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Title Page
Table of Contents
Common Core State Standards
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for English Language Arts
The Authors
Preface to the Sixth Edition
Section 1: Foundations
List 1. Typical Literacy Development
List 2. Speech Sound Development
List 3. Sound-Awareness Books
List 4. Rhyming Books
List 5. Predictable Books
List 6. Books without Words
List 7. Print Concepts
List 8. Phonics Awareness
List 9. Rhyming Words
List 10. Minimal Pairs
List 11. Word Segmentation
List 12. Active Response Activities
List 13. Handwriting Charts
List 14. Reading and Language Tips for Parents of Young Children
List 15. Language Arts Glossary for Parents and Others
Section 2: Phonics
List 16. Suggested Phonics Teaching Order
List 17. Consonant Sounds and Spellings
List 18. Vowel Sounds and Spellings
List 19. Double Vowels
List 20. The Final E Rule
List 21. Sound Determined by Letter Position
List 22. Phonics Example Words
List 23. The Most Common Phonograms
List 24. Phonograms
List 25. Phonically Irregular Words
List 26. Standalones—Words without Rhymes
List 27. Syllabication Rules
Section 3: Useful Words
List 28. High-Frequency Instant Words
List 29. Homophones
List 30. Homographs and Heteronyms
List 31. Easily Confused Words
List 32. Collective Nouns
List 33. Mass or Uncountable Nouns
List 34. Compound Words
List 35. Nonreversible Word Pairs
List 36. Similes
List 37. Metaphors
List 38. Collocations
List 39. Common Word Idioms
List 40. Idiomatic Expressions
Section 4: Vocabulary Builders
List 41. The Twenty Most Common Prefixes
List 42. Prefixes of Number, Size, and Amount
List 43. More Prefixes
List 44. The Twenty Most Common Suffixes
List 45. Inflectional Suffixes
List 46. More Suffixes
List 47. Greek and Latin Roots
List 48. -Ology Word Family
List 49. -Phobia and -Philia Word Families
List 50. Synonyms
List 51. Antonyms
List 52. Words with Multiple Meanings
List 53. Onomatopoeia
List 54. Portmanteau or Blended Words
List 55. Clipped Words
List 56. Oxymorons
List 57. Sesquipedalian Superstars
List 58. Eponyms and Toponyms—Words Based on Names
List 59. Neologisms or New Words
List 60. Words Borrowed from Other Languages
List 61. French and Latin Phrases
List 62. American and British English Words
List 63. Words and Phrases from Mythology
List 64. Shakespeare in Words and Phrases
Section 5: Content Literacy
List 65. High-Utility Academic Words—Primary Grades 1 to 3
List 66. High-Utility Academic Words—Intermediate Grades 4 to 8
List 67. Math Vocabulary—Primary Grades 1 to 3
List 68. Math Vocabulary—Elementary Grades 4 to 5
List 69. Math Vocabulary—Intermediate Grades 6 to 8
List 70. US Customary Measurement System
List 71. Metric System of Measurement (SI)
List 72. Metric and Customary Equivalents and Conversion
List 73. Roman Numerals
List 74. Reading Math Symbols
List 75. Social Studies Vocabulary—Primary Grades 1 to 3
List 76. Social Studies Vocabulary—Intermediate Grades 4 to 8
List 77. Social Studies Vocabulary—Secondary Grades 9 to 12
List 78. Geography Vocabulary—Primary Grades 1 to 3
List 79. Geography Vocabulary—Intermediate Grades 4 to 8
List 80. Geography Fast Facts
List 81. US States and Their Capitals
List 82. States of Mexico and Their Capitals
List 83. Provinces of Canada and Their Capitals
List 84. Science Vocabulary—Primary Grades 1 to 3
List 85. Science Vocabulary—Elementary Grades 4 to 6
Section 6: Books
List 86. Book Words
List 87. Genres and Text Types
List 88. New and Old Favorite Books to Read Aloud
List 89. Award-Winning Children's Books
List 90. Books for Word Play
List 91. Children's All-Time Favorite Books
List 92. Books for Reluctant Readers
List 93. Kids' Magazines for Readers and Writers
List 94. Booklist Collections
List 95. Book Interest Arousers
List 96. Fifty Postreading Response Ideas
List 97. The Fry Readability Graph
List 98. Readability Score Comparisons
List 99. Exemplar Texts for ELA and Subject Area Literacy
Section 7: Comprehension
List 100. BDA Comprehension Strategies
List 101. Context Clues and Word Meaning
List 102. Syntax and Comprehension
List 103. Comprehension Questions
List 104. Question Starters for Discussions
List 105. Proverbs
List 106. Graphic Organizers
List 107. Problem-Solving Guide
List 108. Paragraph and Text Organization
List 109. Character Traits
List 110. Tone and Mood Words
List 111. Point of View
List 112. Language Registers
List 113. Persuasive Techniques
List 114. Literary Terms
Section 8: Fluency
List 115. Fluency Elements
List 116. Sentence Tunes
List 117. Fluency and Punctuation
List 118. Fluency Teaching Methods
List 119. Oral Reading Activities
List 120. Optimal Oral Reading Rates
List 121. Oral Reading Fluency Rubric
Section 9: Language
List 122. Common Features of Language
List 123. Parts of Speech
