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Imperial Library
Also by Chris McGeorge
Title Page
A Note On Lineage
Ten Hours Earlier . . .
I. A Modest Breakfast
II. An Immodest Dinner
III. The Knack to Stoking a Fire
IV. In Search of a Light
V. To Be Young
VI. A Christmas Dinner in Three Movements
VII. Contented Retirement
VIII. The Mystery Gift
IX. A Short-Lived Victory
X. The Real Interregnum
XI. The Poison Chalice
XII. Where in the Bloody Hell Is Tony Speck?
XIII. A ’Moral Quandary
XIV. The Body of a King
XV. Eric Windsor’s Final Resting Place
XVI. The Bridlepath Causeway Has Flooded (and Other Fun Phrases)
XVII. A Timetable of Sorts
XVIII. Cards upon the Table
XIX. The Election
XX. Doubt and Duty
XXI. For the King and for the Crown
XXII. A Private Audience with Little Miss Perfect
XXIII. A Private Audience with the Young at Heart
XXIV. A Private Audience with the Proper English Gentleman (or A Private Audience with the Pigheaded Businessman)
XXV. The Ghost of John Brown
XXVI. A Private Audience with the Exiled Then Returned
XXVII. A Private Audience with the Next in Line
XXVIII. A Private Audience with the Sloshed Princess Royal
XXIX. A Private Audience with the Generous Whippersnapper
XXX. The Winchester among the Wolves
XXXI. Terror in the Dark
XXXII. Crawling through Baked Alaska
XXXIII. The Heavens Open
XXXIV. Up to an Unfortunate Speed
XXXV. An Adjustment to the Status Quo
XXXVI. Tables Turn
XXXVII. Leftovers for Supper
XXXVIII. Defiance
XXXIX. The Redacted One
XL. John Brown Strikes Again
XLI. The King’s Private Study
XLII. The Missing Motives
XLIII. A Tragedy in the Wine Cellar
XLIV. Jonathan Alleyne Sits Back and Thinks
XLV. Assembly of the Damned
XLVI. Spitting Venom
XLVII. The Devil’s Daughter
XLVIII. The Common Family
XLIX. Badge of Honour
L. Truth and Consequences
LI. The King’s Private Speech
LII. Kingmaker
LIII. The Answer to the Riddle
One Year Later . . .
Epilogue: Jerusalem
About the Author
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