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Imperial Library
Part One: The Die is Cast
1. Birth of the Kuru Elders
2. Pandu Cursed and Blessed
3. The Pandavas Come to Hastinapura
4. Duryodhana Begins His Evil Schemes
5. The Martial Exhibition
6. The Kauravas' Hatred Grows
7. The Pandavas Sent Away
8. Ghatotkacha Born and Baka Slain
9. The Gandharva Angaraparna
10. Draupadi's Svayamvara
11. The Pandavas Wed Draupadi
12. Dhritarastra Gives Half the Kingdom
13. Arjuna's Pilgrimage
14. Burning the Khandava Forest
15. The Celestial Hall
16. Mighty Jarasandha
17. The Rajasuya Sacrifice
18. Duryodhana's Envy
19. The Dice Game
20. Draupadi Dragged to the Assembly
21. The Pandavas Exiled
22. Into the Forest
23. Dhritarastra's Anxiety
24. Yudhisthira's Moral Instructions
25. Arjuna Goes to Heaven
26. To Badarika Ashram
27. Bhima Meets Hanuman
28. Kuvera Offended
29. Arjuna Returns
30. Krishna Visits the Pandavas
31. The Fight with the Gandharvas
32. Sage Durvasa
33. Jayadratha Kidnaps Draupadi
34. The Lake of Death
35. Into Virata
36. Draupadi Again Insulted
37. The Kurus Attack Virata
38. Arjuna Encounters the Kurus
39. The Battle at Virata
40. Out of Exile
41. The Kings Choose Sides
42. Dhrtarastra's Message
43. Anxiety for the Blind King
44. Panic Among the Kauravas
45. The Pandavas Consult Krisjna
46. Krsna's Peace Mission
47. Duryodhana's Obstinacy
48. To Kurukshetra
Part Two: Deliverance
49. The Armies Prepare
50. Shikhandi's Destiny
51. Into Position
52. The Bhagavad-gita
53. The War Begins
54. Yudhisthira's Fear
55. Bhisma Wreaks Havoc
56. The Rakshasas Show Their Power
57. Bhisma's Vow
58. Krishna Protects His Devotee
59. Yudhisthira Approaches Bhishma
60. The Fall of Bhishma
61. Drona in Command
62. "Yudhisthira Will Be Captured"
63. Abhimanyu's Incomparable Power
64. Arjuna's Great Vow
65. Arjuna Slaughters the Kauravas
66. Krishna's Mystic Power
67. The Kauravas Rally
68. The Night Battle
69. Dhristadyumna Encounters Drona
70. The Narayana Weapon
71. Karna in Command
72. Karna's Prowess
73. Arjuna Encounters Karna
74. Salya Leads the Kauravas
75. Bhima Fights Duryodhana
76. Massacre by Night
77. Ashvatthama Punished
78. Yudhisthira's Sorrow
79. Bhishma's Instructions
80. Krishna Returns to Dwaraka
81. Yudhisthira's Ashvamedha Sacrifice
82. Vidura Instructs Dhritarastra
83. The Pandavas Retire
Appendix 1: Karna's Birth
Appendix 2: Karna Cursed
Appendix 3: Bhishma's Heavenly Origin
Appendix 4: Questions Posed by Dharma to Yudhisthira
Appendix 5: Brief Biographies of Main Characters
Author’s Note
About the Author
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