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Cover Page
Pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity
Routledge Sourcebooks for the Ancient World
List of Illustrations
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the Original Edition
Picture Credits
Conventions and Abbreviations
List of Emperors
Late Antiquity: An Overview
The Sources: Types, Languages, and Dating
Pagans or Polytheists?
Further Reading and Useful Reference Works
PART I Pagans and Christians Through Time
1 Pagans in the Third Century
1.1 A Religious Calendar: P. Dura 54 (Cols 1–2)
1.2 Animal Sacrifice: Relief from the Arch of Septimius Severus, Lepcis Magna, North Africa
1.3 Substituting for Animal Sacrifice: CMRDM I.50
1.4 Offering Incense: Fresco from the Temple of Bel, Dura-Europos
1.5 Arrangements for Honouring the Gods through Music: I. Strat. 1101
1.6 An Example of a Hymn: Ariphron of Sicyon, Hymn to Hygieia
1.7 Processions: A Coin from Magnesia-on-the- Maeander, Asia Minor
1.8 Devotion to the Goddess Isis: IGPhilae 168, 178, 180
1.9 Votive Offering for Healing: A Stele from Lydia, Asia Minor
1.10 Questions to an Oracle: P. Oxy. 1477
1.11 Curse Tablets and Magic: DT 286 (= ILS 8753)
1.12 An Inventory of Temple Property: P. Oxy. 1449
1.13 Neoplatonism: Prophyry Life of Plotinus 23 and Plotinus Enneads 5.4.1
1.14 Spiritual Sacrifice: Porphyry On Abstinence from Animal Food 2.34
1.15 Dedications to ‘The Highest God’: SEG 40 (1990) 1188, 1227; 19 (1963) 847
1.16 The Cult of Mithras: CIMRM 2350 and 1438
1.17 The Emperor Decius as ‘Restorer of the Cults’: AE (1973) 235
1.18 The Emperor Aurelian and the Cult of the Sun: Zosimus New History 1.61.2 and CIL 6.31775
2 Christians in the Third Century
2.1 Christian Organisation and Activities: Tertullian Apology 39.1–6
2.2 Christian Charity in Action: Eusebius Church History 7.22.7–10
2.3 The Number of Christians in Third-Century Rome: Eusebius Church History 6.43.11–12
2.4 An Early Christian House Church: Dura-Europos, Syria
2.5 Christians in the Imperial Palace: ILCV 3332 and 3872
2.6 Christians in Local Administration: SB 16.12497
2.7 Women in the Church: Porphyry Against the Christians fr. 97 (= Jerome Commentary on Isaiah 3.12)
2.8 An Example of Gnostic Literature: Extracts from the Gospel of Philip (Nag Hammadi Codex II, 3)
2.9 Christian Responses to Pagan Criticisms: Origen Against Celsus 5.25, 35, 8.73, 75
2.10 Localised Persecution and Church Divisions: Cyprian Letter 75.10
2.11 Certificates of Sacrifice from the Decian Persecution: P. Mich. 3.157 and Wilcken no. 125
2.12 A Martyrdom During the Decian Persecution: The Martyrdom of Pionius
2.13 Persecution by the Emperor Valerian: Cyprian Letter 80
3 Pagans and Christians During the Tetrarchy
3.1 Tetrarchic ‘Theology’: CIL 3.4415 (= ILS 659)
3.2 Diocletian’s Edict Against Manichaeans: Comparison of the Laws of Moses and the Romans 15.3
3.3 The Impact of Persecution at the Local Level: Optatus, Against the Donatists, Appendix 1, pp. 186–88
3.4 Documentary Evidence from the First Phase of Persecution: P. Oxy. 2673
3.5 The Consequences of Resistance: The Martyrdom of the Holy Bishop Felix
3.6 Christianity and Local Elites: The Council of Elvira Canons 2–3, 55–7, 59–60
3.7 Galerius Ends the Persecution: Lactantius on the Deaths of the Persecutors 34
3.8 Continuing Persecution in the East: Lactantius On the Deaths of the Persecutors 36
3.9 Maximinus’ New Strategy: Eusebius Church History 9.7.6–14
3.10 Celebrating the Gods: I. Strat. 310
4 Constantine
4.1 Constantine’s Vision of Apollo: The Latin Panegyrics 6 (7).21.3–6
4.2 Constantine’s Formative Experience: Lactantius On the Deaths of the Persecutors 44.1–10
4.3 Constantine’s Arch in Rome: CIL 6.1139 (= ILS 694)
4.4 A Pagan Version of Constantine’s Adoption of Christianity: Zosimus New History 2.29.1–4
