Stark’s Pigeon Pie
Black Brother Pork Pie
Dolorous Edd’s Pruned Hen
Ghost’s Chicken
Crab of the North
Dothraki Duck
Stark Rib Roast
Sansa Stark’s Fairytale Trout Baked in Clay
Baratheon Boar Ribs with Apple
Castle Black Rack of Lamb
Littlefinger’s Lamprey Pie
Old Bear’s Ham Steak
Brynden Tully’s Blackened Trout with Dornish Gremolata
Tyrion’s Leg of Lamb
Saan’s Minced Lamb with Pepper
Winterfell Mutton Chops in Honey and Cloves
Battle of Blackwater Mutton Roast
Bran’s Auroch Joints Roasted with Leeks
Bran’s Venison Burger
Everyman’s Skewered Pigeon and Capon
Buttered Quails of King’s Landing
Lordlings’ Goose-in-Berries
Stark Stuffed Quail
Cersei’s Roast Swan
Hearty Blandissory
Tyrion’s Spiced Brawn
Barristan the Bold’s Wild Boar Ribs with Dragon Pepper
Sansa Stark’s Boar’s Rib
Lannister Beef with Horseradish
Merman’s Court Venison with Roasted Chestnut
Northern Roast Elk
Pyke Onion Pie
Dornish Whiskerfish
Lannister Herb-Crusted Pike
Eastern Fire Crab
Pentoshi Crisp Fingerfish
Khaleesi’s Heart
Chapter 6. Deceitful Delights: Desserts, Drinks, and “Poisonous” Cocktails
Arya’s Lemon Cakes
Arya’s Apricot Crumb Tart
Sansa’s Strawberry Chiffon Pie
The Vale Summer Berries and Cream Tart
Samwell’s Blueberry Ricotta Tart
Rickon’s Apple Cake
Tommen’s Baked Apple Cheese Tart
Bitterbridge Blackberry Tart
Celebratory Peaches in Lavender Honey
King’s Landing Blood Melon Sorbet
Queen of Meereen’s Persimmon Crumble Ice Cream
Ballroom Blackberry Honeycake
White Harbor Hippocras
Cersei’s Plum Wine
Stark Spiced Wine
Stag Strongwine Snifter
Tears of Lys
The Strangler
Manticore Venom
House of Black and White’s Golden Coin
Crannogmen’s Poison
Pyromancers’ Wildfire
Blackwater Schwarzbier
Bittersweet Volantene Stout
Direwolf Ale
Merman’s Black Stout
Manderly Autumn Ale
Lannister Gold IPA
Bolton Bastard’s Pale Ale
Targaryen Dragon Mead
Appendix A. Standard Brewing Processes
Single-Infusion Brew Process
Multistep Brew Process
Fermentation and Packaging
Strike Water Temperature
Mash Infusion Equation
Appendix B. Recipes by Region
The North
The Wall
White Harbor
Greywater Watch
The Riverlands
The Twins
The Vale
The Eyrie
Gates of the Moon
The Three Sisters
The Fingers
The Iron Islands
The Westerlands
Casterly Rock
The Reach
The Arbor
Horn Hill
The Crownlands
King’s Landing
The Stormlands
Storm’s End
Beyond the Wall
Across the Narrow Sea
Free Cities
Dothraki Sea
Slaver’s Bay
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