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Imperial Library
Books by Jamie Denton
1 TIME WAS RUNNING OUT. He’d have to make his move soon before they figured out he’d been hiding ri
2 “HELLO, PEYTON.” She’d recognize that voice anywhere. Deep, and as smooth as the highest quality
3 TAKING THE HARD VINYL chair Jared indicated, Peyton sat at the round table in the far corner of t
4 “YOUR WIFE?” Jared let out a rough sigh and wished he’d kept that part of his life to himself. Wh
5 ARMED AND DANGEROUS? Her? About the only thing she considered dangerous about herself pertained t
6 “SON OF A BITCH!” At Jared’s harshly spoken words, Peyton grabbed the last of the cash withdrawal
7 SUNNY MACGREGOR became a federal agent for one reason, and one reason only—because she loved to s
8 SUNNY DIDN’T MUCH BELIEVE in coincidences. And while she wasn’t one to believe in signs, omens or
9 JARED TOSSED THE BUTT of his cigarette into the sand. He considered lighting another just to give
10 PAIN AND LOSS WERE NOT new emotions to Jared. Neither was the desire to stay alive. He’d experie
11 AFTER TWO HOURS of tossing and turning, Peyton gave up trying to sleep. She’d thought getting up
12 JARED SLID PEYTON’S OTHER hand around his neck. She laced her fingers together, bringing her bod
13 BY ONE O’CLOCK Monday afternoon, Sunny was heading north on the coast highway from Charleston, o
14 THE WAY HE SAW IT, Jared had only one option available to him, regardless of the risk to his own
15 PEYTON AND SUNNY WALKED quietly down the Jet-way, with the assistance of a two-man police escort
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