4.5 Licinius and Constantine Proclaim Toleration: Lactantius On the Deaths of the Persecutors 48.2–12
4.6 Constantine and the Donatist Controversy: Optatus Against the Donatists 1.22–5 and Appendix 3, p. 206
4.7 Constantine’s Changing Attitude to Paganism: Eusebius Life of Constantine 2.55–6, 60.2
4.8 Constantine and the Arian Controversy: Eusebius Life of Constantine 2.64–71
4.9 Arius’ Ideas Set to Music: Philostorgius Church History 2.2
4.10 The Nicaean Creed: Socrates Church History 1.8.29–33
4.11 Constantine Helps a Prominent Pagan: IGLT 1265 and 1889
4.12 A Philosopher at Constantine’s Court: Eunapius Lives of the Philosophers and Sophists 6.2.1–12 (462–3)
4.13 Imperial Favour for a Christian Community: MAMA 7.305
4.14 The Imperial Cult in Constantine’s Final Years: CIL 11.5265 (= ILS 705)
5 Pagans and Christians in the Mid-Fourth Century
5.1 Laws on Pagan Practices in the 340s: Theodosian Code 16.10.2–3
5.2 Constantius II and Church Affairs: Socrates Church History 2.12–13, 22–3 and Ammianus Marcellinus 21.16.18
5.3 A Christian Senator in the 350s: CIL 6.32004 and AE (1953) 239
5.4 Julian’s Ideals and Prejudices: Julian the Caesars 335c–336b
5.5 Julian’s Religious Reforms: Julian Letters 84 and 89
5.6 A Defence of Sacrifice: Sallustius On the Gods and the Universe 14–16
5.7 Julian’s Policy Towards Christians: Julian Letter 114 (437b, 438a–c)
5.8 Julian’s Law on Christian Teachers: Julian Letter 61c
5.9 Epigraphic Evidence for Julian’s Religious Policies: CIL 8.18529, ILAlg II, 2.4674, AE (2000) 1503, AE (1983) 895, ILS 8946
5.10 A Plea for Religious Toleration: Themistius Speech 5.67b–70a
5.11 The Religious Policies of Valentinian I: Ammianus Marcellinus History 30.9.5, Theodosian Code 9.16.9, Sozomen Church History 6.21.7
5.12 Popular Preoccupation with the Arian Controversy: Gregory of Nyssa, On the Divinity of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (PG 46.557)
6 Pagans and Christians in the Late Fourth Century
6.1 Temples as an Issue: Theodosian Code 16.10.8
6.2 Pagan Disillusionment: Symmachus Letters 1.51
6.3 Pagan Commitment: CIL 6.510 and 1779
6.4 A Plea for Religious Tolerance: Symmachus Memorandum 3.3–10
6.5 A Bishop Responds: Ambrose Letters 72 (17).3–4, 10, 13–15, 17, and 73 (18).3–8
6.6 In Defence of Temples: Libanius Speech 30.8–11, 28–9
6.7 Imperial Approval of a Regional Religious Calendar: CIL 10.3792
6.8 A Comprehensive Ban on Sacrifice: Theodosian Code 16.10.10
6.9 Pagan Prophecies Against Christianity: Augustine the City of God 18.53–4
6.10 Aristocratic and Barbarian Converts: Jerome Letter 107.2
6.11 Christianising the Countryside (1): Sulpicius Severus, Life of St Martin 12–15
6.12 Corroboration of Martin’s Activities: RICG 15.39
6.13 Christianising the Countryside (2): Endelechius, On the Deaths of the Cattle 101–20
6.14 ‘Whether Pagan or Christian’: Tab. Sulis 98
6.15 Theodosius and the Arian Controversy: Theodosian Code 16.1.2–3
7 Christianisation and its Limits in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries
7.1 Pagan Activities in Late Fifth-Century Caria: Zacharias Life of Severus pp. 39–41
7.2 Persecution of Pagans in Sixth-Century Antioch: Life of the Younger St Symeon the Stylite 161, 164
7.3 Persecution of Pagans in Sixth-Century Sardis: I. Sardis 19
7.4 Christianisation in Rural Egypt: Besa Life of Shenoute 83–84
7.5 The Fate of a Temple in Carthage: Quodvultdeus the Book of the Promises and Prophecies of God 3.38 (44)
7.6 The Temple of Isis at Philae in the Mid-Fifth Century: IGPhilae 197 and Priscus History fr. 27.1
7.7 The End of the Cult of Isis at Philae: Procopius Wars 1.19.31–5 and IGPhilae 203, 201
7.8 Gregory the Great’s Strategy in Britain: Bede Church History of the English People 1.30
7.9 The Problem of Public Shows: Jacob of Serugh Homily 5
7.10 Christian Methods of Divination: Council of Vannes Canon 16
7.11 A Christian Oracle: P. Rendel Harris 54 and P. Oxy. 1926
