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Imperial Library
Foreword II
This heart within me burns
The spirit lives on
Dear Prudence
Gambling away God’s gifts
Hope and healing
Money stalks
Dangerous questions
Perilous path
Don’t give up
Garlic and crucifixes
Uncovering the science
More unsavoury truths
Big hearts, fried brains
Widespread damage
Hate mail
Insignificant and deluded
Truth doesn’t make money
Samson in my head
Corporate power
Samson’s light
One consciousness
Hidden influences
A brush with the regulator
Anecdote, ha ha
The danger of blind belief
Eminent support
Real food and no vaccines
My decision to stop vaccinating
Kennel cough and whooping cough
Getting the word out
Arguments and tragedies
Duff me up, why don’t you?
Conflicts of interest
Rumours and betrayal
Politics and propaganda
Manipulation, cover-ups, and lies
Once it gets personal
The blind leading the blind
Human nature
Another road to healing
Farewell my noble friend
Another house move
Finally, vets speak out
When parents are blamed for killing babies
My dogs demonstrate complex emotions
Meeting my divine complement
Extra effort required
Money censors what you may know
Population, hygiene, malnutrition and infection
Oligarchy and philanthropy – or exploitation?
Another synchronous meeting
Annual Unnecessary Vaccination Month
Dinners of misinformation
Mind games
There is no test to prove vaccine damage
Dirty tricks
Horrendous vet bills
Money, money, money
Heading for the hills
The Church of modern medicine
Only healthy dogs should be vaccinated
How to wield power in the modern world
Do we know what we’re doing?
Keep on keeping on
John checks out
People power
If you can name something, it ceases to have power over you
Can you dance the fiasco?
Marketing a pandemic
Wresting the truth from the British government
Loss and public relations
My joy-filled master dog
We welcome a damaged soul into our home
Joy and sorrow
Seeking shelter
Politics, bias and broken promises
Let’s hear it for the brain damaged
I don’t vaccinate – and here’s why
Misleading us again
Confused? Maybe that’s the idea!
How can you ethically be the regulator for your own assets?
Conspiracy theory, or cock-up theory?
Where are the ethics; where is the compassion?
The truth about vaccine investment
The Great Transformer
The Simple Solution
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
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