List 124. Key Verb Concepts
List 125. Common Verb Tenses
List 126. Irregular Verb Patterns
List 127. Basic Sentence Patterns
List 128. Capitalization Guidelines
List 129. Contractions
List 130. Punctuation Guidelines
Section 10: Spelling
List 131. Spelling Demons—Elementary
List 132. Spelling Demons—Intermediate
List 133. Spelling Demons—National Spelling Bee
List 134. Spelling Rules for Adding Suffixes
List 135. Plurals
List 136. Spelling and Pronunciation
List 137. Common Abbreviations
Section 11: Writing
List 138. Narrative and Informational Text
List 138. Story Starters
List 140. Prompts for Expository Writing
List 141. Descriptive Words
List 142. Color Words
List 143. Sense Words for Descriptive Writing
List 144. Signal and Transition Words
List 145. He Said/She Said
List 146. Checklist for Narrative Writing—Primary
List 147. Checklist for Opinion Writing—Primary
List 148. Checklist for Informative or Explanatory Writing—Primary
List 149. Checklist for Narrative Writing—Elementary
List 150. Checklist for Opinion/Argument Writing— Elementary
List 151. Checklist for Informative or Explanatory Writing—Elementary
List 152. Teacher's Corrective Feedback Code
List 153. Proofreading Marks
List 154. Hyphenation Rules for Writing
List 155. Nonbiased Language Guidelines
List 156. Acronyms and Initializations
Section 12: Teaching Ideas
List 157. Tips for Reading Teachers
List 158. Games and Teaching Activities
List 159. Language Development through Drama
List 160. Word Wall Lists
List 161. Student/Group Project Planner
List 162. Working in Teams
List 163. Teamwork Rules
List 164. Teaching with Magazines and Newspapers
List 165. Sample Reading Block Schedule
List 166. Activities for Tutors and Volunteers
List 167. One Hundred Ways to Praise
List 168. Activities for Multiple Intelligences
List 169. Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire—Elementary
List 170. Multiple Intelligences Questionnaire—Middle and High School
List 171. Report Card Helpers—Euphemisms
List 172. Reading Organizations and Journals
List 173. Publishers of Reading Materials and Tests
List 174. Education Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initializations
Section 13: English Language Learners
List 175. Teaching Tips for ELLs' Success
List 176. Realia and Manipulatives
List 177. Class and School Vocabulary for ELLs
List 178. Students' Language Background
List 179. English Sounds Not Used in Other Languages
List 180. Problem English Sounds for ELLs
List 181. Spanish Alphabet and Phonics
List 182. Useful Spanish Words and Phrases for Teachers
List 183. Three Hundred Most Frequently Used Spanish Words
List 184. Dichos—Spanish Proverbs
Section 14: Assessment
List 185. Assessment Methods
List 186. Assessment Terms
List 187. Normal Distribution
List 188. Study Skills Checklist
List 189. Memory and Recall Techniques
List 190. Test-taking Strategies
List 191. Test Words
List 192. Interest Inventory—Primary
List 193. Interest Inventory—Elementary/Intermediate
List 194. Cloze Procedure Variations
List 195. Analogies
List 196. Rubrics for Narrative Writing—Primary
List 197. Rubrics for Opinion Writing—Primary
List 198. Rubrics for Informative or Explanatory Writing—Primary
List 199. Rubrics for Narrative Writing—Elementary
List 200. Rubrics for Opinion/Argument Writing—Elementary
List 201. Rubrics for Informative or Explanatory Writing—Elementary
Section 15: Word Play
List 202. Jump Rope Rhymes
List 203. Tongue Twisters
List 204. Children's Humor: What Kids Say
List 205. Popular First Names
List 206. Fun Names
List 207. Curious Place Names
List 208. Anagrams
List 209. Palindromes
List 210. Proverbs in Disguise
List 211. Rools for Good Writing
List 212. Poetry for Language Laughs
List 213. Surprising Reading Research
List 214. Wacky Wordies—Visual Word Puzzles
Section 16: Alphabets and Symbols
List 215. Alphabet Letter Frequency
List 216. Alphabet Websites
List 217. Different Alphabets
List 218. Ancient Egyptian Alphabet—Hieroglyphs
List 219. Native American Symbols
List 220. American Manual Alphabet
List 221. American Sign Language
List 222. Braille Alphabet
List 223. Radio Voice Alphabet
List 224. Morse Code
List 225. Traffic Signs
Section 17: Information Literacy
List 226. Evaluating Online Resources
List 227. Developing Citation Skills
List 228. Making a Document Interactive
List 229. Fifty Uses for Graphic Organizers
List 230. Dictionary and Glossary Skills
List 231. Dictionary Pronunciation Symbols
List 232. Library Classification Systems
Section 18: Digital Resources
List 233. Search Tips and Strategies
List 234. Simple Search Strategies
List 235. Websites for Reading and Literacy
List 236. Websites for Children's Literature
List 237. Websites for Word Lovers
List 238. Virtual Reference Library
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