7.12 A Roman Calendar from the Mid-Fifth Century: An Extract from the Calendar of Polemius Silvius
7.13 Nestorius and the Controversy Over Christ’s Nature: Socrates Church History 7.32.1–7
7.14 The Definition of the Council of Chalcedon: Acts of the Ecumenical Councils 2.1.2, pp. 129–30
PART II Other Religious Groups
8 Jews
8.1 Jews on the Town Council: BE 81 (1968) 478 (p. 517) and Robert NIS 14 (p. 55)
8.2 A Late Roman Synagogue: The Synagogue at Sardis
8.3 Diocletian Exempts Jews from Sacrificing: Palestinian Talmud, Abodah Zarah 5.4
8.4 Common Ground Between Pagans and Jews: Julian Against the Galilaeans fr. 72 (306B)
8.5 Julian’s Attempt to Rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem: Ammianus Marcellinus History 23.1.2–3
8.6 Church Prohibitions on Associating with Jews: The Council of Elvira, Canons 49–50
8.7 Judaising Christians in Antioch: John Chrysostom Sermons against the Jews 1: 1.3.3–5; 6.2–5
8.8 Converts to Judaism: JIWE 2.62 and 577 (= CIJ 1.462 and 523)
8.9 Further Church Prohibitions on Associating with Jews: The Council of Vannes Canon 12
8.10 Intercommunal Violence between Christians and Jews: Ambrose Letter 74 (40). 6–7, 10–15
8.11 Imperial Protection for Jews: Theodosian Code 16.8.9
8.12 Official Discrimination against Jews: Theodosian Code 16.8.24
8.13 A Jewish Community and its Conversion: Severus of Minorca Letter Concerning the Jews 4–8, 12–14
8.14 A Jewish Convert to Christianity: JIWE 1.8 (= CIJ 12.643a)
8.15 Justinian and the Samaritans: Justinianic Code 1.5.17 and Procopius Secret History 11.24–28
8.16 Expulsion of Jews from Antioch in the Late Sixth Century: Agapius of Membij Universal History Part 2, pp. 439–40
9 Zoroastrians
9.1 Zoroastrians in Third-Century Asia Minor: Inscription of Kirder 5–8
9.2 Zoroastrians in Fourth-Century Cappadocia: Basil of Caesarea Letters 258.4
9.3 Persian Complaints about Roman Treatment of Zoroastrians in the Mid-Fifth Century: Priscus History fr. 41.1
10 Manichaeans
10.1 Mani’s Early Life: Extracts from the Cologne Mani Codex
10.2 Manichaean Psalms: Extracts from the Manichaean Psalmbook
10.3 Early Anti-Manichaean Polemic: P. Ryl. 3.469
10.4 A Manichaean Letter: P. Oxy. 4965
10.5 The Westward Spread of Manichaeism: TzM no. 67
10.6 A Disillusioned Convert: Augustine Confessions 3.6.10, 4.1.1
10.7 Imperial Persecution of Manichaeans: Theodosian Code 16.5.3 and 18
PART III Themes in Late Antique Christianity
11 Ascetics
11.1 The Model for Solitary Ascetics: Athanasius Life of Antony 1–3, 5, 8, 14, 44, 46–7, 90–2
11.2 The model for Communal Asceticism: Life of Pachomius (Bohairic) 26, 28 and Precepts of Pachomius 26–7, 31, 35, 49, 58, 138–40
11.3 Varieties of Ascetic Practice: Jerome Letter 22.34
11.4 Removal of Legal Handicaps on Celibacy: Theodosian Code 8.16.1
11.5 The Ascetic Life as Escape: Theodosian Code 12.1.63
11.6 Conversion to the Ascetic Life: Augustine Confessions 8.6.15
11.7 Ascetic Evolution and Extremism in Asia Minor: Sozomen Church History 3.14.31–6
11.8 Criticism of Rigorous Asceticism: Jerome Against Jovinian 1.1, 3, 5 (excerpts) (PL 23.211–17)
11.9 Pagan Criticism of the Monastic Life: Zosimus New History 5.23.4
11.10 A Monk-Bishop: Theodoret History of the Monks 17 (Abraham)
11.11 An Anti-Social Holy Man? John of Ephesus Lives of the Eastern Saints 4
11.12 Western Monasticism in the Sixth Century: The Rule of Benedict 48.1–9
12 Bishops
12.1 An Episcopal Career: MAMA 1.170
12.2 Qualifications of Would-Be Bishops: Council of Serdica Canon 10
12.3 A Cautionary Tale: Augustine Letter 20*.2.3–5.4
12.4 Appropriate Conduct for a Bishop: Ancient Statutes of the Church Canons 1–10
12.5 The Judicial Power of Bishops: Sirmondian Constitutions 1
12.6 The Judicial Burdens of Bishops: Augustine Commentaries on the Psalms 25.13
12.7 Episcopal Church-Building: CIL 12.5336 (= ILCV 1806)
