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Imperial Library
Knowing the Truth About Jesus the Messiah
Solving a Mystery
1. Did God promise to speak, through His prophets, things concerning the future?
2, What is the definition of the word Messiah?
3. If specific prophecies were fulfilled by the Messiah, does the science of probability consider this “proof” there is a God?
4. Genesis 3:15—Who is the seed (offspring) of the woman who crushes the head of Satan?
5. Genesis 12:2,3; 22:18—Who is the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that will eventually bless all nations?
6. Deuteronomy 18:15—Who is the “prophet like Moses” of whom God says, “You must listen to him”?
7. Psalm 22—Who is the one crucified?
8. Isaiah 9:6,7—Who is the child that is God and will have an everlasting kingdom?
9. Isaiah 53—Who was crushed and pierced for our transgressions so that we would be healed by his wounds; upon whom did the Lord lay the iniquity of all mankind?
10. Jeremiah 23:5,6—Who is the righteous Branch, the wise king, who will be called “the Lord our righteousness”?
11. Daniel 9:24-27—Who is the “Anointed One” to be “cut off” after 483 years?
12. Micah 5:2—Who is the one who is eternal, who will be the ruler over Israel, who is born in Bethlehem Ephrathah?
13. Zechariah 12:10—Who is Jehovah, “the one they have pierced,” for whom Jerusalem and all the nation of Israel will weep and mourn?
Conclusion: Who Is the Messiah?
A Personal Word
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