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Also By Alain Braux
Heard on the Grapevine
Once Upon a Time in GMO Land – The Short History of GMOs
They Say, We Say Argument
They Say... GMOs offer higher crop yield
Sustainable and Organic Agriculture is the Answer
They Say... GMOs benefit the environment.
They Say... GMOs reduce the use of herbicides and pesticides.
They Say... Bt toxins do not harm non-targeted species
They Say... GMOs increase crop yields and in the process helps food farmers be more profitable.
They Say... GMOs are just another form of plant breeding and have no more risks than naturally bred crops.
They say... GMOs are safe to eat and more nutritious
They Say... GMOs are good for farmers
They Say... GMOs are solving the world’s food crisis.
Scientific studies to back the above information
But Why Are You Saying GMOs are Dangerous for Us?
Here are a couple of recent studies to help you understand
But, but... pro-GMOs say, “Millions and millions of people have eaten GM and no one is sick”
GMOs in your daily life
How are GMOs created?
Why were GMOs created?
GM food crops are created in a lab for two main purposes:
Why should it matter to us and our children?
Why the controversy?
Doctors Say No to GMOs
In which crops are GMOs present?
GMOs Hidden in Our Food
More potential GM Hidden Ingredients to Look Out For
OMG?!? What should I eat? What do I do to avoid GMOs?
One: Buy certified organic
Two: Buy your food from a farmer
Three: Grow your own food
Four: Read labels carefully
Five: Avoid the most at risk crops
Six: Pick your proteins carefully
Seven: Shopping Guides
How to Avoid GMOs when eating out
GMOs at Home
What to do when you are invited to family or friends events
What can you and I do about this important food issue?
Mother Earth Knows Best
Are Your Furry Friends Sick of GMOs?
GMO 101 Master GM Ingredients List
Genetically Engineered Food Crops
And if that was not enough, more GE foods in the pipeline
Increased Use of Pesticides
By the Way, What is That “Glyphosate” Mentioned Earlier?
More potential GM Hidden Ingredients to Look Out For
Potential Sources of Genetically Engineered Ingredients in Food
Crop: Canola
Ingredients or Food Products Coming from Canola (Rapeseed)
Animals: Bovine, Ovine, and Caprine
Animals: Poultry, Chicken and Eggs
Crop: Corn
Crop: Cotton
Products: Dairy
Potential health concerns linked to the use of rBST or rBGH in dairy cows
Food Products with Possible Hidden Dairy Ingredients
Foods that do NOT contain dairy even though it may sound like it
Assorted Dairy Ingredients and Products
Crop: Soy
Soy-based Food Products
Soy Ingredients or Derivatives in Food Products (see detailed explanations below)
Soy Ingredients or Derivatives Around Your Home (see detailed explanations below)
Soy Ingredients or Derivatives in Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals (see detailed explanations below)
Soy Ingredients or Derivatives in Animal Production (see detailed explanations below)
Soy Ingredients or Derivatives in Industrial Production (see detailed explanations below)
Ingredients or Additives Coming From Soybean Oil
Crop: Sugar Beet
Crop: Tobacco
Non-GMO Information Resources
Non-GMO Books
Non-GMO Documentaries
Chef Alain Braux’s Bio Short Version
Chef Alain Braux Bio Long Version
Would You Like to Know More about Chef Braux?
Further Reading: Paleo French Cuisine
About the Author
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