12.8 Other Forms of Episcopal Building Work: AE (1911) 90 and IEJ 13 (1963) 325
12.9 Episcopal Crisis-Management: Sidonius Apollinaris Letters 6.12
12.10 A Bishop’s Charitable Activities: CIL 8.20905 (= ILCV 1103)
12.11 Episcopal Organisation of Charitable Institutions: The Lives of the Holy Fathers of Merida 5.3
13 Material Resources
13.1 Constantine’s Endowment of the Lateran Church, Rome: The Book of Pontiffs 34.9–12
13.2 Endowment of a Church by an Imperial Courtier: The Cornutian Deed
13.3 Church-Building as an Expression of Imperial Piety: CIG 4.8639
13.4 The Piety of a Banker: CIL 11.288 and 294
13.5 Inventory of a Village Church: P. Grenf. 2.111
13.6 Church sIlverware From Syria (1): The Hama Treasure
13.7 Church Silverware From Syria (2): The Riha Paten
13.8 Where are the Resources of Wealthy Christians Best Directed? Jerome Letter 130.14
13.9 A Bishop’s Bequests: The Will of Gregory of Nazianzus (PG 37.389–96)
13.10 Offerings to Religious Institutions: P. Oxy. 4620
13.11 Restrictions on the Alienation of Church Property: Justinian Novel 120.1,10
13.12 Using Church Property to Redeem Captives: Life of Caesarius of Arles 32–3
13.13 The Right Attitude to Possessions: Basil of Caesarea Short Rules 92 (PG 31.1145c–1148a)
14 Church Life
14.1 A Calendar of Church Services: P. Oxy. 1357
14.2 Church Layout and Conduct of Services: Apostolic Constitutions 2.57.1–9
14.3 A Basilica Church: St Paul Outside the Walls, Rome
14.4 A Provincial Church: The Tabarka Mosaic
14.5 A Domed Church: Hagia Sophia, Constantinople
14.6 Preaching and Baptism: Ambrose On the Sacraments 1.4–5, 8–15
14.7 Baptism and Burial: ILCV 1516
14.8 A Baptistery: The Kélibia Font
14.9 Practical Aspects of Church Services: Caesarius of Arles Sermon 78.1
14.10 Hymns in the West: Ambrose of Milan Hymn 4 (‘God, creator of all things’)
14.11 Hymns in the East: Romanos the Melode Hymn 49.1–4, 15–18 (Pentecost)
14.12 The Church and Images: A Textile Representation of Mary and a Painting of Peter
15 Women
15.1 The Role of Women in Christianisation: CIL 8.12260
15.2 Female Clergy? Council of Nimes Canon 2 and Gelasius Letter 14.26
15.3 Female Involvement in Ministry: Ancient Statutes of the Church Canon 100
15.4 An Eminent Female Benefactor: The Greek Anthology 1.10 (Lines 42–50, 74–6)
15.5 The Largesse of a Gothic Lady: P. Ital. 13
15.6 Christianity and the ‘Double Standard’: Jerome Letter 77.3
15.7 Asceticism as a Desirable Alternative to Marriage: Life of Olympias 2–6
15.8 The Establishment of a Female Monastery: Life of Pachomius (Bohairic) 27
15.9 Asceticism as a Family Strategy: Basil of Caesarea Letters 199.18
15.10 Asceticism and Gender Boundaries: Life of Melania the Younger 15, 39
16 Pilgrims and Holy Places
16.1 The Earliest First-Hand Account by a Holy Land pilgrim: The Bordeaux Itinerary
16.2 Group Pilgrimage in the Mid-Fourth Century: Athanasius Letter to Virgins Who Went and Prayed in Jerusalem and Returned pp. 170–2
16.3 A Female Pilgrim’s Travels in Sinai: The Itinerary of Egeria 1–5
16.4 The Price of an Escort to the Holy Mountain: P. Ness. 89
16.5 The Case Against Pilgrimage: Gregory of Nyssa Letter 2
16.6 Mementos (1): A Clay Pilgrim Flask
16.7 Mementos (2): Augustine The City of God 22.8
16.8 The Diffusion of Relics from the Holy Land: ILCV 2068 and 1822
16.9 Pilgrimage to a Holy Man: Theodoret History of the Monks 26.11–12 and the Pilgrim Complex at Qal’at Sem’an
16.10 Pilgrimage to a saint’s shrine: Paulinus of Nola Poem 18.154–84, 198–205
16.11 Saints and Healing (1): Theodoret The Healing of Pagan Diseases 8.63–4 and Examples of Votive Offerings
16.12 Saints and Healing (2): A Clay Pilgrim Token
16.13 Controversy Over the Cult of Martyrs’ Relics: Jerome Against Vigilantius 4–5 (PL 23.342–3)
16.14 The Arrival of Martyrs’ Relics: The Trier Ivory
Index of Sources
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