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Imperial Library
Part I: The Ends in the World
Chapter 1: Technologies of the End of the World
Chapter 2: A Conversation on the End of the World
Part II: Philosophizing the End of the World
Chapter 3: Kant and the End of All Things
Chapter 4: Hegel: The End of History Is Not the End of the World
Chapter 5: End and/or Beginning: The World as One-Time Event in Heidegger and Dōgen
Chapter 6: Putting an End: Derrida and the Death Penalty
Part III: After the End of the World
Chapter 7: The End of the World after the End of Finitude
Chapter 8: Expansion of the End: On Friedrich Hölderlin’s Geo-poetics
Chapter 9: Fragments of a Place Called the End of the World
Part IV: Thinking From the End
Chapter 10: The Energy of the End
Chapter 11: Every Day, the End of the World
Part V: Images and Words of the End
Chapter 12: The Ends of the World in Lars von Trier’s Melancholia
Chapter 13: Coming to the End (Günther Anders, Maurice Blanchot)
Chapter 14: The Language of the End and the Language of the World in the Poem of the End by Marina Tsvetaeva
Chapter 15: After the End of the World: Panorama
Chapter 16: Viktor Pelevin’s Postmodern Apocalypsis
Chapter 17: Immersion: Harmony, Variety, and Fragmentation
About the Authors
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