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Title Page
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1. Mesoamerican Archaeology: Recent Trends
Deborah L. Nichols and Christopher A. Pool
Part I. Theory, Method, and Practice in Mesoamerican Archaeology
2. A Short History of Theory in Mesoamerican Archaeology
Manuel Gándara
3. Mexico’s National Archaeology Programs
Nelly M. Robles García
4. Archaeology in Guatemala: Nationalist, Colonialist, Imperialist
Oswaldo Chinchilla Mazariegos
5. The Archaeology of Belize in the Twenty-First Century
Jaime J. Awe
6. Archaeology on Mesoamerica’s Southern Frontier
Geoffrey McCafferty, Fabio Esteban Amador, Silvia Salgado González and Carrie Dennett
7. Archaeology and Indigenous Peoples
Shoshaunna Parks and Patricia A. McAnany
8. Time and Space Boundaries: Chronologies and Regions in Mesoamerica
Susan Toby Evans
Part II. Hunter-Gatherers and First Farmers
9. Ice Age Hunter-Gatherers and the Colonization of Mesoamerica
Guillermo Acosta Ochoa
10. Archaic-Period Foragers and Farmers in Mesoamerica
Douglas J. Kennett
11. The Origins of Food Production in Mesoamerica
Dolores R. Piperno and Bruce D. Smith
Part III. Villages, Cities, States, and Empires
Formation of Early Complex Societies, Cities, and States
12. The Formation of Complex Societies in Mesoamerica
Christopher A. Pool
13. Not Carved in Stone: Building the Gulf Olmec from the Bottom Up
Philip J. Arnold III
14. The Development of Complex Societies in Formative-Period Pacific Guatemala and Chiapas
Michael Love
15. Ideology, Polity, and Social History of the Teotihuacan State
Saburo Sugiyama
16. Cultural Evolution in the Southern Highlands of Mexico: From the Emergence of Social Inequality and Urban Society to the Decline of Classic-Period States
Christina Elson
17. Archaeology of the Maya Highlands
Bárbara Arroyo
18. Complex Societies in the Southern Maya Lowlands: Their Development and Florescence in the Archaeological Record
Arlen F. Chase and Diane Z. Chase
19. The Rise of Formative-Period Complex Societies in the Northern Maya Lowlands
Travis W. Stanton
20. Interaction among the Complex Societies of Classic-Period Mesoamerica
Sergio Gómez Chávez and Michael W. Spence
Developmental Cycles: Collapse and Regeneration
21. Concepts of Collapse and Regeneration in Human History
George L. Cowgill
22. Teotihuacan and the Epiclassic in Central Mexico
Jeffrey R. Parsons and Yoko Sugiura Y.
23. The Classic Maya Collapse
David Webster
24. Searching for Tollan: Authority and Urbanism in Oaxaca after Monte Albán
Jeffrey P. Blomster
25. Developmental Cycles in the Gulf Lowlands
Annick Daneels
26. Tula and the Toltecs
Dan M. Healan and Robert H. Cobean
27. The Late Classic to Postclassic Transition among the Maya of Northern Yucatán
William M. Ringle and George J. Bey III
28. The Archaeology of the Late Postclassic Maya Highlands
Greg Borgstede and Eugenia Robinson
29. The Southern Pacific Coastal Region of Mesoamerica: A Corridor of Interaction from Olmec to Aztec Times
Robert M. Rosenswig
30 The Tarascan Empire: Postclassic Social Complexity in Western Mexico
Helen Perlstein Pollard
31. The Aztec Empire
Michael E. Smith and Maëlle Sergheraert
32. The Conquest of Mexico 459
Michel R. Oudijk
Peripheries and Frontiers
33. Networks, Cores, and Peripheries: New Frontiers in Interaction Studies
Edward Schortman and Patricia Urban
34. The Southeastern Fringe of Mesoamerica
John S. Henderson and Kathryn M. Hudson
35. Current Views on Power, Economics, and Subsistence in Ancient Western Mexico
Christopher S. Beekman
36. Mesoamerica and the Southwest/Northwest
Randall McGuire
37. Aztec Boundary Interactions
Michael A. Ohnersorgen and Marcie L. Venter
Part IV. Institutions, Beliefs, and Practices: Topical and Comparative Perspectives
Economies and Economic Relations
38. Agricultural Land Use and Intensification
Vernon L. Scarborough
39. Searching Out Prehispanic Landscapes in Mesoamerica by Means of Aerial Reconnaissance
Alfred H. Siemens
40. Ecological Approaches to Archaeological Research in Central Mexico: New Directions
Emily McClung de Tapia
41. Sources and Sourcing
Ronald L. Bishop
42. Crafting and Manufacturing in Mesoamerica: Critical Engagements with Theory and Method
E. Christian Wells
43. The Domestication of Stone in Mesoamerica
John Clark
44. Ceramic Technology and Production
Prudence M. Rice
45. Mesoamerican Metallurgical Technology and Production
Blanca Maldonado
46. As the Whorl Turns: Function and Meaning in Mesoamerican Textile Production
Geoffrey McCafferty and Sharisse McCafferty
47. Markets, Merchants, and Systems of Exchange
Kenneth Hirth
48. Central Mexican States and Imperial Tribute Systems
Frances F. Berdan
Social and Political Relations
49. Archaeology of Gender in Mesoamerican Societies
Rosemary A. Joyce
50. Class and Ethnicity in Ancient Mesoamerica
Elizabeth M. Brumfiel and Cynthia Robin
51. Households in Ancient Mesoamerica: Domestic Social Organization, Status, Economies, and Rituals
David M. Carballo
52. Communities in Ancient Mesoamerica
Marcello A. Canuto and Jason Yaeger
53. Cities and Urbanism in Prehispanic Mesoamerica
Richard E. Blanton
54. Mesoamerican States and Empires
Gary M. Feinman
Beliefs and Rituals
55. Creation and Cosmology: Gods and Mythic Origins in Ancient Mesoamerica
Karl A. Taube
56. Sacred Places and Sacred Landscapes
Kathryn Reese-Taylor
57. Mesoamerican Religious Beliefs: The Practices and Practitioners
F. Kent Reilly III
58. The Living and the Dead
James L. Fitzsimmons
Art and Iconography, Calendars, Writing, and Literature
59. Mesoamerican Calendars and Archaeoastronomy
Anthony F. Aveni
60. Themes in the Art of the Preclassic Period
Mary E. Pye
61. Art of the Classic Period
Rex Koontz
62. Art in the Aztec Empire
Emily Umberger
63. Early Mesoamerican Writing Systems
John Justeson
64. Maya Writing
Nikolai Grube
65. Scribal Traditions from Highland Mesoamerica (300-1000 AD)
Javier Urcid
66. Nahua and Mixtec Pictorial Books: Religion and History through Visual Text
Lori Boornazian Diel
67. Colonial Documents
Eduardo de Jesús Douglas
Part V. The Spanish Conquest and Archaeology of the Colonial and Republican Periods
68. The Spanish Conquest and the Archaeology of the Colonial and Republican Periods
John M. D. Pohl
69. Population Decline during and after Conquest
Rebecca Storey
70. Historical Archaeology in Central and Western Mesoamerica
Patricia Fournier G. and Thomas H. Charlton
71. Landscape Change in the Maya Region, 1450-1910 AD
Rani T. Alexander
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